Surprise! Twice-Deported Mexican National with History of Violence Murders Woman

I suppose I’m a racist for pointing out that if we better controlled our borders Flor Medrano would be alive today. From the Los Angeles Times:

The man who fatally stabbed a woman at her Mid-City apartment last week, hours after she filed a domestic violence report against him, was twice deported to Mexico and had two prior felony convictions for domestic violence, according to government records.

On Monday, authorities formally identified the man, who was fatally shot by police as he attacked and killed Flor Medrano, 30, in her apartment in the 1300 block of Cochran Avenue on Wednesday. The attacker, Daniel Carlon, 23, was described as a Mexican national who was living here illegally and had a history of threatening and harassing women. Carlon had entered the building and attacked the victim as Los Angeles Police Department officers stood watch outside.

According to U.S. Department of Homeland Security records, Carlon had been sent back to Mexico twice — once in January 2007 on the orders of an immigration judge and again in June of this year, after he was arrested by federal immigration officials. No further details of those cases were available.

Carlon had also pleaded guilty to charges of domestic violence in two previous cases, both of which involved another woman, according to Michele Daly, a family violence prosecutor with the San Bernardino County district attorney’s office, which had jurisdiction.

And I suppose I’m also some police state fascist for pointing out that liberal hug-a-thug policies are equally responsible for this murder, since Carlon would have been doing at least a ten year bid if the hippies who run California took depraved criminality like his seriously. Instead, he did a few months and was “sentenced ” to domestic violence counseling. Because of course he didn’t really know what he was doing was wrong and all criminal behavior can be solved by someone holding a criminal’s hand and telling him the empty void where his soul should be can be filled with Xanax and psychobabble.

Needless to say, it didn’t take:

The first incident occurred in March 2005. According to Daly, who quoted from a police report, Carlon threatened violence against the victim if she reported the abuse to authorities. “If you call the police department, we’re both going to die. I’ll kill you if you call the cops,” Carlon told the victim

After pleading guilty to felony spousal abuse, Carlon was sentenced to 180 days in jail and was ordered to complete a 52-week domestic violence program. When he was released in the fall of 2005, he began stalking the same woman again, Daly said.

The woman filed a report in November stating that Carlon was harassing her over the phone and knocking on her window, which he broke. The woman also hid from him, Daly said. He was sent to prison in February 2006 for two years after he again pleaded guilty to felony spousal abuse.

And what is the end result of allowing a criminal illegal alien to dwell here soaking up taxpayer money for therapy that doesn’t work while his victims lived in a state that virtually bars them from any legitimate means of self-defense? Murder of course:

Medrano filed a domestic violence report against Carlon hours before she was killed Wednesday. Police believe Carlon scaled the roof of the victim’s building and entered the second-story apartment through a rear window. When officers heard screaming, they rushed upstairs and saw Carlon through a window, stabbing Medrano. Police then shot and killed Carlon.

And here’s where I prove I’m a bitter clinger by pointing out that when a violent felon is stalking a woman, society should allow that woman to purchase a firearm to defend herself. Had she been armed, she would be alive today. Of course had he been in prison for a decent amount of time she would also have been out of danger. And of course if he was deported and found it difficult to re-enter illegally this would all be moot.

Only liberals are shocked by murders like this, or I should say they pretend to be. In reality they set this woman up to die. When will we care more about Flor Medrano than the murderers of this world?

Pagans Beware of “Silver Dragon Wolfe” Thomas M. Sokolik – Child Sexual Predator


The above pervert is Thomas M. Sokolik, a convicted sex offender who frequents a pro-child rape forum called GirlChat. He is also a Pagan who is known online as Silver Wolfe and has claimed to use the”craft name” Silver Dragon Wolfe. He was convicted in 2001 for the statutory rape of a 15-year-old he met online and was released from prison for that crime in 2005. He still brags about meeting teens online as well as his attraction to little girls as young as 5-years-old.

Sokolik is known to tell an extremely disturbing tale of meeting a teen online who was subsequently murdered by someone else. Like any degenerate his feelings on his “lover’s” death would shock any decent person:

Well, long time no post from yours truly… *wolfish grin* I want to say a few things REAL quick… one, Angel was murdered right about the time I told you all about her. And she was playing me and others.. hence her demise, I am told… two, I want to thank all the folks that have posted to me and visited that site.. Much love to you all.

I want introduce someone to the board before she actaully gets here… she is a young teen girl, we have agreed to use the nick Samantha here…

And, she has fallen in love with me, and I have equally fallen for her. No easy feat, if you knew all the circumstances of our lives separately.. We have gotten to know alot about each other, come to trust one another over time, shared our secrets.. and continue to reveal ourselves … but we both have full trust in the other and know that the love is strong and true…. I am so awestruck that she’s with me and wow, is she a cutie!…

No period of mourning for Sokolik. But reveling in the death of a teenage girl he planned on taking advantage of is not the worst thing Sokolik has been seen writing on the web. Here he opines about his “loving relationship” with a 5-year-old girl he molested:

I’ve been adjudicated against for my involvement with a young girl who I feel in love with many years ago. She was about 5 years of age and our relationship flowered over time. It was gentle and very much in her control. Some of you know much of the details about this. We were together nearly 2 years.

He is also known to support the production of child porn and has often claimed children initiate sex with adults.

Here’s some of his online information via Wikisposure:

Known Screen Names:
Silver Wolfe
Guardian Angel

Email Addresses:

Other Contact Info:
ICQ: 313710172

He claims to be involved in Kabbalah as well as paganism and is likely using both to gain access to new victims. Please be careful of this person if you come into contact with him. His last known state of residence is Missouri and his sex offender registry page for that state is here. He has a scar on his abdomen and his right ear, is 6’2” tall and weighs 270lbs.

Be on the lookout for this predator. He’s actively looking for more victims as we speak.

Sanctimonious Liberal Mayor-Elect of Hartwell Georgia Caught Driving Drunk in Greenville, South Carolina!


She couldn’t even keep her perfidy in her own state! Mayor-elect Jennifer Scott Sudderth traveled all the way from Hartwell, Georgia to my beautiful new home of Greenville County in South Carolina to endanger my fellow South Carolinians with her irresponsible and outrageous behavior.

From Greenville Dragnet:

The 35-year-old mayor-elect of Hartwell, GA was charged with driving under the influence in Greenville on Saturday night.  But she swears police have it all wrong.

Jennifer Scott Sudderth told the Greenville News, “I am innocent of these charges against me which will be proven in a court of law.”

Sudderth is expected in municipal court on Thursday, where she will likely repeat the excuses she used Saturday night when cops nabbed her swerving her car from lane to lane on Mauldin Road: texting while driving and sleepiness.

Apparently texting while tired will cause you to fail a field sobriety test like Sudderth reportedly did.  I wonder if Sudderth will contend that it also causes the slurred speech, heavy eyelids, and glassy eyes observed by the arresting officer.

Sudderth later admitted to drinking “a couple of glasses of wine” to police. The truly disgusting thing about this is that aside from being the new mayor of some small town in Georgia (where I’m sure she has a watering hole closer to her house ) she’s a high school teacher. Way to be a role model, Jennifer.

Equally repulsive was her elitist sanctimony displayed throughout her campaign to become mayor of what is kindly considered a podunk, backwoods village. Poor but proud, I’m sure those villagers deserve more respect than what Sudderth could muster during the elections, but like peasants in a medieval tyrant’s fiefdom they supported a woman who all but told them they were beneath her:

Sudderth, a teacher at Hart County High School, was passionate that she wanted change in Hartwell. She said the city’s racial division and “close-mindedness” led her to leave Hartwell for 12 years to raise her family before she moved back.

“I was floored that in 12 years nothing had changed,” she said.

If elected, Sudderth said her top priority would be to prioritize existing problems and correct them.

“I do not plan to make new problems,” she said with reference to the proposed new city hall.


Sudderth was critical of the city police department. She said officers must understand and be reminded they should not “bully” or “harass” and that they were “not above the law.” She called for certifications and qualifications of all officers to be reviewed.

Yes, yes everyone is “close minded” and Hartwell was too backward to raise her kids in. But now she’s returned to shine the light of her worldly wisdom on these benighted souls.

Also, cops are “bullying” and “harassing” people, you know, the same way our own police bullied and harassed her when she was endangering innocent people’s lives on the road rather than go drink a few cups of coffee before driving around. Why, it’s getting so that drunken degenerates with no interest in how many potential victims they might maim and kill while swerving from lane to lane can barely catch a break!

As an aside, at 35 texting is a little iffy. Texting while driving around drunk is textbook immaturity. How did this person get elected?

I call for Mayor-elect Sudderth to be banned from South Carolina! Who’s with me?

Florida A.N.S.W.E.R. Chapter Beats 62-Year-Old Man on Street Corner!

A.N.S.W.E.R.-hired thugs attacked an immigration enforcement rally in Florida, brutally beating two Tea Party protesters in broad daylight. One victim was 62-years-old Dave Caulkett of Floridians for Immigration Enforcement and as this video shows, while the old man was down on the ground after being pummeled he was kicked in the face and the A.N.S.W.E.R. organizers cheered as their goons continued to assault him:


As can also be clearly seen on the video, A.N.S.W.E.R. organizers set their thugs loose on the two men and stood by until they heard police coming. Then they stopped their members and repositioned them to make it look like nothing happened. This was an orchestrated attack designed to make people fearful of protesting against their agenda.

A.N.S.W.E.R. Florida had sent out this email to people prior to this incident:

Racism is like anything else in this world: in order to make it fall, you must smash it! That is why we are calling on all people to come out tomorrow, to organize a militant confrontation with the so-called “tea baggers.” Beating back these forces will require us to organize together, take the streets, fight the racists wherever they show their faces and drive them out of every community.

The racist demonization of immigrants only serves the interest of the ruling class during this historical economic crisis. The same bankers, CEO’s, and politicians, both Democrat and Republican, which have for decades devastated the economies of countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa, have once again devastated the economy in this country. The same ruling class that devastates the lives of working people in other nations through war and super-exploitation are the ones throwing workers out of their homes, denying them healthcare, and laying them off from their jobs in this country.

Racism is consciously used as a tool by the ruling class because they know that as long as working people are divided and fighting each other, the people are not fighting the bankers, CEO’s, and politicians. Only under a brutal system that puts profit over people can you have a whole section of society whose only crime is being forced from their nations because of imperialism and forced to work in the most hostile of conditions in this country. Only racism can justify this reality.

The continual devastation of working people because of this crisis, however, is not the fault of one group of workers. On October 28th, President Obama signed the largest military budget in U.S. history-$680 billion dollars, which does not include the cost of the criminal occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. The new administration is also continuing to hand out the $9.5 trillion dollars in working people’s tax dollars to bailout the already rich.

The money to end the suffering of all working people tomorrow is there. It is our choice as to whether we will allow the right of a few to profit from labor of workers to continue, or whether we will rise up as one class of working people to and take political power into our own hands.

We are building a movement that will beat back racism so that working people of all nationalities can unite and fight against our one, shared enemy: capitalism. Amnesty, full rights for ALL immigrants, is a demand that should be raised not just by the immigrant communities, but by every working class community in our struggle to solve this crisis by our own means.

Join us tomorrow, and join us in building the movement against racism and capitalist exploitation!

Sounds like a call to violence to me. Also notice how A.N.S.W.E.R. references the various “tea party” groups as “tea baggers” much the way the Democrats and MSNBC do. When will Keith Olbermann take responsibility for the actions his heated rhetoric causes?

But more realistically, when will A.N.S.W.E.R. be held responsible for the violence and mayhem they create in our communities? No matter where you stand on this issue, all people of good conscience can agree that two guys beating the hell out of an old man on a corner is wrong, can’t we?

h/t Bill Smith

Chi-Town Board of Education President Shoots Self, Dumps Own Body in River

At least according to the Chicago police that’s what happened. For some background on Michael Scott you can check Michelle Malkin’s site but in a nutshell Scott was a long time Chi-Town elite who was pushing for Chicago’s Olympic bid, and was found to have been positioned to make a killing if the windy city had become the 2016 hosts.

He also just got slapped with a subpoena over a corruption scandal at the board of education and may have been caught up in other corruption probes. Luckily for anyone he could have rolled on, he decided to shoot himself. Oddly he decided to kill himself near the banks of a river rather than, say, take some pills at home. Oh, and so far no suicide note has been found.

Doesn’t sound suspicious at all:

Police investigating the death of Chicago school board president Michael Scott say initial reports from the scene indicate Scott shot himself in the head along the banks of the Chicago River.

Scott’s family had reported him missing on Sunday. Police used his cell phone to locate his body and his car behind the Chicago Apparel Center at 350 N. Orleans along the north branch of the river early this morning, police sources tell the Chicago Tribune.

He apparently fell forward after shooting himself, and the gun was found near the body, the sources say.

While police sources say it appears the gunshot wound was self-inflicted, the Cook County medical examiner’s office was still conducting its investigation and hadn’t determined how he died.

Scott’s family had contacted police Sunday night when he didn’t show up after visiting his sister at a South Loop care facility. The relative said he visited his sister regularly on Sundays and described him as a creature of habit. He was last seen about 6 p.m.

Creatures of habit are notoriously good targets for all manner of crimes. Not that I’m suggesting that someone in Chicago would stoop to killing a person who was about to get pinched by the feds and had information on other political figures which he could use to cut a deal. Nor would I suggest that authorities in Chicago are so embedded in a Culture of Corruption that they might cover up such a fact.

Interesting time line of events. Scott is last seen at around 6:00pm leaving a visit with his sister. At 3:15am cops find his car parked yards away from where his body was found. At around 7:30am Jesse Jackson shows up on scene for some reason which isn’t clear.

If I didn’t know better I’d say Scott went to meet someone by the river for a meeting and got popped and thrown in the river by an amateur who didn’t get that people don’t just dissolve into water. But that can’t be what happened. Not in Chicago!

h/t Afrocity