Dateline NBC Producer Jane Stone to Alex Rosenwald: “Bite Me Jew Boy!”

And what exactly did Alex Rosenwald, Director of Media Outreach of Americans for Limited Government, do to have received an email containing what lefty tools like Stone would themselves have to call hate speech? He released an email calling for congress to defund ACORN. Stone fired back with some antisemitism which can be found here.

NBC is accusing ALG of making it all up, as evidence they present NBC News President Steve Capus’ word of honor. Good enough for the Twitter trolls, not however for me. Big Government has more.

Religion of Peace in America Link Round-Up

It seems like the Religion of Peace has been on a tear this last couple of weeks, which is strange since I thought Obama and the left would use soft power to make Muslims love us. By soft power I of course mean supporting Jew haters in their attempts to circumvent their country’s constitution, allowing Russia to dictate our European military strategy, and of course, demonizing the right. However, it seems like the followers of Mohammad aren’t really impressed by American lefties’ outreach and are currently running amok:

Najibullah Zazi was planning a WMD attack in New York on 9/11 before he was busted. He is in fact an Al-Qaeda adherent. Police are still looking for additional suspects that went to ground when Zazi was arrested.

As an aside, the Imam arrested for tipping off Zazi to government surveillance is a known pervert.

A 19-year-old Jordanian illegal alien has been arrested for plotting to bomb a sky scraper in Dallas. He too was an Al-Qaeda adherent loyal to Islam and “sheik Usama.”

A man named Micheal C. Finton, who “idolized” American Taliban John Walker Lindh, was arrested for plotting to blow up a courthouse and kill Rep. Aaron Schock in Springfield, Illinois. From Fox:

Michael C. Finton, 29, who also went by the name Talib Islam and idolized American born Taliban soldier John Walker Lindh, was arrested Wednesday in Springfield, Ill., after federal officials said he attempted to set off explosives in a van outside a federal courthouse in the Illinois capital.


Finton had been closely monitored by federal agents including in the months leading up to his arrest, according to a federal affidavit in his case. It said an FBI agent who posed as an al-Qaida operative presented Finton on Wednesday with a van containing materials he described as explosive but which actually were harmless.

The two men parked the van at the courthouse and close to the office of U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock, R-Ill., which Finton allegedly hoped also would be damaged. They then drove a short distance to where Finton twice used a cell phone to try to detonate the explosives, the affidavit said. He was arrested immediately.

The D.O.J. has released a statement that Daniel Boyd a.k.a “Saifullah” Hysen Sherifi, and Zakariya Boyd, aka “Zak” have been indicted for conspiring to murder military personnel at Quantico. Boyd had recruited at least a half dozen people to go on Jihad with him.

A grateful Kosovar Muslim living in New York was just arrested for plotting to kill U.S. troops.

A suicide bomber in Somalia is thought to have come from Seattle.

The Muslim march on Washington was led by a man who claims Jews control America.

It almost looks like there’s a pattern developing. The fact is that Islamic Imperialism cannot be remedied with conciliatory gestures, as in the Arabized Islamic world this is seen as a sign of weakness. Muslims must be dealt with from a position of strength, and those forces who are demanding a reformation within Islam (and they do exist) must be given our support and those who seek to destroy the West must be given nothing but bombs and bullets. We must convince the Islamic world that the West is too strong to be subjugated.

Even if it isn’t true.

U.S. Facing “Armageddon” if China and Japan Don’t Keep Buying Our Debt

Which I’m sure they’ll simply do indefinitely because of all the hope and change in the air. Surprisingly this report is from CNBC:

The US is too dependent on Japan and China buying up the country’s debt and could face severe economic problems if that stops, Tiger Management founder and chairman Julian Robertson told CNBC.

“It’s almost Armageddon if the Japanese and Chinese don’t buy our debt,” Robertson said in an interview. “I don’t know where we could get the money. I think we’ve let ourselves get in a terrible situation and I think we ought to try and get out of it.”

Robertson said inflation is a big risk if foreign countries were to stop buying bonds.

“If the Chinese and Japanese stop buying our bonds, we could easily see [inflation] go to 15 to 20 percent,” he said.  “It’s not a question of the economy. It’s a question of who will lend us the money if they don’t. Imagine us getting ourselves in a situation where we’re totally dependent on those two countries. It’s crazy.”

Robertson said while he doesn’t think the Chinese will stop buying US bonds, the Japanese may eventually be forced to sell some of their long-term bonds.

“That’s much worse than not buying,” he said. “The other thing is, they’re buying almost exclusively short-term debt. And that’s what we are offering, because we can’t sell the long-term debt. And you know, the history has been that people who borrow short term really get burned.”

The only way to avoid the problem, he said, is to “grow and save our way out of it.”

“The U.S. has to quit spending, cut back, start saving, and scale backward,” Robertson said. “Until that happens, I don’t think we’re anywhere near out of the woods.”

There’s also video at the link so check it out. But remember, we’re “out of the recession” so everything is just fine.

GOProud: The Democrats’ Health Care Bill Will Discriminate Against Gays

This isn’t the first time the Democrats have promoted policies that are meant to hurt the gay and lesbian community while the Democrat overseers in organizations like G.L.A.A.D. herd gay voters to the left. It’s hardly a surprise either since the Democrats are lousy with Marxists and Marx’s views on homosexuality were hardly enlightened. Jimmy LaSalvia of GOProud has a great piece in The Hill which describes the problem gays will encounter when the Democrats’ health care bill gets passed:

The conventional wisdom says that gays and lesbians should support Democrats’ efforts to expand the federal government’s role in healthcare. After all, in 2008 more than 70 percent of gay voters supported Barack Obama for president, and Democrats up and down the ballot count on gay dollars to fuel their campaigns and advocacy work. The Democrats would never push healthcare reform that actually hurts gay and lesbian Americans, right?  Wrong.

The truth is that Democratic efforts to expand government-run healthcare will expand discrimination and make quality, affordable healthcare even less available to gay and lesbian families all across the country.

The Defense of Marriage Act, passed by Congress with overwhelming bipartisan support, and signed by a Democratic president — Bill Clinton — prohibits the extension of domestic partner healthcare benefits and denies recognition of any same-sex relationship.  Indeed, even the Obama administration admitted that this legislation would bar the extension of domestic partner healthcare benefits.

The left’s demand for government-run healthcare, the so-called “public option,” will leave gay and lesbian families completely and totally out. Gays, who currently are able to secure health insurance that provides for domestic partner benefits for their families, will find no such options when it comes to government-run healthcare. Worst, low-income gay and lesbian families, who can’t afford private insurance and will be forced by federal mandate into government-run healthcare, will be hit the hardest.

This isn’t the first time that the Democratic Party has put its allegiance to big government over the best interests of gay Americans.  In 2005, during the debate over how to reform Social Security and guarantee its solvency, Republicans proposed the creation of optional personal savings accounts. The optional accounts would have allowed gays and lesbians to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in private accounts. While current federal law prohibits same-sex couples from leaving their Social Security benefits to a same-sex partner, personal savings accounts would have allowed gays and lesbians to leave their hard-earned money to whomever they chose.

Personal savings accounts would have been a free-market victory for equality over government-sanctioned discrimination. The left, however, opposed any effort at establishing personal savings accounts — preferring to force gay and lesbian families to remain inside a system that refuses to recognize their relationships.

Yet another reason George W. Bush was the best president for gays, something G.L.A.A.D. and their ilk spend millions of dollars suppressing.

Read the rest of LaSalvia’s piece, which goes on to offer common sense, conservative solutions to both health care and discrimination against gays and lesbians. Then support the good work of GOProud by donating here.

America Still Facing Ammo Shortages, Media Unsure Why

The mood on the street is obviously not as hopeful as the Obamunists would have liked:

NEW ORLEANS — Bullet-makers are working around the clock, seven days a week, and still can’t keep up with the nation’s demand for ammunition.

Shooting ranges, gun dealers and bullet manufacturers say they have never seen such shortages. Bullets, especially for handguns, have been scarce for months because gun enthusiasts are stocking up on ammo, in part because they fear President Barack Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress will pass antigun legislation — even though nothing specific has been proposed and the president last month signed a law allowing people to carry loaded guns in national parks.

Gun sales spiked when it became clear Obama would be elected a year ago and purchases continued to rise in his first few months of office. The FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System reported that 6.1 million background checks for gun sales were issued from January to May, an increase of 25.6 percent from the same period the year before.


“We are working overtime and still can’t keep up with the demand,” said Al Russo, spokesman for North Carolina-based Remington Arms Company, which makes bullets for rifles, handguns and shotguns. “We’ve had to add a fourth shift and go 24-7. It’s a phenomenon that I have not seen before in my 30 years in the business.”

Americans usually buy about 7 billion rounds of ammunition a year, according to the National Rifle Association. In the past year, that figure has jumped to about 9 billion rounds, said NRA spokeswoman Vickie Cieplak.

I myself have been hoarding ammo, but again the media has it wrong. It isn’t about Democrats (entirely) but about a collapsing dollar, looming hyperinflation and a government that is causing food shortages that we will begin seeing soon. Don’t get me started on the wheat crisis. In other words, smart folk see the possibility of America sliding into second world status so quickly there may be civil unrest.

But that doesn’t fit the narrative of Obama as savior so it looks like we’ll keep getting stories of how we’re paranoid gun nuts.

h/t Drudge