Elitism, Europhilia, and Roman Polanski

The basic theme of Bram Stoker’s Dracula was the nightmare of a modern virtuous society invaded and corrupted by decadent “Old Europe” style nobility, who act in ways that defy morality and flaunt the laws of society due to their belief that they themselves are beyond the reach of man’s justice. Stoker wrote Dracula at a time when England was surpassing Europe as the cultural center of the West, and his novel was a reaction to the antinomian and often blasphemously obscene art and literature of men like Huysmans or Baudelaire. Dracula in Stoker’s work represents not only the dark antiquity of Europe, where men of low character could, by nature of their birth into noble households, literally get away with rape and murder, but the fin de siècle movement’s seeming embrace of that sort of depravity and decadence.

Dracula, the noble who defied even death (and thus God in Stoker’s universe), took what and more importantly who he wanted without regard to common decency. He murdered, raped, and stole his way through the story, acting as the ultimate metaphor for the evil of Old Europe’s degeneracy for decades. Then something peculiar happened. Post-modern society began seeing Dracula not as a metaphor for the sexual predator protected by his wealth and power, but as an anti-hero rebelling against Victorian morality. There is no Humanities or Literature department, book publishing house or film studio where this is not the prevailing interpretation of the Dracula character. Perhaps those that see themselves as the cultural “tastemakers” of our society, the university professors, leftist “artists,” and the business interests that surround the arts, have vested interests in reigniting the noble-worship of Old Europe, in creating a society that believes in the noble’s exception including their privilege to assault and otherwise molest non-nobles. But anyone having been exposed to some published poet or author (and I’ve meet far too many) knows that this reimagining of Dracula, and vampirism in general, is simply another expression of these people’s misanthropic elitism.

A common expression of this elitism is also academic Europhilia, by which I mean the adoption (primarily by the left) of what they assume are prevailing opinions in Europe and the pretense of a disdain for America. Those of us on the right are mistaken to think the modern academic’s tendency to scoff at “dead White males” and their contributions to civilization as in some way Europhobic. To the contrary, academics have merely adopted two of Europe’s most pernicious and degrading philosophies outside of the idea of the hereditary divine right: Marxism and multiculturalism. So entranced by Europe’s ability to project the air of cultural superiority, the self-appointed elites here have entered vassalage with the new “nobility” of Europe.

Which brings us to Roman Polanski, hackneyed artist, peripheral character in the Manson murders, and violent rapist of children. Roman Polanski drugged and violently raped, both vaginally and anally, a 13-year-old girl. He then skipped bail and fled to Europe where the arts community there, with the open approval of the “tastemakers” here, helped the degenerate continue to work and prosper while avoiding justice. His recent arrest exposed how the people who consider themselves part of the most sophisticated sectors of American society are little more than living caricatures of the gypsies who followed Dracula, doing his bidding and aiding him in his most heinous crimes.

Even though (to her credit) racist Amanda Marcotte tried to commit herself to justice, the negative reaction of Pandagon’s readers made her temper her attacks on Polanski by claiming we on the right are only disgusted by him because we don’t understand his works. No one on the right, you see, is in reality disgusted by rape because of course we’re all rapists. This clearly says more about Marcotte and her relationship with some authority figure she sees as conservative, but since I’m not Marcotte’s therapist I’ll never know for sure. What’s important here is that Marcotte, even while braking ranks with the left, cannot stand to “lower” herself into being on the same side as those she sees as beneath her.

This is elitism in its most obvious form. Pathological, spiteful, and based largely on reinterpreting reality to make these supposed elite minds less sadly pedestrian than they are. In fact, attacking Polanski is the one thing Marcotte has done in her entire life that would set her apart from millions of 15 to 45-year-olds who even now are thumbing through their copies of Poppy Z Brite’s Lost Souls.

But since she fails to understand Polanski’s work herself (implying Rosemary’s Baby is a feminist statement against the patriarchy) I find the suggestion that we righties simply hate art thus we hate Polanski (even though we love raping children apparently) to be the kind of textbook projection those whose identities are dependent on being seen as smarter than others (but who simply aren’t) tend to throw around when they angrily realize that those they hate the most are actually those who they should hate the least.

But at least Marcotte hates rapists as well.

There are 100 filmmakers who signed a petition to “free” Polanski who clearly do not. Whoopi Goldberg characterized the violent vaginal and anal rape of a child, while she cried and pleaded with her tormentor to stop, as not being “rape-rape.” Long time Red Alerts hater and admitted pervert Robert Lindsay claims “sane” people are outraged by Polanski’s arrest. Supposed feminist Joan Z. Shore claims Polanski’s arrest is shameful. She’s a Vassar graduate from New York City who lives in Europe. John Farr claims Polanski deserves leniency, just by nature of being Roman Polanski. Farr thinks movies he enjoys should be given the same status as Classical Literature, and oddly doesn’t think the overrated 28 Day Later was essentially an amalgam of plots from Romero’s Dead trilogy stuffed into one awful movie. Movie critic Kim Morgan thinks that despite drugging, raping, and sodomizing a little girl, Roman Polanski “understands” women though she’s clarified that doesn’t mean she condones his actions. Only letting him off the hook for his actions.

I do not point out these disparate defenders of Polanski and child rape to show that in contrast to Marcotte’s views on rape apologia it is the left that produces the majority of it because this isn’t a political point. This is more of an ethnographic sketch of those Americans who consider themselves culturally and intellectually superior to their fellow citizens. No doubt there is a vast difference between Robert Lindsay, Kim Morgan, and Amanda Marcotte, which is illustrated by the slight variations in their views, but there is an overarching theme here that I would suggest makes these self-appointed elites more of a subculture. They are the American thralls to a mythic Old Europe, where a person’s corpus of work is more important than their penchant for sexual criminality. They believe in a social order in which there are nobles (themselves) and a peasantry (the rest of us) who are devalued for our inability (or unwillingness) to participate in their decades old masquerade. Roman Polanski is who they aspire to be, his victim a meaningless indiscretion for which a man like Polanski cannot be expected to suffer.

Maybe a man named Ronnie Pulaski who worked construction, but not Roman Polanski!

Considered a genius, unencumbered by morality and the complete opposite of what Americans have long considered the ideal, Polanski challenges society in real life the way Dracula challenges Victorianism in Stoker’s novel. Were they better read, they would perhaps see Polanski not as the Gary Oldman version of Dracula, a tortured loved-starved creature punished by a hostile and puritanical God, but as I see Polanski. He is like the Don Juan of Tirso de Molina’s The Trickster of Seville, sinister, spiteful and ultimately damned. But to see that in Polanski is to look past the European trappings and artistic prestige, and to see the man as equal to all others and thus worthy to be judged. This is a step these self-appointed elites cannot take, lest they admit they too can be judged by their true equals, their fellow Americans.

We have our own royalty in America, the celebrities we build up and tear down as part of our entertainment industry. But there is something seductive in the royalty of Old Europe, the idea that a person could be considered worth more than another and never really have to prove it. We all have such pretensions if we admit it, and the best of us cast off this burden to meet the world and all in it as equals, and rise and fall according to our abilities, our sweat, and our blood. Polanski represents for some the easier way, the illusion of class and worth, the comforting lie of elitism. For those who embrace that outlook there is no action too wicked to defend if it props up the lie and reinforces the artificial distinctions between us.

Especially if it happens to those of us they consider beneath them.

GOProud Announces Nevada Affiliate

GOProud, the voice of gay conservatives in America, has announced the formation of Nevada affiliate Right Pride which will work in partnership with GOProud nationally and will address a variety of local issues of concern:

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, GOProud, the nation’s only organization representing gay conservatives and their allies, announced the formation of its second local affiliate. Right Pride launches this week in Nevada. “We are thrilled to welcome Right Pride to the GOProud family,” said Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director of GOProud.

Right Pride will launch in Las Vegas on October 1st, the day over 700 gay and lesbian relationships will receive legal recognition as the state’s domestic partnership law takes effect. According to Mark Ciavola, President of Right Pride, “Right Pride will represent gay Republicans, independents, and their allies here in Nevada, who believe in limiting government, protecting free markets, encouraging prosperity, promoting individual responsibility and defending liberty for all.”

“Right Pride looks forward to working with GOProud to hold liberal politicians like Harry Reid accountable for their opposition to common-sense conservative reforms that would help gay and lesbian Nevadans,” continued Ciavola.

“GOProud’s grassroots membership continues to grow every single day. We are thrilled at the trust placed in us by men and women all across this country to provide a voice to gay conservatives and their allies. We will continue to fight day and night for the issues our members care about,” concluded LaSalvia.

I urge readers to support Right Pride in their mission to bring a new rightward political voice into Nevada politics.

Follow Right Pride on Twitter and Facebook. Support Right Pride by donating here.

Support GOProud

The Who’s Teaching Your Children Link Round-Up

When I worked with kids the one thing that shocked me the most was the kind of degenerates allowed to come into contact with children. In the non-profits where I worked, we had stricter hiring standards than the school districts we were in, where a degree in “Education” (where teachers don’t learn to master any subject in particular, but just how to impart knowledge on subjects they have never bothered to understand) was a good enough credential for a 24-year-old who had never read a book outside of the texts he or she was assigned in college to be put in charge of the intellectual development of your precious children. That this sort of program attracts the wrong types of people should go without saying.

In other words, stories like this simply don’t surprise me anymore:

New Hampshire teacher/pervert assigns writing class this question: “If you knocked your brother down would you urinate in his mouth?”

27-year-old special education teacher Valerie Roesler was caught driving drunk at 2:00am … with a 15-year-old in her car. The teacher was having a sexual relationship with the child. Here’s a picture of who Virginia allows to teach your special needs children:


Kentucky Teacher’s Aide charged with raping 4-year-old. Even though he admitted to cops he fondled the girl, he remains employed with the school system.

Former teacher James Raymond has been charged with transporting a minor over state lines to engage in sexual activity. Grain of salt alert but the comments are full of people claiming to have dealt with this scum before.

A former teacher for D.C.’s Public Works charter school has received a lousy eighteen month sentence for sexually abusing a 14-year-old. Ricardo A. Cuaderes, 57, of the 3900 block of Normandy Woods Drive in Ellicott City as WaPo helpfully points out was actually sentenced to nine years, but the liberal judge decided to hug this thug and suspend all but eighteen months. I’m sure Cuaderes’ victim appreciates the judge’s compassion.

The Oregon school system hired 29-year-old John Kiltgord after failing to learn he was fired from the New York City school system the year before for dating a 16-year-old. Within a few months of being hired he was caught having sex with another child and is doing a little over a year.

A female teacher is facing life in prison for having a sexual relationship with four teen males. I never thought I’d see the day female predation was taken seriously. At least predation by unattractive women. Any woman who is considered at least marginally attractive will still be getting slaps on the wrist for child molestation.

You ready to start home schooling yet?

“Heartless Bloodthirsty Robot” Susan Atkins Facing the Wrath of the Gods


No sinner escapes the wrath of the gods!

(09-25) 05:20 PDT CHOWCHILLA, MADERA COUNTY — Susan Atkins, the Charles Manson follower and convicted murderer who lost her last chance at parole this month, died Thursday at the women’s prison in Chowchilla (Madera County), state corrections officials said.

She was 61 and had been suffering from brain cancer.

Ms. Atkins was convicted of seven murders committed in the summer of 1969, including the stabbing of actress Sharon Tate, who was 8 1/2 months pregnant.

The bodies of Tate, coffee heiress Abigail Folger and celebrity hairdresser Jay Sebring were discovered Aug. 9, 1969, in the home Tate shared with her husband, film director Roman Polanski. He was not at home at the time of the slayings.

Ms. Atkins admitted she had stabbed Tate to death as Tate begged for her life and that of her unborn son. Ms. Atkins said she and other cult followers acted on orders from Manson and were on LSD.

She was sentenced to death, but her sentence was changed to life imprisonment when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the death penalty in 1972. The death penalty was reinstated in 1976.

Between 1976 and this year, Ms. Atkins was denied parole 13 times. The state parole board rejected her final bid on Sept. 2, after Ms. Atkins had undergone a cancer-related leg amputation.

Parole Commissioner Tim O’Hara said that he and the other commissioner who presided over the hearing, Jan Enloe, based their decision on the “atrocious nature” of the 1969 killings and said that Ms. Atkins never fully understood the magnitude of her crimes.

It is a joyous day indeed when justice, long denied by liberals to the uneasy spirits of Atkins’ victims, finally came for a woman who Manson prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi described as a heartless bloodthirsty robot:

With the death of Manson follower Susan Atkins, the man who prosecuted her for first-degree murder said Friday that one of his lasting images was that of a “heartless, bloodthirsty robot.”

Vincent Bugliosi, however, said that image has become more ambiguous with the passage of time.

Atkins, who died Friday, played a central role in the 1969 slayings of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and others in a two-night rampage in the Los Angeles area. She later said she killed Tate even as the woman pleaded for mercy.


Atkins had given conflicting statements around the time of her trial, Bugliosi said. Still another version is found in the book by Charles “Tex” Watson, the main killer in both the Tate and LaBianca murders.

Watson said that Atkins boasted about killing Tate and her unborn baby to get attention but that Atkins actually held her down while he stabbed her.

“It was my hand that struck out over and over until the cries of ‘mother, mother’ stopped,” Watson wrote.

Atkins told two cellmates after her arrest for the murder of Manson family associate Gary Hinman that she stabbed Tate telling her, “Look, bitch, I don’t have any mercy for you.” She repeated the claim to Bugliosi the night before he called her before a grand jury.

Atkins likely didn’t kill Tate, instead holding her down while Tex Watkins killed her which is just as bad. She should have been electrocuted in the 70s but was allowed to stain the earth with her evil for decades. Now she is being punished for her actions, and the spirits of the dead she helped butcher rest a little easier. Bugliosi wrote the definitive work on the Manson cult, Helter Skelter, which describes their depravity in detail, if you can stomach it.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Hate Mail! Neo-Confederate Stacy McCain Groupie Calls Me Depraved Chickenhawk

The supreme irony of this current round of the Little Green Pogrom is that all the people who sat idly by while Charles Johnson slandered some very good people are suddenly finding themselves the target of Johnson’s hate cult. Perhaps unwilling to build the bridges they burned while tacitly supporting Johnson’s outrageous attacks, many of those people are looking for allies in all the wrong places. Case in point, Robert Stacy McCain, a blogger of widespread fame and dubious medical knowledge, linked to a neo-Confederate site called Old Rebel in a post he wrote which was designed to illustrate his willingness to engage with people he disagrees with, which would of course stand in stark contrast to noted smear merchant Charles Johnson. Or as McCain (ironically it turns out) put it:

My willingness to consider the arguments of people with whom I do not always agree is deeply implicated in my imbroglio with the Mad King of LGF, whose totalitarian theory of Charles Johnson supremacism does not permit him to tolerate the presence of anyone he suspects of doubting his theory. His protestations of his own “tolerance” are just so many more self-serving lies that Charles tells himself to justify his sadistic cruelty toward those who dare disagree with him.

A fair point that I would think could be made without linking to a man who thinks Republican support for the 1964 Civil Rights act was wrong (now we darkies are drinking from the Whites Only fountains!) and is calling for secession, but I could be wrong and it really isn’t my business who he links to.

But the real story begins when said Old Rebel drops into the comments on that post recycling a paragraph that he’s used both on his blog on and no doubt all over the web where he yammers on about neo-cons (Jews), lefty atheists, and “War Fetishists” which is a term he uses frequently to describe avant-garde political blogger Great Satan’s Girlfriend. We know this because in his comment and on his blog when he uses the term he links to G.S.G.F’s front page. This too would have been inconsequential except that G.S.G.F was not allowed to respond. I know this because I keep up with the blogger, who I blogrolled when I first came across her because I frankly like to see something different on this big, boring Internet. But even if I didn’t I’d know now because McCain petulantly announced he wasn’t going to let her respond on a separate blog post.

I say petulantly, but I could also call the post childish, heavy-handed, and snobbish. To be sure G.S.G.F. is a wild ride not to everyone’s liking, but hardly worthy of the insults he bandies about:

Which brings me to the subject of CourtneyME109, a/k/a “Great Satan’s Girlfiend.” What’s she all about? Where’s she coming from? Beats me. Without any attempt at complex political analysis, I’d recommend she cut down on her Red Bull intake.


Courtney, I’m at a loss to understand the meaning or purpose of the comments you keep trying to leave at my blog, which is why they are not being approved.
Nothing personal, you understand, but when I see terms like “Totenkopf” and “Confauxderate” in your comments, with wild assertions about connections between unrelated historical events, the choice between “publish” and “reject” isn’t really difficult.

I left a comment on that post that, in a nutshell, says that whether you like her writing or not, a gentleman allows a woman who is being insulted with a sexualized term like “war fetishist” to defend herself. I also pointed out the irony of posting about how tolerant you are while not allowing comments to be published on your site that you don’t like the style of. This did not sit well with McCain’s newest groupie Old Rebel; he decided to take this one outside, so to speak, and fired off this direct to email missive:

I decided to send this to you directly rather than hijack McCain’s site for an off-topic discussion.

BTW, I might object to the tern “neo-Confederate,” seeing as how that’s the term the leftists use to smear Southerners who actually want to defend their heritage, but that’s another issue.

As to “war-fetishist.”  What’s a better name for it?  Anyone who glories in the death of innocent civilians, as she did when 45 Afghan civilians scrounging for fuel were murdered from above this month, has a “thing” about violence.  Toss in all the soft porn that decorates reports of US mayhem, and we have a site that normal people shun.

“Chickenhawk” is over-used, though accurate in its condemnation of armchair-bound patriots cheering on overseas violence, and “ballistophilia” may be more accurate, but neither conveys the depth of depravity we’re discussing.

Make your own suggestions.


And here is my response to Mike and any other McCain groupie/neo-Confederate/cretin who emails me for no reason when it comes to the “depravity” of “chickenhawks” and other asinine faux-rightism:

How about something that doesn’t sexualize a teenage girl due to some disagreement with her, after all I doubt you would have called Reagan, the man who defeated Sovietism by threatening military intervention and supporting many foreign wars, a “fetishist.” The pseudo-pacifistic foreign policy based on a complete misunderstanding of the Imperialist impulse of Islam that you share with both communists and White Nationalists could be best described as a peacenik circle jerk and your definition of soft core porn to include fully clothed women has been described by me in other places when used by other hippies, sorry I mean rebels, as Buchanan-esque Christianized Communism. However, if either of those things were posted about you in my comments section I’d allow you to respond.

And that is the point here. Whether McCain finds her writing pretentious or not, after being called a war fetishist out of the blue in a discussion not concerned with her Courtney deserves the courtesy to a response. McCain just Charles Johnsoned her. That you aren’t concerned with that speaks to your character, or more precisely lack of it.

You come here and call me depraved and a chickenhawk, in private of course like the degenerate coward you are, because I support defending American interests abroad, standing with our allies and at 38, haven’t joined our all volunteer military? I suppose since you won’t join the border patrol but complain about illegal immigration you too are a “chickenhawk” but perhaps also in the original meaning since you display an unseemly interest in some teen girl.

If you object to neo-Confederate being a term applied to you I suggest you stop masturbating to thoughts of secession and pining away for the days when traitors and terrorists (Confederates and Klansmen who were also Confederates) sought to defend the State’s rights … to keep slaves. I’m proud to now call South Carolina my home and have no interest in telling people not to feel a healthy dose of southern pride, but when I saw your blog the top post was about the time for seceding from the Union being nigh, and another post decried the Republican support for the 1964 Civil Rights bill which outlawed racial segregation in public places. The Republican form of government is designed to protect the individual from the tyranny of the majority, you seem to support the tyranny of the majority suppressing the individual.

Which explains why you and Stacy McCain have no problem acting like Charles Johnson and not allowing someone you attack in his comments an opportunity to respond. In those same comments you proudly call yourself a Confederate, then cry like a stunted shut-in when I call you a neo-Confederate. Aside from being a Falangist whose “conservatism” seems to keep him on the side of communists, neo-Nazis and various other scum on most policy issues, you are also a hypocrite. I’m not surprised.

While you call me a “chickenhawk” and depraved, Red Alerts has worked with child advocates to support victims of child molestation and expose pedophiles on the Web. It was Red Alerts, working with Pagans Against Child Abuse, that exposed child exploitation on the Ning networks and due to our work changed the way Pagan sites were run, and P.A.C.A. with which Red Alerts is proudly affiliated, has gotten several child porn trading Ning networks shut down. What have you done while we “chickenhawks” kept children from being sexually exploited? Stalked some teen on the web like the racist pervert you are?

I’ll post this conversation on my site so you can respond there because as the RedAlertstips email account would suggest, this is an account for tips for Red Alerts not an outlet for some misogynist’s latency. Which reminds me, Anton LaVey wrote an excellent essay on misogyny you should read. I believe it is in the otherwise mediocre The Devil’s Notebook. Anyway to sum it up he says that when men attack women in a sexualized or misogynist manner it’s because they are either undeveloped sexually or are suppressing their homosexuality, both of which causes them to lash out angrily at women because they lack the ability to compete for straight men’s attention as well as the awareness of their desire for that attention. Rather un-PC and mostly tosh of course but as a neo-Confederate, oh I’m sorry you prefer the term Pro-freedom (except for Black folk) Confederate sympathizer, it seems right up your alley.

Thanks for reading Red Alerts!

Rob Taylor

I must admit that though I know of The Other McCain I am not a reader of it. I had thought of blogging about his Charles Johnsoning of G.S.G.F. prior to Old Rebel contacting me in a cursory way but frankly he and all the other big name Conservative blogs on the web now under fire by Johnson after watching him slander Pam Geller, Robert Spencer and dozens of others are reaping their virtual rewards for their perfidy and moral cowardice. But this goes beyond the hypocrisy of McCain and his ineptitude at digging up allies that will help him defend himself against charges of racism.

His tolerance of human garbage like Old Rebel does not make him better than Charles Johnson. In fact, since he and Johnson share similar levels of pettiness (was the post about G.S.G.F. really necessary? Only if you’re a big name blogger looking to humiliate a young girl) his tolerance of Old Rebel is slightly worse. But that’s not what galls me the most.

Red Alerts will never be as big as the some of the more shameless promoters (McCain) and won’t be getting links from Hot Air after my first mention, but I have done some good with it and I’m proud of that. While the Old Rebels of the world go around claiming people like me and G.S.G.F. are “chickenhawks” and “war fetishists” lusting after innocent Muslim blood I’ve helped raise awareness of child sexual exploitation, organized for political causes, and just as importantly, played a small role in getting the word out on some of great sites and writers, G.S.G.F. included.

When McCain plays an admittedly minor role in denigrating those things, by giving an unchallenged platform to a degenerate traitor who wants the United States to break apart, wishes Blacks were never granted the right to enter White-only public spaces, and more importantly, runs an electronic smear campaign on a college co-ed he doesn’t like, he exposes that Charles Johnson’s anti-McCain hatchet job may have accidentally stumbled onto something in pointing out McCain has an affinity for unseemly characters. Maybe this is Johnson’s broken clock moment.

That McCain can produce enough venom to spew at G.S.G.F. over a relatively minor inconvenience (I receive incoherent emails and comments fairly often) which may or may not have happened at all (we are never shown the comment in question, so we don’t know how incoherent it even is), but is warm and congenial with a neo-Confederate he supposedly disagrees with is eyebrow raisingly similar to Charles Johnson’s cozy relationship the violent communist and anarchist groups he uses as sources for his hit pieces, and his unprovoked attacks on even his own readers who deviate from his expectations. Which is amusing since McCain was pointing out that flaw in Johnson’s character when this started.

Of course I’m not saying that McCain has anything to do with Old Rebel and his attacks on G.S.G.F. or me except to point out that he’s McCain’s newest groupie, and he’s no different than Killgore Trout. Maybe McCain should change his blog’s name to The Other LGF.