Lefty Hero “Rick Duncan” Exposed as Chronic Liar and Con Artist, Only Marks Surprised

The left falls for the phony soldier gambit every time, as long as the impostor tells them the kind of stories they want to hear, usually amalgams of anti-military urban legends, doctrinaire leftism, and just enough jaded anti-Americanism to make his story an indictment of our country. As long as they tell the left what they want to hear, any con artist can pretend to be a war hero no matter how obvious it is the person is lying. Rick Strandlof a.k.a Rick Duncan is just one in a long string of liars and con artists the left has willingly aligned themselves with when it served their agenda:

From The Denver Post:

A tattoo of an angel illustrates his right leg. A devil decorates his left.

But a trail of deceit has stamped Richard Glen Strandlof with another indelible mark: fake military hero who misled veterans, politicians and voters. Many had bought into the story of Rick Duncan, the wounded soldier rallying opposition to the Iraq war and support for struggling vets.

Like the contradictory body art, Strandlof’s story winds between malicious deception and actual good works. And it muddies the issue of whether his offense was simply that he fooled the people he purported to champion or that he broke the law.

He awaits arraignment in the El Paso County Criminal Justice Center in Colorado Springs on a misdemeanor traffic charge after his

arrest May 12. And while the FBI is investigating possible fraud, no charges have been filed.

Strandlof, 32, spared no detail in his alleged resume: Annapolis graduate. Marine captain. Survivor of the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the Pentagon. Wounded three-tour veteran of the Iraq war. An American hero who, in his next act, would stand up for his band of military brothers on whatever stage was set before him — from the Capitol steps in Denver to the campaign stump.

He backed mostly Democratic candidates sympathetic to his anti-war views in the run-up to the 2008 election
. Beyond politics, he worked on behalf of homeless veterans in Colorado Springs, an effort that earned him widespread respect.

Indeed. Don’t they all. Here’s a campaign commercial Rick Duncan did for retired Lt. Col Hal Bidlack, a twenty-five year veteran who should have seen through this charade. Conveniently for the Democrat he didn’t when he could use an openly gay combat veteran who shared his policy views:


This amuses me because Bidlack, aside from his unsuccessful congress bid and lackluster service in the Clinton administration is best known as a proponent of rational skepticism. I guess his logic skills failed him on this one.

But back to the story:

Army Spec. Garett Reppenhagen met the man he knew as Duncan at a veterans gathering two years ago in Colorado Springs. He remembers him as “spastic, a lot of energy, all over the place, an excitable person.”

That night, Duncan related how he’d been wounded by an improvised explosive device during his second tour in Iraq. He told others how the explosion had caused a severe brain injury — a circumstance that seemed to explain his twitchy mannerisms and sometimes erratic behavior.

Another more likely explanation is drug use. It would also explain why he needed to create elaborate cons to make money and more importantly this little scene captured on video of “Duncan” using his influence and alliances to get local cops to stop searching the homeless people for drugs:


Hmm. A “twitchy” guy with “erratic” behavior not wanting to have the homeless people he works with everyday searched for drugs. Go figure.

He advanced his anti-war politics by connecting with like-minded candidates.

He even launched his own organization, the Colorado Veterans Alliance, which he said represented 32,000 veterans on a massive mailing list — though the only visible members seemed to be a cadre of local vets.

Which of course no Democrat questioned because it worked for their agenda.

The well-told combat tale, delivered by an accomplished liar, has become almost cliche. It has been known to yield any number of perks: a job, a date, a fundraising boost, a political leg up — even a free parking place via Purple Heart license plates. It can conceal character defects or even criminal histories.

“It’s a great way to deflect criticism — ‘I was a war hero for my country. How can you not like me?’ ” explained Loren Pankratz, a professor of clinical psychology at the Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, who testifies in court cases involving military imposters or veterans who inflate their records.

Still, in that pantheon of anti-heroes, Strandlof isn’t even exceptional.

“There are many, many worse cases than this,” said Doug Sterner, the Colorado Springs man who has cataloged hundreds of military fakes on his Home of Heroes website. “These imposters are all over the place. But when I look at Strandlof’s case, I am thankful to him because he put this problem under the spotlight.”

And therein is the problem. Too many people fall for bogus stories because too many people in our country have no life experience. I’m not saying people need to join the military, but people need to stop reading DailyKos and start getting outside. By the time I was in my mid-20s I could spot a liar, and a drug addict or mentally ill person stands out to me like a sore thumb. Why? Because I don’t sit at home TIVOing Keith Olbermann or forwarding emails from MoveOn.org. I went outside and met people, including liars and drug users. Guess what? They’re all basically the same. Meet one and you’ll be able to see that person in every subsequent con artist you meet.

Americans in general, but liberals and libertarians in particular, cocoon themselves in layer upon layer of soft velvety lies designed to help them understand a world they won’t bother to become a part of. Unaware of reality they make up their own that conforms to their personal shallowness, bigotry, and self-interests. Some people call them children of post-modernism. I call them marks.

The Denver Post report shows that many of his former colleagues are still claiming he’s done some good work (including raising a boatload of money under false pretenses which no one is sure what happened to) and this Boston Edge piece paints him as a tragic hero as opposed to a bold carny who just took hundreds of people for a trip through the magical money magnet machine.

Of course now that the F.B.I. has arrested him maybe opinions of him are changing:

SAN DIEGO — A 32-year-old man accused of violating federal law by masquerading as a decorated Marine combat veteran from the Iraq war was arrested in San Diego Friday.

Richard Strandlof, who used the name Rick Duncan, is charged in Colorado with violating the federal Stolen Valor Act. He was taken to the federal lockup in San Diego and faces an extradition hearing Tuesday.

For more than a year, Strandlof passed himself off as a Marine officer who received a Silver Star for bravery at the battle of Fallujah in 2004, according to a criminal complaint filed by the U.S. attorney’s office in Denver.

He allegedly told reporters and veterans in Colorado that he was a Naval Academy graduate, had deployed three times to Iraq, and was wounded by a roadside bomb and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, according to an FBI affidavit. He also claimed to have been awarded a Purple Heart.

If convicted, Strandlof could face a year in prison and a $100,000 fine. Congress in 2005 passed the Stolen Valor Act after complaints from veterans about phonies masquerading as heroes and tarnishing the reputation of true heroes.


His fakery began to unravel when veterans noted that on official documents for the group he formed, his name was listed as Strandlof, not Duncan, according to the criminal charge filed by federal prosecutors. When he showed up at a veterans gathering without the medals he had allegedly received, suspicions deepened, and the FBI began an investigation.

Strandlof is a suspect in a fraud scheme involving a grand prix race in Nevada and was once convicted of car theft in that state.

After the charge against him was filed last week, FBI agents found that he had fled to San Diego. He was arrested without incident.

I wonder what the marks will say now?

h/t Jawa

Domestically Violent Florida Priest Suing Stripper for Custody of Child He “Fathered” with Her!


Roll the snare drum please. But seriously this is the story I’d put up if I was going to retire Red Alerts because it is perhaps the greatest crime story ever told:

MIAMI (WSVN) — Papers filed in court have revealed that an ex-priest who fathered a baby with a former exotic dancer is seeking partial custody of the child.

A lawyer for the baby’s mother says former priest David Dueppen has admitted to fathering the baby, and the ex-priest from the Archdioceses of Miami has even filed court papers applying for majority custody.

His attorney, Ray Rafool, said if his client ever wants to see his child, he has to fight for that right. “David loves his daughter. David wants to be with his daughter, and David looks forward to being the father and parent,” Rafool said.

The former Catholic priest is speaking out through his attorney about a romantic relationship with a former stripper that ended in the birth of a baby girl.

Last month, 42-year-old Beatrice Hernandez went public with their torrid love affair that began in 2003, when she was a stripper. The two are now on the brink of a bitter custody battle. “In my opinion, though it’s not been defined,” Rafool said, “is that the mother wants to keep my client completely 100 percent away from the child.”


According to Hernandez, the last time the subject of custody came up things turned violent. “And he grabs me there, and as he’s grabbing me, I thought he’s choking me, ” she said in an earlier interview.

The alleged altercation happened seven months ago, over child support and a DNA test, according to Hernandez, proving Dueppen fathered Marilyn, who she had named after Dueppen’s mother.

Hernandez said Dueppen denied the baby was his and threatened her to keep her quiet. “‘If you say anything, I’m going to take Marilyn away from you, and you will never see us again,'” she said he told her.

Dueppen denies the violent exchange ever happened. His attorney said the best interest of the child is to be with her father. “We believe that a majority of the time that the child spends with David Dueppen will be a benefit to the child, to David Dueppen and also will be a benefit to the mother,” Rafool said.

Dueppen took a definite leave of absence in August from his latest parish. He is now seeking employment outside of the priesthood.

Really? He’s not going to stick it out?

And can we really argue that the man who became a priest then immediately began having sex with a stripper who he may have assaulted is the parent that it would be in the best interest of the child to spend most of her time with?

So the kid’s daddy was a preacher and her mother was a go-go girl. Wasn’t that a song?


Victimless Crime File: Day Care Doubles as Grow House/Bomb Factory

Pot smokers are always crying to me about how if pot was legal they could grow it themselves and then magically all crime would end and no pot smoker would ever make the news again. They ignore three important points:

A. The current criminal growers of pot will not just disappear, but simply be allowed to operate publicly.

B. Most are degenerates.

C. Four decades of research shows chronic or heavy marijuana use both worsens mental illness and often leads to symptoms that mimic mental illness in users.

This story illustrates the three points quite well:

By all appearances, Rebecca Kuzelka used her home to operate a child day-care business on a quiet, tree-lined street in Lake Elsinore. But a different picture of the 55-year-old mother emerged after her home was rocked by an explosion late Wednesday night.

On Thursday morning, deputies arrested Kuzelka and her son Grey Kuzelka, 21, on suspicion of using their home to make bombs and grow marijuana.

Another son, Benjamin Kuzelka, 23, injured his hand in the explosion and was hospitalized. Authorities said he would be arrested when he is released.

Around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday night, the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department said, Benjamin Kuzelka was making an explosive device when it accidentally detonated, injuring his hand.

About 20 minutes later, the department said, Kuzelka showed up at a local hospital saying that he had accidentally shot himself. “His injuries were inconsistent with a gunshot wound and doctors called the police,” said Deputy Melissa Nieburger, a department spokeswoman.


A law enforcement source told The Times that substances found at the home were similar to acetone peroxide, or TATP, the type of powerful explosive used in the 2007 London subway terrorist bombings. There was no evidence that the Lake Elsinore incident was related to terrorism, the source said.

Riverside County deputies, FBI investigators and agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives took part in the investigation. Authorities also detonated some of the explosives at the home.

So a mother and her two adult sons were growing marijuana and making bombs in the house they all shared which was also a day care center. They were making bombs similar to those Jihadists favor, and one of the morons blew his hand half off then thought he could convince medical professionals it was a gunshot wound.

Why don’t we stop judging these poor innocent pot smokers?

The Obama Wins a Nobel Prize for his Fine Work Destroying America and Supporting Fascism Link Round-Up

Like most rational people I was perplexed by the announcement of President Obama winning a Nobel Prize, and not just because he’s literally done nothing. He and his administration are pushing an agenda guaranteed to destroy America as we know it, smother infant democracies in their cradles, and support the rise of a neo-Soviet Union in Latin America, the establishment of a Caliphate in the Middle East, and a resurgent Russia’s domination of Europe.

The Nobel committee is obviously supportive of that agenda. After all, Obama’s recent “accomplishments” sound like a checklist of Marxist goals designed to destroy the lives of Americans:

America has ceded economic sovereignty to the IMF:


Our “friends” at the U.N. are calling for a new reserve currency.

Consumer borrowing is down 12 billion dollars and that number is propped up by the cash for clunkers fiasco.

Obama is claiming that the Taliban are not our enemies and can be given power, even after they bombed the Indian embassy in Kabul and the NYC terror plotter has been shown to be connected to Taliban affiliated Afghanistan and Pakistan training camps.

Obama’s advisor Dalia Mogehed says Sharia law is a type of “gender justice” for women.

Iran is sentencing freedom protesters to death. Obama’s reaction? Defunding Iranian human rights groups.

Obama is enacting policies designed to make us more dependent on foreign oil.

The Obama administration is working to ban sport fishing. This is a big deal because in rough economic times many people use hunting and fishing to supplement their groceries, as my family did in the 1970s.

Wow, that’s just one week of Noble Prize level activity. He really earned that award.

Nicole Bear: Drugged Up Thieving Police Groupie?


Shadowscope tweeted this story but hasn’t written anything on it. But frankly this is like crime blogger catnip. Drugged up thieving police groupie or angel with sticky fingers giving our boys in blue some much needed thanks? I guess the answer depends on what you do for a living … and whether or not your supervisor finds out.

From AJC:

A Cherokee County deputy stopped a 22-year-old woman for speeding and what he found was an unusual collection of police paraphernalia, gun holsters without  guns and stickers promoting support for law enforcement.


At the center of a seemingly routine traffic stop was a police groupie who “traded sex” to gain entry to  the law enforcement world, the arresting deputy wrote.

Nicole Bear, of Woodstock, was in the Cherokee County Jail Thursday on charges of impersonating an officer, drug possession and giving a false name. She also is charged with driving without a license and speeding; the report said she was driving the borrowed Chevrolet Tahoe at 67 mph in a 45 mph zone.


The deputy who pulled her over wrote in his report the facts were hard to find during the roadside stop near Woodstock last Saturday.

“The story changed in a confusing manner during the course of the discussion,” Deputy James Clement wrote in his report.

First, Bear said she was cop. Then she said he wasn’t a cop but wanted to be one, according to Clement’s report.

Bear claimed several names – Nicole Marie Roberts, Jenna Clements, Stephanie Clements and Jenna Jenkins.

Bear told the Cherokee deputy she  lived in Woodstock so she could run a nearby coffee shop. But she also said she commuted from Woodstock to Appling, about 160 miles away, to work for the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office.

“Columbia County didn’t know who she was and didn’t employ her,” Clement wrote in his report. “When confronted with that information, Ms. Bear said she didn’t go to the police academy because she was fired while working in the jail there [inColumbia County].”

Then Bear said she never got a job with the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office; she failed during the hiring process.

But wait. It gets better:

While Cherokee County sorts out the information on Bear, the Cobb County Police Department and the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office were conducting internal investigations to determine how she allegedly came into possession of some of their property – t-shirts, hats, shorts and a ticket book and citation holder.

She had a photograph of herself wearing a Cobb County police uniform, according to the report. The deputy said it appeared the photo was a reflection in a mirror and it was taken with the camera in a cell phone.


Clement also discovered a notebook issued by the Georgia Public Safety Training Center in which she had documented “numerous liaisons with many police officers from across Georgia,” Clement wrote. “These officers were named, listed with their departments and assignments, and there was even occasional reference to their patrol and personal vehicle descriptions. Notes reading ‘Jenna’ with invitations to call and text her cell phone abounded as did hotel/motel receipts.”

Deputy Clement said she had a list of “’goals’ as if the suspect was planning to try and ‘date’ officers in each one.”

Clement said Bear’s notes suggested she was a sexual predator” or a police “groupie.”

Oh the poor police officers stalked by a (semi) attractive “predator” who will perform sexual acts on them for a souvenir t-shirt. Is there no justice?

Call me a typical male but the biggest problem I see here is that she was getting high and speeding around like a moron. Yeah, my hard earned tax dollars shouldn’t be helping cops get some lovin’ (or get rid of a stalker) but I can live with it. I mean, as a happily married man I have had to deny many blog groupies the fulfillment of their dreams after they’ve become enamored with the image of Rob Taylor. I mean, have you read some of my essays? They’re intellectual aphrodisia! So I understand the necessity to hand some raven haired temptress a special edition Red Alerts jersey as consolation prize which is I’m sure how Nicole ended up with her car load of mementos.

Poor girl though. Had she been caught with a carload of blog swag she’d never have made the news. Just something to think about.