Sheboygan Juggalo Arrested for Raping and Assaulting 12-Year-Old Boy


The worst part of this story is that they let this animal plead out and he’ll do less than a decade for raping and assaulting a 12-year-old boy. He apparently sexually assaulted the boy as punishment for the boy “not following directions.” He interspersed the rapes with choking and on at least one occasion shooting the victim with a BB gun. I’ll assume this was another bad boyfriend case.

From The Sheboygan Press:

Andrew T. Borger, of 1105-B N. 12th St., pleaded no contest to felony second-degree sexual assault, a lesser count than the original repeated first-degree sexual assault of a child, said Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Bork. The amended charge carries a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison, but under the agreement the prosecution and defense will jointly recommend eight years in prison followed by 15 years extended supervision.

The deal would also dismiss a pending charge of first-degree sexual assault of a child filed in Ozaukee County in March, 10 days after the Sheboygan County charge, Bork said.

In the Sheboygan County case, Borger is accused of forcing a boy to perform sex acts and have other sexual contact on a half-dozen or more occasions between summer 2007 and summer 2008, according to a criminal complaint. The victim, who was 12 when the assaults began, told police Borger sexually abused him and also shot him with a BB gun and choked him.

Borger admitted the sexual contact to police, saying it was done when the boy refused to follow instructions.

Berger could have gotten 40 years in a trial. I’m sure justice is served by a plea bargain that gives him only 8. Disgusting.

His MySpace is down but you can see a archived page for “bigshowjuggalo” here. It says he’s in a relationship, but was also seeking dating partners. Sounds like exactly the kind of guy you want in your child’s life.

h/t Dead Kids of MySpace

Leftist Social Justice Advocate Suspected in Murder of Seattle Police Officer

Christopher J. Monfort, 41, was said to want to be a police officer but clearly “social justice” was his first love. His graduate school thesis seemed to be a call for people to join juries and use “jury nullification” as a tool for social change and when the nearing middle age man ran for student council in his community college he ran on a platform that included leftist talking points concerning the Patriot Act. It is believed that on Halloween night he ambushed Seattle patrol officer Tim Breton in a shocking murder, and he is also believed to have torched four police cars.

Despite this, the leftist press has gone out of its way to paint Monfort as admiring and respecting cops for some reason. But his own sad history tells the real story:

The man Seattle detectives shot Friday afternoon outside a Tukwila apartment complex – who authorities said was a suspect in the Halloween night slaying of a Seattle police officer – is a 41-year-old man Christopher J. Monfort, law enforcement sources said.

He hasn’t spent jail or prison time in Washington, and court records show two traffic infractions are the only marks on his state record. Monfort may have been recently laid off from a job as a security guard or private investigator, a Seattle police source familiar with the investigation said.

Investigators also suspect him in the Oct. 22 arson of four police vehicles, three police cruisers and one mobile command vehicle, a police source said.

Seattle homicide detectives were at his Tukwila apartment complex, in the 13700 block of 56th Avenue South, since the morning, said Tukwila Officer Mike Murphy.

The detectives had gone there on a tip, a day after releasing three photos of a Datsun 210 believed to be connected to the shooting of Seattle Police Officer Tim Brenton and wounding of his partner, Britt Sweeney. Tukwila detectives also responded.

Three detectives confronted Monfort at the apartment complex later Friday afternoon. He turned and ran, then pulled out a handgun and pointed it at police, King County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. John Urquhart said.

“For some reason, it did not go off,” Urquhart said. “I don’t know if he tried to fire it.”

Monfort allegedly then ran a short distance again, and had another confrontation before he was shot at least twice, police said.

Investigators did not say how many shots were fired.

According to a UW graduate school abstract, the title of a project Monfort presented in May 2007 was ” The Power of Citizenship your Government doesn’t want You to know about. How to change the inequity of the Criminal Justice System immediately, through Active Citizen Nullification of Laws, as a Juror.”

In November 2003 Monfort ran for student government at Highline Community College, according to the student paper, The Thunderword. Monfort was running to “make the student body more aware of the civil liberties lost under the Patriot Act,’ ” the article stated.

Then the article goes on to claim that Monfort’s motive is unknown, you know since he was clearly a law and order kind of guy. They prove that by talking to someone who knew him 18 years ago, who thought he may have wanted to be a cop in his late teens/early 20s.

My only question is, when will Keith Olbermann take responsibility for the consequences of his overheated rhetoric?

Fugitive Watch has a video report.


So it’s been a couple of weeks and I’ve yet to see anyone in the media take on violent left wingers. Why is that?

“Wiccan Priest” And Author Stanley J. A. Modrzyk Threatens to Start Online Libel Campaign Aganist Me!

A man named Stanley J. A. Modrzyk is upset with me because of the appearance of a friend of his on Wikisposure and Absolute Zero, which I then reported on. Modrzyk claims that the appearance of Jerry Douglas Ray on Wikisposure is all a case of “mistaken identity” and since he was Ray’s priest at one time there’s simply no way Ray has been frequenting pedophile chat rooms and leaving disturbing comments on the Web, including that he may have molested his own relatives.

His explanation for his friend being witnessed palling around in pedophile chat rooms? Why, Ray’s email was hacked of course! No doubt by some devious pedophile who needed to hijack a random account to be active on pedophile forums while continuing to peruse several other forums Ray likes to frequent. You know, to make sure this frame up of poor Jerry Ray was complete.

I heard he was making a stink with some of the AZ people so I emailed him to ask if he had some proof that Ray was innocent. I am nothing if not conscientious.  He had none, but he did have plenty of venom to shoot at me because he believes I’m the originator of the Wikisposure page which clearly I am not. How much venom you ask? This much:

Click to enlarge.

For those of you not wanting click away from this riveting bit of Red Alerts administrata, here’s a transcription of his last email to me, angry caps and all:

 Dear Mr. Taylor,


Please do not be surprized if YOU are the next Pedophile listed on line. You will be
amazed at what a computer geek can do whit a bogus email account.

Oh, and it won’t be to do you any personal harm, it will be done just to prove to you how wrong you are….therefore it will not be subject to civil repercussons as there is no malice involved.

Just bide you time until YOUR Chirf of Police gets his email.

Very sincerely,
S.J. Modrzyk

ps: While you weren’t straight forward and didn’t call Jerry a registered sex offender, you said I needed to prove that he wasn’t….If you had done any serious investigation instead of just making everything up – which liars like you do just to feel important – you could have simply looked on the list and seen that his name was not on it as he is not and can not be proved to be one.

pps: I wish I could be there when you name hits the internet you Pedophile you 🙂

I’m not sure Mr. Modrzyk knows how defamation laws work. Telling me you’re going to purposefully spread a lie around the Internet about me designed to make people think I’m a pedophile but then saying “but you can’t sue me because this actually isn’t really malicious” will not hold up in court. But maybe he’ll be able to prove to a judge that his plan to steal my identity to commit crimes was just meant to “teach me a lesson” so he should be excused from being held accountable.

It should be noted that on the post I wrote about Jerry Douglas Ray aka “childdriver” I never claimed he was on a sex offender registry. I reported that Ray was identified in a Wikisposure investigation as active in pro-child rape forums and at the time of my article was recruiting families online to join his coven. I have continued to ask Stanley Modrzyk to provide evidence that Ray’s account was “hacked” and that this was all a case of mistaken identity. I additionally asked him why Ray himself, if this is all “lies,” hasn’t come forward.

Stanley Modrzyk’s answer is to threaten to steal my identity and frame me online. I’d find it odd if I hadn’t dealt with so many “Wiccan Clergy” in the past, who tend toward immaturity. While Wiccan covens are run basically in secret, the cottage industry of Wiccan “churches” has long been the gathering point for the detritus of New Agedom. I personally have never met anyone affiliated with an incorporated Wiccan religious organization who wasn’t an awful human being.

Modrzyk is also the author of the absolutely dreadful Turning of the Wheel, a book on Wicca so unimportant that no pagan I know ever heard of it or the author. Old Stanley also represents the First Temple of the Craft W.I.C.A. out of Chicago. They’re incorporated I see and run a brisk business teaching classes and doing handfastings and other Wiccan ceremonies. Unlike other Wiccan slanderers, Stan just might have enough money to make a lawsuit worth my while.

I will, as always, make our entire email exchange available to anyone requesting it. I’ll also of course make it available to the authorities since I personally take threats over the Internet very seriously.

I point this out because, as I have pointed out time and again, there’s a poison in the heart of Wicca these days. Stanley Modrzyk, who doesn’t understand that I am not the cause for his friend’s troubles, thinks that threatening to impersonate me online and trying to get me arrested is acceptable behavior. Think about that for a second. This is a man who gives spiritual support and advice to Wiccans and his idea of justice and helping others is to threaten to indulge in criminality.

Wiccans should be shocked by this. I, however, am not.

Friday Night Fascism Link-Round-Up

Think the left in this country are just well meaning but uninformed rubes? Think again. The left is pushing for a complete destruction of America and is moving behind the scenes to strip you of your rights so you can’t resist the tyranny they are creating:

Fascist Dennis Hennigan of The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence claims the 10th Amendment is Unconstitutional.

A Joint U.S./Mexico task force is recommending reinstating the assault weapon ban to curb Mexican violence even though it has been conclusively proven that assault weapons in the hands of cartels in Mexico do not come from America, but from Latin American Marxists. Only 8% of weapons found in Mexico come from America, but those American guns make up the vast majority of weapons that can be traced. This is because the others were never sold on the open market.

Fascist elite Arianna Huffington claimed that there should be exemptions made in First Amendment protections … to silence Glenn Beck.

Fascist propaganda rag The New York Times claims that life saving health care should be rationed so that “frail” people aren’t being “wasteful” with the limited services. I guess they support death panels. At the same time MSNBC had a doctor on who claimed rationing was good.

The FCC is solidifying government control of the Internet.

Climate change Fascist Dr. Michael Mann has been implicated in a conspiracy to promote anthropogenic climate change through false statements and fixed experiments. A whistle blower released over 100 emails from prominent scientists that prove they were all part of a scientific fraud so massive it defies belief. Global warming has been the primary Trojan horse for the corporatist economic policies the left has been promoting.

It’s almost like they’re planning to fundamentally change America, isn’t it?

Commenter on Wiccan Blog Posts Mincing Death Threat Against Me for Defending Sarah Palin, Diaspora Religion, and Conservatives

Slow day here? You betcha! I’m putting the finishing touches on a book review and decided to engage on some Internet dialog with my fellow Pagans who lean left on this hit piece on Jason Pitzl-Waters’ blog The Wild Hunt. I hesitate to bring this up because Jason thinks I dislike him on a personal level which is of course not the case. We do disagree on much however, including the idea of Sarah Palin and the “Dominionist” threat to American Pagans. I also tend to think that Palin receiving a blessing from an African pastor who “fights Witches” means very little in the scheme of things.

TWH and the “Witches” who spend their time lurking on the Internet railing against Sarah Palin rather than, I don’t know, practicing Witchcraft seem to disagree. Strongly, as it turns out, or at least by Wiccan standards it is. But first here’s a copy of my comment to The Wild Hunt regarding the evil of Sarah Palin and her barbaric African “Witch hunter” compatriot:

Little bit racist here isn’t it Jason? The “witch hunters” supposed hunting is confined to being a Pentecostal who fought a magical battle with another practitioner. This is part of a long tradition in Africa of “practitioners” battling each other that has been passed even into Diaspora traditions like Voodoo, Santeria and Hoodoo. By painting this as “Witch hunting” you’re ignoring the traditions of Africa and judging this person by American, or really European standards. Not very tolerant I’d say.

And what he did was no different from what the so-called Witches here do, or are supposed to be doing I should say. I’ve been involved in many a metaphysical dust up. Am I “Witch hunting” now? Was Herman Slater a “Witch hunter’ when he fought the Frosts?

But more to the point comparing traditional African magical practice to the anemic paganism of modern America, as the wailing of Palin being anti-American Pagan because of her affiliation with some Christian from Africa implies, is charitable to say the least. When Hoodoo practitioners slap curses on Sante Muerte cultists neither is part of an anti-Pagan movement, and more importantly neither are Wiccans so it really doesn’t affect them. This is more co-opting of other cultures by White, middle class armchair Witches. It’d be better for all of us if people took Wiccans seriously enough to be afraid of them.

These “Third wave Christians” are no more anti-Catholic than the commenters here and ALL Christians are theologically opposed to paganism just as all Jews, Muslims, Satanists, Atheist etc are. Just as I am philosophically opposed to Christianity (it preaches weakness and spiritual slavery) Islam (a religion of rape and murder that stole a holy Pagan shrine) and Judaism (their god treats them shoddily indeed) however those “wingnuts” have gone out of their way to promote my openly Pagan blog (and others) and Palins operation has been open to Conservative Pagans for some time. Red Alerts has an at least 50% Conservative Christian readership yet I have never received any negative feedback for religiously themed articles I write. Nor have I been evangelized even when Christians and I have broached religion online.

I have gotten death threats from Wiccans however. And Muslims which is another story.

I proudly affiliate with Christian, Muslim and Jewish groups despite having theological problems with their false religions. I suppose that means I’m in cahoots with an anti-Pagan conspiracy. And I suppose since many of you affiliate with Marxists online you’re all part of a communist conspiracy to overthrow the government.

I don’t judge people by their religious beliefs just as I don’t judgepeople by the foods they like, the books they read or anything else that isn’t related to their direct interaction with me. Neither do the “wingnuts” you’re lambasting in my experience.

But while you’re lambasting Sarah Palin and her book (which I admit Ihave not and likely will not read, although my non-Pagan wife may) some of those conservative Christians you hate tipped me to yet another “pagan” who is in fact a sex offender named Tom Sokilik, aka Silver Dragon Wolfe (as an aside, can we stop using craft names we thought were cool when we 15?) who has recently admitted to molesting pagan children even as we speak and more disturbingly claims to have some knowledge of the murder of a 15-year-old girl he was molesting that he hasn’t shared with the police. I would ask “Riverbend” and others if they will be thanking the “wingnuts” for watching out for their children while they complain online about some person they’ll never meet and or interact with.

Or are they too being hateful by identifying real threats to you and yours? More Christianist nonsense I guess. But I’m curious as to when Pagans will look in their own backyard for problems as opposed to recycling Naomi Wolfe/Alex Jones’ “secret society” conspiracy theories. There is a man in your midst now, who may be culpable for the murder of a teen, who went to jail for molesting teens, who admitted to molesting a 5-year-old and is active in the Pagan community and it was a “wingnut” who tipped me to it because she cares about your children.

Pagans Against Child Abuse and Red Alerts and several other peoplehave pointed this out for years and been slandered and attacked for it. Instead you bleat about “the real threat” like sheep scared of the farmer’s shear unaware of the butcher waiting among them. But by all means put your energy into Sarah Palin. The Christians can watch your children and take on your responsibility to police the Pagan community.

In other words, I take the philosophically Republican view of religion. I treat believers in other traditions with respect even if I (sometimes strongly) disagree with their religions. I am not a believer in Christianity but I do respect Christians and try to treat them fairly. I have debated some and will always be open to religious debate with anyone while remaining polite, respectful and friendly. Modern Wiccans in general do not feel the same way unfortunately.

My comment was met with a flurry of the usual venom, no doubt spurred on mostly by the fact that I confront Wiccans with the same critical eye I use with any other religion. To the Wiccan, it is acceptable for me to claim that Christianity is, in essence, too liberal for me. Christian meekness and turn-the-other-cheekery, as I have said to Christian friends of mine for years, encourages Islamist aggression and leftist exploitation. What isn’t acceptable to these same Wiccans, who I should point out have embraced meekness as part of the New Paganism, is pointing out that Wiccans are in fact not particularly well versed in what we loosely term Occultism these days and in fact few are knowledgeable enough to even be considered proficient in Witchcraft. Thus, their fundamental misunderstanding of Africa’s religious scene.

Modern Wicca is a role-playing game for adults who never outgrew the desire to tell people their “craft” name is Black Dragon Thunder Pants or something equally asinine. It is a leftist dumping ground for New Agers who can be relied on to march in lockstep on any issue (such as Sarah Palin) but aren’t ready for the grownup table. They pretend to practice Witchcraft and are jealous of those who really do, like say a rootworker or other practitioner of African Diaspora traditions. They need to feel oppressed so they latch on to bizarre conspiracies about Sarah Palin and her “Dominionist” fellows ready to overthrow the government and burn all the witches. And they hate people who point out that their Llewellyn scripted passion play is not just a con game of truly epic proportions, but a gateway to abuse for their children as they embrace the Wiccan hippy sex cult ethos handed to them by their Pagan plantation masters.

Those people would be me.

As I’ve said, I’ve had plenty of death threats or threats of curses, bindings, banishing and whatever other ritual chastisements modern Wiccans have no understanding of. Almost always, these empty threats by hollow people completely devoid of chutzpah or ability to physically or metaphysically harm anyone has followed me exposing some pedophile or degenerate in their midst, or exposing how sad they look standing next to a real practitioner of some spiritual tradition, like the so-called “spiritual warfare” Christians or the African folk traditions of the south. Thus, when making a comment that does both I was not surprised to see frequent Wild Hunt commenter “snoozepossum” slap up his own thinly veiled and sadly non-worrisome death threat.

Click to enlarge

It’s short if you want to read it but the gist of it is that I’m an intolerant bigot for being intolerant of bigotry, his supposed coven Carolina Grove is just beleaguered  by Christian attacks on their freedom, and in response to my point about mainly getting threats from Wiccans, that he “sees their point.”

In terms of threats made against me he “sees their point” and I assume thinks it’s justified to make such threats. Interesting. It’s ironic that in a comment thread full of screeching about how “dangerous” Sarah Palin is and how it’s just outrageous that Christians are philosophically opposed to Witchcraft (because after all no one should be offended by another person having a negative opinion of their faith) that I should receive this half-hearted threat for defending the faith traditions of others from obvious slanders.

Irony in the Wiccan community, however, is never a surprise.

For instance, while commenters crucified Palin for being “homophobic,” a commenter called Lokisgohdi left this little gem about the late Herman Slater:

Click to Enlarge

Herman Slater was owner of the legendary Magickal Childe occult shop in NYC. He was an openly gay Wiccan who, as HIV began ravaging the gay community, promoted monogamy among gays to curtail the spread of AIDS. He was then labeled a conservative and to this day people like “Lokisgohdi” revel in his death from AIDS. “Lokisgohdi” goes a step further and accuses Slater of giving AIDS to the straight NYC Pagan community. You know, because “Lokisgohdi” did the research to determine patient zero for the great Pagan AIDS epidemic and in addition found that Slater purposefully introduced AIDS into the Pagan community out of sheer gay malice.

In other words, a fantasy based on his dislike of someone he never met. I guess Herman Slater is the Sarah Palin of gay Wiccans. Frankly, the attacks on Slater sound exactly like the kind of hateful rhetoric the “Dominionists” are being accused of by Wiccans to me.

And like this mincing threat by “snoozepossum,” it has all the substance you’d expect from the bush leagues of occultism.

I have to say that at least when degenerates from PaganSpace or some other nest of poseurs feel like making threats, they come right out and make their threats. Nowadays, all Wiccans can muster up is some warmed over DailyKos talking points and some cross words about how they maybe, kind of, possibly would support other people’s desire to see me harmed. Maybe.

But through all this childishness what you won’t see in the comments is any recognition that my essential point is important. It’s public knowledge (because it played out in my comments) that I basically had to guilt Jason Pitzl-Waters into blogging about Pagan pedophile James Douglas Ray who at the time was advertising on Witchvox for families to join his coven. In my comment I allude to yet another pedophile hiding amongst the Pagans and not one of those offended Wiccans in the comments cared.

Predators, you see, are a real threat. One that requires moral certainty and fortitude to deal with. It is easier by far to simply pretend that there is an anti-Pagan conspiracy you can fight from the comments section of your favorite blog, because this imaginary foe won’t be at the next pagan festival. The supposed “Witch hunters” of the Wiccan imagination aren’t crashing on their couches, or members of their “all inclusive circles” so railing against them requires no spine. Easier to “confront” Sarah Palin, Black people or Conservatives because they’ll never run into any in their real lives.

When I confront them I force them into the real world, where adults must face unpleasant situations and do what is right. Wiccans hate to break character, so having someone destroy the illusion of the Wiccan/Christianist war being the “real threat” and exposing that their forced solidarity with any cretin who buys a pentagram necklace at Hot Topic is an invitation to have their children raped only shows them how pathetic their “religion” has become. Until Wicca as a whole begins to set some standards of belief and behavior it will always be a refuge for sexual predators.

And until Wiccans see that child molesters and other predators are a more serious threat to them than Sarah Palin, my disdain for their non-existent magical prowess, and the Alex Jonesian conspiracies they make up while smoking pot in their parents’ basements, their children will never be safe.