Sharia Courts in Canada?

Looks like the stealth Jihad is picking up pace in Canada. Counter-Jihad blog Because No One Asked reported that the Saskatoon Muslim Federation is openly calling for Muslims to “settle disputes” in religious courts rather than civil courts, which is a violation of the fundamental Republican ideal of rule of law and perhaps more importantly, as B.N.O.A. points out a violation of section 15.1 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Here’s the text published by B.N.O.A.:

Saskatoon Muslim Foundation (SMF) would like to inform you that the foundation is ready and willing to play a positive role in the area of conflict resolution within our Muslim community in Saskatoon. Our community, Alhamdullellah, is growing. With growth come the positive aspects of larger numbers, more financial and human resources, and diversity in educational level, languages, habits, and background. But also increasing number of conflicts among our community members and institutions can be expected.

We at SMF, and based on actual incidents, strongly believe that we can and should establish a “home-grown” wisdom and mechanism to handle any conflicts within the community before growing out of scale, and before spreading outside the boundaries of our community. We commit to approach such issues in an Islamic and impartial manner to the best of our ability.

If you become aware of or you become part of any conflict in our community, please do not hesitate to bring it to our attention. Based on the agreement of all parties in conflict, we will be able to conduct mediation or arbitration in order to reach a peaceful and Islamic solution to any conflict within our community. Based on the nature of the case under consideration, SMF will form a committee of respectable members of our community to conduct the mediation/arbitration process.

Clearly if this applies to divorce, child custody or any of a number of legal issues involving men and women, women will not be afforded the same justice they would receive in Canadian court. If these courts are used to mediate criminal complaints, then the Canadian government will be allowing an apartheid system to operate in their borders. Because there have been several high profile honor killings in Canada and America people are (rightfully it seems to me) concerned about allowing Islamic practices to supersede a nation’s justice system and thus their sovereignty as they have begun to in England. Which for Islamic Imperialists like the Wahhabi is exactly the point.

One law for all. It is the foundation of Western Civilization and a principle that cannot be allowed to be undone by political correctness.

Victimless Crime File: Pot Smoking Degenerate Behind Deadly New York Highway Crash

As soon as I first heard about the horrible car crash in my old stomping ground where a mini-van full of children collided with another vehicle while going the wrong way down a highway I knew pot smoking was involved. Now it’s been verified:

 The Long Island mom behind the wheel in a fiery wrong-way crash that killed her and seven others along a New York state highway was reportedly drunk and had high levels of marijuana in her system, authorities said Tuesday.

The findings were part of a toxicology report that was conducted on 36-year-old Diane Schuler in the wake of the deadly July 26 crash along the Taconic State Parkway in Briarcliff Manor, The Journal News of Westchester reported on its Web site.

The findings were shared with relatives of the crash victims, which included Schuler’s 2-year-old daughter and three nieces.

Schuler was coming home to West Babylon from an upstate camping trip when she drove her Ford Windstar minivan against traffic for 1.7 miles along the northbound lane of the Taconic.

State police investigators said Schuler collided head-on with a Chevrolet Trail Blazer driven by Guy Bastardi.

Bastardi, his father Michael, and family friend Daniel Longo were all killed in the tragic crash.

Also killed were Schuler, her daughter Erin, and her three nieces, Emma Hance, 8; Alyson Hance, 7; and Kate Hance, 5.

Her 5-year-old son Bryan was the only survivor. He is currently recovering at the Westchester Medical Center in stable condition.

Why would someone spend their time drinking and drugging when they knew they would be responsible for the precious lives of children? Because drug users are selfish, stunted cretin who think they have a right to do whatever they want even when it directly impacts others. Eight people died because Schuler couldn’t be bothered to get clean and stay sober long enough to safely drive her own children and her nieces around. She thought pot and booze were more important than the lives of the children in her care and ALL users of any mind altering substance think the same.

The worst part about this story is that she knew she was in no condition to drive:

investigators said Schuler crossed the Tappan Zee Bridge at about 1 p.m. and pulled over on the Tarrytown end of the crossing.

At 1:02 p.m., she called her brother, Warren Hance, and had a brief phone conversation with him, telling him that she was feeling “disoriented and had trouble seeing,” according to investigators.

Hance told Schuler to immediately pull over and that he would drive to get her.

Instead, Schuler did not stay put, driving her car against traffic before the crash happened at 1:35 p.m.

She couldn’t be bothered to wait for a sober ride, she had more drinking and drugging to do.

Many times some pot head will come to a post I write and claim pot is good for you or makes you a better driver or a better parent or more productive. This is of course a load of crap, akin to when some coke head tries to tell you she sucks off guys in the back of a strip club because she “likes to” rather than admit she has a habit she can’t kick. All users endanger themselves and those around them when they are allowed to live in the delusion that they can function normally and safely. They cannot.

Users should never be allowed to drive much less drive around children. Despite the propaganda by groups like NORML studies have shown that habitual users of marijuana are more likely to be involved in car accidents than sober people, and “acute” use prior to driving significantly raises the chances of being involved in an accident. Too bad no one told Diane Schuler, a woman far too old to be involved in such nonsense anyway, that “partying” before driving children around was not just a bad idea, but a a disgusting and dangerous way for an adult to live the juvenile fantasy they call a life.

No one ever made Schuler confront her addiction, and now she and seven innocent people are dead. But drug use is a “victimless crime” right?

Thanks to Trench for the story link

MS-13 Smuggling Hundreds of Muslims Across Mexican Border

It’s no secret that MS-13 has ties to Al-Qaeda going back at least to early 2002. Jihad Watch ran a post on Al-Qaeda’s link to MS-13 back in January of 2005 and FrontPage ran a piece a week or so earlier about the connection that included some disturbing details about high ranking known AQ operatives spotted meeting with the gang in Honduras. One of the first pieces I wrote for Red Alerts detailed the link between the Kries faction of the Aryan Nations, Radical Islamist groups and the Bolivarian revolution in Latin America.

The Narco-terror/Islamist connection has been a story that has slowly fallen off most people’s radar unfortunately. I myself forgot about it until alerted to this piece by Dr. Paul William of The Last Crusade that just ran on Family Security Matters that details how little progress we’ve made in the last few years:

In the wake of 9/11, Mara Salvatrucha attracted the attention of top al Qaeda officials, who realized that the gang could be used to smuggle operatives and weapons into the United States.[1] An agreement was forged between the terrorists and the gang-bangers. In exchange for safe passage across the border, al Qaeda – through its cells in South America – agreed to pay the Maras from $30,000 to $50,000 for each sleeper agent they managed to smuggle into the country with bogus matricula consulars.[2]

Matricula consulars are official identification cards that are issued by the Mexican government through its consular offices. The cards verify that the bearers are Mexican citizens who are living outside of Mexico
with the government’s permission.

According to U.S. officials, these cards pose a grave threat to national security. Steven McCraw, assistant director of the FBI’s Office of Intelligence, told a House Judiciary Subcommittee: “The ability of foreign nationals to use the matricula consular provides an opportunity for terrorists to move freely within the United States without triggering name-based watch lists that are disseminated to local police officers.”

Counterfeit matricula consulars are easy to obtain. In Los Angeles, the going rate is $90; in New York City, $150.


According to border patrol officials, including Sheriff D’Wayne Jenigan of Del Rio, Texas, thousands of Special Interest Aliens (SIAs), with the help of Mara Salvatrucha “coyotes,” have made their way across the Mexican border and into the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Such SIAs come from countries that pose national security concerns: Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Somalia, Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon, and even Iraq.

The routes used by illegal aliens to enter the U.S. have become littered with discarded Muslim prayer blankets, pages from Islamic texts, and Arabic newspapers. Law enforcement officials have named such passageways “terrorists’ alleys” and a street leading north from the city of Douglas, Arizona, as “Arab Road.”

Ready for that fence? The Obama administration is less interested in securing our southern border than Bush, who I respect but had a blind spot on the dangers Mexico poses to us. We need to keep stories like this circulating so that this homeland security issue doesn’t remained buried on the back page until something happens that makes the front page.

h/t reader Damien

“Cruising” Legal in Ohio Wildlife Preserves

For those of you unfamiliar with the term, “cruising” is an activity in which men lurk about public restrooms, parks or other isolated places in the hopes of pairing up to either engage in some sex act or most often, as anyone who’s walked into a men’s room at the wrong time can attest to, stand around masturbating in groups. It is an unseemly phenomenon that most men soon learn to deal with with a raised eyebrow or disgusted sneer designed to make the erstwhile cruiser, genitalia in hand, move on to more receptive pastures.

My tendency is to shrug off cruising as the price we pay for living in a society where we are tolerant of different lifestyles and prosperous enough that many people seem to have too much time on hand to get up to no good. If I had children however I might feel differently if a hike through nature included coming across a hustler fellating some “straight” guy who thinks he’s not gay if he pays for it once a week from a man in a dress. If in a spiteful mood I might find a cop and have the people arrested.

Unless of course I was in the JoCo Wildlife Preserve. Then for some reason having sex in public is perfectly legal:


The blog referred to has the law for you to read. Basically because the assumption of people in a forest is that no one is around (something only people in raised in cities believe. There’s always someone in the woods with you) they technically aren’t breaking indecent exposure law because in Ohio you need intent to be seen by someone for the act to be illegal.

I’m not one to take the LaBarbera line but on this I break with my gay friends. This is childish and disgusting behavior that should be reviled by any adult with morals.

h/t Hot Air

All Sinners Fear the Wrath of the Gods


Robert Vann Smith was a pedophile known online as Ghost Writer. Under that name Smith was active on several pro-pedophilia forums where he spoke of being “omnisexual” which meant he was attracted to infants, children, teens and adults of both genders. If Smith’s name sounds familiar to crime aficionados it’s because he’s had several run ins with the law, most recently in Mexico where he was caught red handed molesting little boys:

 SAN DIEGO — Two U.S. citizens are being held in a penitentiary in Tijuana Tuesday.

Nicholas Simons, 31, of San Diego, was arrested in Tijuana along with 39-year-old Robert Smith, of Georgia.

They are being charged with rape, sexual abuse and corruption of minors after being caught with child pornography in their car while repeatedly visiting three Mexican boys at their home, according to Tijuana police.

The 9-, 10- and 12-year-old boys told police they spent several nights at a hotel with Simons and Smith.

Both men promised them DVDs and children’s videos in return, police reported.

Absolute Zero United has just reported that this degenerate died recently and his fellow perverts are posting weepy eulogies of him on Boychat and related sites. His online associates are claiming that he was a man “full of compassion” and other such nonsense. He was not, he was a wicked and petty rapist who attacked children because they were the only victims the morbidly obese cretin could overpower or exploit. Smith molested dozen of children over the years and must answer for his crimes in the next life as surely as he answered for his crimes in Mexico.

And Smith knew that he would be punished. He lived in mortal fear of the judgment of the gods as his own writings proved. This is from his MySpace, where he kept a dream journal:

One morning before I awoke, I was dreaming that I was riding in a vehicle — possiblely a car — down a highway and was heading towards a very large city in the distance.

I am unsure if I was driving the vehicle or if I was a passenger because I was sitting in the left side front seat. In some countries, this is the driver’s seat, but in other countries, it is the passenger’s seat. It seems as if I were in control of the car, but then again, it didn’t.

We — and I say “we” because it seemed as if I senses a presence with me — came to this huge bridge that arched upwards. As we began crossing it, we kept going higher and higher and higher.

The farther we rode and the higher we got, the more nervous I began to get because the height of the bridge was unbelieveablely high — higher than any bridge I had experienced in person or seen on television or in movies.

The farther we traveled — the nore nervous I became — almost to the point of panicking. I began to wonder what it was going to be like once we reached the top and started going down.

Finally, my nervousness almost to the point of panic got the better of me and I awakened.

His nervousness was the knowledge that he was damned the first time he stole the innocence of a child. That dream was over three years ago, plenty of time for him to repent and try to at least lessen his doom by turning away from his perfidy. Instead, for three years after this message foretelling his expulsion from the abode of the gods he spent his last years encouraging others to rape children. Now he’s dead and no doubt suffering what torments are reserved for the most vile of humanity.

Throughout his life Smith had a choice, as do all child rapists, to not act on his base impulses. Whether from weakness, sadism or denial Smith always gave into his impulse to exploit and abuse others. Worse he helped others validate their own desires to to do the same. No sane person could mourn the passing of a man who made himself into a monster, at least in the memories of his victims. Instead we should all take comfort that in the end he feared his final judgment and trembles even now before the wrath of the gods. His fellow degenerates may weep for him, but only because they know that his fate awaits them as well. They will die unmourned, unloved and damned by their own actions, and they despair in the doom of their own making.

As they should.