Victimless Crime File:28-Year-Old Degenerate Pays 15-Year-Old for Sex with Weed

Oh, if only we legalized marijuana then all those decent pot smokers criminalized by our puritanical sobriety loving ways wouldn’t be forced to use drugs to lure children into sexual relationships, or at least that what a bunch of Libertarians tried to tell me in the comments of a Hot Air story yesterday.

Once it’s legal this could never happen right tokers?

A Monroe County man already accused of drug trafficking has been arrested on charges he gave drugs and money to a 15-year-old girl in exchange for sex.

Julio Santiago, 28, of Tobyhanna, was held in the Monroe County Correctional Facility on $100,000 bail after his arrest for involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a minor, aggravated indecent sexual assault, statutory sexual assault and related charges.

The new charges were filed on Friday as Mr. Santiago appeared before Magisterial District Judge Anthony Fluegel for his preliminary hearing on drug-trafficking charges. Those charges were bound over to Monroe County Court.

According to Pocono Mountain Regional Police, Mr. Santiago admitted having a sexual relationship with the 15-year-old girl while selling drugs out of his home at Pocono Country Place.

Mr. Santiago allegedly gave the teenager drugs and money to engage in sexual activity, which he videotaped on at least one occasion.

But since he wouldn’t be a dealer he would no longer be the kind of person who gave drugs to a child and videotaped himself sexually exploiting her right? Bah! Drug users and dealers are scum and will continue their criminality if drugs are legalized. This person would still-have given drugs to children to have sex with them, and the only way to avoid that (which I’ve seen literally advocated by people) is to make it legal for children to get high. The thinking being if we legally got kids high they wouldn’t be sexually exploited I guess.

When are we going to admit that a large chunk of the drug culture is about sexual exploitation? Men who can’t pick up women on their own merits get women (and often children) high because it’s the only way for them to have sex. That’s the truth about weed, and someone needs to say it.You ladies want to end up trying to collect child support from a stoner who works in Starbucks and lives with his parents go ahead and get high with your “friends” but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Religion of Peace Link Round Up Featuring Munchausen By Proxy Muslim Style


This is the most outrageous and obvious case of Munchausen By Proxy I’ve ever seen. From The Sun:

A BABY boy has left doctors baffled after passages from the Koran were found on his skin.

The parents of nine-month-old Ali Yakubov were stunned when the word Allah appeared on his chin soon after his birth.

Since then scores of writings in Arabic script have emerged on his back, arms, legs and stomach.

Amazingly his family claim the old markings vanish before the new words arrive — twice a week.

Medics say they cannot explain his mysterious condition — but deny that the marks are from someone writing on the child’s skin.

His mother, Madina, said that she and her husband were not religious until the words started appearing on his skin.

Initially they did not show anyone the unexplained scribbles, but eventually revealed them to their doctor.

Now the boy has become a focus of Muslim homage in his troubled home province of Dagestan, close to war-ravaged Chechnya in the south of Russia.

Local MP Akhmedpasha Amiralaev said: “This boy is a pure sign of God. Allah sent him to Dagestan in order to stop revolts and tension in our republic.”

The tot’s mother said: “Normally those signs appear twice a week – on Mondays and on the nights between Thursdays and Fridays.

“Ali always feels bad when it is happening. He cries and his temperature goes up.

“It’s impossible to hold him when it’s happening, his body is actively moving, so we put him into his cradle. It’s so hard to watch him suffering.”

Right. Barbaric and disgusting. It is clear the Arabic letters have been carved into the child by the degenerate parents.Of course this isn’t the worst thing Jihadists have been up too in recent days:

Islam Watch– “A Muslim cleric in West Bengal, India, strangled his wife to death, tried to sever her head from the body with kitchen-knife, failing which he used his hands and feet to pull her head apart from the body.“  The cleric had been forced into marrying the girl when he was caught having an affair with her, but because she had a dark complexion he wasn’t happy with her and decided to Islam his way out of the marriage.

Worthy News– Taliban in Pakistan demand Christians convert to Islam, pay the Jizya or leave otherwise they will be killed and their women sold into sexual slavery. In a letter sent to the Christians by the Taliban the terms were announced this way. “If Christians refuse to accept these choices, Christians “will be killed, their property and homes will be burnt to ashes and their women treated as sex slaves,” said the letter, which was distributed to Worthy News and its partner agency BosNewsLife by rights group International Christian Concern (ICC). The Christians “themselves would be responsible for this,” the letter added.” Shiite Muslims and other religious minorities also received similar warnings. in majority Muslim areas attacked during the holy Dawali festivities.

Sudan Tribune-War criminal President Omar Al Bashir blocking aid to Sudan’s rape epidemic victims.

The Local– Al-Qaeda gaining a foothold…in Germany:

At least 30 new terrorist recruits have travelled to Pakistan from Germany for training since the beginning of the year, The Washington Post reported on Monday.

As new terrorist videos continue to crop up with threats against western nations – and specifically Germany for not removing its troops from NATO operations in Afghanistan – a German intelligence official told the paper that the government is concerned about possible attacks within Europe. Germany has some 4,400 troops serving in northern Afghanistan, the third largest contingent of international forces in the country.

Meanwhile security sources told the paper that about 10 people have returned to Germany from terrorist camps this year.

“We think this is sufficient to show how serious the threat is,” a senior German counter-terrorism official told the paper anonymously.

The German terrorist recruits are part of what the paper said was a larger effort to lure Western insurgents – including Americans, French and Belgians – to al-Qaida military training camps. The recent video threats included German-speaking al-Qaida members as well as an American.

JPost-Syria transferred long range missiles to Hezbollah.

Jihad Watch-Illegal Aliens thought to be from Afghanistan detained trying to cross from Canada inot America. Bomb squad need to be called in!

It really is a Religion of Peace isn’t it?

Lord Chrisopher Monckton on Obama Signing Away American Sovereignty

This speech by Lord Monckton blew me away. It’s long at a little over an hour and a half but if you have the time listen to this speech and understand its significance. Monckton speaks about the way “environmentalists” manipulate the truth and exposes their end game which is U.N. authority over American economic activity. The slides he uses in his presentation (not visible in the video) are here and the United Nations treaty Obama is about to sign is here. Watch this and pass it along:


h/t Refuge

Democrat Tim Kaine Blocked Military Votes During the 2008 Elections!

Voter fraud? By a Democrat? Excuse me if I’m not in shock. From The Examiner:

On Friday, U.S. District Judge Richard Williams ruled that Virginia violated the voting rights of service members deployed overseas because state election officials failed to send them absentee ballots for the 2008 presidential election in time for them to be returned by election day.

Virginia’s failure to mail about 2,100 absentee ballots at least 30 days prior to the election was a violation of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act.

Additionally, Judge Williams ordered the Virginia Board of Elections to now count and certify the absentee ballots in question.

On November 3, 2008 (the day before election day), the McCain campaign filed a federal complaint in the Eastern District of Virginia to prevent Virginia from tossing-out military absentee ballots that came in after election day.

The plaintiff in the case eventually became the U.S. Justice Department.

The Virginia State Board of Elections, under Chairwoman Jean Cunningham argued that they actually have no legal obligation to send out military absentee ballots in a timely fashion. Jean Cunningham was appointed by VA Governor and Democratic National Committee Chair Tim Kaine.

Tim Kaine is too corrupt to keep his job. He should be arrested and thrown in prison.

Global Rice Stockpiles Dangerously Low

Just one of the many things I’ve been hoarding. Are you?

From Seed Daily:

Global rice stockpiles have plummeted because of poor crop yields, raising fears of upheaval in international grain markets ahead of the World Food Summit in the Italian capital next month.

Sharp increases in rice prices since last year have hit consumers across the world, especially in Asia and the Americas, the Food and Agriculture Organization said. Whole communities depend on the grain as their staple food or as an important ingredient, as in Asian American communities.

Amid warnings of another surge in rice prices, after the runaway inflation triggered by shortages or export cuts in 2008, FAO experts are citing sharp reductions in the stockpiles of the grain held by the five leading exporters — the United States, Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan and India.

Concepcion Calpe, a senior FAO economist, said stocks held by the five major exporters are forecast to plunge by a third to the lowest level in five years, and below last year, when prices rose amid declining inventories.

Total stockpiles held by the United States, Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan and India are estimated to have fallen to about 20 million metric tons at the end of the marketing year on Sept. 30, from 30 million tons a year earlier. Calpe attributed the drop to lower-than-forecast crops and rising demand for imports, amid fears of impending shortages.

Many countries are only able to feed their citizens due to the largess of the U.S. and our ability to provide food aid. Shortages in our rice crops will mean starvation for hundreds of thousands of people. If things go badly here that will include impoverished Americans. Wheat is already under pressure so food reserves are getting low. Stock up for your family now.

h/t Backwoods Survival Blog