Victimless Crime File: Mother Gets High, Castrates Infant “With Unknown Sharp Instrument”

A Texas jury just convicted a woman who cut off the genitals of her five-week-old son during a drug binge:

HOUSTON —  A jury has convicted a Texas mother of mutilating her infant son by cutting off his genitals two years ago.

Jurors deliberated for about three hours on Friday before finding Katherine Nadal guilty of first-degree felony injury to a child.

The jury will now hear evidence in the punishment phase of the trial before deciding Nadal’s sentence. She faces up to life in prison.

Prosecutors told jurors the 28-year-old mother was high on drugs when she mutilated her then-5-week-old son, Holden Gothia, with an unknown sharp instrument in their suburban Houston apartment in March 2007.

Nadal’s defense attorneys blamed the attack on the family dog, a 6- to 7-pound dachshund.

Before any cretin claim she might have been telling the truth, her “my dog ate my baby’s penis” story was thoroughly debunked by the father of the baby and witnesses at the scene. This is another drug user getting high and hurting innocent people with their selfish immaturity. She should have given up her child if she wanted to maintain her drug habit.

HIV Positive Youth Minister Rapes 13-Year-Old

This degenerate should be thrown to lions, then crucified:

A Lakeland man infected with HIV faces a $1.25 million bond on charges that he allegedly raped a 13-year-old boy without using condoms.

Jere Michael Temple, a friend of the boy’s family, faces six felony counts of sexual battery with a minor over 12 and engaging in sexual intercourse without disclosing HIV infection, Lakeland police said.

Investigators said 58-year-old Temple had unprotected sex with the boy during all of the sexual encounters and think he could have been in contact with more children.

“Temple’s frequent contact with children through the youth ministry, and his willingness to engage in sex with a child while being infected with HIV, poses a great risk to the community,” the arrest report says.

Lakeland police records show Temple and the victim met at the Rainbow Promise Community Church, a religious organization that reaches out to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in Polk County. Both were members of the congregation, according to the church’s Rev. Karen Ducham.

“There were no indicators to catch our attention,” Ducham said. “It’s terrible that this happened to any child, but one you can put a face to it, makes it even more horrible.”

Ducham said Temple joined the church in 2004 and often volunteered in events. He wanted to become part of the youth ministry, but had not completed all the background checks, Ducham said.

Actually the foot dragging on completing background checks is all the indicator you should need. When I worked with kids I had to go to the cops and be fingerprinted for a background check. I did so within a week of the interview. When I hired people for a summer camp in Brooklyn several young(ish) men showed up, were given the background check forms and never came back. Had they come back sans form I would have rejected them.

I don’t care if it’s a rainbow painted magic church where Jesus himself comes down to grill perfectly cooked steaks. No background check, no access to children, period.

If I may be so bold, I find that sometimes the gay community, like the Pagan community, Black community etc, has a tendency to trust a little too much. Just because someone says he’s gay doesn’t mean when he’s working with your kids he can be trusted any more than a straight man can be trusted working with children until he passes the background check. And even then, no adult in a program I was involved with would ever be alone with a child.

The pervert involved should be charged with attempted homicide if you ask me.

h/t Trench

The New Misogyny: The Unhinged Misogyny of Pandagon’s Jesse Taylor

An avid reader of Pandagon alerted me to Jesse Taylor’s most recent intellectually dishonest attack on everyone who triggers his unresolved father issues (Conservatives and anyone else who he thinks represents an authority figure) with the note that this one borders on misogynist. Here’s little Jesse’s post in toto:

A word of advice.  Well, a few words, actually.

If you are a conservative black person trying to convince the overwhelming majority of black people to stop voting for Democrats, do not call us ”original recipe dark pieces of chicken”.  Similarly, if I want you to vote for Democrats, I will not call you a retrograde shitstain on Michael Steele’s Lando Calrissian Underoos.


Ouch. And it’s not shocking at all that in a fit of pique Jesse Taylor would use a child-like vulgarity (shitstain? Really?) linked to an immature pastime (Star Wars fandom) with a hipster douchebag reference (Underoos, sooooo ironic) tying the package so neatly even an armchair psychiatrist like me could figure him out. But why’s little Jesse so angry at Afrocity anyway? In the piece he links to, Afrocity doesn’t mention Jesse Taylor or Pandagon, and I am told neither are really on her radar. And vice versa.

Jesse Taylor never mentioned Afrocity’s awesome blog (which I urge all my readers to visit) before, and he likely wasn’t aware of it until today.

That’s when he came to a post I wrote called Jesse Taylor of Pandagon Still Tap Dancing for his White Masters on JournoList where I pointed out that Jesse Taylor is little more than a token for known racists like Amanda Marcotte to hide behind.There Jesse left this comment at around 5:30pm:

Jesse Taylor said,

on August 13th, 2009 at 5:23 pm

What I want you to do next time is count how many times you use the phrase “house Negro” in the post, and then try to surpass it. It’ll be fun!

As an aside, the answer is once. So it’ll be easy to surpass at some point. But it’s interesting that his comment exposes him as being a little too sensitive to that charge. I’ve had people (like Jesse Taylor of Pandagon for instance) call me some variation of Uncle Tom dozens of times. I’ve never felt like they said it more often than they did. It’s almost like he didn’t read it at all…

Coincidentally I’m sure I ended that post with a link to Afrocity who was blogging about a similar subject but not about any particular person.

Again coincidentally Jesse Taylor posted his short and snarky post at around 7:00 pm using the same post I linked to in my piece which upset him so much. As my tipster has pointed out, he sure seemed angry at Afrocity after reading my post.

I just wrote a piece about an adult film actress named Bree Olson who was attacked by hundreds of her “fans” after mentioning on Twitter that she was essentially a fiscal con libertarian. Before that I blogged about another adult film actress named “Gauge” who was supporting McCain for President. She too was savaged by liberal fans who had no problem with her sex work until she dared step out of line politically with them. Tila Tequila was another Republican woman I’ve blogged about who was attacked with misogyny by the supposed liberals who created the demand for Internet models.

In all these cases, liberal men took out their frustrations on women who they disagreed with in lieu of dealing with the real causes of their anger.

Jesse Taylor’s new post is part of that same tradition of misogyny. He was most angered by the admittedly hurtful, though completely true, things I wrote about him. Because like many other unstable and feckless bloggers, Taylor won’t allow me to register for comments there (though I will ALWAYS allow him to comment here) and will not link to my site so his readers could get context for his anger, a la Charles Johnson of LGF. Jesse has limited options when it comes to dealing with attacks on him. In this case, he found a woman whose writing I admire and attacked her. I’ll leave it to readers to draw their own conclusions.

Pandagon is considered a “feminist” blog but its creator didn’t want to bother to answer the post that upset him so he went to the blog of a woman I linked to and attacked her. She took the hit that was really meant for me, the way Jesse Taylor’s wife will take a punch whenever he feels emasculated. This is the impotent and feminized face of “liberal” misogyny and the behavior I frankly was not surprised to see from a sheltered man-child like Jesse Taylor.

Afrocity didn’t deserve derision and venom from Jesse Taylor, but the feminized self-esteem lacking Taylor needed to lash out at someone. Because of my prior history with their racism and homophobia the gals of Pandagon and their “Black friend” usually avoid interacting with me because I remind them of exactly how hypocritical they are. Racists, liars and men who attack random women when they are upset, everything they pretend the right is in what is part cynical role playing, part projection and mostly sublimation of their own immature impulses into a sub-culture based entirely around lowering the bar for what it means to be a decent person.

So I apologize to Afrocity if she was confounded by venom from someone she was probably unaware of. I am the “shitstain” in Jesse’s mind to be sure, but unsurprisingly he found it easier to say that to you than me. I wonder why that is?

The “Only Idiots Think the Recession is Over” Link Round-Up

All the “economists” who claim the recession is over do so ignoring signs of a looming crisis so obvious that it is clearly willful blindness for them to ignore. Don’t listen to what some shill in a Hope and Change t-shirt is saying, read the news and use your common sense:

Foreclosures Rose 7% from June to July

“More than 360,000 households, or one in every 355 homes, received a foreclosure-related notice, such as a notice of default or trustee’s sale. That’s the highest monthly level since the foreclosure-listing firm began publishing the data more than four years ago.

Banks repossessed more than 87,000 homes in July, up from about 79,000 homes a month earlier.”

Retail Sales unexpectedly dipped in July

The latest government reports reinforced concerns about how quickly consumers will be able to contribute to a broad economic recovery.

“There is really no positive spin to put on these numbers,” Jennifer Lee, an economist with BMO Capital Markets, wrote in a research note. “The U.S. consumer remains very weak. The jobs situation, while slowly improving, is still dismal.”

Wal-Mart posts flat profits but beats expectations– Another report that shows American consumerism, which is the engine of the global economy, is not going to drag companies out of this mess. As goes Wal-Mart so to the mom and pop shops in small towns everywhere.

The 10 Fastest Dying Cities met for a symposium– Here’s a little vignette to explain why there is no hope for these future ruins:

Dayton Mayor Rhine McLin ran to the podium for her talk. “If you look under the surface, you will see that we are developing a boutique city,” she said. She didn’t elaborate on what she meant.

But the city is working with hospitals, universities and a U.S. Air Force base to rebuild neighborhoods. About 500 abandoned structures will be razed this year with $3.5 million in federal stimulus money. Neighbors can annex the empty lots or the city will plant prairie grass and call them parks, said John Gower, Dayton’s director of planning and community development.

“We can’t go back and recreate the neighborhoods of the 1950s and 1960s, but we have a huge opportunity to create a new form for our cities,” Mr. Gower said. “People want to live in beautiful places near green space.”

Traders are bracing for a September collapse – You should be too!

The Fed purchased $6.6 Billion dollars in of its own treasuries – Hyperinflation here we come!

Billions of dollars in bad loans still threaten U.S. Banks.

Frequent government intervention to stop the bust part of capitalism’s natural boom and bust cycle have spared many generations minor pain by pushing all that economic pain down the road. This financial game of kick the can worked great for a time, but as the government tightens its control on the economy that can isn’t going to have anyone to kick it further down the line. Massive taxes coming down the pike to pay for the Democrats’ bribing, I mean spending, spree will destroy the last of the productive Americans including those businesses that make civilization possible like small farms which we are losing at an alarming rate.

So the economists may be right, we may be out of the “recession” and into something much worse.

Charlotte Police Blame Rape Increase on the Internet, Use Made Up Stats to Prove It

Buck passing thy name is Sgt. Darrell Price:

“In the past, (rapists) would have to hunt and stalk,” said Sgt. Darrell Price, who’s in charge of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department’s sexual assault unit. “Now, all you have to do is (get on the Internet), and she’s waiting for you at a hotel room.”

Officials also say a higher percentage of victims each year are coming forward to report rape. Nationally, the number of rapes reported to police has increased by 30 percent since 1993, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, a nonprofit advocacy group.

Would you be surprised to find that on their website R.A.I.N.N. actually says sexual assaults have decreased 60%? So Charlotte Observer reporter Christopher Kirkpatrick is helping police cover for their inability to control their streets by playing a little word game in which he implies rapes are increasing but what he’s actually reporting is that more women who are raped will report the rape than would have in 1993. This is actually a good thing. Even better is that less women are being raped. But not apparently in the Charlotte metro area:

Rape is the only major crime category up this year, according to CMPD statistics.

Through July, there were 26 more rapes reported to police (185) than last year, when CMPD investigated 159 rapes during the same period. That goes against a two-year trend that saw fewer reported rapes in Mecklenburg.

Price said he believes the Internet is playing a role in the rising numbers. But he also explains the increase as a result of stepped-up outreach programs by the department during the past year and a half.

CMPD detectives visit about 20 at-risk groups annually, he said, including sororities and freshmen orientation classes at Davidson College and UNC Charlotte. He said the presentations encourage more victims to come forward and report rapes, which are more prevalent among college-aged women because of drinking.

Price said the department also meets with fraternities to explain that the definition of rape includes sex with a woman too drunk to legally consent. He said some victims report drinking heavily and blacking out.

I guess the Internet was getting them drunk? I also am a little uncomfortable with the implication in the article that high risk behavior causes rapes. Drinking may increase your personal chance of being raped (depending on what kind of douches you drink with I assume) but even if no women drank rapists would still rape people. It’s kind of what they do. The quasi-victim blaming gets worse:

Locally, experts say more date rapes and sexual assaults are growing out of Internet chat room introductions and from dates arranged through popular cyber-dating sites.

But Charlotte-Mecklenburg police also are reporting a surge in crimes against women who blatantly advertise adult sexual services on the Internet, Price said.

Some are prostitutes advertising through sites such as Craigslist, which offers free Internet classified ads. They try to hook up with clients in Charlotte hotel rooms, but end up getting robbed or raped, police reported. Others are arrested for prostitution in police stings.

Since September, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police say 13 robberies and five sexual assaults have resulted from ads placed by women advertising sex services. And police also arrested at least 24 prostitutes and johns in a June sting operation.

Concerned about the increase, Price said he sent an e-mail to Craigslist last week asking the online posting company to warn women advertising personal services that Charlotte had become too dangerous for them.

Craigslist has drawn fire in recent months for its adult services ads. S.C. Attorney General Henry McMaster threatened to file criminal charges earlier this year against Craigslist executives. Craigslist and its CEO Jim Buckmaster fired back with a lawsuit, which is pending. N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper has also focused attention on MySpace and Facebook over sexual predators trying to contact children.

Craigslist did not respond to the Observer’s request for comment about the Charlotte incidents or Price’s request for the company to post a warning.

The women on Craigslist are easy victims, but that doesn’t mean that were they absent from Charlotte there would be no victims. One look at blogs like Crime in Charlotte, N.C. will show you that the real issue is a break down in law and order and the inability of the police to operate in a city where gangs like The Hidden Valley Kings basically control entire neighborhoods. Blaming the Internet (and by implication the victim’s use of it) is a smoke screen thrown out by cops in a city run by “progressives” who allowed crime and drug use to get so out of control that they have no idea how to re-exert their authority. Forbes lists Charlotte as one of America’s most dangerous cities. Women in Charlotte should be using the Internet to find a new home, because the police there can’t protect them.