Alaskan Obamunists Plotting to Ruin Halloween, Wiccans Silent

You won’t find this story on The Wild Hunt. An emailer tipped me off to this section of the Organizing for America website which suggest that rather than handing some little Trick-or-Treater a handful of goodies you should use the time to propagandize for liberal political positions … and then give them some tofu. Disgusting:

Instead of going door-to-door, simply let the people come to you!

* Give trick-or-treaters a flier about President Obama’s Health Reform Plan and a “Health Reform NOW” sticker.

* Give them a healthy snack too as a way to remind them about how important health reform is!

Let’s make sure that this Halloween the only scary things Alaskans encounter are witches, ghosts, and goblins…and not big insurance companies who promise treats and only give you tricks.

I personally have always endeavored to make Halloween not just a night of revelry for me and my ilk, but have used it to be a good neighbor by helping the local children enjoy the holiday. It would behoove Wiccans to do the same; to make Halloween as fun for everyone as Christians make Christmas. It is in fact, from a pagan perspective, what the holiday is all about. Samhain is the celebration of life in the face of the darkness and hardship of winter and a time when The Veil between worlds is thinnest. For old school Wiccans, it signifies the power shift from the Goddess who ruled over Spring and Summer to the great Horned God, the Lord of Misrule, who rules the Fall and Winter months and leads his wild hunt throughout the land.

Non-pagans don’t need to celebrate Halloween religiously, but they are a part of the festivities, the spirit of Halloween. We can talk politics the other 364 days a year, on the night of the Grand Sabbat we should be ensuring that everyone is enjoying the revelry, not letting killjoys take the fun out of Halloween for some kid.

It’s odd Wiccans complain about Christians attacking Halloween yet will have nothing to say about this nonsense. It’s almost like Wicca is a leftist cheerleading squad…

The I’m Disgusted With the Sad State of Halloween Light Blogging Link Round-Up

Since Halloween is tomorrow, blogging will be even lighter than usual for me since I will either be witness to soul-wrenching, sanity-shattering terror as I use the blasphemous knowledge gleaned from a lifetime of research to conduct obscene rituals which will open the gates to untold madness and undreamed vistas of mind searing horror or I could be going to dinner in Downtown Greenville then handing out candy at my place while trading ideas via email with the few other witches and warlocks (yeah Wiccans, I said warlocks, choke on it) left who remember what Halloween was supposed to mean on how to convince Wiccans they are in fact not Witches. I honestly haven’t decided yet.

There was a time, my friends, a glorious time, when Night herself trembled before the specter of the revelries to come and begged the Sun to shine its light on the earth for just a little longer. Now these damn Wiccans have turned Halloween into Earth Day 2, if they aren’t too busy lecturing some poor bastard they cornered in a bar on the “patriarchy” while dressed up as some character from Harry Potter. Even those filthy devil worshipers sit around complaining about Capitalism and praying for world peace nowadays. HUMBUG!  The gods themselves snicker at the so-called Sabbats of today.

*Sigh* Don’t worry about me I’ll muddle through. But if any of you do anything more interesting this Halloween and have pictures send them along. And by interesting I don’t mean photos of you dressed up as Dracula in a bar. But here are some links for you to enjoy if you, like me, are going to be stuck raising an eyebrow at drunken co-eds rather than conjuring up a good old fashioned Halloween.

First, some treats for loyal readers who will no doubt be suffering horribly while I abandon them for my festivities:

I just started a new crime blog called Greenville Dragnet. Check it out as fellow blogger Joe Friday and I cover all the happenings in Greenville County, South Carolina.

H.P. Lovecraft’s classic work The Outsider beautifully translated into a short gothic masterpiece by an amateur filmmaker at YouTube. Amateurs are putting better horror on the Internet these days than Hollywood is putting on screen.

One exception of course is the annual Horrorfest event run by After Dark films. Actually it used to be an exception, now they’re releasing the “socially relevant” horror film Zombies of Mass Destruction and have done away with the Ms. Horrorfest contest. Is nothing sacred?

Ghost Town reappears every year to bring you 31 days of sonic evil. Love them.

Lovecraft meets real life – The Hadron Collider is creating a particle so unnatural that its future existence is exerting a negative influence on the collider’s past. In other words, the future product of the collider’s experiments is sabotaging the collider in the past.

Lefty douchebag Celina Gray, executive director of the Governor’s Council on Mental Health Stigma (of course from New Jersey) is shutting down a haunted house that was themed as the Asylum of Terror. She claims she got dozens of complaints from people offended by the portrayal of “Dementia, paranoia, violent sociopathic behaviors…” as scary. No, really.

The Guardian has a decent write up of the career of Artur Machen. His novella The Great God Pan is something every person must read.

Omar Abdelaal attempts an ax murder just before Halloween. In public. On video.

Overrated “rock” star Sting claims Obama was “sent by God” to save us. I guess Sting will be high priest of Obama’s unlistenable cult.

Witchcraft doing their song Chylde of Fire from the album Firewood. Great band.

Great Satan’s Girlfriend has a great post called Autumn’s Violins dealing with the situation in Pakistan, the Taliban and the administrations “monotonous languor.” Why Yes, it is a Verlaine quote. I prefer Rimbaud’s A Season in Hell myself.

Pumpkinrot is one of my favorite Halloween blogs.

Fiona Horne is an illustration of all that’s wrong with Wicca. She’s also naked alot. Someone told me she was pretty hot but … meh. I’ve seen hotter. Not hotter Wiccans mind you, in that respect she’s a big fish in a small pond.

My favorite conspiracy theorist thinks confessions made by witches being tortured in the middle ages could be true because they sound “sincere.”

And speaking of conspiracy theories, Smashing Pumpkins singer Billy Corrigan says the swine flu is an Obama conspiracy.

Happy Halloween.

Pedophiles Haunted By Rob Taylor, Write Horrible Song Featuring Me

Or really they reworked Monster Mash with some lyrics written by child rapist Derek Logue, a man so degenerate that he publicly claims his 11-year-old victim was already “corrupt’ when they met so he shouldn’t be held responsible for raping her, and featuring the vocal talents of two rythmless, talentless cretin who run a podcast dedicated to complaining about sex offenders being the victims of people abusing their authority and position.

I’ll let the irony of that sink in for a second.

The show is hosted by a sex offender from Ohio named Kevin Meier and Mary “Tikibug” Duval who raised a rapist and I believe is the inspiration for every redneck in a Rob Zombie movie. I assume they commissioned this work (paying Logue in Lolicon images no doubt) which is a listing of people who have commented publicly on pedophile degeneracy. I made the list basically for commenting at Absolute Zero United. Stitches 77 is mentioned several times, in the song and out, proving that the work she does monitoring these scum has been effective in at least taking up these perverts’ time. As long as they’re complaining about us they’re not molesting children.

What’s funny is that I forgot all about these “people” for like the hundredth time. They never seem to forget me though, mainly because I have stated publicly that “pedophilia” is not a sexual orientation, it’s a behavior engaged in by sadists and other garden variety perverts. I guess it touched a nerve.

I’d say enjoy this song but it’s so bad that it would be impossible to do so. So just listen and be amazed at how immature and emotionally retarded sex offenders and the guttersluts that support them are.


I’m haunting their dreams!

Coyotes Kill 19-Year-Old Folk Singer on Canadian Hiking Trail

The woods are no place for liberals, hippies or anyone who doesn’t understand the essential cruelty of nature. Canada has an anti-gun and anti-hunting culture that has literally changed the way humans and animals interact, with “animal rights” indoctrination teaching young people that animals are essentially harmless and liberal weapons policies that make carrying a weapon for self-defense, even non-firearm weapons like knives, a risky proposition and socially unacceptable.

Unfortunately for up and coming folk singer Taylor Mitchell Canadians have been so far removed from nature that they no longer see the dangers lurking in the woods, and worse a decline in hunting pressure has convinced many predators that man is no longer the top of the food chain. When that happens mayhem always ensues. From CTV News:

A 19-year-old folk singer who died after being mauled by coyotes on Cape Breton Island had just earned the right to drive and was starting a concert tour of the east coast, her manager says.

Toronto native Taylor Mitchell was taken to hospital in Sydney, N.S., on Tuesday, following the coyote attack. She was later airlifted to a Halifax-area hospital but succumbed to “serious injuries” overnight, according to RCMP.

“She had just gotten her licence and her first set of wheels to take her on the road to the Maritimes,” her manager Lisa Weitz said in an email to “Her excitement was contagious and positively palpable.”

Mitchell had been hiking alone in Cape Breton Highlands National Park in Nova Scotia when the animals attacked her.

“This (was) a very severe attack, we hadn’t seen anything like this in this national park ever,” Parks Canada Warden Derek Quann told CTV Atlantic.

Emergency officials received a call at around 3:15 p.m. about a hiker being mauled on the popular Skyline Trail. A nearby hiker heard the woman’s cries and called 911, police said.

RCMP Sgt. Brigdit Leger said police rushed to help the woman and had to shoot a coyote that was acting aggressively. Both coyotes then fled into the woods.

CTV has an interview with an “expert” who claims this just must be an anomaly because coyotes never attack people. With experts like that it’s a wonder more Canadians aren’t killed.

More video at Breitbart

Shocker! Not Detaining Illegal Aliens a Bad Idea

From Judicial Watch:

Touted by the Obama Administration as key to overhauling the nation’s immigration detention system, a program that monitors illegal aliens instead of jailing them regularly loses track of offenders and the government distorts records to cover it up.

Operated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the intensive monitoring program allows illegal aliens to check in by phone, wear ankle monitors and obey a curfew rather than go to prison while they wait for court appearances. ICE claims the alternatives-to-detention program is a huge success and Obama assures it’s a great model for his plans to create a more humane immigration detention system.

But records and statistics obtained by a Houston newspaper under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) tell a much different story. Nearly one in five illegal immigrants who participated in the tracking project absconded while under supervision during the last five years, according to the records. Authorities were unable to locate nearly 20% of 6,373 illegal aliens enlisted in the program during that time. About 5% were subsequently rearrested for other matters.

5% of 6373 is 319 people (rounded up) and 20% is 1274. So 319 people went on to be arrested for “other matters” which would include rapes, murders, thefts, assaults and child molestations and another 1274 are simply unaccounted for.

Sounds like a great program.