Some Notes from the End of the World Link Round-up

My wife and I have been up all night burning the midnight oil for the last couple of days as we make some significant changes in our web portfolio. So after going to bed when most people were getting up I awoke in the early afternoon to these headlines which, if you weren’t convinced that we are heading for something spectacular in the next couple of years, you should be now:

For all you people who laughed at me for saying we’re entering a new Ice AgeFrost has been reported on Canada’s Prince Edward Island for the first time in modern history.Too bad because the last time there was significant global warming on the planet the Inca Empire was created, according to scientists, through the hyper-productivity of plants in such a climate.

If warming temperatures help build empires, what will cooling temperatures do?

I thought we healed the racial divide? Dozens of Black teens attacked a White family in Ohio during the 4th of July celebrations. They were apparently yelling “This is a Black world!”during the attack:


This comes on the heels of an incident in Philadelphia where a group of Black children from a summer camp were kicked out of a posh swim club:


The tool who runs the club made the outrageously telling statement “There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion … and the atmosphere of the club.” That tool was, according to Democratic Underground, an Obama supporter who founded the O-Positive Obama Campiagn Blood Drive in Philadelphia. Hot Air has more, and a comment section full of racism.

Thanks for healing that rift Obama!

Speaking of crime the L.A.P.D.’s public database, a handy crime map meant for citizens, omits more than 40% of crimes. It’s almost like they’re hiding something.

Credit delinquencies have hit record highs. True unemployment may be as high as 20% and the stock market looks like a slow draining bathtub with some sucker splashing around in it.

Parts of Britain have pandemic levels of swine flu, a new strain of swine flu is raising alarms in Canada and the government of Argentina is at risk of being toppled because of panic over the virus.

And there are mysterious tremors along the San Andreas fault line.

That’s as far as I got, then I went to stock up on canned goods, inventory my larder and clean my guns.

h/t Drudge and Survivalblog

A Question to Michael Jackson Fans: What Do Child Rapists Look Like?


Like anyone, as this post from Pagans Against Child Abuse shows. They can be soldiers, actors, the disabled and in some cases even young pretty women, like Jessica Massey.

Jessica Massey is a 19-year-old student currently located in Evansville, Indiana. She is active in the arts, being the co-founder of an all female theater troupe called the Evansville Young Women’s Theatre. She’s also apparently a Wiccan who has just drawn up her Coven’s constitution and then posted it on her new blog, in direct violation of most Coven’s oaths of secrecy, but given that she’s a Wiccan and thus a dabbler I would expect nothing less.

What I and anyone who ran into her in real life or on her Facebook or MySpace profiles would not expect is that she is extremely active in the online pedophile community, sometimes pretending to be a male and always involved in disseminating child rape-themed fiction and poetry. As eyebrow raisingly pompous as any undergrad, Massey claims she can convince people (especially herself it seems) that there’s nothing wrong with adults having sex with children:

Why is it that, without mentioning NAMBLA, Freespirits, or the actual term “BoyLove” I can convince just about anyone that adult/child sexual relations are okay, and yet no one on the face of the planet can manage to convince a government that not only should such practices be tolerated, but that their legalization would actually help to decrease instances of unwanted sexual contact from malicious, non-CL, child molesters?

The answer is of course that she’s usually talking to some of her friends while they’re stoned. But the point here is that many of the people you wouldn’t expect to be degenerates are. It doesn’t matter if they are serving our country, or disabled, or a pretty young woman.

Nor does it matter that they give to charity or make music we like.

Michael Jackson slept in bed with children he wasn’t related to even after he was forced to pay off a victim to keep him from testifying. Jackson’s donations to charities should not rob us of common sense. Just as Massey has qualities we may find laudable, whether it be her involvement in the arts or some other conceit we think makes people more civilized, doesn’t change the fact that her soul is so poisoned with selfishness or hatred that she is a danger to children.

Jackson made himself a monster on the outside perhaps as a reflection of the monster he was on the inside. His behavior was bizarre, abusive and would have been unacceptable in anyone except an overrated celebrity. Why can’t we judge a surgery-addicted pedophile who once dangled his child over a balcony several stories up without being called bigots? Because his fans have convinced themselves that he’s “not the type of person” that would rape a little boy.

I ask those same people, does Jessica Massey look like the type?

Murder in Springerville: 8-Year-Old Pays Ultimate Price for Adults Lack of Boundries

This is a horrible case that illustrates the fundamental problem with a society where adults are encouraged to abdicate maturity and spend their time “partying” and never living their lives any differently than they did when they were teens:

CHESNEE, S.C. —  Police in South Carolina say an 8-year-old girl has been shot to death by the estranged husband of her father’s girlfriend.

Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright says the man grabbed the girl in a headlock Wednesday and shot her twice in the driveway of a home in Chesnee, about 60 miles southwest of Charlotte, N.C.

He then shot himself in the stomach. He was taken to a hospital but his condition and identity weren’t released.

The coroner’s office identified the girl as Heather Brooke Center.

Wright says the shooter was driving his estranged wife and the girl to swim and play. Investigators aren’t sure why he shot the child.

The sheriff says the suspect has a long criminal record and will be charged with murder if he recovers.

So here’s a man who has an eight-year-old daughter and is apparently single for some reason, which is acceptable but means he has to be even more on the ball than a regular father. He finds a girlfriend, who is in the middle of a divorce with a man with a long criminal history and this is where good parenting should come in.

My heart goes out to the father, but why would he expose his daughter to what is by nature a chaotic situation? All divorce is, by nature, acrimonious. Some few and laudable cases exist where people are able to comport themselves as ladies and gentlemen and separate “amicably” if not part as friends but most divorces begin and end in bitterness. Breaking up with thugs is likely to cause it’s share of drama.

This divorce involved a man with a “long criminal history” whose not yet ex-wife was in an intimate relationship with some other guy. Is it too much to assume that the girlfriend would want to keep the little girl away from the criminal she just dumped? Was the father unaware of the potential danger of allowing his child to be cared for by a jealous ex of his new girlfriend?

Obviously they didn’t consider this, and the poor little girl was the one who paid the price. A single father doesn’t need a girlfriend, especially not one who will bring danger into his child’s life. It was selfish of him to not either stay single or keep his relationship with the woman separate from his home life. It is selfish but unfortunately not unusual.

And neither is this result.

Bob Beckel Compares Disgust with Child Rape to “Homophobia,” Lefty Gays and Feminists Silent

And as far as I can tell none of the people who usually make a stink about anti-gay statements have commented. Weird right?

Especially because the target of his comment was often maligned Conservative punching bag Tucker Carlson who rightfully objected to the “orgy of adulation” for Michael Jackson in the media. He was in fact taking the bi-partisan position with hysterical lefty Sunny Hostin on the now slightly more watchable Hannity show when Bob Beckel went ballistic and called Carlson’s position on child rape “homophobic.” Skip to around 2:27 to see the fur fly:


But wait a second. Carlson was talking about child rape – about grown men sexually exploiting children. By calling disgust with child rape “homophobia” Bob Beckel is literally saying there is no difference between adults having homosexual relationships and men molesting boys. Would Beckel claim that being opposed to adult men molesting little girls was anti-heterosexual? Of course not.

Beckel clearly exposed that in his mind there is a link between what consenting adults do and they vilest of child exploitation yet all the people who have for years attacked Carlson for his “homophobia” (and I’m frankly not familiar enough with him to know if he hates gays or not, but I do know that like me he supports gay marriage) are staying silent at this outrageous linking of the worst form of degeneracy with mainstream, law abiding gays.

There is no link between homosexuality and molesting little boys just as there is no link between heterosexuality and molesting little girls or raping women. There is no cause and effect relationship between the two. Although I am on record as stating that “pedophilia” is not an orientation, all thinking people can understand that having a homosexual orientation makes a person no more likely to molest children than being heterosexual. To compare gays to child rapists is not just a slander of gays, it minimizes the essentially sadistic motivation that drives perverts to rape children.

Now here’s a list of people who should have said this before I did:


Pam’s House Blend

Queer’s United





It’s almost as if when a Democrat makes a horrible slur about gays it doesn’t matter. But that can’t be true, because it would imply many of the biggest voices in gay activism and feminism were nothing more than leftist front groups paid by well endowed foundations to herd homosexuals into voting booths….