The Real Unemployment Rate is at 16% Says Fed Official

I guess the stimulus hasn’t kicked in yet:

The real US unemployment rate is 16 percent if persons who have dropped out of the labor pool and those working less than they would like are counted, a Federal Reserve official said Wednesday.

“If one considers the people who would like a job but have stopped looking — so-called discouraged workers — and those who are working fewer hours than they want, the unemployment rate would move from the official 9.4 percent to 16 percent, said Atlanta Fed chief Dennis Lockhart.

He underscored that he was expressing his own views, which did “do not necessarily reflect those of my colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee,” the policy-setting body of the central bank.

Lockhart pointed out in a speech to a chamber of commerce in Chattanooga, Tennessee that those two categories of people are not taken into account in the Labor Department’s monthly report on the unemployment rate. The official July jobless rate was 9.4 percent.

Lockhart, who heads the Atlanta, Georgia, division of the Fed, is the first central bank official to acknowledge the depth of unemployment amid the worst US recession since the Great Depression.

Lockhart said the US economy was improving but “still fragile,” and the beginning stages of a sluggish recovery were underway.

Not with 16% unemployment it’s not.

Filthy Degenerate “Benoliwal” Puts Red Alerts on a List of “Hate” Sites … For Being Against Child Sexual Exploitation

That’s right, taking a strong stand on the sexual exploitation of children will get you on a list of “hate sites” by a degenerate who lurks around the Internet defending pedophilia who calls himself “Benoliwal” on his Sex Offender Advocacy site. Read this and try not to weep.

With laughter:

Known hate groups that target people stigmatized with the label of sex offender:

A. Perverted Justice
B. Absolute Zero United
C. Stitches 77
D. Red Alerts
F. Wikisposure
G. Pagans Against Child Abuse

Brief description of hate groups to follow:

There are 926 known hate groups in the United States since 2008. Each of these groups are called a hate group because they share the same identifying characteristics that even the FBI look for, as well as lawmakers when they are making a hate crimes Bill. These common characteristics are shown below

All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their own immutable characteristics.
Psychopathology of hate groups

According to a report published in 2003 in the FBI Law Enforcement bulletin, a hate group, if unimpeded, passes through seven successive stages.3 In the first four stages, hate groups vocalize their beliefs and in the last three stages, they act on their beliefs. The report points to a transition period that exists between verbal violence and acting that violence out, separating hardcore haters from rhetorical haters. Thus, hate speech is seen as prerequisites of hate crimes and as a condition of their possibility. Similar stages have been proposed for genocide.

Hate sites, which often blame the groups they target for any number of social, economic or political problems. Such theories rely on their readers’ ignorance, plus invented “evidence,” to back up their claims. Many hate-mongers use pseudo-scientific intellectualized language and incorporate the work of university-based academics to make their views seem more credible.


A number of hate groups seek to embed their messages in sites that purport to exist for non-hateful purposes. There are hate groups that purport to exist for the safety of children, or the abuse of children, and that for the safety of children anything goes to achieve that false belief. Although the major forms of child abuse are parental/guardian neglect, and child murder by parents/guardians, the particular hate groups that focus on people labeled as sex offender dismiss on their websites the major causes of child abuse and child deaths that can be easily construed as extremist views since the major casuses are ignored and overshadowed by their focus on sex offenders.

When my friend Dodiafae (of Pagans Against Child Abuse) emailed me this I laughed for an hour. You’ll notice P.A.C.A. makes the list twice and Absolute Zero United writer Stitches77 is apparently a group unto her self. Why is P.A.C.A a “hate” site? Because they exposed child exploitation on PaganSpace of course. Otherwise P.A.C.A. is simply a site that supports the victims of abuse, which is hardly hateful.

Absolute Zero United keeps track of these “low recidivism rate” sex offenders who frequent online pro-pedophile chat rooms (and have high level of recidivism, likely because of the encouragement of other pedophiles) and Stitche77 is one of the bloggers there, who is the frequent target of online abuse by pedophiles.

Wikisposure is simply a compilation of the results of Perverted Justice’s online investigations. None of this is “hateful” unless you consider exposing child exploitation and online sexual predation hateful.

Which “Benoliwal” does. He in fact thinks sex offenders are treated very unfairly and has even blamed the news media for their crimes.The corpus of his work on the web consists of nothing more than ham-fisted sex offender advocacy mixed in with doctrinaire progressivism, which is the driving force behind their belief that one day they will convince the world people who prey on children are oppressed just like Black people.

As an aside, sorry Obama supporters, he’s one of yours.

You can find him on any number of forums claiming people who are angered by child rape and express that anger verbally are “hate mongers” or that we Americans are “vigilantes” but never once will you see him express anger over the abuse of victims. I wonder why that is?

It’s interesting that my first contact with “Benoliwal” was when he showed up to this post about his fellow degenerate “ZMan” slandering me, and proceeded to accuse me of being a pedophile amongst other things. But I haven’t slapped together a list calling him a hate group. It’s an interesting distinction between us. I tell the truth, he makes up lies.

It’s almost like he doesn’t have a real argument to make.

Update: Stitiches77 blogged about Benoliwal, aka Bennie Walton, last year where it was exposed he was a blame the victim kind of guy. Here’s what Bennie has to say about molestation victims:

Who cares about balanced laws and equity, surely not the vigilante, nor the parents who want to blame everyone else for their lack of control over their children? If children, under the age of 13 are propositioned on the Internet by strangers, then the question bares asking, what are these young children doing in places on the Internet where they do not belong? It isn’t the fault of the sex offender, or the pedophile, it is the fault of clueless and weak parents and guardians.

Sounds hateful to me. But Stitches has a screen shot of his whole hateful screed where he blames parents for all molestation. He’s sick.

He’s also a fascist as his proposal for government intervention in the markets “to save American workers” proves. Surprise! It was posted to his blog on anti-American hot bed Organizing for America. I’m just shocked that Bennie Walton, a man who advocates for hug-a-thug policies for child rapists, is a “progressive” who supports various leftist causes that undermine America.

Like all perverts he’s got a Bebo profile. Facebook is my line in the sand. If you aren’t promoting something you have no business on social networking sites that are aimed at young people. And Bebo is nothing but children and perverts. Odd that by his logic, if he molested a child he met on the Internet it’d basically be the parents fault, not his. But we should feel safe, it’s not like Bebo is known for child exploitation and criminality, right?

Victimless Crime File: Connecticut Hug-a-Thug Justice Becoming More and More Outrageous

Remember the two pot smokers who spent so much time high that they thought it was a good idea to deny a toddler they were caring for any liquids for a week because the 23-month-old wet the bed, actions which lead to the child’s torturous death? You may have been outraged when one of those drug addled degenerates got probation for his role in the child’s death. Now the second one of these fiends has been sentenced and has drawn a measly five years for torturing a helpless toddler to death:

New Haven (WTNH) – A Hamden woman has been sentenced to five years in prison and five years probation in the dehydration death of a toddler. The baby’s mother was so distraught during today’s sentencing, she had to be removed from the courtroom.

Sharon Patterson plead guilty to criminally negligent homicide in the death of 23 month old Amari Jackson. Prosecutors say Patterson didn’t give the baby anything to drink for more than a week because he wet the bed.

Cameras were not allowed inside the courtroom, but News Channel’s Annie Rourke says that when Patterson tried to apologize, Amari’s mother began screaming and tried to lunge across the barrier before she was forcibly removed. By the time she walked out of the New Haven court, Sara Hicks had collected herself and did not want to speak to reporters.

Amari was just one month shy of his second birthday when he died in February 2008. Sara Hicks says she was so ill that she left her son at Patterson’s Putnam Avenue apartment in Hamden. But Patterson denied the boy to drink any fluids for at least a week.

Part of the deprivation was that Sharon Patterson laced drinking glasses throughout the house with some form of hot sauce so Amari wouldn’t drink,” said Capt. Ronald Smith, Hamden Police Department.

In court today, Patterson’s defense attorney said his client is not a monster, rather she has diminished mental capacity. At her trial, her charge was reduced from manslaughter to negligent homicide. Experts testified that she has the decision-making ability of a six-year old.

Gee, how does a grown woman who isn’t suffering from retardation of some kind end up with the decision making ability of a six-year-old? Drug use? Nah. That just can’t have been a factor, right legalization proponents?

From the same hellish state, here’s a man who took part in a vicious drug-fueled 14 hour gang-rape of a woman and was sentenced to just three years in jail:

Stamford (AP) – A 26-year-old Connecticut man has been sentenced to three years in prison for his role in the gang rape of a New Canaan woman that took place over 14 hours in two towns.

Wilkens Placide of Norwalk was sentenced Wednesday in Stamford Superior Court. He pleaded guilty in March to third-degree sexual assault and other crimes. Placide was the last of four defendants sentenced in the sexual assault of the 24-year-old woman.

Police say the assaults occurred at three different houses in Stamford and Norwalk during a night of drug use in July 2007.

A second man, Catragne Moresca of Stamford, is serving a four-year prison sentence, and the other two men got two years in jail.

All four defendants said the woman willingly exchanged sex for drugs.

Sure she did. More likely she wanted to get high with some drug users and got gang raped for her trouble. But what do these stories have in common?

Drug users committing vicious crimes are getting off easy because the authorities aren’t making them responsible for their actions. If drugs were legal these crimes would have still been committed, and the perpetrators still would have gotten off easy. The unspoken truth of legalization is that part of the proponents’ vision of society includes ignoring crime like this, coddling the perpetrators and allowing rapists and murderers to claim diminished capacity. This is because drug use requires people to not take responsibility for their own actions, which is why sobriety only works when people take responsibility for themselves, their actions and the pain they cause others. If we legalize (or like liberal Connecticut, wink and nod at) drug use we must accept the drug users’ reality. That reality is based on the assumption that they are never ultimately responsible for the actions they take.

If we agree that drug use diminishes capacity, why would we want to make it easier and legal for people to spend all day getting high?

When someone tells you legalization would stop crime, remember little Amari Jackson, and that poor woman who spent 14 hours getting gang raped. That’s what the drug culture really looks like, and only teaching people the truth about drug abuse will ever end drug related crime.

h/t reader Kim who emailed me this story.

Filthy Degenerate Gets Measly One year Sentence for Four Counts of Child Molestation!

What the hell is going on in Utah?

AMERICAN FORK — A former Boy Scout leader from Orem was sentenced Monday to one year in jail for multiple counts of sexual abuse.

Gary Wade Brown, 42, pleaded guilty in June to four counts of sexual abuse of a child and sexual exploitation of a minor, second-degree felonies, and one count of lewdness involving a child, a class A misdemeanor. Seven additional charges were dismissed as part of a plea agreement. Brown faced one to 15 years in prison for his crimes, but Judge Christine Johnson said Brown may benefit from treatment as a free man during his 36 months on probation.

“I think, in this case, that it is appropriate to consider probation for Mr. Brown,” she said.

Brown has already spent 8 months in jail, which will count toward his sentence.

The sexual abuse took place between 2005 and 2006, in which Brown touched a 12-year-old boy’s genitals and made the boy touch him. Brown also took illicit photos of the boy at least once and then deleted them after looking at the photos with the boy. Several of the incidents took place during outings with the Boy Scouts.

Johnson said a large factor in her decision was the psychosexual evaluation conducted by Dr. Peter Byrne, who classified Brown as a low to moderate risk for re-offending.

“Were it not for that finding, I would not consider probation at all,” she said.

The man has a history of selfish and impulsive sexual behavior, something the “doctor” examining him seemed to consider irrelevant:

The victim’s father addressed the court before sentencing, saying he hopes Brown takes the opportunity to get help. He spoke of the pre-sentence report, in which the writer said Brown may have placed some of the blame on the victim, as he referred to the boy as having a “similar mindset.” The boy’s father, however, said there was no way his son could have brought the abuse upon himself.

“He was just 12 years old,” the victim’s father said. “He was just a little guy when this started.”

The boy sought love and affection from male role models because his biological father was absent in his life, the man said. He looked for it with his stepfather and other Scout leaders, and Brown exploited him, he said.

“That was a need he was looking for — love and affection, not sexual abuse,” he said.


Kevan Allbee, a friend of Brown’s wife, Sheri Brown, read a statement from her to the judge. The couple is going through a divorce after 19 years of marriage, and Sheri Brown asked the judge to protect her and her children from Brown.

The woman wrote that Brown had an affair early in their marriage with another man, and he has never shown an interest in changing or remorse.

“Over the years, Wade’s behaviors have gone from being morally wrong to obviously illegal,” she wrote.

Sheri Brown wrote that her husband betrayed the entire family with his actions and asked that he be incarcerated. One day, his prison doors will open, she said, but his victim’s prison doors may not.

Despite the report’s indication that Brown may have blamed the victim, he told the judge he takes full responsibility for his actions, and no one else is to blame. Brown apologized to the Boy Scouts of America and to the victim’s family for his crimes.

Despite all this even the boy’s father is happy with this pervert getting “treatment” and the chance to turn his life around. Disgusting.

h/t Pagans Against Child Abuse