They’re Putting What in Skin Cream?

OK, I’ve heard of some disgusting things being put in face cream. Horse urine, sheep placenta, and other things more at home in a sewer system than on a woman’s face. Women seem to have a stronger constitution than me when it comes to what’s in their beauty products. But this story I just saw on Gateway Pundit seems like it should be the limit for even the toughest stomach.

Beauty has its price, but this is just disgusting:

TENNESSEE, Oct. 27 /Christian Newswire/ — Children of God for Life announced today that Neocutis, a bio-pharmaceutical company focused on dermatology and skin care is using aborted fetal cell lines to produce several of their anti-aging skin creams.

“It is absolutely deplorable that Neocutis would resort to exploiting the remains of a deliberately slaughtered baby for nothing other than pure vanity and financial gain,” stated Executive Director Debi Vinnedge. “There is simply no moral justification for this.”

For years Children of God for Life has been a watchdog on pharmaceutical companies using aborted fetal cell lines in medical products and they have received thousands of inquiries from the public on the use of aborted fetal material in cosmetics.

Until now, this was the first time they have encountered any company bold enough to put the information right on their own website and product literature.  A quick investigation into the science behind the products revealed the shameless data.

Neocutis’ key ingredient known as “Processed Skin Proteins” was developed at the University of Luasanne from the skin tissue of a 14-week gestation electively-aborted male baby donated by the University Hospital in Switzerland.  Subsequently, a working cell bank was established, containing several billion cultured skin cells to produce the human growth factor needed to restore aging skin. The list of products using the cell line include: Bio-Gel, Journee, Bio-Serum, Prevedem, Bio Restorative Skin Cream and Lumiere.  But Vinnedge is calling for a full boycott of all Neocutis products, regardless of their source.

I’m pro-choice and this sickens me. Lest you think this is just “Christianist” anti-choice propaganda check this out from the company’s Web site:

Through years of research, physicians discovered fetal skin has a unique ability to heal wounds without scarring. Inspired by this, medical researchers at the University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland created a biotechnology process to extract the rich proteins responsible for scarless wound healing from cultured fetal skin cells. A small biopsy of fetal skin was donated following a one-time medical termination and a dedicated cell bank was established for developing new skin treatments.

Lovecraftian to say the least. Who runs Neocutis, the Church of the Starry Wisdom?

Village Voice Posts Anti-Pagan Hit Piece about Republican Dan Halloran

Worse, they mangle some quotes they got from me until my original point was lost. Steven Thrasher’s piece on Theodish candidate for City Council Dan Halloran was well researched, but as Jason Pitzl-Waters says on his Wild Hunt blog, Thrasher’s piece was designed to create the impression that Halloran was at best standing with one foot in Neo-Nazism:

All-in-all it’s a well-executed and well-researched story (he even links to my blog), but there is one troubling element, which is Thrasher’s decision to interweave controversies about racist/racialist forms of Heathen religion into the narrative. The article at several points discusses the problem of racist Heathens/Odinists in prisons, mentions a violent racist killer, and describes the “trepidation” that non-Heathen Pagans have concerning “white nationalist elements” inside Asatru/Odinism/Heathenry. What he doesn’t do is convincingly justify examining this racist minority within the context of a story about Halloran’s faith and beliefs, especially when, at almost every turn, it is pointed out that you shouldn’t automatically connect Heathen symbols and religion with the racist elements who utilize the same symbols/beliefs.

Indeed, Thrasher goes back to the sensational flame of White Supremacism like a leftist moth looking for fodder for a hit piece on a Republican candidate. With the help of the sanctimonious frauds who make up modern Wicca and the shoddy and biased research of former anarchist, now “libertarian socialist” Mattias Gardell (spread via the Southern Poverty law Center) Thrasher is able to give the impression that the “racist minority” of a spectrum of non-Wiccan paganism is a large, sinister, and powerful force connected to Halloran in some mysterious way.

Gardell’s misleading and biased book, Gods of the Blood, is in essence the wellspring from which Thrasher’s view of Halloran flows, quaffed down by the somewhat gullible reporter in huge draughts given to him by the S.P.L.C. whose agenda is to cover for their own hackery on the subject of neo-pagan reconstructions of Northern European religions. Gardell’s main informants for his book were known criminal David Lane and his degenerate wife. Both were Christian Identity members before forming their “neo-pagan” church and their “Wotanist” organization was widely rejected by Heathens in general and Odinists in particular.

In a similar intellectual sleight of hand, the S.P.L.C. uses the term Odinist to signify White prison gangs that may use Northern European symbols in their tattooing, and conflates the two groups for political purposes. Thus, the Aryan Brotherhood is implied to be a hotbed of Odinism when in fact they are simply the de facto gang White inmates must go to for protection. There is also no mention that these supposed racialists are known allies of the Mexican Mafia, and that the Hell’s Angels/Mongols war was in part driven by Aryan Brotherhood loyalty to Eme (as the M.M. is sometimes known.)

Both these misunderstandings enter Thrasher’s piece several times, even though they are in direct opposition to the facts. Every page of the four page article has some reference or allusion to White Supremacism even though Halloran’s kindred is multi-ethnic:

Sancio dismissed white supremacists who follow the same Germanic deities. “It doesn’t affect what we do,” he says. “Our group, every Theodist group, has no prohibition [on race]…we have had members who are fully or partially African-American, Asian folks. Me, I’m Italian. Most white supremacists wouldn’t even consider me white!”

A photograph at the New Normandy website of a recent event shows several non-white members of the tribe.

The Sancio above is Lou Sancio who just started a new kindred in Eastern Pennsylvania. He has been friends with Halloran for 20 years and a practicing heathen for just as long. His views on race likely reflect the group in general and probably his long time friend Dan Halloran in particular. That doesn’t stop Thrasher, who before this quote made several references to Hitler and Nazi Germany, from throwing out a little good old fashioned guilt by association in the very next sentence:

In American prisons, however, heathenism is becoming an especially effective recruiting tool.

Here Thrasher may be confusing Heathenism with Wahabbism. I have heard few convincing stories on pagans converted in prison and Thasher gives no example. Well, he gives one of a pagan joining a racist group in prison, but that’s “Libertarian” drug peddler Donald Meinshausen. Meinshausen and Halloran are light years apart so bringing him into a discussion is just another way to smear a decent and good man like Dan Halloran. What Thrasher has instead of examples of this Heathen recruiting problem is a bunch of attention seekers with axes to grind and books to sell:

In the 1990s, Neopaganism replaced Christian Identity as the prevailing religion among white supremacists, according to University of Stockholm religion scholar Mattias Gardell. In an interview with the Southern Poverty Law Center, Gardell describes how white supremacists had a break “with Christianity — which they see as unnatural, a religion that hails defeat and weakness and is symbolized by a crucified loser.” Increasingly, white nationalism in the country’s prisons is formed around heathen groups that tattoo themselves heavily with symbols of Norse and Germanic worship.

Actually what happened in the 1990s was that several “academic” books were rushed to print when the Militia Movement made the news that had never been peer reviewed and their wild claims were never verified. Like the Satanic Panic of the same era, a cottage industry of slanderers and conspiracy mongers sprung up to tell anti-pagan bigots and self-righteous Wiccans exactly what they wanted to hear, which is rarely the truth. Thrasher goes on:

Frank Wilson, a retired Deputy of Intelligence for the Federal Bureau of Prisons, says that he watched out for new Odinist groups at institutions because most people trying to start them “were white supremacists, and were willing to use it for nefarious reasons.” Still, he cautions that Odinism does not necessarily denote white nationalist fervor. “You can’t point to a tattoo and say ‘you’re a white supremacist,’ or point to it and say ‘you’re an Odinist,'” he says.

So then why bring this up, Mr. Thrasher? Halloran’s group is clearly not a White Supremacist group, yet half your article deals with White Supremacism. This is, as Pietzl-Waters points out, as if you interviewed a Christian and spent half the interview talking about Christian Identity.

And of course no hatchet job on a pagan is complete without some quotes by Wiccans claiming that all other pagans are heretics straying from the one true pseudo-faith:

But even some pagan advocates express trepidation about white nationalist elements in neo-heathenism. Selena Fox is the founder of Circle Sanctuary, a major theological institution of neo-paganism in America. She successfully led a multi-year effort to force the Pentagon to allow a pentagram to be placed on the headstone of a Wiccan solider killed in Iraq as a matter of religious freedom. She is multi-racial herself, and hates to fuel suspicion of heathen white supremacy. Still, she acknowledges the difficulties facing a religion that some practitioners define, quite literally, as drawing its power from race. “There are some paths of Asatru that focus on ethnic heritage,” says Fox. “When does that focus on ethnic heritage become part of celebrating roots, and when does it become racist?”

A) Selena Fox is no more multi-racial than Ward Churchill, and is simply another hausfrau who uses the term “multicultural” so often and in so many different ways that one thinks she actually doesn’t know what the word means. She practices “multicultural shamanism,” for example, which of course is a term that means absolutely nothing to anyone who with a basic grasp of English or shamanism. B) Selena Fox is a known fraud who has pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations for her Circle Sanctuary and given the donors squat in return. In other words, she’s a role player with a vested interest in keeping the “right people” (marks)  in the neo-pagan movement.

Then Thrasher uses a quote from “Wiccan” *cough* Unitarian Christian *cough* Margot Adler:

Margot Adler, NPR New York bureau chief and author of Drawing Down the Moon, a popular pagan guide, notes that there’s a generational shift happening in paganism. “Politically, pagans are all over the map,” she says. But she points out that there’s a big difference between pagans who came to the religion through the pacifist and feminist movements of the 1970s, and newer people honoring the gods of war and fire and who are into, as Adler puts it, “making their own chain mail, jousting, and a whole warrior culture.”

“Many heathens,” she says, “don’t even consider themselves pagans.” In her book, she notes that some groups are “clearly using Odinist symbols and mythologies as a front for right-wing and even Nazi activities.”

As opposed to Wiccans who are in reality a hippy sex cult who have been totally taken over by anti-Semites, sorry I mean anti-Zionists, like Starhawk who give support to groups like Hamas that would kill her if she tried to practice her “faith” in Gaza. It’s funny that Adler claims Heathens don’t consider themselves pagans when in fact she’s a member of a liberal Christian church. But I guess we non-Wiccans just don’t get it.

But the most honest Wiccan quote about Heathens comes from “Star Ravenhawk” of NYC Pagan Pride:

In New York City, there’s an organization whose goal, in part, is to unite local pagans of all types. And according to the Queens Tribune, the New York City Pagan Pride Project’s legal counsel and incorporating attorney just happens to be Dan Halloran.

But when the Voice called the Project to ask about Halloran running for office, spokeswoman Star Ravenhawk (a witch), says she had never heard of him. And she added: “I don’t necessarily consider heathens to be pagans.

Wiccan tolerance at its best! And the unprofessionalism of having a spokesperson who doesn’t know that the first open pagan to run for the Queens City Council just happens to be your lawyer has teen Wiccan written all over it. “Star” then doubles down on her bigotry:

Ravenhawk was also surprised to hear that Halloran is a Republican. “Most of us are Democrats,” she said, adding that “To be a pagan, you have to have faith in a higher power.” She doubted that heathens shared that sentiment.

Yes, of course Heathens (especially Republican ones) don’t believe in a “higher power” like those spiritual Wiccans. I assume Thrasher put this bigot in the article because the one “quote” he used from an interview with me was this:

Rob Taylor, who calls himself “the web’s most popular Bi-racial Republican pagan,” says that the connection between heathenism and racism has been overblown. “It’s an urban myth among pagans that all Odinists are white nationalists,” he says. And who started the myth? Taylor says it’s the Wiccans.

“Wiccans and re-constructionist pagan religions engage in infighting,” he says, charging “Wicca is just smearing the competition.” Taylor initially came to paganism as a teenager via Wicca, but the young Reaganite soon turned to Odinism. Odinism’s rules and order appealed to his conservative nature, while Wicca he now describes as a “fraud” and “a leftist thing — not just Democrat, but far left politically. Theodism and heathenism are more conservative.”

I use the term quote loosely since in actuality Thrasher condensed a forty minute or so conversation into four sentences. I am a Polytheist who worships Odin (as one of many gods I do in fact worship) but I made it clear (I thought) thatI am no longer affiliated with any Pagan group aside from Pagans Against Child Abuse. I spoke at length about the worship of Odin and truthfully reported that I have simply never had an encounter with a racist Odinist and in fact my blog has been linked by some Odinist forums. Thrasher seemed surprised by this and frankly spent a while fishing for stories of pagan racism.

Which was the point all along, I suppose. I knew this would be a hit piece, but to the pagan community’s credit, Thrasher had to pull out some very old saws to build this house of hatred. As usual, the unctuous Wiccans, treading metaphysical water since sometime in high school, can be counted on to help any critic of a righty spread a slander, but by and large, Thrasher had to dig deep for mud to throw on Halloran.

Unfortunately he was able to do quite well. Thrasher’s piece is a masterful piece of character assassination using insinuations and innuendo to tarnish Halloran’s character, while stoking religious bigotry by presenting the inner workings of Theodism in a sensational and unnecessary way. Thrasher was able to slap just enough mud on Halloran to turn off voters, all without ever having to point to something Halloran himself is responsible for.

I guess the Democrats can thank Thrasher come election time.

A Dozen Degenerates Watched 15-Year-Old Get Gang Raped at Homecoming and Did Nothing

California authorities are reporting that they believe up to six men beat, tortured and raped a 15-year-old girl who was leaving her homecoming dance for at least two hours in the parking lot of her high school. They also believe that as many as a dozen witnesses watched the rape and never reported it. There are also rumors that some of those witnesses filmed the crime on their cell phones.

From KCTV5:

RICHMOND, Calif. — Police believe as many as a dozen people watched a 15-year-old girl get beaten and gang-raped outside her high school homecoming dance without reporting it.

One suspect was in custody Monday, but police said as many as six other men attacked the girl over a two-hour period Friday night outside Richmond High School.

“She was raped, beaten, robbed and dehumanized by several suspects who were obviously OK enough with it to behave that way in each other’s presence,” Lt. Mark Gagan said. “What makes it even more disturbing is the presence of others. People came by, saw what was happening and failed to report it.”

The victim remained hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries.

Manuel Ortega, 19, was arrested at the scene and was being held on $800,000 bail for investigation of rape and robbery. He is not a student at the school.


Police said the girl left the dance and was walking to meet her father for a ride home when a classmate invited her to join a group drinking in the courtyard. The victim had drank a large amount of alcohol by the time the assault began, police said.

Gagan said police have heard rumors that the attack was also taped on cell phones.

“This was something that was happening in a common area with several people around,” he said. “They were very cavalier.”

Gagan said the alleged attack took more than two hours.

Needless to say the rapists and the witnesses all deserve to be executed for their depravity. Manuel Ortega is not a student at the school, so it looks like he and his scum friends were lurking around a high school dance looking for victims. says that four police officers and several school officials chaperoned the dance itself so any of those witnesses could have gotten help if they wanted.

They didn’t though. They were apparently too busy laughing:

Onlookers laughed, took pictures and even joined in Saturday night during the two-hour gang rape of a semiconscious 15-year-old outside her homecoming dance at Richmond High, police said Monday.

Teams of detectives and school resource officers spent the rest of the weekend trying to track down those responsible.

“The crimes perpetrated against this 15-year-old are both startling and horrific,” police Chief Chris Magnus said Monday. “We are committed to arresting the perpetrators and to preparing the strongest case possible by aggressively pursuing every lead and utilizing the full resources of the department.”


Detectives believe as many as six other men raped the girl as she lay semiconscious on a courtyard bench,also beating her, taking pictures and stealing her jewelry.

Police took at least one student out of Richmond High on Monday afternoon for questioning.

No one called police until word of the ongoing rape spread to a house party in the city’s North and East neighborhood, where an appalled partygoer felt obligated to phone in the rumor.

“That’s just wrong,” senior class President Gina Saechao, who helped organize the dance, said Monday. “What if it was your little sister? What if it was your mom?”

Officers broke it up, and found the victim semiconscious and obviously hurt. Paramedics flew her to a regional trauma center in critical condition; she stabilized overnight.

What’s funnier than watching a teen being beaten and raped to death? Make no mistake, had not that one party goer called the crime in the girl would have died on that courtyard bench. The people who saw the assault watched a girl get beaten and raped into critical condition. The animals attacking her were killing her. But they simply watched and laughed.

What kind of degenerates could do such a thing? Maybe “progressive” blogger Sunny aka Sheree Shastky Marty from Smashed Frog could tell you, since she too supports rapists and other perverts. She even married a rapist named Daniel Eaton. Aside from hurling racist insults at me she has maintained for years, as in this post and comment thread, that we as a society too hard on rapists.

Cases like this make me think we’re not hard enough on them, and on the people who support them.

Hope and Change Link Round-Up

Some Americans are taken with Barack Obama’s Hope-n-Change fever but the economy and the world community aren’t jumping on the band wagon. The dollar’s collapsing, our allies are leaving us and civilization itself seems to be on the brink of collapse. Where’s your Messiah now Democrats?

Dore Gold predicts Iran will provide a nuclear umbrella to Jihadists that will allow them to act with impunity:

“The whole point of George W. Bush’s decision to remove the Taliban after 9/11 was to send a very clear message: ‘You attack the American homeland and we will take down your regime.’

“But fast forward to 2012. Iran has operational nuclear weapons that can strike deep into Europe, and eventually towards the eastern seaboard of the U.S. Will the U.S., U.K., and NATO as a whole have the same freedom of maneuver to say to states that support terrorism, ‘We will take you down if you attack us?’

“Will the U.S. Congress authorize sending forces abroad against a state armed with nuclear weapons? In other words, the entire balance in the war on terror shifts, because the state that is the largest global sponsor of terrorism today now has nuclear capabilities . . .
“This nuclear umbrella of Iran will unfurl and will be able to provide protection, not just to Shiite Hezbollah, but to Sunni organizations such as al-Qaida and Hamas.”

Cuba is sending operatives to U.S. embassies to conduct misinformation campaigns. They started this program right after 9/11 but it has continued up to this day even though Obama “unclenched his fist” at the regime.

France has become so disenchanted with perceived insults by Obama that they are rethinking their strategic relationship with us:

 PARIS (Reuters) – French President Nicolas Sarkozy, initially dubbed Sarko the American for his pro-U.S. stance, is finding it much tougher to deal with Washington than he had anticipated and is recalibrating his policies accordingly.

Stung by perceived snubs from U.S. President Barack Obama and encouraged by the growing importance of the G20, Sarkozy is increasingly reaching out to non-aligned states in an effort to extend France’s international influence.

He has forged especially close ties with Brazil, is seeking alliances in central Asia and is intensifying his activities in the Middle East, using multi-billion dollar military and civilian nuclear trade deals as his calling card.

These initiatives are being played out against a discordant tone in Franco-American relations. This lack of harmony does not constitute a crisis, but is nonetheless raising eyebrows.

Asian nations are looking to form a European Union style political and economic bloc which will challenge American interest in the region. They are also floating the idea of reducing trade ties with the United States.

Morale of troops in Afghanistan is falling fast and the Afghans themselves are questioning Obama’s commitment to victory and America’s reliability as an ally.

President Obama was burned in effigy by Muslims in Kabul.

The United Nations is launching a human rights investigation of the United States. The issue will be America’s violation of human rights by not providing state run affordable housing to all – in other words we’re on trial for not embracing Communism. Via Breitbart:


Bank failures have hit 106 and “many” more remain weak.

Democrats leave door open for ACORN and similar communist organizations to have influence over financial regulations.

Capmark Financial Group has filed for Chapter 11! From Bloomberg:

Capmark is one of the largest U.S. commercial real estate finance companies, with more than $10 billion in originations, according to Moody’s Investors Service. The company, formerly known as GMAC Commercial Holding Corp., services more than $360 billion of debt.

The Horsham, Pennsylvania-based company has struggled as the default rate on commercial mortgages held by U.S. banks more than doubled to the highest since 1994. Capmark said on Sept. 2 that it may reorganize under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code.

From Reuters:

Mohsin Meghji, chief restructuring officer of Capmark, said: “The Chapter 11 process will give Capmark the opportunity to restructure our balance sheet while continuing to focus on maximizing value for our principal stakeholders. Over the past months, Capmark has engaged in extensive and constructive negotiations with our primary creditor constituencies to reach agreement on a plan of restructuring. We expect to complete this effort over the coming months.”

Capmark`s subsidiaries filing for Chapter 11 protection include Capmark Finance Inc.; Capmark Capital Inc.; Capmark Equity Investments, Inc.; Mortgage Investments, LLC; Net Lease Acquisition LLC; SJM Cap, LLC; Capmark Affordable Equity Holdings Inc.; Capmark REO Holding LLC; Summit Crest Ventures, LLC; Capmark Affordable Equity Inc. and 33 other Low Income Housing Tax Credit entities.

The dollar has lost its reserve status to the Yen and Euro. The value of the U.S. dollar has decreased by 10% in the last three months. Peter Schiff says it’s time to get out of the dollar. Salty language warning:


23 states have reported higher unemployment in September.

7,000 people a day lose unemployment benefits without having found new gainful employment.

Seven months after the stimulus 49 out of 50 states have lost jobs.

Possible credit dislocation on the horizon.

Falling tax revenue forces New York to delay $959 billion payment into its pension fund.

The housing bubble is being re-inflated.

Conditions are in place for oil to pass $100 a barrel.

I guess America can’t live on hope and change after all.

h/t Drudge, SurvivalBlog, WhenSHTF forums and Refuge

James Philip Edwards Drugged Little Girls to Make Sado-Masochistic Child Porn


James Philip Edwards is a 60-year-old pervert who is typical of people who exploit children for sex. He claims age of consent laws are “arbitrary” and that what he was doing was perfectly acceptable. He simply loves children he will tell you, and would never hurt them. His actions disprove that lie, however, as what he did with these unwilling children could have very well killed them.

From WCBD:

Authorities began investigating Edwards in May for possession of child pornography on his home computer, according to court records. When investigators confiscated the computer, they found a file called “Consuming the Date Rape Drug,“ which began with an explanation “that the girls would be given a date rape drug in soda and separately with ice cream.“

That file showed three girls sitting on a bed that looked like one in Edwards’ south Kansas City basement, authorities said. Edwards appears in the video giving the girls drinks and what appears to be ice cream, according to court records.

“After the girls are apparently unconscious, a few are depicted naked from the waist down,“ and Edwards then appears in one shot touching one girl’s genitals, investigators said.

Another computer file had a photo collage named “Phil’s Kindergarten Class Ages 4-7” that showed five girls in separate photos lying on the same bed, naked from the waist down. Edwards is shown in one of the photos, according to the court document.

Edwards told investigators in a videotaped interview after his Oct. 14 arrest that “he doesn’t believe that what he has done is wrong,“ according to a motion seeking Edwards’ pretrial detention filed by assistant U.S. attorney Katharine Fincham.

“His view is that society places arbitrary lines (as in age restrictions) around sexual conduct, with which he doesn’t agree,“ Fincham wrote.

Prosecutors said Edwards admitted giving “multiple minor girls” Ambien, a sedative, before making videos of them with their genitalia exposed and that the children ranged in age from 6 to 12. They said he told investigators he spent time spitting on one girl’s face.

Despite the best efforts of pedophile activists, time and again we see that child sexual exploitation is driven by sadism, selfishness, and the desire to victimize those who cannot fight back. If James Philip Edwards “loved” children the way pedophiles claim they do he wouldn’t have drugged them since a prescription sleep aid like Ambien could easily pose a risk to a small child. He certainly wouldn’t have manufactured child porn with them and damn sure wouldn’t have spit on their faces to arouse himself.

He drugged, raped, and spit on little girls. It doesn’t sound like pedophiles “love” children to me.

Via Dreamin Demon here’s a video of the arrest:
