Brazilian Drug Gang Shoots Down Police Helicopter During Shanty Town Offensive

Rio sounds like a great place to have the 2016 Olympics. From VOA:

Residents of some of Rio de Janeiro’s worst slums are fleeing their homes, hoping to escape a drug war that has left part of the city in ruins.

Smoke rose from the smoldering wreckage of a police helicopter Saturday, while at least eight buses burned and gunfire filled the air in the slum of Morro dos Macacos.

Police say the fighting broke out early Saturday, when one of the city’s three main drug gangs invaded the area in an attempt to expand their territory.

At least eight suspected gang members were killed in subsequent gunbattles with police, while two police officers riding in the helicopter were also killed.  Several other people were injured.

Police say the aircraft exploded on a football field after the pilot tried to make an emergency landing.

Hundreds of police officers have been sent into the area to end the fighting.

The outbreak of violence comes just weeks after Rio won the right to host the 2016 Olympic Games.

Via BreitbartTV we have video of the incident:


Transnational gangs have grown in power and have been an increasingly legitimate challenger to states like Brazil where the government is unable to throw the resources necessary into maintaining control of the streets; Mexico is in a similar situation. With the collapsing dollar and the decrease in tax revenues we will be seeing in the next few years America too will provide a fertile operating ground for gangs to establish similar footholds as police and other law enforcement structures become too expensive for states to maintain.

Here’s the future of America if the economy and cultural/civil architecture continue to decline.

Who’s Teaching Your Children? Carla Hughes Shoots and Stabs Pregnant Woman to Death


And people wonder why homeschooling is becoming more popular:

(CNN) — A Mississippi schoolteacher was sentenced to life without parole Wednesday for shooting and stabbing to death her lover’s pregnant fiancee in 2006.

The same jury that convicted Carla Hughes of two counts of murder Tuesday for the death of Avis Banks spared her life, declining to impose the death penalty.

Mississippi is among the states that consider murdering a pregnant woman to be taking two lives.

Madison County District Attorney Michael Guest asked the panel of nine women and three men to sentence Hughes to death based on the gruesome nature of Banks’ murder.

Banks, 27, was found lying in a pool of blood on November 29, 2006, in the garage of the Ridgeland home she shared with Keyon Pittman, the father of her unborn child. She was five months pregnant.

She had been shot four times in the leg, chest and head, and then stabbed multiple times in the face and neck as she lay dying, according to medical testimony.


 Hughes’ pastor and friends also took the stand to describe her work mentoring youths, volunteering at church and at the school where she met the victim’s husband.

Suspicion initially fell on Pittman, who admitted to having an affair with Hughes, a language arts teacher. A key prosecution witness, Pittman told the jury he began seeing Hughes one month after finding out his girlfriend was pregnant. He testified that the two met frequently in Hughes’ home and even went out of town together, but he insisted the relationship was based solely on sex.

Yeah she sounds like a great person. How many Carla Hughes are out there even now, teaching your children while holding only the most tenuous grasp on sanity. Who do we let into the lives of our children? We never really know until it’s too late.

Boys Laughed After Setting Teen on Fire

If you didn’t think we have a problem with a decline in our culture just read this:

DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla. — A teenage squabble over a video game and a bicycle blossomed into revenge during a chance encounter and ended in the near-fatal torching of a 15-year-old Deerfield Beach boy

Some of the teens charged in the blaze laughed when investigators confronted them about the attack, the Broward Sheriff’s Office said Tuesday.

Four 15-year-old boys and one’s 13-year-old brother accosted Michael Brewer and condemned him as a snitch for calling the cops on their leader, whom the Sheriff’s Office identified as the local bully.

Brewer tried to leave. They doused him with alcohol and set him afire.

Flames burned 80 percent of his body, especially his torso and arms, and seared off much of his hair, including his eyebrows, family members said.

Matthew Bent, 15, told his accomplices to “pour it on him,” investigators said, based on their interviews with the suspects.

Brewer tore off his shirt and jumped in an apartment complex pool.

He later was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital’s burn center, where he is listed in critical condition with mostly second-degree burns.

“This is just an incredibly cruel thing, that anybody could have possibly done this to another human being” said Dr. Nicholas Namias, director of the University of Miami-Jackson Memorial Burn Center.

Sheriff Al Lamberti called it “a case of retaliation.”

According to Broward Sheriff’s Sgt. Steve Feeley, the feud started when Brewer borrowed $40 from Bent to buy a video game.

He never paid him back. In return Bent tried to steal a custom, $500 bike belonging to Brewer’s father Sunday night. Brewer called police, and Bent was arrested as he tried to run off with the bike.

Attempted murder over $40. And when police arrested the teens they laughed. We need to change how we’re raising our children.

NATO Allowing Muslims to Rape Children in Afghanistan?

That’s what this Examiner piece seems to suggest and frankly it isn’t shocking. Afghanistan, and the Islamic world in general, are no places to be children mainly due to how Islam sees both children and women. Both are commodities used for the advancement and pleasure of the Muslim man. Islam is in fact an attractive religion to rapists and pedophiles specifically because Islamic law, untempered by some reformation style re-interpretation like Kemalism, explicitly allows rape and molestation in certain circumstance, even homosexual rape which is surprising given the numbers of gay men executed in the Islamic world every year.

American Al-Qaeda member James Gray aka Musa Islam Abu Ayyum is a known peodphile active on pro-pedophilia boards. Rape by Muslims in Northern Europe, often on very young girls, is an epidemic and even Muslim women have publicly endorsed using rape as a political weapon. So why is it surprising that Muslim countries have an openly approving culture of sexual exploitation:

The Ottawa Citizen recently reported the claim made by a former Canadian soldier, that on 2006, he saw two Afghan police officers sodomize a young boy at knifepoint on a Canadian Forces base near Kandahar.

Former Cpl. Travis Schouten said: “It’s disgusting. We’re telling people that we’re trying to build a nation there and we let this happen?

“We allow rampant abuse of young boys at the hands of what is supposed to be their finest police officers and army officers, then what does that say?”

Schouten described the disturbing scene he witnessed, which still haunts him today. “I walked in and they were raping a kid,” he said “The kid was bleeding. The guy with the camo fatigues had a knife in his hand.”

“I wasn’t going to start doing something at the scene. “I’m in the middle of the ANP (Afghan National Police) headquarters. What do I do? Start shooting Afghan police? I’d get myself shot.”

Schouten says that after the incident, he was confronted by an Afghan interpreter who worked with the military. The man had two 5-year-old boys with him. Schouten said: “He brought up the fact he likes to rape little boys. He’s telling me how he likes to use a knife on them.”

Canadian Defense Department records reportedly contain complaints from military police the over the rampant child rape at the hands of Afghan soldiers and police officers, but apparently were told not to get involved.

The Ottawa Citizen reports that in 2007, Canadian Army officers held a meeting to discuss the growing problem of Afghan security personnel “having anal sex with young boys.” However, the main concern expressed at the meeting was keeping the issue secret from the media.

In May, 2009, Global Rights Afghanistan, said: “Rapes in the country, have been growing tremendously, particularly child rapes within the ages of 7, 8, 9, even lesser than that.”

U.N. special representative for children in armed conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy, recently returned from a fact-finding trip in Afghanistan, she will be releasing a formal report this month.

Coomaraswamy told reporters: “In many cases of violence against children, there is a sense of impunity. People continue to violate children’s rights without any sense of feeling that they will be held accountable.

“What I found was nobody talks about it; everyone says, ‘Well, you know, it’s been there for 1,000 years, so why do we want to raise this now?’ ”

Coomaraswamy discovered the disgusting practice known as bacha-bazi,” or “child’s play,” in which little boys are forced to dress in female clothing, dance about, and are hen sodomized.

Coomaraswamy went on: “I can’t think of any country in the world in which children suffer more than in Afghanistan.”

Shocking, but then again the report has a certain blarney to it that makes me think this is mostly anti-war propaganda. I doubt all of NATO is simply turning a blind eye to pedophilia. The author of the piece comes to the conclusion that we should withdraw from Afghanistan, but that seems unwise and frankly evil. The Taliban’s proclivity for child rape became so bad that Al-Qaeda had to step in, and prison-like situational homosexuality exists in Afghanistan largely because of Islamism. Cracking down on these animals is in the best interest of the world.