Victimless Crime File: Stoners Fracture Baby’s Skull Doing Something Stupid, Decide to Fix it with Duct Tape

A key argument used by people who want drug prohibition repealed is that it is the laws against drug use, not drug use itself, that are most detrimental to society. I have always maintained this is simply false, drug users are a burden on any community whether drugs are legal or not. Here is yet another story that wouldn’t have changed if drugs were legal, and society would still be on the hook for the the expense these two users incur:

PANAMA CITY BEACH — Their baby’s skull had been fractured by a nail, but instead of getting help, John Paul Huskey and Jessica Huskey kept on doing meth, according to law enforcement documents released Thursday.

Investigators believe the baby’s skull was fractured Tuesday night after John Paul Huskey, 28, jumped on a chair and the chair broke apart, sending a nail into the 18-month-old’s head. But instead of calling for help to come to their Beech Drive apartment, the Huskeys wrapped their baby’s head in duct tape and continued to use meth, officials said.

The baby did not receive medical attention until Wednesday morning, when John Paul Huskey called 911 from a cell phone in Calhoun County. Capt. Jimmy Stanford said Jessica Huskey, 25, awoke Wednesday morning to find her baby “not doing well” and “turning colors.” Jessica Huskey then began to call friends and family members for help, including her husband, John Paul Huskey, who was in Calhoun County for an unknown reason, Stanford said.


John Paul Huskey is charged with aggravated child abuse, possession of meth, possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. He also is charged with dealing in stolen property. According to a complaint affidavit, he stole a $425 iPod Touch out of a car in July and tried to pawn it Sept. 16.

But wait! Even now some legalization advocate is ready to type out a comment saying if only drugs were legal these idiots wouldn’t have been scared to call 911! Then this would only be a story about … a tweaker fracturing his child’s skull while his wife sat by getting high in a house full of cocaine, methamphetamine, and of course, marijuana. The state would still need to take the children from the unfit parents and yet again drug use costs society as we pay for the medical care and now upkeep of the users’ children. And drug legalization will not change that.

This couple will still steal and deal to get drug money if we legalize, they will still get high in front of their children, and they will still be unfit parents if drugs are legal. Why are we pretending any different?

Alabama N.A.A.C.P. Defends Judge Who Raped Black Inmates

With friends like the N.A.A.C.P. who needs enemies? From Breitbart:

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) – Herman Thomas was a rising star in Alabama politics with an enviable track record at the polls: a black Democrat who kept getting elected in a county overwhelmingly white and increasingly Republican. He seemed to have it all. Respect as a circuit judge and at one time the Democratic Party’s choice to be the first black federal judge in south Alabama.

Then his career on the bench collapsed—first under allegations that he was bringing inmates into his office and spanking them with a paddle, then with an indictment that accuses him of having sex with male inmates in exchange for leniency. The trial—on charges of sodomy, kidnapping, sex abuse, extortion, assault and ethics violations that involved oral and anal sex, as well as the spankings—is set to start Monday.


Thomas, who was known for wearing distinctive bow ties, stepped down from the bench in 2007 after the allegations of paddling surfaced and just ahead of a judicial ethics trial that could have forced him out of office. He was indicted on the more-serious charges this past spring by a Mobile County grand jury. If convicted of the most serious charges—sodomy and kidnapping—he faces from 20 years to life in prison.

The oldest incident in the charges dates to 1999, his first year as a circuit judge. The first public claim against Thomas surfaced in lawsuits filed by an inmate in 2001 in Mobile circuit court and in federal court that claimed the judge offered to help him with his case in return for sex. Both lawsuits were dismissed, and Thomas’ reputation remained unblemished.

Chief Assistant District Attorney Nicki Patterson said authorities began looking at Thomas after he changed a jail sentence in 2006 for his cousin, former Mobile County school commissioner David Thomas, even though the case was being handled by another judge. Other cases that Thomas had taken over from other judges without their approval soon surfaced, she said.

Some inmates in those cases described being checked out of the jail for meetings with Thomas in his car or in his private office in the county courthouse. First, there were reports of inmates having to pull down their underwear for spankings with a wooden paddle. Then came allegations of sex, according to court records.

For more than a decade the well connected Democrat preyed on Black men. So when the charges come to light what reaction would you expect from the N.A.A.C.P. and other Democrats? Why, this of course:

Defense attorney Robert “Cowboy Bob” Clark calls the accusers “lying felons” who are trying to wreck the career of “a prestigious member of the Bar for over 20 years.” The NAACP has defended Thomas and claims race is behind his prosecution.

They claim race is behind the prosecution even though Thomas’ victims are Black and the article goes on to point out that semen from an inmate Thomas checked out of jail was found on his office carpet:

But Patterson disputes that, noting that each of the victims is black, and says that jail checkout records back up inmates’ claims about trips to Thomas’ private office, and other inmates spotted marks after paddlings. There also is other evidence, according to court records, including one inmate’s seminal fluid on the office carpet. The inmates also were able to describe in detail Thomas’ unmarked windowless office.

What does Thomas and his lawyers have to say about this? Well, they called it a “high tech lynching” in one of the most disgusting displays of race baiting I’ve ever witnessed. Thomas used his position as a judge to sexually abuse vulnerable Black men. The N.A.A.C.P. and the Democrats are taking his side. This should prove to Black folk once and for all that these groups don’t speak for Blacks, just politically connected leftists.

U.N. General Assembly Chief Says Homosexuality is Unacceptable

My friend Damien sent this story to me and I have no idea how I missed it. The new General Assembly chief of the United Nations is a Libyan Muslim named Ali Abdussalam Treki who shares many of the basic Muslim values Islam has taught for centuries uninterrupted by an Enlightenment of Reformation. One of those values is that Homosexuality is a crime that needs to be severely punished:

From The Last Crusade:

Ali Abussalam, the newly-installed president of the United Nations General Assembly, Ali Abdussalam Treki, said yesterday that homosexuality is “not really acceptable” and that homosexual acts should be treated as crimes.

Treki, who is the Libyan secretary of African Union Affairs, opened the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly Friday with a press conference.

One question concerned the UN resolution which calls for the universal decriminalisation of homosexuality.

In reply, the new UN chief said: “That matter is very sensitive, very touchy. As a Muslim, I am not in favour of it . . . it is not accepted by the majority of countries. My opinion is not in favour of this matter at all. I think it’s not really acceptable by our religion, our tradition.”

Attempting to clarify his remarks, Treki added: “It is not acceptable in the majority of the world. And there are some countries that allow that, thinking it is a kind of democracy . . . I think it is not.”

Queers for Palestine may want to examine that statement before their next protest. Homosexuals are routinely executed by Muslim governments around the world, including by Hamas which Queers for Palestine support politically and rumor has it financially. The Infidel Blogger Alliance points out that more than 4000 gays have been executed in Iran alone since 1979. The number when you include all the Muslim countries that execute gays is probably closer to 40,000 but no one really knows for sure.

So far Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) has been the only politician I’ve seen come out strongly to condemn this madness. Via GOProud:

“The anti-gay bigotry spewed by this Qaddafi shill demonstrates once again that the UN has been hijacked by advocates of hate and intolerance.

“Likewise, the leadership of the UN Development Program is held by the Iranian regime, which denies the presence of gays in Iran even as it murders them and other innocent citizens.

“We must ensure that billions annually in U.S. taxpayer dollars no longer foot the bill for the UN’s anti-freedom agenda without significant reform.

“Congress must demand better by enacting pending legislation that would leverage our contributions to the UN to produce sweeping, meaningful reform of that body.”

Isn’t it time to pull out of the United Nations, at least until it becomes something more than an international  facilitator of Islamism?

“Pedophile” Suspected in Death of Six Prostitutes

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. As I’ve pointed out before there is no such thing as a pedophile the way people understand the term in popular culture. Child molesters have worked hard to create the illusion that child rape is an “orientation” unrelated to other forms of criminality but the truth is that while pedophilia is certainly a paraphilia (in some but not all child rapists), it is not an orientation the way heterosexuality or homosexuality is. Child rapists are, for the most part, garden variety perverts: sadists who enjoy causing pain, degenerates stalking the most vulnerable, and losers so emotionally stunted they seek out children to have “relationships” with because they are unable to fulfill the needs of adults and unwilling to work on themselves enough to be accepted.

I think Antwan Maurice Pittman, if he is guilty, falls into the sadism camp. In the early nineties he was arrested for taking indecent liberties with a child. The registered sex offender is now being held in the death of Taraha Shenice Nicholson. The police won’t comment on whether he is involved with the other homicides, but since the arrest came just a couple of months after a task force was assembled to investigate the string of murders it is safe to assume that more charges may be lodged.

From News & Observer:

ROCKY MOUNT — Police charged a convicted sex offender Tuesday with killing one of six women found dead over the past four years, their bodies dumped in the desolate, swampy woods about 60 miles northeast of Raleigh.

On Tuesday, a multi-agency task force charged Antwan Maurice Pittman, an inmate at the Nash County jail, with murder in the death of Taraha Shenice Nicholson, 28.

Pittman’s arrest came nearly two months after the Edgecombe County Sheriff’s Office, Rocky Mount police and the State Bureau of Investigation formed the task force in June to investigate the homicides of the six women, whose bodies were found among the woodlands, corn and tobacco fields in a sparsely populated area of Edgecombe County, north of Rocky Mount between Battleboro and Whitakers.

Edgecombe County Sheriff James L. Knight, flanked by members of the task force at a news conference Tuesday, would not comment on whether Pittman, 31, is implicated in the other deaths. He said little else Tuesday after announcing that Pittman had been charged with Nicholson’s death.

“I have no other comments due to this being an ongoing investigation,” Knight said. “Hopefully, we will be able to answer more questions at a later date.”

Pittman was convicted in 1994 for taking indecent liberties with a 2-year-old child. He served three years in prison, according to the state sex-offender registry.

Serving only three years for molesting a two-year-old is outrageous. It also probably made him think he could continue to offend while suffering relatively light sentences. He in fact failed to register prior to his arrest, so frankly his three years taught him nothing.

All the victims in the serial killings were poor, Black women and the families of some have admitted they were drug addicts involved in prostitution. Why was a “pedophile” involved with adult prostitutes anyway? Because while superficially different the commonality between a drug addict engaged in prostitution and a toddler is that both are vulnerable and more importantly powerless. After molesting a child Pittman went to jail and came out angry and defiant, something we can suppose from his lack of compliance with the registry. He sought out powerless women and murdered them is the theory under which most are working.

Those murders were brutal and the bodies were dumped like garbage illustrating his disdain for the victims:

The first victim, Melody Wiggins, 29, was found by police May 29, 2005, on Noble Mill Pond Road. She died of blunt-force trauma to the head and had been cut and stabbed repeatedly. Her body was partially covered by tree limbs, and the medical examiner wondered whether she was dragged or had run from a field into the woods where her body was found.

The partially skeletal, nude remains of Jackie Thorpe, 35, were found Aug. 17, 2007, in a trash heap behind a burned-out crack house. The head and an arm had been separated from the body. The medical examiner did not determine a cause of death.

On March 13, 2008, the remains of Ernestine Battle, 50, were found face down in the woods. Her remains were unclothed. No cause of death was determined by the medical examiner, who wrote that the likely cause was homicidal violence.

The skeletal remains of the latest victim, Hargrove, 31, were discovered June 29 by a migrant farmer working in a field. The man told police he found Hargrove’s body just inside a wooded area off Seven Bridges Road. The medical examiner’s office has not yet released a cause of death.

Police also discovered the remains of a sixth African-American woman in February on Melton Road. Investigators are not sure whether the case is related to the other five deaths, Capt. Laura Fahne stock of the Rocky Mount Police Department said earlier this month.

Many pedophile activists (yes there are such things, as detailed by blogs like Absolute Zero United) claim that pedophilia is not even a crime, much less a violent one. But time and again child rapists are found to be violent, unstable and remorseless. Pedophile Pittman has a criminal history that shows us a man who doesn’t “love children” or have a different sexual orientation than the rest of us, but instead a man who is unconcerned with the rights of others. Pittman is a violent, drug-addled criminal with no respect for society:

Pittman, in addition to being convicted of indecent liberties with a minor, has also been convicted of assault, resisting arrest, trespassing, driving while impaired, misdemeanor larceny and felony probation violation.

All so-called pedophiles are, more or less, like Pittman. They are simply degenerates who care more about themselves and their depravity than children, society or the law. There own words and behavior prove this time and again. It is time for people to stop providing cover for child rapists by allowing them to spread this myth of pedophilia being an orientation, and calling pedophiles what they are.
