Crooked Georgia Police Chief Illegally Stops Videotaping of Town Hall, Illegally Detains Protester

The Georgia State President of Pat Dollard’s American Constitution and Capitalism Defense Front (ACTIVE) is reporting that Douglasville Police chief Chris Womack stopped him from videotaping a health care town hall there and even threatened him with arrest. Womack was apparently working at the behest of an ACORN thug who tried to stop the patriots from ACTIVE from attending the meeting.

From Pat Dollard:

We were at a David Scott (D) town Hall meeting about a highway project in Douglasville. We intended to take the floor and ask him questions on his Health Care position as well as other things, and videotape it. While bringing our cameras into the venue I was stopped by an Acorn type and told that I couldn’t bring my camera. I ignored him. He went over to a cop, a radio call was made, I was approached by Douglasville police chief Chris Womack who threatened me with arrest if I took it in. He also asked for the camera. I refused to give it to him, and told him “I will be using it outside and there is no law against that”, he ratcheted up the attempt to intimidate me at that point, asking for ID. I had nothing to hide. Roger “Screaming Eagle” covertly caught the end of the exchange on his own video.

Throughout the townhall, free speech was shut down. If anyone asked an off-topic (non-highway 92) question, they were cut off and police and security immediately surrounded them.

There were plenty of video cameras in there, but we were singled out. You could also say that we were an obvious minority there.

BTW, it was obvious most of the other cops didn’t agree with the chief’s behaviour.

I don’t like the fact that this sworn officer of the law knowingly and intentionally violated my civil and Constitutional rights for political purposes.

I think from the meeting we got some good lessons learned as to the level these bastards clamp down on free speech and press. I am going to write up a “lessons learned” for future town halls. The town halls have not been going well for these guys and they are starting to resort to brown shirt behaviour.

Outrageous! The Douglasville Police Department website has a complaint form which I’m urging all patriots use to lodge their disgust with Womack’s illegal and un-American behavior.

SEIU Attacks: White-Led Union Thugs Attack Black Conservative at St. Louis Town Hall Meeting

All you Uncle Toms (Jesse Taylor and Pam Spaulding I’m looking at you) on the left can look at this and see what your White friends will treat you like if you ever step out of line:


As an aside, that’s the kind of beating you can expect if you vote down gay marriage again Black folks. And yes it will be administered by some SEIU house negro at the direction of five or six Whites, just like this attack. Six people were arrested related to this violent assault, including a reporter for the St. Post-Louis Dispatch. I guess suppressing Blacks is taught in J school now. The Post-Dispatch has already spun the arrests, burying the assault at the bottom of a piece where the reporter claims the GOP was at fault for their own abuse at the hands of Union thugs:

The six people were arrested after confrontations outside the school, said county police spokesman Rick Eckhard. Carnahan was gone when the ruckus started, Eckhard said.

Post-Dispatch reporter Jake Wagman, who was covering the event and shooting video for, was arrested for interference.


In a prepared statement released Friday morning, (Rep Russ) Carnahan said: “Sadly we’ve seen stories about disrupters around the country, and we have a handful of them here in Missouri. Instead of participating in a civil debate, they have mobilized with special interests in Washington who have lined their pockets by overcharging Americans for a broken health care system.”

“I will continue to engage with constituents that I am honored to represent in Congress and fight to achieve long-overdue health insurance reform in our country,” Carnahan said.

Engage them by sicking union thugs on them? Carnahan claims the protesters weren’t civil but how many of his supporters got sent to the emergency room? Black man Kenneth Gladney had to do his interview from an emergency room, but I guess since he won’t support socialized health care he has it coming:

Kenneth Gladney, 38, a conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don’t tread on me” printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was awaiting treatment for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack.

“It just seems there’s no freedom of speech without being attacked,” he said.

Members of the local Tea Party Coalition, a movement that has emerged to counter Obama’s policies, had urged their members to attend Carnahan’s forum, which in turn spurred Democrats to establish a strong presence.

Inside the gathering, while speakers stuck to aging issues, they were often interrupted by yells from audience members who wanted to shift the focus to health care.

“This isn’t even close to civil,” said Steve Belosi, 52, of Lake Saint Louis, commenting on the crowd. “The rudeness was beyond compare.”

As rude as sending a man to the hospital? I notice no Democrats (perhaps we can call them Fascists now) have criticized the beating of Gladney. And what kind of people, aside from the fat degenerates from SEIU, were involved in Gladney’s beating:

One of those arrested was Brian Matthews, 34, of St. Louis city, who works as a rehabber and previously worked on a campaign for a Texas statehouse candidate.

“I feel like it was a bull rush,” Matthews said. “It all came from behind.”

Matthews said he had been inside the forum because he is in favor of a public option for health care. He had attended with a friend, a 51-year-old woman. After it was over, they were walking outside and had a run-in with a man who was trying to videotape them. Matthews said that man from from the GOP. They reported the man to a police officer, who seemed uninterested, Matthews said.

As the pair walked to their car, they saw a man on the street who looks like he had been assaulted. Police surrounded him.

“My friend took pictures,” Matthews said, “and an officer told her not to. She contested that.”

Matthews said he and his friend walked away, arm in arm. The officer followed them, and Matthews friend exchanged words with the officer, Matthews said.

“I can’t tell you how many police officers charged us from behind,” Matthews said. “I was pushed to the ground by one. I was pushed into the back of somebody who was walking away.”

Matthews said he was told he was arrested for interference. His friend was maced “after she was subdued by the police,” Matthews said. She vomited on the side of the road, then later vomited more in the police car, he said.

In other words, Matthews and his whore, I mean lady friend, tried to get some random guy arrested based on a crazy conspiracy theory and when the cops wouldn’t take the bait they jumped some Black guy and tried to keep the cops from arresting someone. Disgusting.

Newsbusters has more. If you’re attending a town hall, be ready to defend yourself. I’ll be going to a couple of my local ones and I’m not coming unprepared.

The Death of Manliness: Pennsylvania Mass Murderer Was a Whiney Effeminate Liberal who Voted for Obama

When I heard that Hells-bound degenerate George Sodini was angry with women for not dating him I originally assumed he was one of those Men’s Movement sissies who sit around crying because they aren’t treated “fairly” by women, which in most cases means they want to be treated exactly like women by both women and other men. After all, there’s only so many drum circles a “man” can participate in before he’s completely neutered, and since Sodini hadn’t had sexual relations in in 19 years I simply envisioned him sitting around thumbing through his copy of Iron John while some fat, hairy hippies dance around him chanting “embrace the power of your inner man!” while badly hiding their lisps.

But Sodini was worse. Sodini was typical of the modern “liberal” in his belief that he deserved happiness he couldn’t create for himself. He wrote weblogs and made videos that claimed it was “unfair” for him to not have a woman in his life.The 48-year-old read books on how to date young women, rather than meet women his own age. He joined gyms to meet women who weren’t interested in him, rather than trying to find women with common interests and pursue friendships first with potential mates. In other words he sat back and hoped some fantasy he had of sweeping a 20-year-old off her feet would come true. This is childish, unrealistic and completely typical of the modern progressive mindset. Sodini thought the minor efforts he put into to finding a woman (working out, getting a tan) should have been rewarded with women falling into his bed. He didn’t take personal responsibility for his happiness, but decided his happiness was reliant on something which wasn’t possible.

Is it a surprise that he was ecstatic over Obama’s victory even though he was still planning a murder/suicide? Is he so different from people who claim they “deserve” health care or that it’s “unfair” that they aren’t as rich as someone who works harder? Was George Sodini different from the ACORN protesters who thought people who were unable to pay the mortgages they couldn’t afford should stay in their houses? Is he different from the leftists who howl in outrage whenever someone disagrees with them?

Not at all. George Sodini could have just as easily been a coordinator for MoveOn, or worked for Media Matters. He’s no different than Ezra Klein or Amanda Marcotte who has her own take on the mass murder that would do Sodini proud. When people believe their personal happiness comes from external sources, whether it be a woman, a political movement or anything else that is not designed specifically to satisfy your inner spiritual or emotional needs, the end result is unhappiness, disillusionment and madness.

Did a Gay Deputy Stalk and Rape Illegal Aliens in Broward County?

That’s what the investigation indicates so far. I have to admit at first I was extremely skeptical of the charges being leveled against Deputy Jonathan Bleiweiss by several illegal aliens, thinking that this could have been a case of some angry arrestees making up some charges against what by all accounts is an openly gay officer. From The Sun-Sentinel:

“He’s an open target now, especially as a law enforcement officer, and as an openly gay deputy,” said Eric Schwartzreich.””Where were all these people before? You have to be suspicious of their motivations and biases. You have a good, tough officer, and naturally people are not going to like him.”


Bleiweiss, 29, is accused of intimidating at least eight illegal immigrants he picked up on traffic stops, including a teen, into performing sexual acts while he was on duty in Oakland Park. He faces 14 criminal charges.

Broward Sheriff’s Office officials said Wednesday they are considering more charges against Bleiweiss. Investigators ask that other people come forward if they have information about Bleiweiss.


The seven-year veteran deputy is jailed without bail and in protective custody. His attorney said Wednesday he plans to seek a new bail hearing.

Reached at his home in Ashland, Oregon, Rick Bleiweiss, said he has spoken to his son regularly since his arrest.

“He is absolutely innocent,” Bleiweiss said. He declined to comment further.

The case against Bleiweiss will depend heavily on the cooperation of those who have accused him. That might prove difficult to obtain. South Florida immigration attorneys say illegal immigrants who are victims in criminal cases might be wary of testifying in court for various reasons, including concern they will be arrested or deported.

“Some cooperate and some have shied away,” said Jeffrey Brauwerman, a former immigration judge who practices immigration law in Plantation. “Cases do fall apart when witnesses are unavailable.”

Miami immigration attorney Ira Kurzban said authorities might be able to persuade immigrants to testify by providing them visas under a law that protects crime victims. Such visas, good for several years, are available to those who provide court testimony and meet other requirements.

Seems to me there is a powerful motive for the illegals to lie. Steve Rothaus reports on his Miami Herald blog that even after these charges came to light Deputy Bleiweiss was allowed to stay on the job meaning that clearly the people making the charges have some credibility issues. After reading the arrest affidavit (.pdf) I almost had my original skepticism re-inforced except for the fact that investigators found a couple of irregularities that prove that at least something was going on with the Deputy and these men.

1) It was proven Bleiweiss sent provocative text messages to one of the men, who claimed the officer forced him into a “relationship” with him.

2) Several other men who claimed Deputy Bleiweiss forced them to give him their cell numbers (after molesting them) also were found to have received calls Bleiweiss.

3) Most damning of all was the fact that while Deputy Bleiweiss never officially recorded any of the stops in which he was said to have raped the victims, his unofficial records of his warrant (?) searches on D.A.V.I.D. and T.A.R. corroborate the victims stories.

An out officer working with populations that are less than tolerant of gays can run into problems with false allegations being made. At the same time a ghettoized population like illegals is ripe for exploitation, which is the point of multiculturalism in the first place, to create sub-classes of Americans that can be herded by nature of their separation from the mainstream. While I can’t say for sure that Deputy Bleiwiess “raped” anyone, it does seem like he exploited his position of authority amongst a very vulnerable population.