U.S. to Run Out of Sugar?

I missed this report from a few days ago, but an eagle-eyed reader pointed it out:

The United States is facing a major sugar shortage, according to the Wall Street Journal (subscription may be required).

On Aug. 5, General Mills, Hershey Co, Mars Inc., and Kraft Foods alerted Thomas J. Vilsak, the secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, of their combined forecast of low sugar supplies. These food companies warned that if the Agriculture Department does not allow them to import more tariff-free sugar, “our nation will virtually run out of sugar” and they will be forced to raise consumer prices and lay off workers.

This comes as a major eye opener, but there’s more to this finding.

The WSJ states that the present trade quota places a limit to the number of tariff-free sugar that can be imported per year, with the exception of Mexico. This leaves major suppliers like Brazil out of the free trade mix. The fear looms that Brazil may not even have significant sugar supply for the U.S. because they are busy using large amounts of cane crop for ethanol use.

Another problem is the U.S. government; not a surprise. The U.S. artificially inflates domestic prices of sugar in order to support the incomes of farmers in the Midwest who are friendly with politicians who help them. Anything for a vote, right?

Economists state that sugar is part of the equation. Sugar is an active ingredient in almost all foods, and the impact of a price increase will be big. Food companies pay twice the world level for sugar because of government meddling.

Then there is this via SurvivalBlog. Sugar prices are expected to rise 80%:

Aug. 14 (Bloomberg) — Sugar may climb 80 percent to as high as 40 cents a pound on global supply shortages, said Singapore-based commodity hedge fund manager Michael Coleman.

“Sugar is caught in a perfect storm,” he said in a Bloomberg Television interview. There is “a big hole” in world supply and no obvious solution in the next six to nine months, said Coleman, 49, managing director of Aisling Analytics, which runs a $1.4 billion fund invested in energy and agriculture.

The sweetener has already surged 88 percent this year, reaching a 28-year high, as India, the biggest consumer, had its driest June in 83 years and parts of Brazil, the largest grower, were drenched by rainfall four times more than normal, too wet to harvest. World demand will exceed output by as much as 5 million metric tons in the year ending September 2010, according to the International Sugar Organization.

“Is there a possibility of reaching 40 cents a pound? Certainly,” said Coleman, whose fund returned 24 percent in 2008. “From this point on, it depends how price affects demand.” Sugar reached a peak of 23.33 cents a pound in New York on Aug. 12 and ended at 22.21 cents yesterday.

Meaning the prices you pay will increase at least 80% but likely much more. Stock up if you have room in your pantry.

Degenerates in England’s NHS Approve Viagra for Convicted Pedophile – Who Judges Refuse to Jail

England is basically setting up their children to be raped. Here’s where “progressive” social policies and hug-a-thug justice leads:

A paedophile with a 30-year history of abusing children is being prescribed Viagra on the NHS – and there is nothing the authorities can do to stop him.

Roger Martin, 71, merely has to visit his GP to obtain the libido-enhancing drug, even though experts warn it will enable him to continue preying on children despite his age.

The probation officers who oversee Martin are powerless to interfere with the administration of prescription drugs.

He does not have to tell his GP about his criminal past and even if he does, doctors cannot take convictions into account.

Martin suffers from numerous illnesses including diabetes, for which Department of Health guidelines say Viagra can be prescribed.

He has forced himself on a string of youngsters and his latest assault was on an 11-year-old girl last year.

But when he was sentenced at Peterborough Crown Court yesterday a judge chose not to send him to prison after being persuaded he ‘wouldn’t be able to cope’ with a spell behind bars.


Martin, of Dogsthorpe, Peterborough, has a history of sex offences dating back to 1978 when he was convicted for having unlawful sex with a 15-year-old baby-sitter.

He pleaded guilty to his latest offence of touching an 11-year-old inappropriately when she visited his sheltered accommodation home in December 2008 to do some cleaning for pocket money.

Judge Nicholas Coleman ordered him to attend a three-year sex offenders’ treatment programme and banned from having contact with children indefinitely.

Last night he said his Viagra use was ‘a personal thing really’.

He added: ‘I live on my own and I don’t have any female company and I don’t think I’m doing anything wrong.’

If he lives alone and has no female companionship why exactly does he need Viagra?

Victimless Crime File: Drunk Moron Injures Toddler on ATV

This us why you don’t leave your child with a drunk:

JEFFERSON, Ore. – A man and toddler were hurt after they were thrown off an ATV on Sunday.

“It was a pretty violent roll,” said Glen Tilley, who witnessed the crash.

Marion County Sheriff’s Deputies said 36-year-old John Pollard drove while intoxicated with a child who was not even 2 years old.

Eyewitnesses and sheriff’s deputies said Pollard got on the ATV and took off down Jefferson-Scio Road with the 23-month-old toddler hanging on.

Pollard drove a couple hundred feet to Wall Lane when he turned and went down the road. Tilley said Pollard’s ATV began to fishtail, tumbling and rolling several times.

“Just rocks and dirt flying everywhere,” said Tilley.

By the time Tilley went to help, Pollard had picked up the toddler in his arms and was back on the ATV headed back to his home.

Authorities said Pollard violated a list of rules for riding ATVs including not wearing a helmet, having a child on board, driving on the street and driving while intoxicated.

The toddler is in serious condition at Legacy Emanuel Hospital.

Disgusting. h/t Trench

“Possessed” Teen Attacks Three Younger Siblings in the Bronx


Plausible, but I’m betting drug use is at the root of this story:

A troubled Bronx teen allegedly in a zombie-like trance stabbed his two younger brothers and sister yesterday – and was prevented from murdering them by a Good Samaritan, authorities said.

Cops say 17-year-old Nelson Santos lost it at about 3:30 p.m. and attacked his two brothers, ages 13 and 6, and his 9-year-old sister, with a knife in their second-floor apartment in Morrisania.

Police did not give a motive for the stabbing or what type of weapon was used, but the Daily News reports Santos told cops he was “zombie-like” and used a butcher knife.

A police source told the paper the boy said he was seeing demons and neighbors said he practiced black magic.

Drenched in his own blood, 13-year-old Miguel Santos, who was stabbed nearly half a dozen times, dashed out of his living room and downstairs to call for help. Neighbor John Flores, 19, told the News Nelson Santos was screaming something about the Armageddon and chasing his younger brother with “a big kitchen knife about as long as my forearm.”

The hero neighbor wrestled with Santos as he tried to stop them; his mother, Delila, was able to grab the butcher knife out of his clutches, according to the paper.

Cops caught up with Santos outside the apartment complex and arrested him on assault charges. The distraught teen was taken to a hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, reports the News.

I’m keeping an eye on this, but I assume this will be upgraded to a Victimless Crime File. Though having lived in the Bronx I don’t rule out anything, including “possession.”

If You’re Boycotting Whole Foods You’re a Mark


The above hausfrau is Jackie Sheeler, an older woman stuck in her punk phase. She’s an awful poet who’s in an awful band that she promotes on awful websites and her YouTube channel of course. She’s also one of those teary-eyed lefties boycotting Whole Foods because the guy who helped found it apparently disagrees with her. Like many lefty hipsters she brooks no dissent and made one of the most unintentionally hilarious videos ever to be posted on the Internet entitled “Fuck You, John Mackey” in which she yells at a man who will never know who she is and actually breaks down into tears in places. I was going to embed it but after some critical comments on her page (my own comment was quite tame I assure you) she not only disabled comments, but disabled embedding as well.

You know, because a woman shouting profanities into a camera aimed at supporting a boycott designed to destroy some guy’s livelihood just because they happen to disagree on a social policy shouldn’t have to have her ideas challenged.

Besides being awfully thin skinned for a 50-something “punker” and “poet” (and we’ll use both terms very loosely) who must surely receive criticism all the time, Jackie Sheeler’s video also reveals something I think is far worse than her general awfulness in the fields of poetry, music, blogging and mature behavior. She’s a mark.

Some of you may not know what a mark is but those of you who are familiar with “rasslin” or worked as a carny will know that a mark is a sucker. But marks aren’t just any suckers. Marks are a special kind of sucker who does the work for you, they con themselves. The best definition of what a mark is comes from the infamous 1996 Brian Pillman promo in Philadelphia wherein after giving the fans some “inside baseball” remarks about the management in different wrestling promotions he tells the cheering crowd:

“A mark is a guy who spends his last $20 on crack cocaine. A mark is a guy who believes O.J. didn’t do it. And a mark is each and every one of you sorry sons of fucking bitches

At which point the offended crowd did what marks do, which is yell and scream at this person who “betrayed” them. I’ll let the causal observer draw whatever parallels they will. Brian Pillman was an improvisational genius at little bits of theater like this because he understood the essence of the mark, especially the so called “smart mark” who knows wrestling is staged and thinks himself better than fans who don’t. Even though he pays the same price for tickets.

Marks think they’re special. They think they are in on some joke or secret with you even though they aren’t, and they think it makes them better than other people who “don’t get it” which is exactly the attitude that makes it easy to get them angry at a show, or get them to throw away money on traveling carny games they know are rigged, or get them to pay a couple of dollars more for grapes at a Whole Foods which basically charges customers a “cool” premium to shop there. Marks do these things because they think, on some level, they’re connected to who or whatever it is they’re opening their wallets, hearts or legs for.

It’s well known that con artists never target people who know they’re dumb, but people who think they’re smart. A good con plays on the arrogance and pretensions of a mark, it makes them feel good. Here’s a comment from a long time Whole Foods customer (now boycotter) I found on the Whole Foods forum which sums up how all marks think, and why they will never catch a break:

 So for every poster/commenter here that says “I will now shop at WholeFoods” I have a couple of things to say. NO YOU WON’T! First you don’t live close enough to an urban center that has a WholeFoods store. Secondly – you are not the type of customer that WholeFoods caters to – their base of customers that HAVE disposable income, care about where their food comes from and are world-aware, progressive, liberal. In other words – you will continue to shop for your sodas, white bread and bags ‘o junk from the local quickie mart. This is a blow to WholeFoods regular, consistent, healthy, open-minded base of customers. I will NOT be spending the very considerable amount of cash that I have spent FOR YEARS and YEARS at WholeFoods any longer. Fortunately I have several choices and I care about where my dollars go. Good luck with that strategy Mr. Mackey! I’ve know fools in my life – I’m just sayin’…

Yes, yes, there’s a special grocery store for special people just like you. Complete with faux velvet ropes and a guest list printed on recycled paper.

Whole Foods has milked these suckers for years, with their organic this and gluten free that and the whole time they were taking their money Whole Foods was laying out a nice BBQ spread and serving up some of the best pre-prepared London Broil you’ll ever eat, which should have clued all these “progressives” into the fact that maybe some red meat eating regular Americans were crashing their party. Whole Foods never told any of these marks that they were their ideological soul mates, they simply built a combination health food/high end grocery store chain which had broad based appeal. Hell, I shop there every once and a while because I love their black cherry chicken wings.

But part of the Whole Foods strategy has been to let people like the commenter above and Jackie Sheeler think they belonged to some sort of special club. If Sheeler and the boycotters seem less like dismayed consumers and more like jilted lovers that’s because in essence they are. Whole Foods threw them a wink and a knowing smile and Sheeler and company gave it up like a the last barfly left at closing time. Now it’s the next morning and Sheeler just woke up and found Whole Foods on the phone making plans to meet some Libertarian and it’s hit her that she wasn’t so special after all.

That’s what the Whole Food boycott is about. Reality is hitting these marks in the face and they don’t like it. They paid higher prices to go to Whole Foods because it was “their” store, full of people who preferred to be around them and made them feel special. They thought John Mackey created his chain of grocery stores because he loved them, and now they realize Mackey just wanted to make a little money. Unwittingly, John Mackey wrote an op-ed that is the equivalent of Pillman’s “each and every one of you” speech. At least that’s how people like Sheeler are hearing it. And now that they’ve been exposed they’re embarrassed, angry and reacting as only marks can.

The lesson all these angry “progressives” should be taking away from this is to not be a mark. Bartenders don’t really think you’re interesting, strippers aren’t going to go home with you and Whole Foods is just a supermarket chain looking to turn a fast buck. There are plenty of people who will play along with whatever fantasy you’ve created when it pays off for them. Instead of getting mad about that you could simply stop creating those fantasies. That’s what I would do, but I’m not a mark.

If you’re a mark boycotting Whole Foods have fun, but this won’t be the last time you get your panties in a bunch. After Whole Foods it’ll be The Gap or Progressive insurance or even, I don’t know, your precious Obama.  What I do know is that if you put so much of yourself into things that are ultimately unimportant to everyone but you, you’re always going to be disappointed. But it isn’t the John Mackeys of the world that are disappointing you, it’s you.