GOP Running Theodish Candidate for Queens City Council

This is a victory for right leaning Pagans. From the Queens Tribune, which has an obvious anti-Pagan bias:

Dan Halloran, the Republican candidate for City Council facing primary winner Kevin Kim in the 19th District, already has a leadership role in a vast community that very few people know about – or understand.

Halloran is the “First Atheling,” or King, of Normandy, a branch of the Theod faith of pre-Christian Heathen religions assembled in the Greater New York area. A group of dedicated fellow pagans swear their allegiance to him through oaths of fidelity, allowing luck from a series of ancient gods – specifically the “Norse” or “Germanic” gods Odin, Tyr and Freyr – to pass through the King to his kinsmen.

“It is our hope to reconstruct the pre-Christian religion of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European peoples, within a cultural framework and community environment,” Halloran – who in many circumstances surrounding his religion goes by his ancestral name O’Halloran – wrote on his tribe’s Web site.

“We believe in and honor the Gods and Goddesses of the North, spirits of the land, and the memories of our ancestors,” he wrote.

Within minutes of speaking with the Tribune Wednesday, Halloran’s site was listed as “under construction.”

When asked Wednesday about his faith, Halloran was uneasy. “I am not comfortable with injecting my religion into my politics,” he said. “I grew up born and raised Roman Catholic. I went to Jesuit schools. Most of my life has been in traditional Irish household.”

He added, “I don’t think any of this is really relevant to the City Council race. It’s like talking about what church you pray at. That you understand the divine is the most important part.”

Theodism relies upon an interlocking ring of honor, wisdom and generosity to motivate the individual members to achieve a spiritual evolution. “Any earthly life that a man doesn’t die out of as a better and worthier man than he was born into it is seen, in these terms, as a wasted life, ultimately bound for Hel [sic] after death,” Halloran wrote on his Web site. He also is listed on at least one Web site as a “Pagan Attorney” and served as legal counsel and incorporating attorney for the New York City Pagan Pride Project.

“Theodism is… an entirely kin and oath-bound community, operating by certain set standards to which the important business of oath-swearing is regularly and officially held,” Halloran’s site reads. “This has the effect of creating a vast web of social and personal connections high and low, weaving together the doom (fate) of those in the web. It is through this web of oaths that the beneficence of the Gods filters down to the individual members of the tribe, through a mechanism called luck.”

Halloran said that his leadership position in his faith is not simple to explain. “Things in non-mainstream religions are not as clear cut and obvious as in mainstream.” Just like Mormons, he said, the hierarchy, roles and responsibilities of members are difficult for somebody outside the faith to comprehend. “It’s different than being a bishop in a Catholic church.”

The piece goes on to throw the specter of blood sacrifice out there as a way to make Halloran voters uneasy, even though it never talks about the barbaric practice of Halal slaughter when a Muslim runs. But the local GOP has fully endorsed Halloran, which even if the Tribune gets its way and tanks his campaign is a big step forward for Pagans on the right.

Visit Dan’s offical campaign site here. Learn more about Dan on his blog.You can learn more about Theodish belief (a religion that is said to have been born on July 4th 1976) here and here. The Wild Hunt blogged about this story as well.

While I am not Theodish myself, nor do I endorse Theodism, I am proud to support Dan Halloran.

h/t Hot Air

“Witch Killer” Phillip Paul Escapes Washington Mental Institution


Well, to be fair he wasn’t in the institution at the time. He was where you take any 220 lb killer who murdered a woman because voices told him she was a witch.

The state fair:

SPOKANE — A man court-ordered to Eastern State Hospital after being judged criminally insane walked away from a day trip to the Spokane County Fair shortly after noon Thursday.

Sources at the hospital located in Medical Lake said that Phillip Arnold Paul, 47, had been held at the facility after being arrested for a homicide. Spokane County criminal records show only that he has a history of escape and assault

Spokane Valley Police and members of the Spokane County Sheriff’s Property Crimes Task Force flooded the fairgrounds around 2 p.m., looking for the suspect who reportedly was wearing a red windbreaker over a blue T-shirt and blue jeans.

Paul is a 5-foot-8, white male who weighs about 220 pounds. He has brown hair and blue eyes, and sports a goatee.

Needless to say, be on the lookout if you’re in the area. But how did this criminally insane killer escape? He just walked away from staff according to some reports. Worse there seems to be at least an hour when staff knew the dangerous patient was missing, but didn’t report it even though the man had a history of escape and assaulting people who tried to bring him in:

SPOKANE — A criminally insane killer who strangled a woman because voices told him she was a witch has walked away from an Eastern State Hospital field trip to the Spokane Interstate Fair and may be trying to hitchhike home to Sunnyside.

Deputies have been combing the fairgrounds and the area within several blocks of the sprawling complex in search of Phillip Paul, 47, a man with a history of escape and assault in Spokane County in addition to being found criminally insane in the wake of the 1987 strangulation killing of an elderly Granger woman.

Paul was on a field trip to the fair with a group of Eastern State Hospital  patients Thursday morning when he disappeared from the rest of his group. The rest of the patients from the group from Eastern State Hospital have been accounted for and taken from the fairgrounds.

The Spokane County Sheriff’s Office acknowledges they are “dismayed” with Eastern State’s Hospital reporting of Paul’s disappearance. While he was reported missing at 1:14 PM apparently Eastern may have known Paul was missing as early as 11:30 AM, more than an hour and a half before they notified authorities about his disappearance.

“It appears now there was a two hour lapse from the point he disappeared from his attendant to the sheriff’s office was notified of his escape and obviously that’s a concern to us,” Sgt. Reagan said. “We’re concerned that we were not aware that people of his criminal history were being brought to the fair for day trips. As a courtesy we would have liked to have been notified ahead of time.”

“Certainly as a matter of professional courtesy once he disappeared we feel the responsible thing would have been to have been immediately notified,” Reagan continued. “As soon as we were notified within 30 minutes we had saturated the fairgrounds with security people and Spokane Valley police officers.”

Indeed. All you Wiccans in Washington better hide your pentagrams.

With his history of escape, why was he at a state fair in the first place?

The Animal Rights Cult: Was Annie Le Killed Because She was Mean to Mice?


The working theory that police have leaked to the media of the Annie Le murder is that there was no romantic involvement between the two and no sexual motive, but that it was “workplace violence” precipitated by a series emails in which suspect Raymond Clark complained that Le wasn’t following protocols for the treatment of lab mice:

Along with the defensive wounds and the flunked lie detector test, investigators looking into the murder of Yale student Annie Le focused on a lab technician named Raymond Clark because of e-mails about the care of laboratory mice.

In the e-mails, Clark is said to criticize Le for not adhering to the protocols for tending the mice kept in the basement as part of her lab’s ongoing experiments.

Le is said to have responded in a conciliatory tone, promising to keep to the protocols. Investigators wonder if Clark was not satisfied, if resentment suddenly flared to rage, if as crazy as it may seem this was a case of mice and murder.

The Annie Le murder had piqued my curiosity originally because I lived in the area for a while, in Middletown in fact where Ray Clark was living with his girlfriend. But this new development is even more curious because it coincides with something I have noticed on the Web, a dark anti-human undercurrent dressed up in the self-righteous sanctimony of environmentalism but which is in reality nihilism and misanthropy at it’s most basic. More and more I see animal rights activists voicing calls for violence against humans.

Just yesterday I was watching a commercial for the Barnes Varmint Grenade bullet uploaded on YouTube when I saw this comment:

I would shoot that moron who was shooting at those animals with that bullet.

An odd sentiment. Prairie dogs are rodents whose “towns” are responsible for the broken legs of many another animal. They are also fast breeding pests that need to be controlled or they will overwhelm an environment. The human instinct to hunt is nature’s way to control animals like prairie dogs, and is more a part of respecting the natural world than slapping a P.E.T.A bumper sticker on the Volvo your parents pay for. The cult of “animal rights” that P.E.T.A. represents, however, doesn’t respect nature or our place in it. The call for animals to have human rights is not a call to elevate our treatment of animals at all but an effort to dehumanize us and make us targets for their ultimate goal, human extinction.

The “animal rights” cult is anti-nature. These same people de-claw their cats, feed their dogs vegetarian foods and promote legislation that leads to both human and animal starvation. But more telling, these extremists kill thousands of animals themselves. P.E.T.A. in fact kills over 95% of the animals they take in every year, and uses the money they take in to supposedly care for these animals to fund domestic terror groups that have firebombed the home of scientists, threatened researchers with death and even killed ranched animals as a statement against our “cruelty.”

The animal rights movement is clearly disinterested in creating a “cruelty free” world, which even if it was possible would be antithetical to nature. What they are interested in is creating a world where morality is redefined to accept the nihilistic anti-humanism they have embraced as right. To the animal rights movement, people are not simply worth the same as animals, they are worth less. This is a powerful belief to adopt because it means that killing humans is not just acceptable to save animals, but it’s less reprehensible than any action you could take otherwise.

But this isn’t to say that Ray Clark was some rabid A.L.F. member. It is to show how pernicious this animal rights philosophy can become when we allow it to become mainstream. Understand that if the police theory is correct here, Ray Clark murdered a woman just days before her wedding day because she didn’t treat mice to his liking. Mice.

As a child I owned a cat who was quite sweet with me but was known to be vicious among my family (she was a scratcher). When the house next door to us burned down it became infested with field mice who sometime ventured into my family’s house. I think I was 6 or 7 the first time she brought me a mouse, laid on my pillow with it’s middle torn out. Soon she learned that we were throwing the carcasses out and we began finding mutilated mice hidden under throw rugs, in shoes and everywhere you wouldn’t want to find a mouse that looked like it was a hapless teen in a Friday the 13th movie.

I also had another cat who was a gentle and docile creature. He once broke a mouse’s back and began torturing the creature by “playing” with it. It was the only time this gentle giant of a cat ever did anything that could remotely considered mean by our standards. But it wasn’t cruel, and neither was my other cat slaughtering mice. It was simply nature, which is beyond human conception of morality. In nature mice were born to breed and die, often at the hands of predators including us. That we may kill them now in an attempt to cure cancer is irrelevant, we kill them all the time as nature intended. I learned that from owning cats.

Ray Clark, if the police theory of the crime is correct, learned that perceived mistreatment of these tiny rodents was sin enough to kill for. I would put forward he didn’t learn this from nature, and I would hate to see what he would have done to a cat he owned that joyously shredded some hapless mouse. Clark internalized the message we allow P.E.T.A. to mainstream into our schools and pop culture, that there is a moral equivalence between mistreating animals and killing a woman, that Annie Le’s life was no more valuable than the mice she was experiment on.

How many Clarks are out there even now, thinking that hunters, fishermen, trappers and scientists deserve to die for their “cruelty”? More importantly, when will we stop allowing the “animal rights” cult to create them?

Maine Declares Civil Emergency to Pave Way for Mass Immunizations

From the Bangor Daily News:

AUGUSTA, Maine — Gov. John Baldacci on Tuesday declared a statewide civil emergency because of the H1N1 influenza virus, paving the way for mass immunization of Maine schoolchildren and other residents.

The emergency designation protects schools and health care providers against liability claims related to their participation in school-based vaccine clinics this fall for both the seasonal flu and the H1N1 flu. “Maine has been proactive in its response to this new flu,” Baldacci said in announcing the proclamation. “But as the school year begins, we must continue our vigilance, which will require a responsible and aggressive vaccination and public education campaign. It’s our goal that every person in the state has access to vaccines for the seasonal and H1N1 flu.”

AUGUSTA, Maine — Gov. John Baldacci on Tuesday declared a statewide civil emergency because of the H1N1 influenza virus, paving the way for mass immunization of Maine schoolchildren and other residents.

The emergency designation protects schools and health care providers against liability claims related to their participation in school-based vaccine clinics this fall for both the seasonal flu and the H1N1 flu. “Maine has been proactive in its response to this new flu,” Baldacci said in announcing the proclamation. “But as the school year begins, we must continue our vigilance, which will require a responsible and aggressive vaccination and public education campaign. It’s our goal that every person in the state has access to vaccines for the seasonal and H1N1 flu.”


Hundreds of cases of H1N1 have been confirmed in Maine, with many times that number of cases presumed. The virus is linked to one death in Maine. Although symptoms in this country have been relatively mild in most cases, public health officials predict a surge in the number of cases and possibly in the severity of the symptoms beginning this fall.

Unlike the seasonal flu, H1N1 thus far has proved to be more dangerous to young people, including children, teens, pregnant women and young adults. School-age children, in particular, are seen as a primary source of transmission to other vulnerable populations.

Sounds like the government is worried.

h/t (and condolences) to Survival Blog