Liberals Running Down Cyclists Left and Right!

Wisconsin Democrat Fred Clark is a state legislator with a lead foot it seems. He ran a red light and mowed down a cyclist, a news story that’s appeared on Sky News and Breitbart, but not many other places. From Sky:

The moment an American politician crashed his car into a cyclist after running a red traffic light has been captured on film.

Newly-released video taken from inside a bus spotted Democrat Fred Clark, 50, smashing into the rider in Madison city, Wisconsin.

The footage shows the cyclist starting to cross a junction on August 18, seconds before the official’s 4×4 slams into him.

The one-minute video ends as Clark gets out of his vehicle, with the crumpled bike behind its rear passenger-side wheel.

A Madison police report said Clark told an officer: “I ran a red light. I was just not paying attention.”

Drugs and alcohol were not a factor in the collision, the report added.

The biker, reported to be 56-year-old Richard Rideout, suffered non-life threatening back injuries.

Clark was given a ticket by police for the red light driving offence.

Breitbart has video.

Around the same time former Ontario Attorney General Michael Bryant killed a cyclist after some sort of altercation which led to the cyclist clinging to the side of his vehicle. Bryant literally scraped the person off his vehicle by driving close to trees and other objects.

More of that caring for the little guy the left claims is only their purview. If you’re in a blue state think twice before getting on that bike.

Since I’ve found two examples of liberals doing something, I can assume all liberals do it, right? Just like when you find a Republican doing something objectionable we are all responsible?

Good News for Perverts! Raping Prisoners is Acceptable in Islam Says Senior Iranian Cleric

Not that this is a shock since Muslims have been raping female prisoners since their religion began, but I’d like to know what western Islam-o-philes have to say about this report:

( A highly influential Shi’a religious leader, with whom Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad regularly consults, apparently told followers last month that coercion by means of rape, torture and drugs is acceptable against all opponents of the Islamic regime.

According to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC), an independent Israeli intelligence analysis organization, Mesbah-Yazdi is considered Ahmadinejad’s personal spiritual guide. A radical totalitarian even in Iranian terms, he holds messianic views, supports increasing Islamization, calls for violent suppression of domestic political opponents, and, according to the ITIC, “declared that obeying a president supported by the Supreme Leader was tantamount to obeying God.”

At the Jamkaran gathering, Mesbah-Yazdi and Ahmadinejad answered questions about the rape and torture charges. The following text is from a transcript alleged by Iranian dissidents to be a series of questions and answers exchanged between the ayatollah and some of his supporters.

Asked if a confession obtained “by applying psychological, emotional and physical pressure” was “valid and considered credible according to Islam,” Mesbah-Yazdi replied: “Getting a confession from any person who is against the Velayat-e Faqih (“Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists”, or the regime of Iran’s mullahs) is permissible under any condition.” The ayatollah gave the identical answer when asked about confessions obtained through drugging the prisoner with opiates or addictive substances.

“Can an interrogator rape the prisoner in order to obtain a confession?” was the follow-up question posed to the Islamic cleric.

Mesbah-Yazdi answered: “The necessary precaution is for the interrogator to perform a ritual washing first and say prayers while raping the prisoner. If the prisoner is female, it is permissible to rape through the vagina or anus. It is better not to have a witness present. If it is a male prisoner, then it’s acceptable for someone else to watch while the rape is committed.”

This reply, and reports of the rape of teen male prisoners in Iranian jails, may have prompted the following question: “Is the rape of men and young boys considered sodomy?”

Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi: “No, because it is not consensual. Of course, if the prisoner is aroused and enjoys the rape, then caution must be taken not to repeat the rape.”

A related issue, in the eyes of the questioners, was the rape of virgin female prisoners. In this instance, Mesbah-Yazdi went beyond the permissibility issue and described the Allah-sanctioned rewards accorded the rapist-in-the-name-of-Islam:

“If the judgment for the [female] prisoner is execution, then rape before execution brings the interrogator a spiritual reward equivalent to making the mandated Haj pilgrimage [to Mecca], but if there is no execution decreed, then the reward would be equivalent to making a pilgrimage to [the Shi’ite holy city of] Karbala.”

What a beautiful tradition that is clearly morally equivalent to Christianity.

h/t Religion of Peace

Understanding the Jihad Against Non-Muslims

Today is the 5th anniversary of the brutal and barbaric Beslan Massacre. On this anniversary we must look to the future and work together to defeat our enemies. Brigitte Gabriel, author of Because They Hate and They Must be Stopped, has founded Act for America to help people make our fellow Americans aware of the threat of Islamic Imperialism. Here’s a speech she made in Denver which exposes the scope of Jihadism’s war on non-Muslims worldwide:


Part II:

[youtube][/youtube] Continue reading

Victimless Crime File: North Carolina Mother Sleeps Through Pit Bull Eating Toes Off Her Infant

The woman claims to have been on no medication so I’m going to go ahead an make an assumption here that drugs and/or alcohol were involved. After all how can you sleep through a dog eating your baby unless you are truly out of it? That and the fact that this mother was dog sitting a pit bull whose owner was in jail for a gun charge (meaning he was a felon I’m sure, since North Carolina has fairly libertarian gun laws) make me lean toward drug users doing what drug users do:

 JACKSONVILLE, N.C. (AP) – Authorities say they are charging a North Carolina woman who slept as a pit bull chewed the toes off her 4-month-old baby’s left foot.

The Onslow County Sheriff’s Office said Monday that the child’s mother, Robie Lynn Jenkins, and her boyfriend, Tremayne Spillman, will be charged with felony child abuse.

Deputies say the couple were dog-sitting the 1-year-old pit bull for a friend who had been arrested on gun charges.

Officials say Jenkins told investigators she was on medication and didn’t hear the child crying as the two slept in the same room Sunday night. She says she didn’t notice the injury until she changed the baby’s diaper Monday morning.

She was either high/drunk or semi-vegetative. Of course I assume some will tell me that if it is indeed a drug related story legalization would have altered the outcome of this story in some occult way.

Update: I misread, she admitted to being on some sort of medication. The point stands, how would legalizing drugs change this story? Let’s assume the woman was on a legally prescribed medication (which since this is North Carolina is not a sure bet) then isn’t this evidence of the harmful effects of even legal drug use?