Degenerate Melvin Blevins Gets 10 Years for Forcing Toddler to Smoke Pot

Remember Melvin Blevins? He was the scumbag who filmed himself and his teen girlfriend forcing a toddler to smoke pot? That toddler also tested positive for cocaine which was believed to also have been introduced to the child via Blevins and his old lady. Well he just got ten years in the pen, which is too light a sentence if you ask me:

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A man who videotaped himself forcing his 18-month-old niece to smoke marijuana has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Prosecutors say 19-year-old Melvin Blevins was part of a marijuana-trafficking ring, The Columbus Dispatch reported. A video recording showed him giving the toddler marijuana in a pipe while his girlfriend held her.

Blevins was sentenced Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Columbus. He pleaded guilty in March to various drug and weapons charges, including distribution of marijuana to a person younger than 21.

The girlfriend, 16-year-old Angel Dailey, pleaded guilty to child endangering and was sentenced in May to at least six months in juvenile detention.

Authorities learned of the videotape after a Columbus pawn shop found it in a camcorder.

When I first blogged about this I received comments and emails from people claiming Blevins was a great guy who “made a mistake” and other such nonsense. Of course there was also the school of thought that claimed I was evil for even blogging about poor innocent Blevins. I stand by my original posts and say now I hope Blevins is forced to smoke something in prison. He tortured a baby, and anyone who thinks what he did was forgivable should have their children removed and have the stupidity horse whipped out of them.

Good riddance to human garbage.

Thanks Belch

U.K. Judge Allows Child Molesting Teacher to Continue Relationship with Underage Girl!

England is truly full of degenerates. Because the pervert involved is a pretty, young(ish), blond teacher, the judge involved clearly takes her predation on a 15-year-old girl quite lightly, although frankly even violent rapes tend to get less than 20 years in the Labour blighted shores of Britain. This story seems particularly outrageous:

A public  school music teacher was yesterday jailed for having a lesbian relationship with a 15-year-old pupil  -  but told she could continue seeing her when she leaves prison.

A court heard that trumpet mistress Helen Goddard, 26, helped weave a web of lies so the ‘ vulnerable’ girl could stay in her flat overnight, and took her for a weekend in Paris, where they joined a gay pride march.

Judge Anthony Pitts jailed Goddard for 15 months, saying: ‘This case is so serious an immediate sentence of imprisonment is inevitable.’

But despite hearing from the girl’s parents the devastating effect the five-month sexual relationship had on the teenager, he rejected a prosecution request to ban the teacher from contacting her victim for five years, claiming it would be ‘unnecessary, unkind, and cruel to the victim’.

Goddard will be allowed to write to her from prison and will be able to see her in private the moment she is released from jail, probably halfway through her 15-month sentence.

The teacher punched the air in victory when she realised her relationship with the pupil, who is still underage, could continue.

Understand that we’re talking about a teacher who preyed on a troubled girl and whose influence has exacerbated the girl’s problems. Yet the liberal courts in England thinks it’d be cruel to separate them. Even worse is this ruling by the judge:

The judge refused to ban Goddard from ever being alone with under-age girls, rejecting another prosecution request.

It’s not like she’s proven that she’s dangerous to children I guess.

Helen Goddard is an interesting case, a former child prodigy who achieved musical success young and grew up in a country that had begun to abandon rule of law long ago. Goddard’s “Lesbianism” is a fairly new phenomenon since she was known to have several boyfriends up until recently, some famous in their own right. However her affair began once Goddard settled down into a boring career of teaching. Since even her own lawyer claims she has maturity issues, I wonder if this is all attention seeking behavior on her part. A troubled child would likely lavish the praise and attention on people like Goddard who crave such things, and the drama of the incident feeds her over-sized ego and sense of self-importance which is the product a psyche partly stunted by coming of age in a society that claims there is no right and wrong.

The judge is green lighting their relationship, but I predict that once the girl becomes an adult with desires and needs separate from hers, Goddard will begin grooming some other teen. With England’s blessing of course.

Victimless Crime File: Stoner Lured to His Death with Unreasonable Amount of Weed

Let me set the scene. You’re a Juggalo who gets freaked out when one of your friends cuts the brake line of some schmo while you’re on your nightly vandalism spree. You do the right thing and let the cops know that your accomplice may be looking to hurt someone. Said accomplices then show up and with metal baseball bats asking you to come into the woods with them. Would you go?

Now what if they offered you two pounds of marijuana? Still no, right. But then again you’re not some “recreational weed smoker” are you?

Angered that a one-time friend had snitched to police, four Hazleton area men lured him to a remote part of Schuylkill County where they beat him to death with metal baseball bats, hitting him as many as 80 times, authorities say.

Police said the victim, Anthony V. Locascio, 21, who recently moved to Hazleton, and the suspects all knew each other and shared a devotion to a hardcore hip-hop group known for espousing violence.

After the beating, the men removed Locascio’s clothes and jewelry as part of their retaliation against him for ratting on a fellow follower of the hip-hop group, state police said.


During a news conference at the state police barracks in Frackville, Schuylkill County District Attorney James Goodman and state police investigators declined several times to identify the name of the hip-hop group. But a source close to the investigation later confirmed the group is the Insane Clown Posse, a Detroit band that Gombert, Foose and Locascio referred to on their MySpace pages.

This isn’t the only Juggalo related crime in the area recently:

In Monroe County earlier this year, two teens who described themselves as juggalos stabbed 21-year-old Michael Goucher to death, prompting Monroe detectives there to identify the juggalos as a local gang, according to published reports.

Now how’s this for for a victimless crime by some misunderstood mellow stoners:

An arrest affidavit says the suspects told state police they killed Locascio, whom they referred to as a snitch, because he recently went to Hazleton police and told them that he and an accomplice cut the brake lines to a vehicle owned by Robin Hannah. They also poured sugar in the gas tank, said police, who identified Hannah as the estranged husband of a friend of Locascio.

The incident led to a feud between Locascio and his friends.

According to the affidavit:

The suspects admitted they lured Locascio to the wooded area along Old Mill Road in East Union with the intention of killing him.

They told Locascio they were driving to the location to buy 2 pounds of marijuana. Once they got there, Locascio got out of the vehicle to smoke marijuana, and the four suspects got out and started hitting him with bats.

When Locascio fell to the ground, the suspects inflicted another 60 to 80 blows to his head and upper body. An autopsy revealed that he suffered numerous blunt-force injuries to the head, causing a fatal skull fracture.

District Attorney Goodman and state police would not talk about the hip-hop connection at their news conference.

”There may be some relation to a group,” Goodman said. ”At this point, we are not going to comment on that and the way the body was left behind.”

The news release does say: ”Retaliation against the victim for ‘ratting’ on a fellow follower resulted in the accused removing the victim’s clothes and jewelry after the brutal beating.”

Juggalos typically wear dark clothing, piercings and merchandise of the band Insane Clown Posse, or ICP. The band’s members are known for their painted faces and aggressive, often violent, lyrics. While some police have started identifying juggalos as a gang, followers consider themselves a family and the music a religion.

I hope that was some good weed. And what’s with the cutting brake lines of people? I though pot smokers weren’t criminals? Just one more isolated incident that doesn’t reflect on the drug culture I’m sure.

h/t Trench

Mother of the Year Brenda Romine Uses Violent, Sexually Abusive Teen as Babysitter

Trench thinks he was probably her boyfriend as well but whatever the circumstance this is a woman who makes the most rancid gutterslut look like Annie Camden from 7th Heaven.

From KSWO:

STEPHENS COUNTY, Okla. – A Comanche man has been arrested and charged on four counts of first-degree rape. 18-year-old Derrik Weatherly is accused of raping a six-year-old girl at least four times. Stephens County Sheriff’s Deputies arrested Weatherly late Wednesday night after the girl gave disturbing details of the rapes. Thursday, deputies arrested the mother of the girl. And they said there could even be more arrests to come.

The rapes have been going on since May. The girl complained about the events to her mother, but the mother told officials she didn’t believe her. Law enforcement had no idea the young Stephens County girl was repeatedly raped for several months until she was brought to a hospital and hospital officials picked up the phone.

But wait, it gets worse:

The six-year-old gave descriptions of her babysitter Derrik Weatherly’s genitalia and what he did with it. And after her very detailed account, deputies brought him in. He later confessed to it all.

“He has limited mental functions. He has some mental problems. I believe he was a victim of a molestation when he was a child. He’s not all there. Bottom line is, he still raped a six-year-old. He was cooperative. He confessed to the law enforcement officers,” said District Attorney Bret Burns.

Authorities said the girl told them Weatherly had anal sex with her four times. He admitted to all four of them and that’s where four charges come from. Officials also said he had molested before and the mother should never have let him near the child. Now she’s been charged, too.

“Enabling child sexual abuse for allowing this man to be around her small children. She was warned repeatedly by DHS and by adult protective services not to let this person around her children because he was dangerous, he was violent, and he had a tendency to molest other children. She chose to ignore their advice and she let him around her kids and this is what happened,” said Burns.

Disgusting. At least she’s probably going to get what’s coming to her:

Brenda Romine, 30, of Duncan, was also arrested at the Stephens County Courthouse on Thursday. She has been charged with enabling child sexual abuse, a felony charge. Burns plans to recommend she serve up to life in prison, if convicted.

Let’s hope. Although execution should be on the table for Brenda Romine.

Child Rapist Gets Ordained by Gay Friendly Church


This is not the kind of publicity gays need. It’s almost like those at the head of the leftist gay rights movement are more interested in keeping homosexuals marginalized by ensuring the rest of society sees them as perverts. Or supportive of perverts.

A church in Louisville, Ky., plans to ordain a registered sex offender this coming Sunday though they won’t allow him to have unsupervised contact with children.

About ten years ago, Mark Hourigan was charged with sodomizing, sexually abusing and intimidating an 11-year-old boy and ended up serving time in prison.

Since then, Hourigan has been released from prison, completed his probation time, and joined the City of Refuge Worship Center, where he now leads praise and worship.

Though some congregants have expressed concerns regarding Hourgian’s ordination, Pastor Randy Meadows told a local ABC affiliate that the Lord touched Hourigan’s heart.

Furthermore, Hourigan will be signing agreement not to minister to children.

Despite the reassurances, the Pentecostal church’s plan to ordain a sex offender has resulted in the departure of some of the church congregants who are concerned that he will re-offend.

Notably, City of Refuge boasts itself as being “a GLBT affirming church” that accepts and welcomes “everyone regardless of race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, and/or social-economic status” and “are here to love and support all of our brothers and sisters in the Lord.”

You support rapists by having them make amends for their crime. You then help them with the self-imposed exile from the community any truly contrite sex offender (as if there were such a thing) would go through knowing that he or she doesn’t deserve to enjoy the fellowship and company of society. Instead City of Refuge makes this guy sign a promissory note that he won’t molest children, then gives him both authority over the church and status in the wider community. These are the actions of a church that is supposedly helping gays gain acceptance.

This is blatant leftist sabotage of the homosexual community by what is frankly a “synagogue of Satan” as Hellfire and Brimstone Christian, and Aleister Crowley drinking buddy, Montague Summers would call it before demanding it be burned to the ground and its members examined by the Inquisition.

He raped a little boy then threatened the child. I don’t care how hard he prayed the man needs to be shunned not sanctified, cast out not brought in.

The cult members of this anything goes church feel differently:

Inside the Goss Avenue building, member Mark Hourigan grabbed local and national attention for the role he is taking on. It comes two years after he joined City of refuge.

“We admire him for even wanting to try, even if he gets to do anything once he is ordained,” said Louis Brown, a Germantown resident and supporter of the church’s decision. “Sex offenders should have a chance and I believe they’re trying to give this fellow a chance.”

He already had a chance … to not rape an 11-year-old boy. He used up his chance when he used that boy to gratify his sadism. That these Jesus freaks don’t see that is one in a long list of reasons tie-dyed wearing god-botherers irk me. But the worse part of this situation is that it’s drawing other degenerates out of the woodwork for some sort of impromptu perverts’ pride rally:

“I grew up in this neighborhood and so did she,” said Louis Brown of his wife Carol. “These people that they’re protesting don’t speak for everyone.”

The Browns are not members of the City of Refuge Worship Center, but attempted to attend Sunday’s service. While saying they do not condone Hourigan’s actions, the Browns do believe even sex offenders should get a second chance.

“We’re supporting because we have a sex offender son,” said Carol Brown. “Regrettably they would not let us in because I’m sure they are very worried about the situation, see there’s protestors.”

Right. Remember when there was this thing called shame that made people who raised their children so poorly that the they ended up getting pinched for rape or molestation keep their yaps shut? Those were good times.

Anyway, any gays out there can make some deep inroads into the right by strongly denouncing the asinine elevation of a child rapist by a church that has parasitically latched onto gay rights. G.L.A.A.D., I’m looking at you.

h/t Pat Brown