Communism on the March Link Round-Up

And people told me when I first started Red Alerts I was just being paranoid about Marxism and the resurgent Communists in America and abroad. Now all but the most willfully blind must admit that Communism is second only to Islamism in its expansion, both physically and culturally in once free nations:

Evil dictator Evo Morales, a man who is holding a European National named ElÅ‘d Tóásó on trumped up charges and is torturing the man even now, has been declared the “World Hero of Mother Earth” by the United Nations.  At the same ceremony Fidel Castro was declared a “Hero of Solidarity”  and points out that the man giving the awards was the same man who pressured the Obama administration to support the Communist take over of Honduras:

The award was presented to Castro by the President of the UN General Assembly, Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann. D’Escoto Brockmann also successfully lobbied the Obama Administration to demand that Honduras allow the return to power of its ex-president and would-be dictator, Manuel Zelaya. (Two months ago, soldiers acting on orders of Honduras’s Supreme Court arrested Zelaya after he systematically abused his powers. After the Court quite legally declared that Zelaya was no longer president, he was duly replaced by Honduras’s Congress with a civilian, the Congressional Speaker). The Obama Administration recently decided to impose sanctions on Honduras, and indicated it will not recognize future democratic elections in Honduras unless Honduras first lets ex-president Zelaya return to power.

Brockmann was quoted as saying the awards were meant to convey “that they embody virtues and values worth emulation by all of us” including the violent imposition of Communism I assume. It is now illegal to protest Chavez in Venezuela. But America’s the bad guy, right lefties?

Obama has increased visas to Cuba while hamstringing Honduras, who are fighting for the Republic’s very life. Carrots for Communists and sticks for those who support freedom and liberty? I didn’t know that was Obama’s official platform.

The leftist media has had a near blackout of the No Mas Chavez protests while at the same time giving lavish coverage to a traitorous Oliver Stone’s Venezuelan funded Communist propaganda film about Chavez that was warmly received by the rich elites at the Venice film festival. Meanwhile Chavez is having radio and television stations that have been critical of him shut down, a move Huffington Post commenters are defending. I guess dissent isn’t patriotic when you’re dissenting against a Communist dictatorship.

Snuff photo publishing Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington wrote an essay decrying Glenn Beck’s “smear” campaign against Communist/ racist/ truther Van Jones that was composed largely of playing video clips of Van Jones widely available on the Internet. Nowhere in it does she mention that Jones claimed White environmentalists were in cahoots with other evil White people to “steer” toxins into minority communities, or that 9/11 was an inside job and we deserved it anyway. She then had one of her flunkies make an appearance on CNN claiming that racist truther Van Jones is a “national hero.” As usual Huffington took just enough time away from living the high life courtesy of a divorce from her hard working conservative husband to spit whatever Communist propaganda she thinks young people want to hear into the virtual Kleenex that is Huffington Post.

In similar low class fashion, Tom Brokaw and his fellow Communists on Meet the Press claimed the Van Jones affair proves you can’t trust the Internet. I guess if you’re a closet totalitarian looking for power you can’t.

Morbidly obese rich guy Michael Moore, who Gateway Pundit points out lives in a fancy home assessed at $647,000 and who sent his daughter to a college that cost about $40,000 a year when she attended, has come out as a socialist with his new movie which ends with the conclusion that Capitalism, the system which made him and his family rich and powerful, is evil. It should be pointed out that an assessment is a fraction of the house’s theoretical value, not what Moore paid for it, which would likely be much much higher in a desirable locale like Moore’s exclusive (and basically all White, by the way) neighborhood. So “evil” Capitalism has put Moore in what is likely a home everyone on my block couldn’t afford if we all went in together and we’re supposed to throw it out conveniently after Moore’s made enough money and connections to stay in the elite.

Russia is already arranging a pretext for another war with Georgia. Sorry to my Georgian friends, but you’re on your own.

The AFL-CIO is targeting Rite Aid, so expect to pay more for your medications if they win. Another front in Obama’s war on health care?

Supposed far-right kook Alex Jones is telling his audience they should rise up and have show trials … of Conservative talk radio hosts and everyone who listens to them.  The timing of this tirade, when Conservative talk radio is gaining audience and influencing the discussion, is interesting. It’s almost like he’s on Obama’s payroll. Hey, I’m just asking questions. Jones has some new fans who have been helping promote him…Kashmir Jihadists.

Two men planned a D.C. Sniper style attack on Seattle’s I-5. The shooter has been identitfied as 31-year-old Richard F. Blake.

The Earth Liberation Front destroyed a radio array in the same state.

President Obama is said to be making depression era “mistakes” in his handling of the economy. I say the mistake part is debatable.

A few years ago I would have had to dig thought the news to find examples of resurgent Communism and revolutionary violence, especially of the overt and violent kind. That I now have to weed out a few from a list of stories I was interested in because the list was too big should worry everyone.

Chicago Man Gets Five Years for Child Molestation and Child Porn

We’ll be hearing about him again I’m sure, in about two years when he gets out on good behavior. From

A 20-year-old Wheaton man was sentenced today to 5 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to aggravated criminal sexual abuse of a child and possession of child pornography.
Joshua White, of the 1200 block of Reading Court, was jogging near his home March 19 when he approached a girl on a bicycle who was younger than 13 and forced her to touch him, said Assistant DuPage County State’s Atty. Cathy DeLaMar. He was arrested a short time later by police.

The charge of child pornography came after Wheaton police determined that White had used the Internet in August 2008 to share illegal material. White was sentenced to 3 years for sexual abuse and 2 years for possession of child pornography. He will serve the sentences consecutively. He has to register as a sex offender after he is released from prison.

Only three years for forcing a little girl to rub his genitals and two for sending out child porn to his fellow perverts. It’s no wonder Chicago is a hell hole. If you have children get out of Chicago.

h/t DodiaFae from Pagans Against Child Abuse

Victimless Crime File: In-Home Nurse for Cancer Patient Arrives with Dime Bag,Tries to Leave with Two Diamond Rings


Looks like someone didn’t check too deeply into Sheena Denice Thompson’s background before hiring her. As D.K.O.M.S. points out, her employer claims to have run a thorough check on her but one look at her drug and gangsta themed MySpace page should have disqualified her immediately. From Delaware Online:

An in-home nurses aide caring for a cancer patient was charged with stealing two diamond rings she found in a filing cabinet, Newark police reported today.

Sheena Denice Thompson, 23, of the 2100 block of Washington St. in Wilmington, was charged with felony theft, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Police also found that Thompson was wanted on two outstanding warrants.

Thompson is being held in the Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution on $500 bail on two outstanding warrants. She was given $4,000 unsecured bail on the theft and drug charges.

Thompson is employed by Right At Home, at 1500 N. French Street in Wilmington.

Joe Bakey, owner of the company, said Thompson was hired as a nurses aide in December after a “thorough background check.” Police had earlier reported she was a nurse.

“We’re always focused on the safety and security of our clients,” said Bakey, whose company provides in-care assistance to seniors.

Her employment has not yet been terminated because the agency has not heard from Thompson.

“We don’t even know where she is at this point,” he said.

But I’m sure being the kind of person that walks around with a dime bag and a pipe in your purse has nothing to do with also being a thief and a liar.

Jack Webb: The Big Departure Speech

Hot Air posted a video yesterday consisting of some scenes from this speech cut with a photo of Obama which was fairly clever but the unedited original, where Joe Friday and Bill Gannon confront a trio of sanctimonious hippies who hate America and have big plans to form a Utopian society with the stark realities of life and show them how selfish grand re-engineering of society schemes are, is the best argument against modern progressivism to date:


Got to love that Dragnet. It was the Red Alerts of the cold war era.

Illegal Alien Runs Down Grandmother then Flees … In $40,000 S.U.V.

Ah the plight of the illegal alien, I’m sorry, undocumented worker who is oppressed by we “racist” border security hawks (and Black folk) who are concerned about such minutia as the ethnic cleansing of Black Americans by illegal dominated Latino gangs or the completely avoidable rapes and murders career criminals who we allow to dwell in this country illegally seem to have a special affinity for.

Weathering all this scorn they work the most menial of jobs for little pay and dwell in perpetual poverty picking lettuce as we evil Americans hose them down with DDT while eying them maliciously through our monocles and trying to force them to adopt such wicked and racist values as only having sex with women over 18, not killing trannies you’ve had sex with and not forming gangs that end up being arrested for hate crimes against Black Americans.

And what do they get in return? Easy credit and $40,000 S.U.V.s? Hardly worth it. Especially when “racists” like me howl with outrage over the occasional hit-and-run:

State troopers arrested an illegal immigrant Tuesday in the hit-and-run death of a longtime bicyclist and clinical psychologist, authorities said.

Roberto Salvador Alvelais-Torres, 28, is accused of striking Beverly Jean Duffield, 74, of Tulsa with a sport utility vehicle and then driving away, Oklahoma Highway Patrol Lt. George Brown said.

Duffield was killed Tuesday morning while riding her bicycle near U.S. 75 and the 1700 block of Southwest Boulevard — an area where she was known to ride frequently.

Cherie White, a longtime friend who was at Duffield’s home Tuesday evening, said it was not the first time Duffield had been struck by a vehicle while riding a bike.

About five or six years ago, she was hit while riding on 41st West Avenue. She suffered a head injury and bore an extensive scar on her right thigh from that crash, White said.

“She was always trying to educate cyclists about cycling and being aware of their surroundings and being safe,” White added.


Medics who responded about 7:20 a.m. pronounced Duffield dead at the scene with massive traumatic injuries, EMSA spokeswoman Tina Wells said.

The vehicle that struck her had fled the scene. Brown said troopers who were investigating the hit and run found at 31st Street and Southwest Boulevard the 2002 Chevrolet Suburban that they believe Alvelais-Torres was driving.

After finding the vehicle, they were led to Alvelais-Torres, who was arrested about 2:30 p.m. on complaints of negligent homicide with a motor vehicle, failure to stop at the scene of a fatal accident, failure to stop at a stop sign, operating a vehicle without a driver’s license and not having insurance, according to an arrest report.

Brown said Alvelais-Torres is an illegal immigrant who has been living in Tulsa.

Isn’t caring about the unnecessary death of Beverly Duffield just another form of racism on my part? As is demanding we have some sort of control over our borders so that we can assimilate immigrants which would include driver’s licenses? Isn’t it just horrible that I’m being so hateful by asking how this guy purchased a $40,000 vehicle with no valid identification and thus no credit? Terrible what poor Mr Alvelias-Torres has to go through in this horrible country.

Via StephenLoneWolf here’s some video on the case:
