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The New Misogyny: Bree Olson Voices Political Opinion, “Liberal” Followers Call Her Whore


In a repeat of the Gauge incident, “liberal” porn watchers have shown their true colors on Twitter (where Bree Olson promotes) early this morning when adult film actress Bree Olson had the temerity to disagree with them over politics, and worse, admit to watching Fox News. This time Twitter kept the length of the misogynist attacks on Olson short and to the point with “men” (and I use the term loosely) telling her they could “no longer get hard for her” or that she should “shut up and Suck some more C#$%” while sobbing into their commemorative Obama t-shirts.

The point here is that yet again “liberal” tolerance is tested and comes up sorely lacking. Bree Olson is expected to cater to the liberal male’s fragile and feminized ego to such an extent that she can’t, in real life, express an opinion different than theirs without drawing venom so vile that it would be at home in the mouth of a rapist. Which is ironic since these same men no doubt claim to be Feminists but invest a great deal of their emotional lives in watching a woman they will never have be taken by a man that they can’t measure up to. I’d say something about Freud here, but is there really a need?

Bree Olson is, no matter how you feel about pornography (and I myself think modern porn has strayed away from libertine hedonism and into pathological degradation), an American who deserves as much respect as anyone else. Why is it that people who claim they are “for women” don’t think the same way?

Miley Cyrus: Exploited Teen or Hipster Douchebag?


I’m going to go with a 70/30 split here, because frankly at around 17 young Ms. Cyrus is old enough to know that the Teen Choice Awards aren’t the place to practice your pole dancing, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Cyrus’ idea to introduce the ‘tweens watching this fiasco which also featured a woman most teens would never have heard of (Kathy Griffin) holding hands with a degenerate no teen should be alone with (Levi Johnston) as a precursor to what wasn’t so much an award show but a virtual molestation of every child watching.

Now look, I’m no prude but I prefer my strippers to be a) of age and b) out of sight of anyone who still watches the Teen Choice Awards, an audience primarily made up of 12-year-old girls and pedophiles. What exactly is the purpose of a pole dance by a 17-year-old girl who looks 15 years old, aside from providing spank material to perverts and creating some very difficult situations for teachers this fall when all the 4th graders start doing their “Miley” dance for the talent show?

One purpose I can think of is to stroke the ego of a petulant teen millionaire who thought it’d be “ironic” and “cool” to mock the millions of women in America who didn’t have the benefit of a celebrity father and pedophilic pop culture to make them rich, and support themselves, their children and often some deadbeat girlfriend through swinging around a pole surrounded by people so jaded and bored with life that she has to hang from the pole like a bat to get tips. Another purpose is to add a few years to the career of a girl who should be looking into college by tarting her up so that the legions of parasites whose business is selling Miley Cyrus don’t have to slap lipstick on some 8th grader and get Vanity Fair to photograph her in a thong. After all, such things take years of grooming, ask any child molester.

But what this boils down to is the kind of idiotic move all teens with no proper guidance pull when they’re trying to be seen as an adult but never had much opportunity to mature. Frankly I’ve seen worse, but nothing so public and that’s the point. Cyrus still markets herself to children yet wants to put on some low rent go-go show designed to make adults uncomfortable, children confused and titillate the hipster crowd with her “empowering embrace” of what can politely be called burlesque only because of the sad state of burlesque shows these days, which are little more than vanity driven passion plays for trust fund babies to get back at their absentee fathers. Cyrus’ performance was much more suggestive than most burlesque and that’s where some adult should have stepped in and said no. I mean by the gods who is her agent? Roman Polanski?

Like I said, I’m no prude I just prefer my adult entertainment to be made for and by adults. If Cyrus wants to strip than let me know when she’s 25 or so and I’ll go to the Pink Rhino to catch her feature dancing, but let’s keep the kids out of the loop on this one.

More Footage of Democrat Christianist Loretta Sanchez Using Prayer Rally to Stifle Dissent and Promote Communism

YouTube Channel CleanUp DC has even more footage of Democrat Christianist Loretta Sanchez’s Christian Falange meeting in which she uses a church meeting to promote her Americanized Bolivarian political agenda.


Separation of church and state be damned. Where’s Andrew Sullivan when you need him?

More Democrat Thuggery! Union Goons Attack New Hampshire Patriot, HuffPo Advocates Brownshirt Tactics

Via Gateway Pundit comes this report from GraniteGrok in which a Union thug attacks some Free Stater at the behest of the Democrat Gestapo:

It seems that one of the Free Staters was accosted by either an SEIU or AFSCME union thug.  The story, corroborated by several sources, is that the Free Stater said something that the Union thug did not like and hauled off and spit into his video camera

and then kicked him in the groin.

The camera was running so hopefully it will surface soon.

Meanwhile Huffington Post contributor, known historical revisionist, and Pro-Communist anti-Semite Joseph A. Palermo has called for Democrats to handle criticism of health care by enlisting large numbers of Union goons to intimidate them into silence:

So there’s a simple solution to these Republican astro-turf goon squads that are currently disrupting Democratic town hall meetings on health care. Do what Kennedy did. Speak before a crowd of supporters who have dirt under their fingernails and know how to win battles in the workplace. The fight over health care is no different from the fight over the eight-hour day or the minimum wage. At root is whether we as a nation are going to view health care as a human right or will we allow it to remain a privilege.

Democratic politicians facing town hall disruptions should seek the help of their working-class supporters. Make sure large numbers of people from the local unions come to these events. Then we’ll see if the Tea Bagger thugs can continue their bullying tactics on behalf of corporations seeking to block progress on health care.

Aside from the weird man crush Palermo has on what he thinks are rough around the edges Union bears who scare we Republicans with their “burliness” Palermo betrays what effete downwardly mobile White academics (Palermo is a college adjunct unsurprisingly) think of working class men.  In Palermo’s mind they are violent, easily led and exist to do the bidding of their “betters.”

Palermo should note that everyone attacked by a Union thug was sucker punched, a small person, or a woman. I am attending several South Carolina town halls next week and I can give you my personal guarantee that some union thug who spits on my camera or puts his hands on me will score a “full one” on the Muta scale. I can also guarantee that since I myself am “burly” no union thug will hit me no matter how many hateful things i say about their mothers, something which I can’t guarantee won’t happen.  I wonder if that would shatter his fantasy of being rescued from a mob of evil right wingers by a plaid shirted carpenter who sweeps him up in his strong arms and rushes him to his cottage in the woods to recuperate?

But I know a lot of people like Palermo, weak and fragile themselves they see the lazy, fat drunks that make up the union’s professional protest wing as the height of intimidation. Palermo’s the same person who crosses the street when he sees a Black couple or orders his lo mein in badly garbled Mandarin that he picked up on a vacation to China. Palermo is the very picture of what he himself would call White Privilege, that is the ability of people like him to insulate themselves from reality with a combination of his parents’ money and only coming into contact with minorities and working class people when they are fixing his toilet or serving him food.

Thus he sees union shops as workers’ armies waiting for an academic commissar to give them marching orders and anyone who disagrees with him is just a target of his unresolved father issues, sublimated through the lens of his adolescent fixation on Leninism. Palermo’s call for violence is a call for others to exert his absent masculinity and it is disturbingly sincere for all its eyebrow raising Freudian slippage. There are thousands of people like Palermo out there calling for violence, and if even 1% will act on it that’s a lot of crime coming our way.