Paterson, N.J. Considering Curfew … for Adults!

Another reason I’m glad I left the Garden State. There were actually curfews for kids in plenty of towns when I was growing up, which actually makes good sense (why’s your 15-year-old need to be out unsupervised at midnight?) but to apply it to adults seems like nanny statism at its most basic. And since Jersey is the kind of place where every small town has at least one strip club and 14 dive bars I’ll assume the fiscal impact will also be tremendous.

What are these people thinking?

AP) — PATERSON, N.J. – Curfews might not be just for kids anymore in one city in northern New Jersey.

Officials in Paterson are considering one for people of all ages in a bid to curb violence after a spate of deadly shootings.

Several experts say they believe it would be the nation’s first curfew of its type to include adults. The state ACLU says it would open Paterson to legal action.

The curfew would last for two months and would bar people from loitering outside from midnight to 7 a.m. Violators would face up to a $2,000 fine and 90 days in jail.

Officials are still working to make sure the plan can withstand legal challenges.

If the City Council passes it Sept. 1, a second vote and a public hearing are needed for it to take effect.

Gee. I wonder what party the pro-curfew politicians are with? Of course, they’re Democrats.

Swedish Paper Spreads Muslim Blood Libel About Israelis “Harvesting Palestinian Organs”

The pernicious influence of Islamism and the anti-Jewish conspiracy mongering that goes with it is on full display in the leftist haven of Sweden, often pointed to by leftists as what America should be more like:

JERUSALEM (AP) – Israel and the Swedish Embassy responded furiously Wednesday to a Swedish newspaper article that suggested Israeli troops killed Palestinians and harvested their organs.

The article published Monday in Aftonbladet, Sweden’s largest circulation daily, implies a link between those charges and the recent arrest in the U.S. of an American Jew for illicit organ trafficking. Later the reporter told Israel Radio he did not know if the allegations were true

Headlined “Our sons are plundered for their organs,” the story made news in Israel, where some commentators compared it to medieval libels that Jews killed Christian children for their blood. Daniel Seaman, who heads Israel’s government press office, said the article played on “vile anti-Semitic themes.”

The article was illustrated with a photograph of a dead Palestinian man with a line of surgical stitches running the length of his torso, apparently taken after an autopsy, as well as pictures of stone-throwing youths and Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, a New York resident arrested in an FBI sting last month and charged with plotting to buy a kidney from an Israeli and sell it to an American patient for $160,000.

The writer, Donald Bostrom, based the story on accounts from Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza whom he identified only by their first names. It quotes an Israeli military spokesman denying the charges and saying that Palestinians killed by Israeli forces are routinely subjected to autopsies.

Interviewed on Israel Radio on Wednesday, Bostrom said he was worried by the allegations he reported but could not vouch for their accuracy.

“It concerns me, to the extent that I want it to be investigated, that’s true. But whether it’s true or not—I have no idea, I have no clue,” he told the station.

Aftonbladet Editor Jan Helin said, “The article poses a question—why has this body been autopsied when the cause of death is obvious? There I think Israeli authorities owe us an answer.”

Israeli legal expert Moshe Negbi said that according to Israeli law, “Autopsies are immediately performed after every unnatural death, and this is true for most other countries as well.”

Next the Swedes will be reporting on those “libido boosting sex gum” drops the Israelis make to those poor innocent Palestinians as a way to corrupt Muslims. Then they’ll claim the Israelis owe them an explanation as to why they want Muslims to be oversexed. After that we can get them to explain why they stole all the money, pulled 9/11, faked the moon landing and killed the Christ.

I guess we’ll be seeing a second holocaust in Europe in my lifetime. I wonder how loudly the left will cheer when it happens?

Atlas has more.

What Happened to Cindy Sumner?


21-year-old Cindy Sumner suffers from muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, and is said to be learning disabled. The young woman has been missing for more than a week and police are asking anyone with information to come forward. Because of her condition it is unlikely she simply took off and according to her family she may be vulnerable to exploitation due to her trusting nature:


It was recently reported however that Cindy may have logged into her MySpace three days after disappearing:

 Cindy may be 21, but she suffers from both muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis – meaning she has the mentality of a 12-year-old. Cindy’s mother says she last talked to her daughter while she was riding her bike at Jamie Farr Park.

Mary says she is in daily contact with Toledo police. In fact, they called during our interview asking about Cindy’s MySpace account. We searched and found she had logged in August 9th three days after her mother last saw her.

Is it possible Cindy ran off with a “boyfriend” and is just to scared too contact her family? Frankly I hope that is what happened. If you have seen her or have any information on her whereabouts please contact Toledo police at 419-245-3142.

A Good Reason to Own a Gun: Police Take Four Hours to Respond to Rape Threat

Four Hours:

A chief constable has apologised personally to two student nurses who had to wait four hours for help after a gang of intruders threatened to rape them.

Flatmates Amy Overend, 19, and Melissa Cooper, 22, barricaded themselves in their rooms and rang 999 when four men sneaked into their hospital accommodation shouting abuse.

But when they called again after an hour they were told they were classed as a ‘ secondary emergency’ because they were behind locked doors.

Miss Overend then called her father, an ex-magistrate, who repeatedly called the control room to demand that someone was sent round.

By the time officers arrived the gang had run off, but the nurses were worried they would return.


‘As they were leaving, they said, ‘We are going to remember your faces and names, and next time, we are going to rape you’.

Of course a story like this comes from England. I would point out though that New Jersey, New York or Chicago have similar incidents everyday, some of which I’ve witnessed myself. When you criminalize self-defense, criminals can operate freely because there is no way for the police to cover all crimes at once. In the above story there were 40 simultaneous violent crimes being dealt with by an over taxed police force, so in reality this was not the fault of police. The streets in England are much more violent than the streets of my new home of Mauldin S.C., where most of our violence is driven by drug problems and the addicts tend to target each other rather than the heavily armed population.

But even here there is violence the difference is our recognition that the solution to criminality is to arm potential victims, thus making crime unlikely to pay.

h/t Cryptic Subterranean

Nashville Mother/Son Team Pimped Out Teenage Girl

And the woman’s daughter was also involved. Disgusting:

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A mother along with her adult son and daughter have been arrested on suspicion of using a 16-year-old high school student as a prostitute.

Police are not sure how long this has been going on, but they do believe there are other teenagers that could be involved.

It was the night of Aug. 3 that the alleged family prostitution ring using a teen came to an end at a Murfreesboro Motel 6.

Teresa Ann West rented a room and left a key card on a wall. West, who also uses the last name West-Dagley, was arrested on charges of sexual trafficking and promoting prostitution. Her son Casey and daughter Diana were also involved, police said. They were arrested on charges of using a minor for commercial sex.

Metro Police Spokesman Don Aaron said the 16-year-old “did acknowledge that she was engaged in sexual acts on behalf of Teresa West.”

According to police, the teenager told them she started working for West in the summer. She apparently had 20 to 30 sexual contacts with “Johns.”

Metro police said West knew the teenager was only 16 years old and told her if her clients asked her age, she should tell them she was 18.

There’s a video at the source. Police are asking that the families of teens having contact with this degenerate clan come forward as they are sure there are more victims.