Thanks for Healing the Racial Divide, Liberals!

The toxic brew of race and class warfare that the left and their handmaidens in the liberal media have been pushing for years, and more recently using as a political weapon to attack the grassroots anti-big government protest, has consequences. Growing up in the 70s, the only Bi-racial child in an all Black neighborhood, I received my share of Jesse Jackson inspired hatred including several assaults and attempts on my life. Hostility toward me coincided with White liberals ginning up stories of racism in the media, creating racial tensions that they never had to deal with, but which nearly killed me.

Now with this new push by the White run media to paint Barack Obama as the victim of White hostility, is it any surprise that young urban Blacks, their minds poisoned by the White run teacher’s unions, are committing hate crimes at an alarming rate? Not to me. But David Shuster, Keith Olbermann and lefty bloggers will feign ignorance of the bloody consequences of their anti-American rhetoric.

A young White man who is dating a Black girl was brutally assaulted by a gang of 10 to 15 Black thugs so badly his jaw was broken and he needed stitches for a three inch gash in his head. It is known to be a hate crime but it is unlikely to be treated as such:

Milligan’s father believes several African-Americans beat his son, who is white, because he is dating an African-American woman. He wants police to treat the beating as a hate crime. He also has criticized what he calls a deafening silence from the community, police and the national media.

“If this was a black guy who was beaten by a group of white guys for dating a white girl, people would be up in arms,” he said. “There’s a double standard.”

Buffalo police believe a group of about 10 to 15 African-American men attacked Milligan late at night, police spokesman Mike DeGeorge said. Police have made no arrests and are still investigating the motive, he said.

Milligan Sr. says he believes the attackers are the same “neighborhood guys” who threatened his son and his African-American girlfriend because of their interracial relationship.

The younger Milligan and his girlfriend, Nicola Fletcher, who is also 18, had recently complained of an increase in insults and threats in east Buffalo, where Fletcher lives and where Milligan was staying with his grandmother, Fletcher said.

“Every time they walk the streets, people stop him and call him ‘cracker’ and ask her why she’s not with a black guy,” Milligan Sr. said.

Two days before the attack, Fletcher said she was shot with paintball pellets by the same group of neighborhood aggressors.

“I’m afraid to walk the streets,” she said. “Those guys are still out there.”

I’m sure Marc Lamont Hill can explain this away as the fault of the White victim. This story hit me hard personally because I myself experienced the same sort of abuse and harassment from Blacks for being Bi-racial. Like the thugs in the story above, my assailants were the product not of Black culture but of a liberal run educational system and media culture that portrayed Blacks as the eternally aggrieved who needed to “get back at” their oppressors. Teachers in the ghetto where I grew up were predominantly White, yet Black people my age had their minds filled with anti-White, anti-American and pro-criminality propaganda.

And it’s clearly still going on. Here’s a story of a White kid who did nothing but try to sit on a school bus, when he was brutally assaulted. The majority Black students cheered as two Black kids pummeled the boy for no reason, the few non-Blacks on the bus were too afraid to stop the racist attack, and the bus driver did nothing. Only the intervention of Black students ended the two assaults the boy suffered on the bus ride:

The 17-year-old victim was white and the teen assailants were black. Police released a video of the beating, which shows the victim being punched repeatedly while other students on the bus gather to watch, some cheering. It doesn’t appear that the victim did anything to provoke an attack and tried only to defend himself. Police said it all unfolded in a five-minute span.

The victim was trying to find a seat and was told by two students he could not sit next to them, police said. When he did sit down, one teen tried to push him out of his seat then began grabbing the victim’s neck and punching him in the face.

The victim eventually returned to his seat, but another student began taunting him a few minutes later. The victim was then struck in the face.

It was unclear what, if anything, the bus driver did to stop the attack. Students intervened to help the victim both times.

“In my estimation, it’s racially motivated,” said Capt. Don Sax of the Belleville Police Department. He said one reason he had formed this opinion was that many of the students, most of whom were black, yelled their support for the beating.

There’s video of the incident at the link if you can stomach watching some kid being abused.

But anti-White hate crimes, barely reported by the main stream media and encouraged by White liberals who see Blacks as their bludgeon with which to tear down traditional America, are not new. Groups embraced by the progressive establishment, such as The Nation of Islam, have long histories of racially motivated violence unmatched in it’s cruelty and barbarity. The Nation of Islam is belived to have been involved in the Zebra murders in San Francisco. It should be noted that the victims where all White except one Arab Muslim (although Arabs are in fact Caucasian) which is significant because Muslims consider the NOI to be a non-Muslim heresy. The “Death Angel” killers were Nation members who believed they would be rewarded for every White person they killed, and they went on to kill 14 and attempt to kill several others through shootings, stabbings and attempted decapitation.

Crime Library has a good write up of the brutal Zebra killings, which many of you will never have heard of. With the support the Nation gave to Obama, and progressivism in general, you’d think this story would appear once and a while. The Nation of Islam’s theology is based largely on grievance and the essential evil of White American society. Sound familiar? Progressives have long courted this hate cult and continue to do so, and in return Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan declared Barack Obama the Messiah.

The Nation of Islam is also responsible for the creation of the far more evil Yahweh ben Yahweh cult of Black Israelites. The leader was an embezzler and child molester who fled the Nation to create a kind of anti-Nation, claiming Judaism just as the Nation claimed Islam. There, Yahweh ben Yahweh encouraged his followers to kill Whites and bring him body parts as evidence. Outside of Comparative Religion wonks (like me) and crime aficionados, most people know little about this sensational case due to the media ignoring the group and its offshoots even as they still have major presences in several large cities.

But fringe cults and violent teens aren’t the only people physically acting out leftist class and race warfare politics. Crime news is rife with cases of Black on White hate crimes that are barely reported and never taken seriously.

In April of 2000 eight year old Kevin Shiflett was playing in his Alexandria, VA front yard when Gregory Devon Murphy, a parolee who had only been recently released after another racially motivated attack on a White, stabbed the child to death while yelling racial epithets. While investigators found evidence that the killing was racially motivated they never warned the public that the unstable Murphy was still a danger to Whites while on the loose. When the press accused police publicly of hiding important details the public needed to know about the danger, the police defended their secrecy by claiming they didn’t want to create more racial tensions. Murphy went on to assault his lawyer at trial, calling the man a racist.

The unusual brutality and depravity of the Christian/Newsom murders made it plainly obvious it was a hate crime of the most heinous variety. Some have said that the death penalty isn’t enough punishment for the sadists who committed one of the most unspeakable atrocities of the decade:

Channon Christian, 21 and Christopher Newsom, 23, went out for dinner on January 6, 2007 at a local restaurant in Knoxville, Tennessee, they were scheduled to attend a friend’s party that very night, but sadly never made it.  After Channon did not arrive for work the next day, her friends and family began to worry.  They contacted police and were told to wait a while, that perhaps the young couple left of their own free will, but while they waited and called local hospitals, the unthinkable was happening.

Channon and Christopher were carjacked for Channon’s Toyota 4runner early on January 7th at gunpoint by George Geovonni “Detroit” Thomas, 27, Lamaricus Devall “Slim” Davidson. 25, Letalvis “Rome” Cobbins, 24 and Vanessa Coleman, 18.  Almost as quickly as they were carjacked, the very car that was stolen was dumped and a new plan was in place, the young couple were taken to Lemaricus Devall “Slim” Davidson’s rental home at which point the crime of carjacking turned into something far more devastating and non-media friendly.

Christopher was tied up and beaten, he was then repeatedly raped in front of his girlfriend, he was then drenched in gasoline and dragged from the home to a nearby railroad where he was shot several times and then set on fire.

The four maniacs then returned to do far more damage to Channon who at the time was I can imagine was still reeling from seeing her boyfriend beaten and raped and then dragged from the house screaming.  For her it would be far worse as she was hog tied and raped anally, orally and vaginally.  She was severely beaten, she was sexually assaulted with objects that left the medical examiner sick with the knowledge of how far and to what extent this torture was taken.  Cleaning liquid was forced down her throat and poured over her genitals.  This did not happen in a matter of hours, this was happening over and over again over a couple of days while countless people searched for her.


Many people knew this was happening in the inner circle of friends these monsters had, many people tried to hide them, protect them, destroy evidence, but in the end they were caught, their faces revealed.

Those many people were Black Americans who thought the White couple tortured to death didn’t deserve justice. Why? We can only surmise since the media largely ignored the story until Conservatives like Michelle Malkin and LaShawn Barber publicized the case, but even then the media spent more time fretting over the racism of people demanding justice for the victims than how family and friends justified covering up the crime.

The Witchita Massacre was similarly covered up by the media, and obviously encouraged by the class and race warfare rhetoric of the left. The crime was so brutal it left only one survivor after five young Whites were raped, tortured and humiliated by brothers Reginald and Jonathan Carr. The pair shot all five execution style but the lone survivor lucked out when her hairpin deflected the bullet and she played dead. The two then tortured the dog of one of their victims to death. The brothers had killed or attempted to kill several other Whites during that night.

In 2007 Stephen Johnson, a violent racist with AIDS, assaulted a Greenwich Village bar shooting several people and attempting to set more on fire before he was subdued by two brave women:

“This was a malice-driven hate crime, cut short only by the great bravery of some of the victims,” noted Assistant District Attorney Peter Hinckley.

Hinckley had told jurors that Johnson – despite his history of mental-health problems – knew full well what he was doing on the warm June evening of his rampage.

He had prepared diligently, the prosecutor said. Johnson left behind a Williamsburg, Brooklyn, housing project festooned with hand-stenciled anti-white slogans, images of guns and Nation of Islam slogans.

He armed himself with two semiautomatic handguns, a two-shot Derringer, a Samurai sword, dozens of plastic wrist cuffs, and a squirt bottle holding a full quart of kerosene.

He also carried a recorded pep talk – a cassette of his own voice twistedly telling himself, “Get ready to pull your guns on these crackers, son.”

“Don’t have no pity, yo,” he snarls in the tape, which was played for jurors. “Bang them in the head and let them bleed, son. Let them bleed. Let them cry. Let them scream.”

He even wore a catheter, so that he wouldn’t be interrupted by nature’s call.

First you’ve heard of that? Strange isn’t it?

By encouraging the envy of and demonization of Americans, White Americans specifically, the left has stained its hands with the blood of thousands of innocent people whose only crime was to cross the path of someone whose bigotry and hatred was stoked by the liberal media and educational establishment. They then compound the problem by ignoring it, which gives tacit permission to criminals to commit the most vile crimes. The far left calls this revolutionary violence and many a liberal blogger has supported Black criminality as part of their larger political agenda as we saw in the Jena Six case. But their disdain for Blacks is betrayed by not just their expectations that Black people can’t be expected to not commit crimes, but by their silence when Blacks are victims of crimes by other Blacks, as is the case of the Dunbar Village gang rapes.

Liberals have never been interested in healing the racial divide, because racial tensions provide too much cover for the essentially nihilistic and devolutionary politics of progressivism to let go. Class and racial strife are weapons the left uses to bludgeon opposition, maintain control of minority voting blocs, and attack the freedoms America provides but totalitarianism can’t abide.The innocent victims of that strife are just collateral damage to the left. They are as meaningless as the slogans they spout and inconsequential to the pseudo-intellectual elite that sees itself as superior to any average middle American. Promoting individuality and personal responsibility would help bridge the divide so they attack those things to keep minorities, especially Blacks, angry. Then they mop up the blood and lock away the criminals, ensured that they still have control over Black America as surely as they did when they enacted Jim Crow laws.

And the Black community lets them.

Ending Drug Prohibition Won’t Remove the Drug Culture’s Criminal Element

My crime compadre Trench emailed me this article because he knows I’m a sucker for a good doper story. Seems California’s medical marijuana industry has not created a safer environment for those that “need” pot to get their “medicine.” Far from it, gangs have simply moved into the quasi-legal marijuana dispensary business and brought their criminality with them:

SAN DIEGO (CNS) – Thirty-one people were arrested during raids at 14 medical marijuana dispensaries in San Diego County, effectively shutting down the storefronts, authorities announced today.

The raids culminated a five-month state and federal undercover operation that targeted people illegally selling the drug at the so-called medical marijuana collaboratives, said District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis.

No medical marijuana patients were arrested in the undercover sting on Wednesday, Dumanis said.

“Let me be clear from the start. This investigation has nothing to do with legitimate medical marijuana patients or their caregivers,” Dumanis told reporters.

“The investigation to date shows these so-called businesses are not legal. They appear to be run by drug dealers who see an opening in the market in a way to make a fast buck.”

Twenty-three people were taken into custody in the city of San Diego, and eight in North County, authorities said.

Dumanis said most of those arrested will be prosecuted in state court, with two people charged in federal court.

An estimated 60 medical marijuana dispensaries are now operating in San Diego County, under the guise of helping people who are sick, Dumanis said.

“We’re not fooled and the public shouldn’t be fooled either,” the county’s top prosecutor said. “The state’s medical marijuana law and the

Attorney General’s written guidelines about medical marijuana do not allow the selling of marijuana for profit … to anyone.”

The state’s law allows patients who have doctor recommendations for marijuana to grow up to 24 plants or have someone grow them in their stead. That seems like a great plan to take the profit motive from pot dealing…but it didn’t.

Not to mention the fact that the whole medical marijuana thing is basically a scam, as alternative model turned wrestling diva turned S&M model turned soft-core web porner turned Internet neer-do-well Shelly Martinez proves in this video:


Now that’s downward mobility! Martinez was at one time an employee with the WWE (until she was fired) and TNA (until she had a “contract dispute”) and has of late been appearing at porn conventions, selling dates with her on the Internet and appearing in a documentary where she claims that weed (snicker) saved her life. Yes, really.

The point being that legalizing medical marijuana didn’t drive out gang activity and it certainly didn’t do at least one pot smoker we know of any good. “But, Rob,” you’re about to say while desperately trying to get the disposable lighter you found on the street to work long enough to take your next bong hit, “if we just ended drug prohibition all the gangs would like, you know, have to get jobs and stuff. Like the Mafia after prohibition ended!

Au contraire, mon petit stoner. The Mafia continued to be involved in various aspects of the alcohol industry from the union controlled shipping and distribution businesses to running nightclubs and bars. “Where’s your proof, square?” you cough out after finally getting the dirt encrusted DeJeep lighter to hold its flame long enough for you suck your artificial paradise from your commemorative Barack Obama bong.

I got your proof right here, hippy:

HOUSTON – The guy named Vinny with the Vandyke and Brooklyn accent looked out of place in the leafy Texas neighborhood of gated mansions.

That’s because this Vinny was Vincent Palermo – onetime Mafia star turned FBI informant – a guy who managed to vanish from the world of scungilli and Sinatra to recreate himself 1,400 miles away in the land of BBQ and the Texas two-step.

Palermo, with a new name, lives under a cloak created by the feds after testifying against the DeCavalcante clan, the Jersey-based Mafia family whose members believe they inspired “The Sopranos” TV show.

Of course, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Before he admitted taking part in four murders, extortion and a host of crimes, Palermo operated Wiggles, a strip club in Forest Hills, Queens.

The club was a kind of one-stop shop for drugs and prostitution, and then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani made it Public Enemy No. 1 in his drive to shut down sex clubs.

Today, Palermo controls the Penthouse Club and All-Star Men’s Club in Houston – strip joints city officials say are hotbeds of prostitution and drugs.

What’s that you say? The Mafia. Setting up shop in businesses that are on their face perfectly legal. Who would have told you pot smokers a thousand times that gangs simply don’t give up lucrative income streams because you get the law changed? Mark my words, the day pot is legalized and “Fun Time Shelly” sets up that weed cafe she’s always dreamed about is the day some Cholo grabs her by the tie-dye and tells you it’s time for your weekly “tax” and if you don’t pay you die.

In Jersey, where I’m from, stripping isn’t just legal, it’s encouraged. But One Percenter gangs still ran stables of girls they forced to dance at clubs and Newark was rumored to have clubs staffed with illegals forced into sexual slavery. I’ll reiterate that that was an industry that was legal. But it was also one that was full of people who often enough marginalized themselves. A legal drug industry will be no different.

In 2000 a One Percenter gang called The Breed were busted for rape and extortion of exotic dancers. The Breed forced the women to turn over their income and gang raped the women both as punishment and simply for fun. They did to bar owners in Long Branch, New Jersey what MS-13 will do to all legal pot shops if and when prohibition is repealed. Read and learn:

Members of a gang that prosecutors called ”the state’s pre-eminent outlaw motorcycle club” were arrested in raids early today and charged with extortion and the sexual assault of nude dancers at a juice bar in Long Branch.

The gang, the Breed, has controlled strip clubs, tattoo shops and other businesses with violence and terror, a federal indictment said.


Five of those named in the arrest warrants are being charged with extortion, a federal crime, stemming from the operation of the juice bar, the Stars and Bars, where members gathered. One of the club’s owners, a former gang member identified as David Snyder, was beaten and forced to sign over his business to other gang members after he tried to ”restrict sexual assaults on female dancers,” according to court papers.

The sexual assault charges were brought after four women who danced at the bar complained to the Howell Township police, John Kaye, the Monmouth County prosecutor, said. One woman said she had been chained to the floor for several days, forced to engage in oral sex with several men and beaten severely.

It should be noted that these are businesses that are legal, yet gangs were involved because of both the type of business (strip clubs and tattoo parlors) and the profit motive. Pot has a huge profit motive and, like strip clubs, a vulnerable population attached to it. Why would gangs leave that business alone if drugs were criminalized?

Look, I’m pro-sobriety but I’m neither for or against legalization. I am against legalization proponents making false claims about the benefits of legalization. The real benefits of legalization are overwhelmingly enjoyed by users like Martinez, and society still must shoulder the cost of an overburdened child welfare system, drug-induced poverty, and the various assaults, vandalism, and accidents that come along with drug use. Much the same as repealing alcohol prohibition didn’t stop drunken brawls, window breaking and traffic accidents legalizing drugs won’t stop those things either. And just as bars and people who work in them are in danger of being victimized by organized crime, so too will be the legal pot shops who will find gangs unamenable to the prospect of losing their cash cow.

The case for legalization is perhaps financial, as the recession stretches police forces too thin for many areas to concentrate on minor possession, and certainly there is a Libertarian argument for legalization. There is, however, no law and order argument for legalization. Users are not stable. People who aren’t stable are preyed upon (even you, Shelly Martinez) and eventually someone has to bail them out. Personally I’d support legalization if we still used drug use as evidence of unfit parenting, companies couldn’t be sued for not hiring users, and addicts who overdosed simply died in the gutter without eating up taxpayer money in the emergency room. But what legalization proponents want is for the rest of us to help maintain their fantasy world where there are no consequences for their actions. We will be responsible for keeping gang members from harming them. We will pay for their hospital bills. We will support their children if not them.

And we will deal with the criminal element they still support, while allowing them to pretend they have no moral culpability in those gangs’ continued existence.

Melissa Huckaby Deserves to Die


Don’t let the tears fool you, this fiend is only upset because her crime against little Sandra Cantu was so hideous that prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. How hideous? The theory of the crime is that Melissa Huckaby kidnapped Cantu, drugged her and raped her with a foreign object before murdering her. It is also being said that Huckaby drugged (and perhaps raped) a 7-year-old and she drugged a 37-year-old man she was dating.

She’s an animal who prosecutors know needs to be put down:

STOCKTON — The Northern California woman charged with kidnapping, raping and murdering 8-year-old girl, whose body was found stuffed in a suitcase, will face the death penalty.

Melissa Huckaby pleaded not guilty in June to murdering Sandra Cantu.

The 28-year-old former Sunday School teacher showed no emotion as San Joaquin County prosecutor Thomas Testa told the court Thursday of his office’s intention to seek the death penalty.

Sandra’s family also attended the hearing.

Also Thursday, Huckaby asked the judge for a new attorney and possible trial dates were being discussed.

Huckaby was arrested April 10, just days after Sandra Cantu’s body was found in a suitcase pulled from an irrigation pond near her home in a Tracy mobile home park.

Huckaby was a Sunday school teacher at her grandfather’s small church.

Authorities believe Sandra was killed in the church, which is next to the trailer park where both Huckaby and the girl’s family live.

Huckaby also pleaded not guilty to charges drugging a 7-year-old girl as well as a 37-year-old man, whom police believe she had dated.

Huckaby has been trying to work an insanity defense by “harming” herself in jail. These incidents all involve sitting around with blankets tied around her neck (but not trying to actually kill herself) and telling a guard she took some pills. Frankly since she’s a pervert I wouldn’t doubt she was just choking herself for fun, and pills as well as almost any other drug you can imagine flow through county lock-ups like water.

Let’s not forget, through her tears, who this person is. She’s a child rapist, a child murderer and a pervert/addict who drugged the man she was dating for kicks. If this was a man no one would be shedding a tear for him so don’t shed one for Melissa Huckaby either.

Good News! Pot Smoking Alex Jones Groupie Says He’s too “Docile” to Decapitate Me

Joe Manik a.k.a.Justin Manik a.k.a Justin Ace and that’s just three handles he’s used with me. Anyway the person who told me I needed to be killed with a rusty machete to my “throte” emailed me to say he was just kidding, and he’s also too docile to actually hurt anyone and let’s put this behind us blah, blah. Thank goodness. I was really worried there for a second.

Anyway he asked that I leave him alone…after trolling my blog and email for days. I am far too vindictive for that so I reported his two blogs, both of which are full of offensive materials. Any readers out there with a couple of seconds to spare can help out with the effort to keep a death threat spewing pro-drug advocate from spreading his bile by going to his two blogs, both of which are listed on his blogger profile, and clicking the flag blog button located on the upper left hand corner. There you will be given a list of reasons to flag said blog.

I Just Got a Death Threat from a Pot Smoking Alex Jones Groupie

Pot smokers are funny. On the one hand they claim their drug of choice is different than other drugs, and that I can’t claim they are addicts like some meth head. On the other hand, unlike said meth head it is only the pot smokers who send me death threats, and oddly, almost all chronic pot smokers are conspiracy theorists, including Andrew Sullivan.

Anyway I jumped on the computer to check my email and make sure no spam was on my sites when I found this message on a post I wrote about Andy Dick getting high and groping a seventeen year old girl:

OMF Rob Taylor is a cock smudge said,

on September 13th, 2009 at 10:01 am

firstly….Rob Taylor is a total and complete fucking ignoramous and should just be put out of his misssery with a big old rusty machete to the throte and then spat in the face for being so ignorant. Rob i really do feel sorry for you because you think your the shit and you know it all but truth be told buddy your fucking wrong! and you will live a sad unforfilling meaningless life until you realize that you must allow your beliefs to change as new knowledge is aquired and only then wil you understand uour path in life and it sure as motherfucking pie isnt to sit on a blog all fucking day or night or watever and spread the social decline of ignorance to the masses…… now that i have sed my say i bid you farewell and as a succecful punk rock musician would do i aslo say….Fuck You Rob Taylor and may you enjoy your sad existance =)

Ah yes, successful punk rock musician Joe Manik (surely you’ve heard of him!) who in previous email correspondence had told me he is a successful office worker at a shipping company (reach for the stars Joe!) but in reality is an unemployed conspiracy theorist as his own blogspot profile, which he’s linked to, explains.

But readers will want a little back story on Joe “Machete killer” Manik which will explain his over the top reaction as well as why he can’t put together coherent sentences. A few days ago Z.A.C linked to a YouTube video teaser for a documentary being made that will expose effeminate alleged pill popping coke head con artist Alex Jones which showed footage of the “man” stalking, intimidating and harassing Michelle Malkin on the streets of Washington D.C.


There I made the boilerplate point that a man shouldn’t harass women. Which of course Alex Jones fans disagreed with. You can see my comments there posted under the name Hellfireblogs.

After that I received several all caps emails to my YouTube channel’s inbox claiming that I was evil, fat and should have my ass kicked. Somewhat out of left field, the messages also spent a lot of time complaining about my stance on pot. My response was measured and courteous, as you can imagine, and just as I was becoming bored with the whole thing someone (with similarly stunted English and logic skills) posted my Andy Dick piece on this pro-drug abuse forum. At which point Manik brought his freakout party here and you can go through the comments and see our interaction. You’ll notice that his behavior escalates unreasonably, almost as if there’s something wrong with him.

The point here isn’t that I take this implied threat seriously, although I believe he would try to kill me if given the chance (I just don’t think he could) but to point out that the only thing it takes to get a pot head violent is to criticize either his drug use or the paranoid fantasy life his drug use causes. Juxtapose this to “hard” drug users. I have known several in my life time and without exception all simply agreed when you said heroin or whatever was bad for you. None defended the drug use, though they all had some sob story about how it wasn’t their fault that they had a habit.

No coke user will send you all caps emails about how you should stop being “brainwashed” or they’ll kill you. It’s always the pot smokers, supposedly mellow and passive, who send me thinly veiled threats and childish insults. It’s always the pot smokers who claim Alex Jones was right to try to get a crowd of men to attack a woman. It’s always the pot smokers who seek to escalate their petty Internet conflicts.

Make no mistake, I simply don’t care if people smoke pot, just like I don’t care if they snort coke or frankly if they die. It’s their life to throw away if they want. I do care about the burden those people place on society and have argued and continue to argue for better and more honest education on drug use. Drug users make terrible parents and too often tax payers must pick up their slack. Drug users commit crimes, and selfishly demand society care for them while they spend their lives in perpetual adolescence. How many pot smokers do you know who don’t need other people to care for them? I have seen people in their mid-20s still being claimed as dependents on their parents tax returns, still getting allowances, still hanging around high schools. They were all people who put getting high before growing up.

Is there anything more immature than claiming some person you disagree with on the Internet should be decapitated in a comment written on a 6th grade English level? Yet these same people claim they are well adjusted adults. Is there anything more immature than believing in the Illuminati? A conspiracy theory designed to remove personal responsibility from individuals for their failures, this claptrap is the hallmark of the downwardly mobile. It is a lazy and specious theory that makes degeneracy like abusing women acceptable to these drug addled man-children who lodge their empty and laughable threats on the Internet as a last grasp at the potency they don’t have.

Frankly I get emails and comments like this from pot smokers and Alex Jones fans (two groups that overlap to an eyebrow raising degree) at least twice a week, most consigned to the spam folder or simply deleted. More than once someone has left a similar thought for me then asked me to remove it after enough time goes by.Things look different when you’re sober I guess.

I posted this because recently there has been, among Conservatives, a movement to claim that pot smokers shouldn’t be treated like any other user. My experience is that in some respects they are worse. Few people on crack evangelize for others to use, and I have lived in a crack blighted community where drug addict prostitutes picked up tricks in the lobby of my apartment building and as violent as any crack addict will become if they can’t get money for their habit, all will tell you that drugs are a mistake. Pot smokers tell kids drugs are fun, harmless and consequenceless even as children are endangered by pot smokers. They tell everyone that pot simply doesn’t make them crazy despite the 40+ years of research that says it does. They’ll tell you pot doesn’t make you paranoid even though they subscribe to the most unreasonable conspiracy theories.

And if you disagree with them they will threaten to cut your head off.