Thousands Quit A.A.R.P. Over ObamaCare!

Ah! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! This story is awesome:

CBS)  CBS News has learned that up to 60,000 people have cancelled their AARP memberships since July 1, angered over the group’s position on health care.

Elaine Guardiani has been with AARP for 14 years, and said, “I’m extremely disappointed in AARP.”

Retired nurse Dale Anderson has 12 years with AARP and said, “I don’t wanna be connected with AARP.”

Many are switching to the American Seniors Association, a group that calls itself the conservative alternative as CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports.

Last week alone, they added more than 5,000 new members. Our camera was there Friday when the mail came.

Letters were filled with cut-up AARP cards.

“I think that probably the seniors are most upset with cuts in Medicare,” said ASA President Stuart Barton.

Much of the anger came after this incident, in which old folks finally saw that the AARP is nothing but a communist front group with nothing but disdain for it’s members:


That video has been making the rounds, and the case for abandoning a group supposedly dedicated to helping seniors but spends an inordinate time advocating for such liberal causes as gun rights restriction. I say pass it around to your senior friends and get them to support the A.S.A.!

I swear to you I teared up laughing at this story. The A.A.R.P. has been advocating neo-Marxism so long they didn’t realize that their politics were outside of the mainstream views of their own members. How out of touch do you have to be to try to sell this Obamacare snake oil to the people who will be most detrimentally effected?

Via Gateway Pundit comes this report from USA Today which helps AARP try to minimize the losses:

The approximately 60,000 number represents members who specifically cited AARP’s stance on the health overhaul debate in canceling their membership between July 1 and mid-August, Nannis said. He said that on average AARP loses some 300,000 members a month, but he couldn’t say how many more members had quit for other reasons in that time period.

He said AARP gained some 400,000 new members during the same period and that 1.5 million members renewed their membership.

So 60,000 people is a drop in the bucket, right? Wrong. Those 60,000 people will pad out the A.S.A rolls enough to allow them to really start competing with the AARP, and then that drop in the bucket will turn into a flood.

New Law in Afghanistan Allows Man to Starve his Wife to Death if She Doesn’t Put Out

All cultures and religions are the same though. Remember that while you read this:

Western leaders and Afghan women’s groups were united in condemning an apparent reversal of key freedoms won by women after the fall of the Taliban.

Now an amended version of the same bill has passed quietly into law with the apparent approval of President Karzai.

Just ahead of this Thursday’s Afghan presidential election, human rights groups suggest the timing is no accident.

“There was a review process – Karzai came under huge pressure from all over the world to amend this law, but many of the most oppressive laws remain,” Rachel Reid, the Human Rights Watch representative in Kabul, told the BBC.

When women marched against this travesty Muslim “men” physically attacked them on the streets.

But our culture is no more or less misogynist and barbaric according to some. Maybe the wives out there in Afghanistan would like to trade places with those people.

“Artist” Deals Crack Shaped Candy to Brooklyn’s Hipster Douchebag Community


Pictured above hipster douchebag Nate Hill, who calls himself a performance artist which is just another word for talentless attention seeker. His newest piece: Crack shaped candy deliveries:

A Brooklyn performance artist’s latest act is fake “candy crack” drug deals – riling neighborhood activists who don’t think illegal narcotics are a laughing matter.

Every other Saturday night, Nate Hill delivers $1 bags of “crack” – really crystallized sugar – to anyone in Williamsburg and Greenpoint who calls in an order.

Dressed in a white tuxedo and a white dolphin headpiece, he shows up between the hours of 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., just like a many real drug pushers.

“There’s this amusing theater going on and really, it’s just supposed to be fun,” Hill, 31, told the Daily News.

I said it before, I’ll say it again. Art is dead.


Thanks for Making Us Look Good Dyron Hart

20-year-old Dyron Hart is a former Nicholls State football player who sent threatening, racist emails to Black students following the Obama election victory. Hart, however, is a little different than the White Supremacists he was attempting to emulate during his online escapade. He is Black.

Way to represent, Dyron:

A black man who pretended to be a white supremacist on the Internet has entered a guilty plea to charges that he issued death threats.

U.S. Attorney Jim Letten says 20-year old Dyron Hart pled guilty in federal court to “communicating threats in interstate commerce.”

“According to court documents, Hart… admitted that he created a fictitious name and used the photograph of a white supremacist to communicated a threat. He then purported to be a person outraged by the election of President Barack Obama,” Letten said in a news release.

Letten says that Hart sent the threat to an African American student at Nicholls State University in Thibodaux “indicating he wanted to kill African American individuals because of the election of the President.”

Hart now faces a maximum 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,0000.

Sentencing has been scheduled for November 18, 2009.

So Dyron Hart threw away a promising future to create some hoax designed to … do what exactly? Maybe one day he’ll explain. If it was to make Black folk look silly, mission accomplished.

h/t Gateway Pundit

Importing Violence: Decrease in Phoenix Crime Coincides with Decrease in Illegal Alien Population

Once again I point to Dr. Deborah Shurmin-Kauflin, author of Vulture: Profiling Sadistic Serial Killers, and her essay Importing Violence: The Danger of Immigration from Violent Cultures in which she points out that when we allow unassimilated immigrants to form their own communities that separate them from mainstream American views they will import views and practices that are acceptable in other countries but are understood to be morally wrong, and illegal here.

Of course many people claim that saying such a thing is nativist paranoia, but Latino gangs have imported their anti-Black racism into our cities with near genocidal results.

Sexual crimes against children are also something more acceptable in Latin American and Muslim cultures, and we have certainly seen an upswing in those, not that there’s an upswing in reports by a politically correct media. An 11-year-old running off with her 24-year-old “boyfriend” barely raises an eyebrow anymore as long as the girl is Latina. Illegals impregnating 10-year-olds is considered a topic that “distracts” from serious discussion of immigration policies. Video reports of the illegal alien who tried to kidnap a 9-year-old girl just weeks after trying to buy the girl from her mother are removed from YouTube because it offends people. Meanwhile our children suffer while we embrace some multicultural ideal.

Lesbians suffer at the hands of imported anti-gay misogyny. Transsexuals like Angie Zapata suffer at the hands of the imported “machismo” culture. Young Black men of promise are gunned down before they even enter their prime. And none of this is to be used, on pain of being called a racist, in a serious discussion of immigration policy. These are facts that the left doesn’t want you to consider in any debate about immigration, and worse, they say such anecdotal evidence is meaningless.

But here is another fact that supports the truth about the high cost of illegal immigration, one that cannot be denied because numbers don’t lie:

A marked drop in Phoenix-area crime coincides with the recession and a drop in the number of illegal immigrants in Arizona.

Phoenix has seen a 25 percent decline in the number of crimes during the first five months of 2009 compared to the same time period in 2007 when the economy began to slow. Violent crime in Phoenix is down 12 percent, according crime statistics from the Phoenix Police Department.

The Mesa Police Department reports a 19 percent decrease in total crimes for the first half of 2009 versus the first half of 2007, including a 10 percent drop in violent crime. Tempe has seen a 25 percent total drop.

At the same time, the state’s illegal immigrant population has decreased by as much as one-third thanks to the down U.S. economy, tougher enforcement polices by the federal government and Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, as well as the state’s employer sanctions law which goes after businesses who hire undocumented workers, said Steven Camarota, director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

CIS estimates Arizona’s illegal immigrant population has gone from 579,000 in 2007 to 388,000 this year — 191,000-person drop.

Camarota said enforcement was the initial reason for the drop in illegal immigration in Arizona, but now it’s more due to the lack of jobs for migrants entering the U.S. from Mexico.

Maybe wanting there to be less crime is racist too?

h/t Pat Dollard