Pro-Obamacare Degenerates Arrested in Suffolk County Home Invasion

The MSM has been pretty silent on this even though the story is a couple of days old and sensational to say the least. From Fox:

NEW YORK  —  Police say attackers used health care reform as a ruse to approach their victims and then shot two and pistol-whipped another in a Long Island home.

Suffolk County police said Saturday that a 26-year-old woman was arrested on attempted murder and burglary charges in the attack Friday in Huntington. Two men were arrested on the same charges earlier. Information on the suspects’ arraignments wasn’t immediately available Saturday night.

Police say the three told the home’s residents they were selling insurance, referring to President Barack Obama’s push to overhaul America’s health care system. Police say the suspects then forced their way in, demanded money and attacked the victims.

The victims’ conditions weren’t immediately available.

Newsbusters has pictures, but not much more information mainly because the AP isn’t following up on what I think is a crime reporter’s bonanza. I guess they just don’t care about the two people shot in their own home, who were likely Obamacare supporters since they let the people in or at the very least people who were kind enough to listen. That disinterest by the media must mean the victims are either Black or Republicans.

Do not let any person supporting Obama in your house. That’s just my general rule but now it is clearly a safety issue.

Update: The NY Post comes through:

Three people posed as insurance agents hawking President Obama’s health-care reform plan to gain entry to a Long Island home, where they pistol-whipped, shot and robbed two women and a man, authorities said.

Vance Jackson, 46, of Yonkers, and Benjamin Thompson, of Brooklyn, were arraigned yesterday in Central Islip on attempted-murder and burglary charges.

A female accomplice, Natalie Taylor, 26, of Nyack, is expected to be arraigned today.

The men were nabbed about a mile from the Huntington crime scene in an SUV, and Taylor was apprehended a few hours later, police said.

Prosecutors said Thompson and Taylor approached a home on Virginia Avenue at around noon Friday, and then began to talk about Obama’s policies, while Jackson pushed into the door seeking cash.

Taylor allegedly pistol-whipped one woman, and Thompson shot another in the foot as Jackson led the man upstairs to retrieve some cash.

“When he didn’t get enough money, he shot the man twice in the neck, once in the back, and once in the chest,” said a Suffolk County prosecutor at the men’s arraignment.

Prosecutors said the two men, both with lengthy rap sheets, hatched the plan when they met for the first time at a parole meeting in Brooklyn.

Thompson was out on parole with four violent felony convictions. Prosecutors believe he has 17 felony and five misdemeanor cases pending. Jackson also has at least six convictions for violent felonies.

The Daily News has mugshots, but cleans up the crime and doesn’t report on the brutality. With rap sheets that long why were they eligible for parole at all?

Montana Supreme Court Orders Judges to Lower Bail for Soulless Monster Who Boiled 5-Year-Old

The boy lived but was in the hospital for three months with 2nd and 3rd degree burns on 40% of his body. The scum that did this, Juan Miguel Vasquez, deserves to die for what he did to that poor child. Instead, the judiciary ruled that judges in the case must take into account his financial means when setting bail. Apparently being poor mitigates being a child torturer:

Bail for a Whitefish man accused of forcing his girlfriend’s 5-year-old child into a bathtub full of scalding water, severely burning the boy, has been reduced to $50,000.

Juan Miguel Vasquez, 28, previously had been required to post $120,000 bail before being released.

Following an order from the Montana Supreme Court, Flathead County District Court Judge Stewart E. Stadler took Vasquez’s financial situation into account during the hearing Thursday.

Vasquez’s father testified briefly about the limited financial resources he and his family could contribute.

Should he post bond, Vasquez must appear in front of a judge before being released.

At a previous bond reduction hearing, Vasquez — who has limited mobility from a serious back injury and has extensive family connections in Northwest Montana — testified he was not a flight risk.

I’m sure. Odds are he’ll either kill the victim or jump bail as soon as he’s out. A man that would scald a child like this is capable of anything and needs to be remanded:

The Whitefish Police Department responded to the boy’s Ramsey Avenue residence on Oct. 24, 2008 and discovered the severely burned boy.

The boy, who suffered second- and third-degree burns to more than 40 percent of his body, was treated for three months at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle.

In interviews with a detective from the Seattle Police Department, the boy said that Vasquez put him in the bathtub of scalding water and then forced him to stay there, despite his screams.

According to court documents, a doctor and child-abuse expert at Harborview told investigators the pattern of burns on the boy’s body is consistent with forced immersion.

Vasquez is an animal. And unsurprisingly, the little prince’s crimes don’t end with torturing children:

Vasquez also is facing one count of fraudulently obtaining dangerous drugs, a felony.

He allegedly signed for three of his girlfriend’s prescriptions in her name at a Whitefish pharmacy while she was out of state at the hospital with her injured son.

Vasquez’s girlfriend told investigators she did not receive the prescriptions — which included painkillers and sleeping pills — and they were not found at their residence.

Am I wrong or does this mean he was stealing the boy’s painkillers? What kind of monster is this man?

Way to go, Montana. I’m glad the courts there are looking out for people like Vasquez, while not giving a crap about the financial burden the victims of his crime now have in medical bills, and if the victim’s mother is smart, firearms since she’s going to need some guns to protect her son from this animal when the Montana hug-a-thug-a-thon is over and Vasquez gets less time than it’ll take for the boy to recover. Maybe his bail will be higher when he murders the mother and her son?

h/t DodiaFae from Pagans Against Child Abuse

The Death of Manliness: “Survival Expert” Almost Dies in Reality Show Fiasco


Got to love those armchair survivalists, you know the ones who wax philosophical on the Internet about how they would basically rule the world post TEOTWAWKI with their Ruger Mini-14, and AK clone and some handgun they can’t fire without getting hairline fractures in their wrists. For the last couple of years my precious survivalist websites have been filling up with these walking corpses who do nothing but wildly speculate on the lethality of various calibers and form “survival strategies” that sound suspiciously similar to the plot from Dawn of the Dead.

I blame the influx of two groups into survivalism for this sort of caviler belief that survival is simply a matter of buying a gun and a camp purifier and using Dies the Fire as a study guide. The first are the Alex Jones set, who are convinced that in the future they and their homegrown militia be fighting off the armies of the anti-Christ which will consist largely of hordes of people zombified by the evil vaccine lobby and their super-science. The second group are lefties who think that they are smarter than the average survivalist and thus better equipped (intellectually) to survive. This second group consists mainly of urban dwellers who have little experience with either outdoor living or “roughing it” in general but think that a few Google searches and a trip to Eddie Bauer will prepare them for anything.

Which brings me to the story of “adventurer” Ed Wardle. Channel 4 in England contracted this scion of manhood to basically go camping for three months in the admittedly inhospitable Canadian Yukon. Hilarity then ensued:

Seven weeks after striding out into the rugged forests of western Canada armed with a rifle and a fishing rod, Mr Wardle had to be airlifted back to civilisation suffering from starvation.

He sent out a distress call five weeks before he was due to finish filming his one-man survival programme Alone In The Wild for Channel 4.


Mr Wardle lived off berries and any animals he could catch while trekking between hand-built shelters made out of fallen trees.

At first he appeared to be weathering the challenge, despite his lack of survival training.

He had been confident of finding regular food, telling the Daily Mail prior to setting off: ‘I imagine I have a long future of fish-eating in front of me. It’s going to be trout and grayling for 12 weeks.

‘But meat’s a relatively easy thing to get your hands on too. There are hares, squirrels and gophers. They’re good to eat because they’re fatty.

‘The porcupines are easy to catch because they don’t move very fast. As long as you’re careful with the spines, they’re a good source of food. You hit it with a big stick, roll it over, slice it open and peel the skin back, the same as you would any mammal.’

However, friends following his progress on Twitter – including long-term girlfriend Amanda Murray who lives with him in Islington, North London – became increasingly concerned when he appeared to start losing his grip on reality, hallucinating and talking to insects as starvation set in.

Two weeks ago he tweeted about losing weight rapidly, saying his muscles were ‘disappearing’. Most alarming of all, he counted his heartbeat at just 32 beats-per-minute. A healthy range is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

Meat is actually not easy to come by at all, which is something anyone who has ever been hunting or fishing would have told Wardle if he asked. Any outdoors, woodsloafer or even the blogger with the world’s most neglected survival blog could tell you that even in pristine wilderness you will not be successful hunting or fishing everyday. Hunting is, in fact, the very worst survival strategy since it is a time consuming, calorie burning endeavor that is not guaranteed to pay off in the long run.

For gathering meat, by far your best course of action is to run a trapline (using snares and dead-falls that require minimum equipment, as found in books like The Trapper’s Bible) that you can check after foraging for other food stuffs, and hopefully you’ll come across animal trails you can follow occasionally. You should therefore probably carry a few pounds of some sort of food stuffs to keep you going.

These are things an “intrepid adventurer” should know. You cannot simply be dropped off into a forest and suddenly become Grizzly Adams. Even the Mountain Men who opened the west made occasional contact with civilization to purchase staples like flour, coffee and whatever useful items they could afford. A real survivalist is a person who maximizes their chances at living through a situation, which takes practice, planning and common sense. Weekends camping in England won’t prepare a person for weeks of surviving in the Yukon. Relying on the hunting ability of a an urban dweller from a country where most people don’t even have any shooting experience is a recipe for disaster.

The planning for this trip was asinine. Wandering from point to point burns precious calories when setting up a semi-permanent camp and staying put would have given them all the footage they needed. Why they didn’t set him up a short distance to a water source (where animals will be likely to visit) with a tent (which even historical trekkers, those hardy souls who camp and wander using only 18th and 19th century era equipment, consider a near necessity of long stays in the wild) is beyond me unless this was some convoluted scheme to try to collect his life insurance. This trip was clearly planned by people who had no idea just how hard on man nature is. The “expert” in fact had no experience in woodcraft at all:

 Mr Wardle was chosen for the project because of his ability as a cameraman and producer, and his experience of filming in the North Pole and on the summit of Everest.

He has worked on shows for Channel 4, ITV, BBC and Discovery.

But he had no specific training for living alone in the remote territory, 80 per cent of which is pristene wilderness.

A man should be able to survive a few months in the woods, but to do so requires planning out your stay and dropping the childish fantasy you’ve developed from watching movies. Take the time to learn how to live in the wild, not by taking a few classes offered by the same experts that helped Channel 4  put this fiasco together, but by studying and practicing the skills you would need to do so. A man knows that he is not the great hunter for whom animals will willingly give up the ghost so that he can eat, and that in places like the Yukon a pound of Bisquick is worth its weight in gold. At the very least he should know that fishing with rod and reel is a hobby, not a survival strategy. Unfortunately, we have progressed to a point where most men not only don’t know that, but have no way of knowing that.

Tragedy is too often the result of that ignorance, and our separation from nature.

h/t The Firearm Blog

The Hells Await Ted Kennedy (and Melissa Lafsky)


Because many groupies, I mean Democrats, were mourning Ted Kennedy I held my counsel about him, but since an appropriate period of time has passed I will just say that Ted Kennedy was one of the most disgusting members of a family so corrupt and degenerate that even while infiltrating every level of government they can’t avoid prosecution after prosecution for their criminal ways.

Let us start with how Ted Kennedy betrayed his brother John F. Kennedy’s memory. JFK was staunchly anti-Communist and pro-freedom, a true American hero. He was assassinated by a Castro supporting Communist named Lee Harvey Oswald. Ted Kennedy cooperated with the KGB just over a decade later in a bid to undercut Jimmy Carter.

Ted Kennedy cooperated with Communists even though his anti-Communist hero brother was assassinated by a Communist.

Then via Gateway Pundit we have this gem. Ed Klein discussing Ted’s sense of humor. One of Saint Ted’s favorite jokes: the death of Mary Jo Kopechne. A death he caused:


What’s funnier than murdering a person?

Elderly hipster douchebag Henry Rollins rubbed out a quick piece on Kennedy hero worship that is actually pretty good. Broken clocks and all that. As an aside, can you still claim to be some sort of punk rock icon if you write for Vanity Fair?

Murderer and traitor is how Kennedy should be remembered. But the left is full of people so immoral and with souls so poisoned that they consider killing a woman a small price to pay for someone to champion leftist politics. Here’s what Melissa Lafsky wrote in Huffington Post:

We don’t know how much Kennedy was affected by her death, or what she’d have thought about arguably being a catalyst for the most successful Senate career in history. What we don’t know, as always, could fill a Metrodome.

Still, ignorance doesn’t preclude a right to wonder. So it doesn’t automatically make someone (aka, me) a Limbaugh-loving, aerial-wolf-hunting NRA troll for asking what Mary Jo Kopechne would have had to say about Ted’s death, and what she’d have thought of the life and career that are being (rightfully) heralded.

Who knows — maybe she’d feel it was worth it.

Spoken like a true groupie. I guess you can sit in Ted’s lap in the underworld Melissa Lafsky.

I rede you, Loddfafnir! and hear my rede,—
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
If evil you know, as evil proclaim it,
And make no friendship with foes.

I rede you, Loddfafnir! and hear my rede,—
Profit you have if you hear,
Great your gain if you learn:
In evil never joy shall you know,
But glad the good shall make you.

                                   Havamal:127-8 trans by Henry Adams Bellows

Sex Offender that Kidnapped Jaycee Dugard Fathered Her Two Children … While on The Sex Offender Registry

Some perverts and pervert supporters would tell you that sex offender registries are “too much” and should be abolished. I think this story proves that monitoring of known perverts doesn’t go far enough. From SF Gate:

A woman kidnapped as an 11-year-old girl nearly two decades ago from outside her South Lake Tahoe home turned up Wednesday, and a Contra Costa County couple have been arrested in connection with her abduction, authorities said today.

Jaycee Dugard, now 29, is believed to have borne children by the man who is accused of kidnapping her in 1991, Phillip Craig Garrido, 58, law enforcement sources said.

Garrido, who lives in an unincorporated area near Antioch, was being held in lieu of $1 million bail on suspicion of kidnapping, rape by force, lewd and lascivious acts with a minor, sexual penetration and conspiracy.

His wife, Nancy Garrido, 55, was also being held on suspicion of conspiracy and kidnapping. Her bail was also $1 million. Both were initially booked into the Contra Costa County Jail in Martinez, but have since been moved to an undisclosed site.

Authorities were searching the Garridos’ home today. Neighbors and other acquaintances described strange behavior by Phillip Garrido, who conducted religious revivals in a tent and said he had developed a device through which he could control sound with his mind. Residents said several children lived at the house.

Investigators believe Phillip Garrido kept Dugard in a shed for two years when she was a child and that she had also been housed in other outbuildings on the property, law enforcement sources said.

Garrido was hardly flying under the radar behavior wise and his degenerate wife was helping him keep these children captive for his perverse sexual enjoyment. Had authorities kept tabs on him with the occasional home visit, they’d have found ample reason years ago to bring him in. As it was this story only had a happy ending because the pervert was acting suspicious around UC Berkeley and was called into his PO’s office, with Dugard in tow:

The Garridos were arrested Wednesday after Phillip Garrido was brought to a state parole office in Concord, accompanied by a woman and two small children, officials with the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said. Garrido, a registered sex offender, had been brought in for questioning because someone reported suspicious activity involving him and the two children the day before at UC Berkeley, officials said.

“Diligent questioning” and further investigation by state authorities and Concord police revealed that the woman was Dugard and the children were Phillip Garrido’s, officials said in a statement.

If only his PO had checked on him earlier. This should prove to nay sayers that keeping track of sex offenders, and the guttersluts that hang around them, is the only way to ensure they won’t go on to rape more innocent victims.


Garrido and his wife should both be executed.