Victimless Crime File: Unemployed Stoner Crushes Infant After All Night Weed and XBox Session

This time the pot smoker actually isn’t the only person responsible. Apparently 30-year-old Emanuel Lawrence was enabled by his old lady who worked all day and went to school at night while Lawrence “watched the kids” which he did by getting high and playing video games for hours at a time. Since he’s unemployed I assume she paid for his weed, which contributed to the death of one of their children.

From CBS4:

The incident occurred on November 19th at their home on the 10000 block of Winding Lakes Road. Lawrence lived there with his girlfriend, their 7-month-old baby and their other child who is 3.

Police say Lawrence, who is unemployed, had stayed up late the night before smoking marijuana and playing X-Box. The mother woke up Lawrence and told him to feed the children. He fed the children and brought them back into the bed with him, Gerity said.

Seven and a half hours went by before he woke up only to discover he had rolled over on the baby and suffocated her.

Police say that’s when he put the baby back in the crib and went to a friend’s house to call 911.

I’m sure if pot was legal this would have never happened.

h/t Trench

Maurice Clemmons: Hug-A-Thug Justice Leads to Seattle Police Massacre

In a sane world Maurice Clemmons would have never left the Arkansas prison system. A violent felon with a history of assaults Clemmons’ first serious run in with the law was at the age of 17 when he was caught robbing people on school grounds with a handgun. In 1990 he got hit with a 60 year bid for burglary and theft. That was on top of 48 years he had already gotten for other crimes.

Sound like he got a raw deal? Not exactly. Clemmons’ dangerous court house antics made an impression on authorities that made it unlikely he’d ever see the light of day if they had anything to say about it:

In 1990, Clemmons, then 18, was sentenced in Arkansas to 60 years in prison for burglary and theft of property, according to a news account in Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Newspaper stories describe a series of disturbing incidents involving Clemmons while he was being tried in Arkansas on various charges.

During one trial, Clemmons was shackled in leg irons and seated next to a uniformed officer. The presiding judge ordered the extra security because he felt Clemmons had threatened him, court records show.

Another time, Clemmons hid a hinge in his sock, and was accused of intending to use it as a weapon. Yet another time, Clemmons took a lock from a holding cell, and threw it toward the bailiff. He missed and instead hit Clemmons’ mother, who had come to bring him street clothes, according to records and published reports.

On another occasion, Clemmons had reached for a guard’s pistol during transport to the courtroom.

Sound dangerous? Maybe to you and me. But “conservative” politician/preacher Mike Huckabee thought Clemmons deserved a second chance because he was so young when he ended up in prison. So Huckabee granted this thug clemency despite how obviously dangerous he was. Clemmons went on with his criminal ways.

In March 2001 Clemmons was charged with more strong arm robberies. More recently he was involved in an assault on a police officer and child rape. From SeattlePI:

Recently he was charged in Pierce County for third-degree assault on a police officer and rape of a child. Clemmons’ aunt, in Little Rock, Ark., declined to comment or even give her name. She said her mother — who is Clemmons’ grandmother — had numerous calls from reporters on Sunday “and it was very upsetting to her.”

According to court records, Clemmons was released from custody Nov. 12 after a Pierce County judge ordered he undergo a second psychiatric evaluation at Western State Hospital.

Pierce County records show Clemmons is currently facing child rape charges in a May 10 incident, the details of which were not available Sunday. In a separate case, Clemmons and two other men have been charged with two counts of third-degree assault and multiple counts of malicious mischief, or destruction of property.

Court records show Clemmons spent much of 2009 as a fugitive, avoiding jail until an arrest in July. Though bail was initially set at $150,000 in the child rape case, that order appears to have been revoked on Nov. 12 when he was ordered evaluated at Western State Hospital.

In the child rape case, filed in early July, prosecutors appear to have filed to have Clemmons confined if convicted under the state’s persistent offender statute.

While many would lay this at Huckabee’s feet exclusively, there’s plenty of blame to go around. Why was a man with a criminal record this long and who had been a fugitive a year ago granted bail in the first place? Left leaning journalists are gleefully reporting on “the Huckabee connection” while studiously ignoring the hug-a-thug policies they usually support wholeheartedly. They certainly are shy about putting forward the fact that this is the second police ambush in Washington this month. I think there might be some blame for Washington’s anti-police political environment in both these cases.

But in the Clemmons case, it is clear that what drove Huckabee and the liberal judges who later came into contact with him was the belief that all criminals could be rehabilitated, that there is reason to give people like Maurice Clemmons a second chance. But in that world view, one of universal redemption that characterizes both the Christian ethics of Huckabee and the liberalism of Washington state, there is no room for the truth. Maurice Clemmons could never be rehabilitated because he simply didn’t want to be.

As usual, people will claim that he was mentally unstable, but Clemmons was recently held competent to stand trial. No matter how odd he was, he knew right from wrong and chose murder, rape and brutality every time he had a chance. Had Huckabee not pardoned this fiend his family wouldn’t have been abused (it’s being reported that Clemmons made his wife and children strip in front of him for entertainment) and a child’s innocence wouldn’t have been stolen. If a judge hadn’t given this predator bail those four police officers he gunned down would be alive. If our system recognized that some people simply cannot be rehabilitated, Clemmons’ trail of victims would have never been as long and as tragic as it is now.

Clemmons can distinguish between right and wrong. Why can’t we?

Fox has more.

Gay-Bashing, Child Raping “Conservative Christian” Derek Logue Claims Pagans Have No Morals!


More specifically, convicted child rapist Derek Logue is claiming that Pagans Against Child Abuse, of which I am a member, is hypocritical because as Pagans we “reject the legal, god-given boundaries of sexuality” unlike people like him who have been convicted of raping an 11-year-old girl.

Before we go any further, let’s learn a little about Derek Logue. From Wikisposure:

Derek W. Logue, aka “thefallenone”, “fallenone”, or “F1”, is a registered sex offender[1] and active RSO activist who currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is classified on the public registry as a “sexual predator.” In 2000, at the age of 24, Derek was convicted of 1st Degree sexual assault of an 11-year-old child in Alabama. He served three years in the Bullock County Correctional Facility in Union Springs, Alabama and moved to Ohio following his release. A psychological evaluation described him as, “self-centered, self-indulgent, and passively-dependent upon others.” That’s a fairly accurate description of Derek. ately, Derek has put most of his effort into maintaining his own website because he doesn’t work well with others. In fact, Derek doesn’t really care about anyone but himself. In one breath he will claim that, “he is rehabilitated,” then in the next he will make statements eluding to the fact that his 11-year-old child victim deserved what he did to her because, “she was corrupt long before I met her.”

In his “FallenOne” guise, Logue runs a hysterical (in both senses of the word) Web site called Once Fallen dedicated to crying about how unfair it is that dangerous predators are put on registries designed to keep them from working in summer camps and promoting his self-published screed which is dedicated to crying about how unfair it is that dangerous predators are put on registries designed to keep them from working in summer camps. I won’t link to his so-called book. I don’t recommend anyone buy it since it’s literally a rehash of his online writings which he circulates widely. Aside from all the weepy tirades about oppression, Once Fallen is otherwise known to dabble in Alex Jonesian conspiracy theories and to break Godwin’s Law with reckless abandon.

Logue also seemingly has a new venue in the supposedly Conservative but very much Christian online abortion called The Cypress Times where publisher John Winder not only allowed him to write a pro-child rapist agi-prop piece filled with lies and misinformation but then shut down comments that took the author to task:

Added: November 24, 2009. 01:40 PM CST
Further Commentary on This Article Is Closed
If you wish to continue the dialogue with Mr. Logue, I would suggest using the links he provided in the article. Commentary here is now closed due to it’s inflammatory and mean-spirited nature.

John G. Winder – Publisher, The Cypress Times

Yes. We couldn’t have mean spirited commentary directed at a man who raped a little girl and then claims to be a victim of an un-Christian American society. Think I’m making that up? Here’s a quote:

Our society is so plagued by myths, mistruths, and misconceptions, I could write a book about it. Actually, I did write a book, entitled “Once Fallen,” a look at the “other side” of this issue, along with a free fact based site on sex offender laws and issues ( Over the course of my research, I found we have forsaken programs that work in favor of fear-based and anger-based legislation.


Exploitation of children goes far beyond abuse, as many organizations are selling fear and anger to the masses while reaping the benefits. There is no incentive to offer a rational solution to this crisis, because a solution means loss of business.

Sadly, many churches and “Christians” also jump on the bandwagon; many churches deny services to sex offenders, who are also in need of God’s giving grace and salvation. Recently, the Jefferson Hills Christian Church in Imperial, Missouri sponsored a series of billboards asking, “What’s Forgivable?” The general consensus in the local media was only sex offenders were unforgivable [12]. Some even stated sex offenders deserve “The Mark of Cain.”

But the Bible is very clear on forgiveness, on God’s giving grace, on repentance, and penance. With the exception of Christ, virtually every great Biblical hero fell short and committed great sins. Even mighty King David had one of his most faithful servants killed to hide the fact he impregnated his servant’s wife. God gave punishment, but after David repented God granted mercy and favor upon him. God even granted mercy to the first biblical villain, Cain; the “Mark of Cain” was not a scarlet letter, but a mark of protection from would-be vigilantes exacting revenge for his crimes. Cain was also allowed a wife and founded a city.

Don’t you see? By not allowing Derek to sneak around children we’re defying the sweet baby Jesus who even now weeps in horror at the commonsense steps society uses to protect children from people who prey upon them sexually. What kind of monsters won’t forgive poor, tortured Derek Logue? We evil Pagans of course, who Logue has some rather odd notions about.

Logue also blogs under the name “Warped Ohio,” which in true sexual sadist fashion is a handle he created to mock a well known sexual abuse survivor. Using that handle he vomited forth this swirling mass of lies and venom directed at me and several other Pagans (and people he thinks are Pagans) who have recently had the unmitigated gall to forget all about him:

Most AZU members, like Dodia Fae, BRD, and Rob Taylor, claim PAGANISM as a religion. Paganism does believe in free love, does not believe in lifelong marriage (instead opting for a one year long “handfast”), and other assorted sexual beliefs not mainstream in the eyes of Americans. It is ironic, then, they formed a group called “Pagns Against Child Abuse.” That’s like saying “Klan Members Against Lynching” or “Al-Qaida Members Against Suicide Bombings.”

I just found it ironic in light of Taylor-trash’s recent article:


How ironic. AZU goes into a place, makes outlandish accusations, then cries about getting “banned:”

In any case, it is disappointing, but not surprising, that a popular gathering place for Wiccans would become a place that welcomes child rapists and ended up banning every member of PACA who spoke out against the grooming of children by adults. What is surprising is how openly vicious the Wiccan members of PaganSpace were toward child advocates. Women who criticized men in their 40s, 50s and in one case 60s for sending sexually suggestive cartoons to girls as young as 14 or 15 were told they were acting “Christian” and PACA itself was said to be endangering children.

“The offenders themselves, still quite active on PaganSpace as of this writing, were allowed to threaten and harass PACA members, including women, after they were tipped off to the fact that many had been reported to the proper authorities.

Cry us a river, Taylor.

At any rate, they’re part of a religion that rejects the legal, God-given boundaries of sexuality, so what do they expect? But then again, with AZU its a matter of hating people, NOT about protecting children. Hate groups are no more religious than businesses that sell private information. PACA is no more religious than the “White Knights.”

Says the man who raped a child. I should clarify a couple of things for Derek and any of his new friends from The Cypress Times who need some remedial instruction in Paganism, morality, and how the two intersect.

While there may be some Pagans who embrace “free love,” it is not a doctrine in any of the dozens of religious traditions that make up modern Paganism. “Free love,” polyamory, or any other sort of odd sexual fetishes are no more prevalent in Paganism than in any subculture where one may run into women who try to make up for their lack of physical attractiveness and social graces with amorality and promiscuity. In other words, Wiccans, for instance, are no more likely to throw caution and self-respect to the wind and become the permanent third wheel in some 40-year-old nerd’s Gor fantasy than P.E.T.A. workers or the ladies from Code Pink.

I have never heard of this one-year handfasting doctrine but I do know of quite a few “handfasted” Pagans who were legally married in the ceremony. I myself am legally married and have been with my wife almost 20 years, though admittedly we weren’t handfasted, we simply ran by the justice of the peace on our way to a New England honeymoon. But let’s say for a second that both Logue’s charges about Pagans were true and I was some free wheeling hippie sex cultist marrying women for one year stints while having orgies every full moon.

So what?

Why would adults having consensual sexual relations, no matter how distasteful others may find it, invalidate those same adults’ work to protect children from predation by degenerates like Logue? Is it part of Logue’s “God-given sexuality” to equate raping children with adults having consensual sex? Is it the Christian view that Pagans having sex with each other is the same as adults raping children?

Logue’s new found Christianity is amusing. A one time Devil worshiper and admitted animal abuser who cut himself, Logue spends his time on the Internet writing messages like this to women who took issue with the false claims he made in his Cypress Times article:

 Unlike the3 cunts at AZU I reference everything. My website’s full of them. Unlike this trash. Learn to read you dumb fucking cunt. Fuck off. When you tell me your source where you read Patty Wetterling has a sex offender son, I’ll give you what you want. Or you can give me your address and I’ll give you a CD with every reference. You’re not scared, are you? How does it feel to be thoroughly ignored and ridiculed by everyone in the real world?

Doesn’t sound very Christian does it? More importantly it sounds like a threat from a person who has yet to repent from his sinful ways. I may be mistaken, but during my academic studies of Christian religions I was told by reverends and other clergy who taught courses that what was requisite for Christians to receive forgiveness was for them to repent and repudiate their sins. Derek Logue has done neither but continues to operate a Web site dedicated to minimizing his crimes and normalizing child sexual exploitation. Logue has never repudiated this statement he made about his victim:

My victim was a follower. She acted different away from her sister. Anyways other people got in trouble over her. Today she’s either 16 or 17. She has a GIRLFRIEND now. She has the reputation of being wild and of loose morals. A regular Lolita enjoying her illicit relationships…I have at least some buffer in knowing she was corrupt long before I met her.

These are hardly the words of a man seeking forgiveness.

But Logue is not really the issue here. I’d have probably ignored his tirades if it weren’t for the entrance into this little drama of John Winder’s The Cypress Times. Winder shut down the comments on Logue’s piece because they were “inflammatory,” but he didn’t remove the piece itself which is riddled with demonstrably false information. I must say I did not see the comments so I am in no position to say they were or were not heated or intemperate. But were they more intemperate than Logue’s trail of outrages?

Winder claims to run a Conservative Christian magazine which is now palling around with a man who is actively working to have the age of consent lowered. I would ask Winder, what would his Jesus do in his shoes? Would Jesus allow a man to bear false witness against his neighbors and more importantly his victims? Would he not demand that Logue truly repent?

I’m interested in what Winder’s online operation was thinking when they allowed Logue to use their forum as a platform for his nihilistic agenda. I’m more curious as to why they stopped opposing views from challenging him. The Cypress Times has run anti-gay and implicitly racist posts including a piece declaring Episcopal Churches apostate and describing Africa as “a continent known for the practice of witchcraft and other demonic activities, a continent that was for years an intense focus of Christian missionary zeal due to its pervasive spiritual darkness from which it earned its ignoble nickname “The Dark Continent.

Clearly The Cypress Times doesn’t shy away from “inflammatory” language. Why are they shying away from the truth? Why provide cover for this degenerate to spew his venom? My only answer is that like Logue, Winder has a very different definition of Conservatism than I do.

Update: Oy! Derek Logue went and Freeped himself. Or at least The Cypress Times decided to. Publisher John Winder responded to my request for a statement by emailing me this steaming pile nonsense wrapped in faux patriotism:

I wrote an article called:  The Monster Next Door:  The Plague of American Sex Offenders

Mr. Logue disagreed with the content, tone, and information in my article and submitted an Op/Ed piece of his own:  The Myth of Monsters:  The Plague of Sex Offender Panic

Mr. Logue was “allowed” to write the Op/Ed because The Cypress Times supports Free Speech.  We support it in deeds and action, not merely with lip service.  We support it even if we don’t agree with the content.

I also am a firm believer in the sanity, rationality and intelligence of our Christian readers.  None of whom would fear Mr. Logue or his words.  None of whom would be fooled or taken in by the words that ring less than true no matter how well written nor in what form presented.  Mr.  Logue was successful in stirring up quite a number of supporters for his piece, but not a one I suspect from our core 184,000 readers.

In terms of the Christian perspective on Sex Offenders, pedophiles, etc., I can only offer my-Christian perspective.  All sinners are to be forgiven.  But forgiveness comes ONLY after repentance.  The unrepentant do not get God’s forgiveness.  There is no promise or hope offered to the unrepentant.  It is my wish as a Christian that everyone would come to know Christ, to turn from their sin, repent and be saved….even a Pedophile.  That’s difficult to swallow at times, particular given the horrific nature of a pedophiles crime, but I cannot expect or ask forgiveness for my sins, if I am unable to ask the same for my fellow man.

Thanks for your inquiry.

God Bless,

John G. Winder

The question then is why Winder shut down the comments if he is such a strong believer in free speech?

Update: Logue responds! With racism and a long winded misstatement of the facts. Of particularly amusing note is this portion where Logue accuses me of being a commie!

Poor Robbie Taylor. A man so confused to his identity, he can’t even identify with a race, religion, or sexual orientation. Perhaps that is why he feels the need to bash people with his incessant communist/ zionist rants.

Ha! I’m Biracial, a polytheist and straight as an arrow for future reference. I just happen to think of myself as American first, tolerant of others’ religion (when they deserve it) and supportive of Gays. But I thought long time readers would get a kick out of me being called a Communist. I’m to the right of Pinochet!

I am a proud Zionist however.

Hemorrhagic Swine Flu in Iowa?

A  reader sent me this news item from a few days ago which hasn’t gotten widespread coverage that I’m aware of. The Polk County Coroner is claiming that the number of H1N1 deaths in Iowa is understated, and more disturbingly, he’s seen cases of people who were not diagnosed with swine flu dying of the same type of hemorrhagic pneumonia being reported in the Ukraine.

Absurd privacy laws keep him from revealing more, but this report from Des Moines’ KCCI is bowel loosening to be sure:

DES MOINES, Iowa — Iowa has officially recorded 21 H1N1 deaths, including seven in Polk County alone. But the county’s medical examiner said he has performed autopsies on some residents who were never diagnosed with H1N1, but actually had it.

“In the autopsy, what we’re seeing is very heavy, wet hemorrhagic lungs, lungs with a lot of blood in them,” said Dr. Gregory Schmunk.

He said the official count of seven H1N1 deaths is inaccurate, but patient rights laws prohibit him from giving specific numbers.

He said there are two reasons for the discrepancy. First, not all sick patients get tests and second, the virus is difficult to detect. Some patients may be too sick to receive the most accurate H1N1 test.

“They’re not always done and it can be hazardous to the patient if they’re in a respiratory critical situation,” Schmunk said.

He also said that some tests reveal a false negative.

“Because of our limitations on testing, sometimes the tests aren’t positive,” he said. “They do appear to fit clinically the course of a H1N1 viral-type pneumonia.”

He said the cases he’s seen in Polk County were all middle-aged adults with a few underlying health conditions.

He goes on to theorize that obesity may have played a part in the deaths which is bad news for we donut lovers. On a more serious note this is a very serious development if Schmunk is right. There’s a video report on the KCCI site. has been tracking the D225g mutation that is thought to be responsible for several hemorrhagic deaths in Europe. While authorities claim this fatal mutation, which allows the flu virus to penetrate deeper into the lungs, is “spontaneous” and not spreading there’s evidence to suggest that’s simply bunk:

Although there have been comments that this change was “spontaneous” and did not spread, the finding of the same change in all four deceased patients in Ukraine from two distinct locations, indicates it did spread, as did the finding of the same change in multiple cases in Brazil and Norway.  Although the concept of “random mutation” has been used to explain away the sudden appearance of the same polymorphism on multiple backgrounds, the appearance via recombination is a much stronger argument for the same change to appear at multiple locations at the same time.

The spontaneous mutation theory, which is the foundation of WHO policy and statements on significance of changes relies heavily on a “selection” component, arguing that the same change keeps appearing on different backgrounds because of string selection pressure.  However, this same phenomenon was described for a silent mutation on H5N1, which offers no clear selection pressure.  Similarly, a silent change was also found in seasonal H1N1 in sequences that had acquired the Tamiflu resistance marker, H274Y.  Thus, these silent (synonymous) changes string argue against a coincidental spontaneous mutation, and instead argue that this acquisition is concurrently acquired because of a widespread common donor.

Or in plain English, bunk.

When I wrote about the Ukrainian hemorrhagic flu I said if it came here I’d be in my bunker indefinitely. Well, it’s here. I’ll be in my bunker.