Paris is Burning … Again

Muslim youth are once again exerting their authority over the French population in a preview of what is to come in all of Europe.

From The Telegraph:

One person fired at police with a handgun in the rioting in a housing project in Bagnolet, on Paris’ eastern edge, and 29 cars were torched, the interior ministry said.

The latest bout of suburban violence erupted after an 18-year-old pizza deliverer lost control of his motorbike while fleeing a police identity check. He died en route to the hospital.

Later Sunday night, a group of around 40 local youths hurled Molotov cocktails, stones and other objects at police and emergency workers on the scene. They also smashed windows of a secondary school and shop. One person was arrested and order restored.

Brice Hortefeux, the interior minister, called for calm and insisted that “all light will be shed” on the cause of the young man’s death. An autopsy was scheduled yesterday (Monday).

The internal police watchdog agency is also investigating the incident. A police official said there was no contact between the police car and the motorcycle.

Tensions have remained rife in France’s deprived, high-immigrant suburbs since riots swept through the country in 2005.

Indeed. Here’s another report from The Globe and Mail:

Some 40 rioters in a Paris suburb hurled Molotov cocktails at police and firefighters, torched cars and one person fired a handgun during a rampage early Monday prompted by the death of a teen pizza deliverer fleeing police.

Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux called for calm after the overnight violence, signalling fears that unrest by angry suburban youth could spread from Bagnolet, on Paris’ eastern edge. Mr. Hortefeux announced plans for an internal police investigation with results to be made public.

Police reinforced their presence in Bagnolet, and some 40 vans of riot police were seen outside the housing project where the rioting occurred. No one was injured, authorities said.

Some witnesses claimed that a police car hit the 18-year-old’s motorcycle after he tried to flee a document check outside the project. “I saw it with my own eyes …. He didn’t stop (and) they hit him,” Alexandre Matthias told iTele TV station.

However, Philibert Demory, deputy prosecutor of Bobigny, which handles the region, said that “as it stands so far there is no element to show contact” between the two vehicles. He asked witnesses to come forward.

The teenager lost control of his motorcycle and hit a metal barrier; he then died en route to the hospital, police said.

About 40 young people hurled Molotov cocktails and projectiles at police and emergency workers on the scene, and one person fired a handgun at police, Mr. Hortefeux’s office said in a statement.

The rioters set fire to 29 cars and smashed windows of a high school and store, the statement said. One person was detained and order was restored after police reinforcements arrived.

Flowers and a note were left at the metal barrier to mark the young man’s death.

Mr. Hortefeux insisted that “all light will be shed” on the cause of the young man’s death with an internal investigation.

It’s pretty obvious what’s going on here. Muslims are blaming the police for the accidental death of a criminal and they will get the police to back down and remove the offending check points. Islamist control of France will move one step forward while rule of law takes two steps back. And we’re heading in the same direction:


Revolution Muslim is a Jihadist terror group operating in New York. And yes, in that video you saw Muslim members of the NYPD accept their material. Feel safer now?

h/t Atlas

Think Progress Claims Bill O’Reilly Called Web Surfers Pedophiles While Promoting Hate Site That Claim All Republicans are Pedophiles

The fact that Think Progress is a Center for American Progress front for anti-American socialist propaganda is pretty much well known by everyone except the 9/11 truthers and pedophile activists who infest the comments there. Comments which, I might add,  are closed to registration and mysteriously filled with dozens of people who “speak in the same voice” as we used to say in writing class. This helps Think Progress avoid some painful public debunkings of the multiple lies they publish by getting around that pesky fact checking aspect of blogging that tends to happen when you allow anyone to comment and argue against your points.

Despite this the media insists on using Think Progress as a source especially when it comes to popular targets of leftist derangement like Bill O’Reilly. Apparently O’Reilly drew yet more ire from Think Progress smear artists Christy Harvey and Judd Legum by pointing out an obvious truth, that the Internet gives scum of various stripes support and encouragement by linking them up with like minded cretin. Observe the innocuous and boilerplate statement:


Now here’s professional Harvey toady Ali Frick’s case of the vapors:

Thousands of protesters have gathered in London ahead of the G20 summit, many of them angry over a multi-million-dollar pension paid out to a failed executive at the Royal Bank of Scotland. Host Jon Scott asked Bill O’Reilly what he thought of “these nuts,” and O’Reilly said “the Internet’s driving this kind of stuff” — including protesters and, apparently, child molesters

Uh, no. What O’Reilly said was that anarchists recruit and organize using the Internet just like child molesters do. Anarchists use IndyMedia to organize just as pedophiles use sites like Boychat, or Many people like Perverted Justice, the (in my opinion awesome) crew at Absolute Zero United and your humble blogger have pointed out time and again the organized pedophile online movement’s disturbing growth and the recruitment of dangerously unstable child molesters like Alia Loren Jacobsen to their cause. Though the crimes may not be as vile, anarchist violence organized on the net is similar in its promotion of criminality wherein innocent people are victimized.

O’Reilly wasn’t smearing anyone, but Frick’s sock puppets sure were. The first comment left on the post was just a link to this Media Matters affiliated hate site called Republican Sex Offenders which, rumor has it, is run by an angry sex offender. The site is a list of mostly small fry state and local Republicans who have been accused or convicted of various sexual offenses. It even lists serial killer Ted Bundy, which I guess is some sort of counter argument to the fact that John Wayne Gacy was a Democrat activist who actually attacked a teen worker he met through his work with the Democrats named Tony Antonucci. Of course that really doesn’t reflect on all Democrats, but I guess the 20 or so people out of a party that comprises millions of Americans proves we Republicans are all evil.

If you’re insane. Or insanely partisan.

If Think Progress was an honest broker of information they’d have open registration so that someone could argue that point, but they aren’t honest. They are a slander machine designed to whip up hatred in the lowest common denominator. Anarchists are criminals when they destroy millions of dollars worth of property, injure hundreds of people and use the fear their violence causes to intimidate political opponents into silence. In that respect they are no different from child rapists, who trade in fear and intimidation and organize on the web. O’Reilly isn’t wrong to point that out, but the pedophile enablers of Think Progress are wrong to minimize the ongoing efforts by child rape advocates to mainstream “intergenerational love” using the web, just as they’re wrong to minimize the violence at the G20 protests.

Jesse Taylor of Pandagon Tap Dancing for his White Masters on JournoList

The new talking points for the government fellating hacks of JournoList is a three point attack on health care protesters in general and Black victim of union thug violence Kenneth Gladney in particular. Professional Uncle Tom Jesse Taylor, the “Black” man who started an all White liberal site that gives voice to known racists like Amanda Marcotte and once wrote a post about me so racist, homophobic and vile they had to scrub it from their site, is now rewriting history JournoList style. The brutal assaults by the progressive paramilitary of the SEIU are going to be glossed over and the following points (dictated by White liberals) are being hammered home:

1) The violence is coming from the right. Ignoring the fact that Kenneth Gladney went to the hospital and six of his assailants got arrested, the left’s pet Black man has this to say:

Here’s what claims to be video of a conservative black man allegedly getting attacked by a union member (it looks a lot more like a lot of people falling down, and I initially thought the victim was an SEIU member).  From the video, I can’t tell what’s supposed to have happened other than a lot of uncoordinated middle-aged people scuffling with each other and then yelling about it afterwards.  It’s entirely unclear what the timeline of events were here, but it’s pretty clear some form of violence was involved.  Some on the right, incidentally, are ecstatic that this guy is black, because that means that Obama is a false prophet of racial harmony or, well, yes.  And such.  (Interestingly, the alleged victim’s allegations initially involved the black man you see rubbing his shoulder early in the video attacking him instead of the white man who was arrested, which is…odd, I’d say.)

Oh, the poor White lynch mob is innocent. Some Black guy did it. Way to stand up for your people, Jesse. You’ll also excuse me if I doubt you know what a beating looks like. Having been jumped myself I can tell you it does look like uncoordinated people falling down, not like the Dragon Ball Z cartoons you watch between shining White liberal’s shoes.

2) The next point the left is trying to drive home is that there’s no real issue the protesters are angry about, they’re just a mob of intellectually inferior rednecks stirred up by talking heads on Fox:

It’s a toxic mix of racial resentment, class resentment, general liberal-hatred, a continued belief that Barack Obama is some sort of fascist/socialist/communist dictator, and a series of other beliefs ranging from the murderous aims of liberals to our intent to ban religion.  It’s all driven by the prophets of crazy – the Becks, Limbaughs and O’Reillys, with the lesser Malkins and Buchanans plugging along just under the surface – living the dream of becoming millionaires while fomenting radicalism, something that hairshirted liberal extremists never quite got the hang of.

Right. Everyone at those town halls is just too racist, poor, and stupid to be enlightened. That’s not dehumanizing your enemy at all. I guess in a way we deserve to get our heads cracked by the stormtroopers of the left when you really think about it. Jesse goes on to sum up the right in a nice simplistic sentence that makes us the regressive enemies of progress that no one will miss when we’re rounded up:

They’ve coalesced around healthcare because it’s a broad enough sector of our economy with broad enough reach into our lives that it allows them to unleash the full 45 years of post-Goldwater conservative resentment on us all.

Yeah. Looming hyperinflation, wealth redistribution and government expansion plays no part in people’s concern over a multi-trillion dollar middle class entitlement benefit designed to reward young White liberals while killing off the rest of us.

3) Worst of all, we on the right are the ones who want conflict. We’re trying to start a war don’t you know, so the left should get ready to give it to us:

The third is that they want to provoke the very confrontation they’re afraid of.  These protesters have a view of the world that’s part eschatology, part Red Dawn.  They’re powerless to stop the coming catastrophe, but there’s no reason they shouldn’t be prepared to fight it every step of the way.  And maybe, just maybe, if they fight smart enough and rig enough grenade launchers out of old cans and rusted-out V12 engines, they can turn it away.

They believe they’re up against a President who’s “drunk with power” because he riffs on people who bitch about his solutions to the problems they created.  (“Note the body language: the leading with the chin and the little smile at the end. This is a man in love with power who is angry at being defied, a man who has absolutely no interest in freedom of speech if it goes against him (no, that was too mild; he has an absolute antipathy to freedom of speech if it goes against him, and this has a long history with Obama—see this and this).” The “this” and “this” are allegations that Obama tried to squelch the free speech of people criticizing him by – wait for it – criticizing them.) The new rumor is that he’s building internment camps for conservative dissidents, despite the fact that the job posting is clearly for the military prisons that already exist (and that they supported when Bush was in power).  By the time it gets into swine flu conspiracy-mongering, it’s pretty much over as anything even remotely rational – it’s just a matter of placing conservatives as victims of the most terriblest evil that’s ever existed.

Don’t you see? We’re all insane. Maybe dangerously so. If only the authorities would disarm us and put us on some meds….

Jesse Taylor makes this sweeping fantasy based argument largely to deflect attention from a simple fact. Americans of various political stripes were voicing their opinions and Taylor’s patrons mobilized a paramilitary to assault them a la Hugo Chavez. When Gladney, a Black man, was put in the hospital by his White led union thug friends, traitors like Jesse Taylor aren’t even allowed to say that they think beating up Black folk crosses the line, for fear of losing their privileged position amongst their White hipster friends.

Jesse Taylor doesn’t care about Gladney because he doesn’t want to miss that Ear Pwr concert in Park Slope where he can sport his lime green keffiyeh while drinking mojitos with a couple of fat White women with nose piercings. That a Black man was sent to an emergency room by White thugs for passing out flags is a small price to pay to keep the praise of the massa’ and Jesse is willing to do anything to keep that praise flowing. Amanda Marcotte exposed as a racist? No problem, Jesse will provide a smoke screen. Pandagon calls a Bi-racial man (me) a race traitor for not supporting White liberals? Can’t be racist because Jesse Taylor approved of it. Ezra Klein losing an argument with a fellow liberal? Here comes Jesse to the rescue to provide absolute moral authority and a good deal of race baiting.

Jesse Taylor exemplifies all that is wrong with Black liberalism. He puts Black interests second to what the White liberal establishment wants and divides the Black community when we most need to be united. Jesse Taylor is a house negro in the truest sense of the word, surrounded by Whites and using the privilege of his contacts to enforce order on Uncle Sam’s Plantation among other Blacks no matter how harmful it is to our children and community. He’ll tap dance for them until they find some other Black person to take his place. Then when he’s in Gladney’s position he’ll beg the Black community for help.

Help that won’t come unless White liberals approve it for their Black lackeys.

Afroctiy has a great post up in a similar vein, but much more temperate.

Democrat Christianist Loretta Sanchez Holds Health Care Prayer Vigil!

How exclusionary! As a practitioner of an alternative spiritual practice I am very uncomfortable with this expression of rank Christianism designed to shut down debate and “other” opponents of Obamacare:

GARDEN GROVE – About 300 people from throughout the county got together Sunday and prayed for affordable health care in a vigil that included Christian pastors and a public official.

The prayer vigil, held at St. Callistus Catholic Church, was about the national health-care reform package that is being debated now, but also about the loss of health care in California because of the state budget crisis.

It was sponsored by the Orange County Congregation Community Organization, which represents 22 congregations and 50,000 families in seven cities.

Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Santa Ana, the guest of honor, said she supports universal health care, but that’s not what’s being debated in the Capitol.

Instead, she said, the current proposal would provide federal subsidies on a sliding scale for health insurance premiums for families that earn up to $88,200 a year, which is four times the official federal poverty level threshold.

“We are also trying to cut down the increases in the cost of health care, which are averaging 15 to 20 percent a year,” Sanchez said. “That is the real reason we need to reform our health-care system.”

Hmmm. Last time the Catholic Church took such an obvious stand with a Fascist movement was when they replaced the Falangists in Mussolini’s Italian Fascist coalition. Technically what we’re seeing right now is an example of Integralism, a Catholic corporatist philosophy which is unsurprisingly pretty popular amongst the revolutionaries in Latin America. I expect that we’ll see more prayer vigils by the Red Shirts of the Obama administration.

Here’s video of the prayer service. Disgusting:


h/t Hot Air

Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Muslim Career Criminals Murder Holocaust Survivor in NYC

I thought A) pot smokers were mellow and non-violent and B) Muslims were peaceful and law-abiding. This has got to be an anomaly. Or is it?

From the Daily News:

Two brothers with lenghty rap sheets were busted Friday in the brutal slaying and robbery of a 90-year-old Auschwitz survivor in his East Side apartment.

Aljulah Cutts, 27, accompanied the accused killer into the home of Guido Felix Brinkmann before the victim was asphyxiated on July 29, law enforcement sources said. He’s facing a homicide rap.

His brother, Hasib Cutts, 30, waited downstairs in the getaway car, the sources said.

The brothers have 50 prior arrests between them, a mix of low-level charges for criminal possession of stolen
property, trespass and marijuana.

Hasib was not involved in the killing, and should face lesser charges, sources said. Both brothers were in custody at the 19th Precinct, where they were appearing in lineups.

Brinkmann’s doorman identified Aljulah Cutts as the man who went upstairs into Brinkmann’s apartment with Angela Murray, the sources said.

Murray’s jailed boyfriend apparently hooked her up with the Cutts brothers after she identified Brinkmann as an wealthy and easy mark, sources said.

But Murray and Aljulah Cutts were stunned by “what a tough old guy he was,” a police source said. It was unclear if Brinkmann was choked to death manually or accidentally asphyxiated during the robbery, the source said.

Murray, 30, was charged with murder and robbery for killing Brinkmann in his fourth-floor apartment. She and a man were later captured on videotape using one of the victim’s credit cards, police said.

Police said Brinkmann was bound, beaten and choked after he refused to surrender the combinations to a pair of safes in his apartment.

h/t Atlas