The Progressive War on Religion

“Liberalism” today, or what used to be called progressivism, is not so much a political stance as a cult, a semi-secular creed that blends the worst aspects of 60s “radical” theology, Marxism, and post-modern deconstructionism into one soul shattering, thought obliterating package. Like any emergent religion, it is in direct competition with other cults and creeds for adherents and influence in the popular culture, and due to the essentially anti-Republican nature of today’s liberals the cult of progressivism is a creed that believes in what I call Monodominance. And yes, I’m stealing the term from a popular dystopian science fiction setting.

For our purpose here, I’m defining the Monodominant philosophy as promoting the view that only one set of morals and values should have the right to public exposure. In other words, progressives and modern “liberals” believe that opinions and beliefs contrary to leftist dogma should be expunged from all aspects of public life and given no public venue for expression. Thus, the left wants to shut down conservative talk radio and Fox News, even though they are really the only outlet for non-Marxist opinion and commentary left in the old media. Education, entertainment, literature, and the arts are all being transformed into propagators of dogma by the left and contrary views in those fields are now too rare to even be considered a minority. At this point, a movie with a conservative message or a work of art that promotes rightist beliefs would be an anomaly, a curiosity that would lead to the personal ruin of the artist.

But it is in the “liberal” attacks on religion that we see the leftist cult most clearly, and at its most vicious. Christians are often the targets of these attacks, but Jews are just as frequently assailed by leftists as we saw recently in the case of anti-Semitic comments made by ousted Honduran dictator Manuel Zelaya. Zelaya’s claims (which included accusations that Jews were secretly torturing him with radiation and toxic gas) that Jews were plotting against him were reiterated by leftist radio hosts at Radio Globo, a station which the Hondurans had shut down, but our own state department went to bat for to have it re-opened. One Radio Globo host added in this nugget to the anti-Jewish hit parade:

There are times when I ask myself if Hitler was or not correct in finishing with that race with the famous Holocaust. If there are people that do damage in this country, they are Jewish, the Israelis. I want to name, this afternoon here in Radio Globo, by name and last name, who are the two officers of the Jewish army who are working with the Armed Forces of our country and who are in charge of carrying out all these conspiracy activities and undercover actions and everything else that is happening to the President of the Republic.

“After what I have learned, I ask myself why, why didn’t we let Hitler carry out his historic mission. Forgive me for the grotesque expression. But I ask myself after I have realized this and many other things. I believe it should have been fair and valid to let Hitler finish his historic vision…”

The American “liberal” reaction to Nationalists who describe themselves as Socialists praising the Holocaust and claiming Jews are destabilizing their countries are predictably approving as the comments in this Huffington Post piece show. Armed with links to pro-drug, anti-American Socialist propaganda site NarcoNews, the commenters claim there is no anti-Jewish sentiment here. Often while throwing out some blood libels themselves:

Look up the name Kay Griggs and watch her interview. She reveals that the United States does use mercenaries, many of them Isreali to do their d i r t y work. That technology is American and has been used against detective and conspiracy theorist Michael Ruppert and forced him to leave the country. It seems that the criminal right wing is trying to turn Honduras into a safe haven. American corporate business interests have a long history of working with rogue elements of the CIA to suppress workers’ rights and to keep what they feel is a favorable business environment.

Kay Griggs is a con artist who makes a living claiming her husband was a mind controlled assassin trainer for the Illuminati (he was a Marine) who worked for a secret program run by fiends who trained Jeffery Dahmer, Tim McVeigh, and Lee Harvey Oswald to be the perfect assassins. You know, because they so stealthily achieved their objectives? Anyway Griggs ultimately claims “Zionists” run the world. Are you surprised to see HuffPo commenters promoting this? How about Democratic Underground members?

That all this has a whiff of Mein Kampf to it is obvious, but where exactly are the “progressives” speaking out about it? What could be the reason for them to minimize and in some cases defend attacks on Jews? I too used to think the answer was simply anti-Semitism, but that is only part of the picture.

Christians have, as they will sometimes too readily tell you while you’re simply trying to enjoy a steak dinner, been the frequent targets of attacks by left leaning groups that are frankly bewildering in their motivations. The most recent and obvious example is this story where Belmont Abby College is being sued for gender discrimination by eight workers (only two of whom are women) because they won’t offer contraception and abortion coverage on insurance policies:

On September 10, the college retained the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty to appeal an August 5 ruling by the EEOC, charging the school with discrimination. In a letter to Thierfelder, the EEOC stated the college “is discriminating based on gender because only females take oral prescription contraceptives. By denying coverage, men are not affected, only women.” Thierfelder objected with a letter posted on the school’s website, saying: “Belmont Abbey College rejects the notion that by following the moral teachings of the Catholic Church we are discriminating against anyone.… We are simply and honestly exercising the freedom of religion that is protected by the Constitution.”

Ed Morrissey of Hot Air sums up this partisan lawsuit quite well:

The case started when BEC mistakenly bought insurance coverage that paid for contraception, which violates the doctrine of the Catholic Church.  After realizing their mistake, they had that coverage removed.  Eight employees filed suit with the EEOC as a result, claiming that the motivation for the change was gender discrimination.

How could anyone working at a Catholic college possibly come to that conclusion?  Whether or not one agrees with the church on contraception and abortion, their position on those two issues is both well-known and fundamental to doctrine on the sanctity of human life, reaffirmed constantly and publicly.  Anyone who goes to work for a Catholic institution and expects to get insurance coverage for either is acting out of intellectual dishonesty.  If the church position on contraception and abortion offends them that much, they shouldn’t agree to work for a private Catholic institution.

Which may not be the point. The president of the school has said that should the E.E.O.C. rule against them he’ll shut down the school rather than go against Catholic teachings, which the complainants and whoever is funding them certainly know is the case. Understand that what the college is being asked to do is take an action they believe will imperil their very souls, risk their salvation and ascension into heaven. And in return they get the “pleasure” of helping gainfully employed staff members defer the costs for elective medical services that the Catholic Church explicitly says are despised by God himself.

Unless you believe the eight complainants, only two of whom are actually women, are so hard up they can’t afford to pay for their own contraception or suffer from a sexual compulsion that keeps makes them have unprotected sex, this entire case makes no sense. It makes no sense unless you see the motive here as political, the removal of Catholic doctrine from public life, starting with Catholic universities.

I just recently wrote about several “human rights” groups who are working to get states to allow registered sex offenders to have access to churches and other places of worship that also house day care facilities and teen programs. The Southern Center for Human Rights, the A.C.L.U. and Human Rights Watch are all cooperating with sex offender advocates to allow pedophiles and rapists access to places where they can more easily victimize people. Why? What would happen to a church in which children were found to have been molested? What is the motive for these groups to force churches to take in dangerous repeat sex offenders?

A few days ago I spoke with a reporter who was interested in Republican candidate Dan Halloran’s run for the New York City council. Halloran is the “First Aethling of Normand” which for the Theodish means he’s roughly the equivalent to the Archbishop of New York, though that really isn’t a perfect example. The reporter was quite shocked to hear that I, a Biracial Republican Pagan, had never had any run ins with racist Theods, Heathens, Asatruar or Odinists. Though I must admit that I’m hardly the type to keep company with racists anyway.

He was actually quite interested and I’m sure his article will be very good, but after the conversation I kept thinking about how ubiquitous it is for people to assume all these “Northern” style pagan groups are racist. When I was getting my Bachelor of Arts in Religion, there was a book I don’t remember the title of (and I wouldn’t promote anyway) which falsely claimed a connection between militias, heathenism, and Christian Identity. The head of the Religion department swore by it even as I pointed out that much of this was bogus. More than a decade later and people still believe that any Pagan who’s not a Wiccan is a secret Nazi. Why?

Because Wicca, which I’ve pointed out before is not a real religion but simply a liberal subculture, has worked hard for almost three decades now to create the perception that non-Wiccan pagan traditions are full of racists and other undesirables by dominating the Web and publishing. In essence, Wicca is practicing a kind of Monodominace of neo-paganism by creating animosity toward non-Wiccan traditions in people entering the movement. This has meant that other traditions have grown at much slower rates than Wicca, whose promoters were able to get their smears of Northern paganism mainstreamed, which makes the entire neo-pagan movement a Wiccan, and thus de facto leftist, movement.

It has admittedly also meant that scum of various sorts, including anti-American racists, have slithered into Paganism and publicly shamed us much the same way Satanic criminals use fundamentalist Christian descriptions of Satanism as patterns for their criminality. In other words, Wicca successfully destroyed any hope of a non-Wiccan pagan movement being taken seriously and challenging their hegemony.

When leftists mainstream the myth of the sinister Jew, force Catholics to withdraw from public intellectual life, and make it unsafe for parents with children to attend church services, they too will reap the benefits of their perfidy in the form of more adherents, more progressive cultists for whom spiritual salvation and metaphysical contentment are achieved through adherence to social dogma and political ideology. But as long as there are competing belief systems in America and the world, the progressive Utopia cannot be achieved because it requires the complete submergence of our differences and total obedience to the god-like state. So then we see modern “liberalism” is inherently hostile toward all other faiths, just as any totalitarian philosophy.

Christians, Jews, and Pagans, all being attacked and driven from public life by a radical and aggressive form of Socialism. Where in have we seen that before?

The New Misogyny: Tila Tequila’s 15 Minutes of Fame are Up Says … Paul Heyman?


It’s no secret that I am a fan of Tila Tequila, and not just because she once linked to a piece I wrote about her shoddy treatment by a certain rotund gossip columnist. Although that and the fact that she Tweeted a nice compliment about my writing doesn’t hurt.

I’m not really a fan of her music which is actually quite listenable if you like pop music but being a Diamond Banger of old it just isn’t my thing. And although I have been accused of simply liking “hot chicks” at 38 I’ve seen my share, many in person, and with age comes the jaded wisdom that almost any women can be “hot” and what’s more important is that a person be interesting. Which Tila Tequila is in my opinion, but even that isn’t why I’m a fan.

No I’m a fan of the Tila Tequila industry, the way Tila Nguyen used the Internet in what was at the time a novel way to build herself up into one of the most iconic American figures of the 21st century.Tila Tequila captured the spirit of the times and was the first to embrace, and fully utilize, web celebrity. She’s changed things, for the better in some ways and some may argue for the worse in others, but she has left her stamp on history as surely as Charles Baudelaire or Alice Cooper.

Tila Tequila seized fame by the throat and dragged it to her while the gate keepers of celebrity, the self-appointed taste makers, could do nothing but wail at their own impotence and insignificance. This makes her unique among all the supposed stars of today and that’s why I’m a fan.

It is also why I was slightly surprised to see Tila Tequila cheap shotted by Paul Heyman, the failed wrestling promoter and professional douchebag who now makes a living running The Heyman Hustle which I think is in some way affiliated with British tabloids, but frankly who can tell? I’m sure that too will collapse like everything else he touches.

Heyman a.k.a. Paul E Dangerously is himself best known for taking the old Extreme Championship Wrestling promotion from obscurity into legend by doing things differently, by changing the very expectations of wrestling fans and that influence can be felt to this day. Not having the business acumen of Tila Tequila, Heyman squandered his success, and the good will of many of the people working for him, by bankrupting the company. Now fans of the 90s phenomenon can watch the WWE dig up the old ECW’s corpse and sodomize it on SyFy every Tuesday at 10:00.

This too is the legacy of Paul Heyman.

But back to Heyman’s cheap shot. While running some pictures of Tequila walking down the street the unlikeable Heyman and his new merry band of soon to be screwed over employees made a little funny:

So, we get these photos of Tila Tequila (heavy breathing commences … now!) and she’s walking by a parking meter in Los Angeles. Our own Hustler De Tuti Hustlers Paul Heyman says “has the time expired on that parking meter yet?”

Of course, we took the bait.

Yes … how did you know?

“Because that bitch’s 15 minutes is waaaaay up!”

Says … Paul Heyman?

Paul Heyman was sort of a proto-Tila Tequila in the 90s. He was Tila without the Internet, sex appeal, and ability to run a business. His destruction of the company his ideas helped make legend is well documented, as was his poor treatment of female talent (like selling video of the infamous Kristina Laum striptease when he promised the performer he wouldn’t even tape it) which I assume helps explain why Heyman would be anything but enamored with the Tila Tequila brand, if not the person. Tequila has surpassed Heyman in that after making a splash she was able to keep afloat, something Heyman has still never proven he can do.

Which is probably the point. Heyman has had his 15 minutes of fame several times over and at least 45 minutes of it wasn’t worth seeing and all have basically led nowhere. Tila Tequila turned her 15 minutes into a career and in doing so altered the pop culture landscape in a way even Heyman’s ECW has not.

When I first started blogging I was actually doing a Sci-fi/Wrestling blog (no longer safe for work!). There I blogged about indy circuit wrestlers like the unfortunately retired Kayla Sparks and wrestler turned fetish icon Tara Bush. Both these young women did what hundreds of bands, wrestlers, models, and other performers having been doing since Tila Tequila became famous, and that’s putting all their promotional efforts into social networking sites and other web-based marketing. Advertisers are throwing money into the web with reckless abandon and the Internet has launched hundreds of careers, and I myself have sold Tila Tequila merchandise to finance Red Alerts on more than one occasion. Tila Tequila’s “15 minutes” are responsible for much of this.

Unlike anyone who’s worked for Heyman,Tila Tequila can be counted on to generate profit. For better or for worse, she has inspired a whole new class of celebrity and a new model for doing business that has had far reaching consequences for thousands of people. Heyman cannot say the same, but he can claim her 15 minutes are up. This is wishful thinking on the part of a man who assumes he’s more important than he is and is irritated seeing a woman do better the thing he almost did well himself. Is this misogyny? Maybe, maybe not.

But hating Tila Tequila has become popular these days, as the outrageous comments on her recent Global Grind piece illustrate. Too popular for it to be explained away. The venom aimed at her is almost as bad as the venom aimed at Sarah Palin, and often by the same people. Like this YouTuber whose channel is set up to mock Trig Palin. She left this comment on a video with Tila Tequila. A video, I might add, that was made to support the oppressed people of Burma:

Tila wouldn’t know her pussy from her asshole if there wasn’t a dude ramming one of them everyday and telling her they are loose as fuck and she is washed up. Bet she smells like fish sauce and poo.

Classy right? But vulgarity aside how different is this from Heyman publishing his insult/fantasy of Tila Tequila being more insignificant than him? Not much if you ask me. Both are seemingly envious attacks on someone who will be remembered as an innovator in this industry, and both are attempts to degrade Tila Tequila and her accomplishments. This sort of behavior should be beneath both, but it isn’t.

Maybe both will have a change of heart 15 minutes from now.


Human Rights Groups Fighting for North Carolina Sex Offender’s Right to Lurk Around Church Day Care

The daycare center makes it more spiritual I guess, because known pervert James Nichols could attend another church that has no day care, but for some mysterious reason he just needs to attend a church that has one. From Fox:

RALEIGH, N.C.  —  Convicted sex offender James Nichols said he was trying to better himself by going to church. But the police who arrested him explained: The church is off-limits because it has a daycare center.

Now Nichols is challenging North Carolina’s sex-offender laws in a case that pits the constitutional right to religious freedom against the state’s goal of protecting the public from child molesters.

“I just started asking the question, ‘Why? Why am I being treated this way after trying to better myself?”‘ said Nichols, a 31-year-old who was twice convicted of indecent liberties with a teen girl and again in 2003 for attempted second-degree rape. “The law gives you no room to better yourself.”

At issue in Nichols’ case and a similar one in Georgia are day care centers and youth programs at houses of worship where sex offenders can come into proximity with children. Sex offender advocates agree some convicts should not be allowed around children, but they contend barring all offenders denies them support needed to become productive citizens.

“Criminalizing the practice of religion for everyone on the registry will do more harm than good,” said Sara Totonchi, policy director for the Southern Center for Human Rights. “With these laws, states are driving people on the registry from their faith community and depriving them of the rehabilitative influence of the church.”

Or the easy access to victims. The state isn’t banning this rapist from church, just from hanging around day care facilities. But the organized sex offender advocate movement is using this case to challenge the common sense restrictions society agrees to put on people who have shown themselves to be untrustworthy. Felons cannot buy guns, drug addicts cannot be given custody of children and sex offenders cannot congregate near or loiter in places where children gather. Common sense, right?


In Georgia, the Southern Center for Human Rights sued the state in part because the law there prevents offenders from volunteering in places of worship. The lawsuit brought on behalf of Georgia’s 16,000-plus registered sex offenders is pending in federal court.

Katherine Parker, legal director for the ACLU of North Carolina, said she was not aware of religion-based challenges to sex-offender laws in any other states. The ACLU is helping in Nichols’ case.

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, said preventing offenders from attending religious services is another in a series of increasingly unforgiving laws adopted across the country. Some of the laws have pushed offenders out of homes and entire communities.

“This case is part of a much larger group of cases dealing with the expansive sex-offender laws,” Turley said. “The state cannot sentence someone to a life of being an agnostic or an atheist without violating the constitution.

Except that’s not at all what’s going on here. One need not go to church to be a Christian at all so Johnathan Turley’s hyperventilating aside no one has been sentenced to a life time of Atheism. But there are in fact many Christian churches that don’t have day cares, and frankly many Catholic churches hold Mass several times a week so I’m sure an offender can work out a schedule to receive the salvation that will ultimately be denied him no matter what the Reverends say when they’re passing around the collection plate.

Turley isn’t the only pro-easy access to victim advocate in this story though. There is of course known liar and con artist Sarah Tofte of Human Rights Watch:

“It’s not clear that there’s any public-safety purpose to these laws. They continue to ostracize previous sex offenders in a way that could be dangerous in the end,” said Sarah Tofte, a legal researcher with Human Rights Watch. “If they can successfully transition to the community, to include going to church, they are less likely to reoffend.”

Who’s Sarah Tofte and why am I coming down so hard on her? Absolute Zero United gives the best overview of this charlatan who sought out some of the most violent and depraved sex offender activists (including Zman-the man responsible for spreading the false charges about Mark Lundsford being a child porn collector) to write her 146 page pro-pedophilia opus for Human Rights Watch which concludes that not only should sex offenders not be “persecuted” by society, but that sex offenders shouldn’t even be required to report their status to schools they work in!

Understand that Sarah Tofte authored a report for Human Rights Watch in which one of the conclusions presented is that pedophiles should be able to slip through the cracks and teach at schools because it’s too restrictive on pedophiles for schools to be required to check employees against the registry.

Tofte is an advocate for sex offenders, not “human rights,” and frankly one the media should question as to how she arrives at her conclusions. Tofte insinuates it’s more dangerous to ostracize sex offenders than allow them to “re-integrate” into the community, and laments the dissolution of their family lives and personal relationships while on the registry. But her report suggests that most sex offenses happen within the confines of family or family-like relationships and other positions of trust. If we follow her recommendations then, by the conclusions we draw from her own research,we would have more sexual abuse when offenders settled into new environments with easy access to victims who are unaware of their proclivities.

Tofte is a hack with a political axe to grind and she’s using rapists to do it. There is only one reason pedophiles and rapists seek out day cares, and if Nichols was really interested in reforming he’d avoid teens and children the way alcoholics avoid bars and liquor stores. But Totfe and the rest of these “human rights” advocates don’t care about that. What they care about is getting Americans to accept a worldview wherein every person, even rapists, are actually victims. And if their activism creates more victims so much the better.

After all it’s how they make a living.

N.A.A.C.P. Spearheads Voter Registration Drive … in Maine Prison System

Thanks for making us look good N.A.A.C.P.:

The NAACP is registering voters at prisons in Maine, one of just two states that allow all inmates to vote while behind bars, in what is apparently the nation’s first such statewide drive.

The relatively few votes at stake — only a few hundred — mean the drive’s potential to affect outcomes this fall on such issues as gay marriage, marijuana laws and tax limits is low.

Though prison inmates tend to skew to the Democratic side, the drive isn’t about furthering any political agenda, said Rachel Talbot Ross, president of the Portland chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

“It’s about establishing strong voter patterns and becoming a fully functioning person to re-enter society,” Ross said. “It’s part of the rehabilitation and re-entry process.”

The NAACP is wrapping up its effort in Maine prisons this week. After next June’s primary election, the organization plans to lead another drive at all 15 county jails, as well as state prisons.

It’s not focusing just on black inmates.

Oh? That’s odd. Let’s meet one of the White inmates the N.A.A.C.P. registered:

Randal Horr, a 49-year-old white inmate at the Bolduc minimum-security prison in Warren, registered as a Democrat when volunteers arrived. Going through the voting process helps him feel connected to the outside world and will help when he is released, he said.

In November’s election, he said, he plans to vote for state and municipal tax and spending limits and liberalizing medical marijuana laws. He’s not sure how he’ll vote on whether to overturn a state law allowing gay marriage.

“Having that access to the vote makes a difference. It makes me feel I’m continuing in the loop of the community and society. You feel like you count,” said Horr, who has served nearly nine years of an 11 1/2-year sentence for habitual drunken driving.

What’s this? A habitual drunk driver voting to legalize the scam of medical marijuana? What could possibly go wrong? Especially if this is the Randal Horr from this case who stole his sister’s car while “intoxicated” (including changing the license plate) and almost killed someone on the road. His license had already been revoked for drunk driving. He then went on to try to get his sentence changed by claiming that it was “illegal” for prosecutors to tell the jury he was a habitual offender.

In other words, Horr is a longtime out-of-control substance abuser who has never taken responsibility for his actions who the Democrats in Maine think is qualified to vote on the accessibility of marijuana. Again, what could go wrong once he’s released?

Thanks for helping out the community, N.A.A.C.P.

Irish School Children Told to Bring Their Own Toilet Paper as Irish Teachers’ Union Lives High on the Hog

America isn’t the only place teachers’ unions have basically destroyed the public school system. In credit crunch hit Ireland students are being told to bring their own toilet paper to school like Ireland is some third world nation:

Pupils at a St John’s girls’ national school, in Carrigaline, in the southern county of Cork, were asked to bring their own supplies in one of the starkest examples yet of the death of Ireland’s “Celtic Tiger” economy.

Catherine O’Neill, the school’s principal, said, in a letter to parents: “From time to time we will request your daughter to bring in a toilet roll to her class teacher. These rolls will be specifically for your daughter’s class and will be dispensed by the class teacher.

She said the measure had been taken in order to save money in the face of education funding cuts.

“We are endeavouring to trim down expenses and ensure we use our grants towards [educational needs],” she wrote.

Irish parents are already struggling to buy schoolbooks and uniforms in the face of a deep recession.

Those “educational grants” go mainly to overpaid teachers whose starting pay (calculated into dollars) is $47,855 and goes up every year, being capped at $93,012 a year for a 25-year veteran. But that’s just basic rates. The Teachers’ Union of Ireland has negotiated pay scales for paraprofessionals that would make anyone who has ever taught a community college or adult education class green with envy. A “Youthreach” coordinator begins at around $56275.69 and an “Adult Education Officer” starts at $77,155! Here’s a handy pay scale guide that shows all the perks teachers get.

What you won’t find on the site of Ireland’s “progressive, professional teachers’ union, representing teachers and lecturers in Vocational Schools, Community Colleges, Community & Comprehensive Schools, Institutes of Technology, Further Education and other specialist areas,” is an acknowledgment that the economy would make it hard for the community to support their lavish pay deals. Now we have a school were  parents are being told to send in toilet paper which the whole class will be using while the teacher who will be “dispensing” the paper is likely one of the wealthiest people those pupils know.

The teachers are really the Marie Antoinette of the modern world aren’t they?

h/t Drudge