Muslims Are Allowed to Eat Mermaids Under Most Islamic Jurisprudence


Yes, Muslims are allowed to participate in quasi-cannibalism under their understanding of their clearly evil god’s code of behavior. Let’s pretend for a moment Mermaids exist. These would be half-human half fish women who, while dangerous and cannibalistic in their own right, would be sentient beings capable of communicating with humans. And the Muslim answer to such a wondrous experience is to eat those women.

You don’t need to be Freud to figure this one out. From Islam QA via Jihad Watch:

A mermaid is a creature that lives in water and looks like a human. As to whether it really exists or it is a mythical being, that is subject to further discussion.

It says in a footnote in al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah (5/129): From the modern academic resources that are available to us, it may be understood that the mermaid, which is called Sirène in French, is a mythical creature that is described in fairy tales as having an upper body like a woman and a lower half like a fish.


Many of the fuqaha’ mentioned mermaids and differed on the ruling concerning them. Some of them said that they are permissible (to eat) because of the general meaning of the evidence which says that whatever is in the sea is permissible. This is the view of the Shaafa’is and Hanbalis, and is the view of most of the Maalikis and of Ibn Hazm and others. And some of them regarded it as haraam because it is not a kind of fish. This is the view of the Hanafis and of al-Layth ibn Sa’d.

Ibn Hazm (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Muhalla (6/50): As for that which lives in the water and cannot live anywhere else, it is all halaal no matter what state it is in, whether it is caught alive and then dies, or it dies in the water and then floats or does not float, whether it was killed by a sea creature or a land animal. It is all halaal to eat, whether it is the pig of the sea (i.e., a dolphin), a mermaid, or a dog of the sea (i.e., shark) and so on. It is halaal to eat, whether it was killed by an idol-worshipper, a Muslim, a kitaabi (Jew or Christian) or it was not killed by anyone. The proof of that is the verses in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And the two seas (kinds of water) are not alike: this is palatable, sweet and pleasant to drink, and that is salt and bitter. And from them both you eat fresh tender meat (fish)” [Faatir 35:12] and “Lawful to you is (the pursuit of) water game and its use for food — for the benefit of yourselves and those who travel” [al-Maa’idah 5:64]. Allaah spoke in general terms and did not exclude anything, “and your Lord is never forgetful” [Maryam 19:64]. End quote.

Al-Durayr – a Maaliki scholar – said in al-Sharh al-Sagheer (2/182): Sea animals in general are permissible, whether it is dead meat or a ‘dog’ (shark) or a ‘pig’ (dolphin), and they do not need to be slaughtered properly. End quote.

Al-Saawi said in his commentary on that: The words “or a ‘dog’ or a ‘pig’ also include a ‘human’, referring thereby to mermaids. End quote.

Read the whole ruling as it gets more disturbing. As an aside it is simply insane to claim it should be an accepted practice to eat fish you find dead of unknown causes, and the above seems to indicate Muslims can eat alive, including mermaids. Again, you need not be Freud to get a handle on what we’re talking about here.

But think about this for a second. A Muslim comes across a beautiful naked woman with a fish tail instead of legs on a beach and technically he can begin tearing out chunks of her flesh while she’s still alive and it’s considered acceptable behavior? This is a religion worthy of universal respect? This is a religion above criticism? I’m an Islamophobe for being disgusted by this?

How would people treat Christians if they were allowed to rape any elf or fairy they caught? What would people think of Jews if they went on an annual hunt to try to catch and eat Santa Claus? Though you know such a thing wouldn’t be possible, wouldn’t you be able to make a judgment about the religion, or at least its adherents, just from what they considered acceptable? With Islam, however, no matter how many bizarre and barbaric practices they promote we in the West are steadfast in not passing any kind of value judgment, no matter how badly needed that judgment is.

I just hope Bambi the Mermaid has extra security at the next Coney island Mermaid Parade.

h/t Atlas Shrugs