There is No Honest Debate with the Left

Yesterday I didn’t get onto the Internet until around six o’clock in the evening and was greeted with an extremely racist comment left on one of my old posts. I usually allow such things to stand as monuments to the stupidity of the commenter but after a few years of toiling away on the Internet I’ve come to recognize the honest bigotry of the cretin versus the forced imitation by those who claim to not be racists, but think nothing of leaving comments that would make David Duke blush. Then they return and accuse you of being a racist for allowing their own filth on your site.

I speak of course, of the Moby and in this case it was fairly clear that this person was trolling for some positive reaction from me or my readers. Of course, my readership is far too decent and sophisticated to be dragged into supporting such vile racism. Coincidentally, but unrelated to my own Moby, Free Republic was just the victim of a complicated and transparent Mobying scheme set up by Vancouver Sun reporter Chris Parry who also happens to be a DailyKos diarist with handle Hollywoodoz. There he spreads insane conspiracy theories, pimps his scam business and runs a “third world loan” con game on his fellow progressives.

Parry also promoted the idea that Progressives should use any number of underhanded and dishonest Internet tactics to shut down debate with Conservatives, including Mobying. He practices what he preaches apparently since he not only left racist comments on venerable righty site Free Republic, he then used his own comments as material to write a hit piece in the Vancouver Sun. Even Gawker could see this one:

 It gets worse, though. Chris Parry, it appears, has advocated on his Daily Kos blog any number of egregious offenses, among them: posting hate speech on sites like Free Republic and blaming it on conservatives. Parry posted under the name “hollywoodoz” on Daily Kos, where his signature was “Fool me once, I’ll punch you in the fucking head.” Parry outed himself as hollywoodoz here, where he discloses the company he helped start. In essence: Parry, the journalist, found his story right where he’d been circling it for a very long time, and reported it as news. Sigh.

Free Republic is of course on a tear rallying their troops to spread the word on Parry. Gateway Pundit has an example of Parry’s own racism. But this is just the latest example of the dishonest tactics of Progressives on the web. Robert Spencer has long been a target of such attacks by Progressive turned 9/11 Conservative turned Atheist crusader Charles Johnson and his “lizard” cult. Most recently Johnson’s slanderous untruths were used by C.A.I.R. to help bully the American Library Association into rescinding an invitation to Spencer to speak at a symposium they set up. I have blogged before about Johnson’s attack on me and this site, which was also based largely on dishonesty designed to shut down debate.

Which is the point. Progressivism only appeals to fascists. Modern Liberalism, with its identity politics, class warfare and economic policies that externalize the infantilization of our young people, cannot withstand the scrutiny a debate brings. No one really believes you can create more jobs by making it more expensive to hire workers, or that you can safeguard the nation by timidly asking our enemies to forgive us. If debated honestly, most Americans would be swayed to the right of any argument, because most Americans believe in freedom, personal responsibility and doing what it takes to keep their families safe.

So the left in this country seeks to circumvent debate by assassinating the characters of those on the right, and for decades they have been successful. In our schools, in our media and now on the Internet the left has been able to convince generation after generation that we on the right are too unseemly to be taken seriously, that associating with us or our ideas would carry with it a social stigma that could not be endured. The left has been able to win the debate by ensuring no one listens to the other side.

And on the right we still attempt good faith debate, but to what end? Exposing the dishonesty and destroying the reputations of those like Parry and Johnson who use such tactics will do more for the “right wing” in this country than a thousand debates we get disinvited to. It is time we realize that the left is not interested in being convinced that we are right, but only in convincing others that we never could be and thus aren’t worth engaging. We need to change our strategy accordingly, and show a new generation with stories like Chris Parry’s that the left can’t be trusted.

The Slippery Slope Illustrated by Mary Duval

Mary Duval is the mother of Ricky Blackman, a young man who ended up on the sex offender registry due to a sexual relationship he had with a 13-year-old runaway when he was supposedly 17. There isn’t much on the net about the case that isn’t posted on pro-pedophilia blogs or those flamboyantly angry anti-misandry sites, which makes me think there may have been more to his conviction than most admit.

But this story is about his mother Mary who turned her son’s case into something of a cause celebre among “sex offender advocates” and various online degenerates. Feeling unfairly treated by the Iowa and then Oklahoma authorities, Mary did what any mother would do: fight to get her son removed from the registry. In fact if what Mary says about her son’s conviction is true, then I and most people would fully support her in that. But Mary allowed her anger and outrage to drive her to go beyond decency and well beyond common sense.

One of her first stops to garner support for her son was Internet pedophile gathering Boychat and sites like it where she became entwined with people like Derek Logue and their war on children. From there she slid from mother defending her child, to sex offender advocate, to promoter of pedophilia in just a short time. More to the point, she has gone from advocating for the removal of her son from the registry, to working for the abolition of the registry, to demanding the abolition of age of consent laws and threw in her lot with the most deviant predators who she pretends are nothing more than victims like her son. Stitches77 profiled Duval and her work on Absolute Zero United:

You think Mary doesn’t know? Of course she knows. She admitted she knows, not only that she has stated there should be no age of consent laws. There should be no registry, no residency restrictions, no GPS monitoring, no civil commitment, no polygraph exams on supervision. She has stated that victims and their parents should be “held accountable” while referring to the offender as “just a baby”. She calls child pornography a victimless crime and says maybe it helps someone not molest children. She says a woman who won’t allow her child to be alone with a bus driver is hysterical and to parents whose children have been abused as negligent. She says no law will stop someone from committing a crime………therefore what? Anarchy.

Mary is a joke. She has bashed John Walsh, Mark Lunsford and other parents of murdered children, not just the laws they’ve supported but on a personal basis. She has referred to victims as “snot-nosed teary-eyed victims”, she’s cold, she’s heartless, she’s despicable and she’s offensive to anyone except abusers and enablers.

If you have ever taken a course in logic you’ll learn that the Slippery Slope is a logical fallacy, that the idea of an ever worsening chain of consequences stemming from one action cannot be logically argued as true. But life is not an intellectual exercise and Mary Duval is not some logic problem to be solved in a classroom. She is a real person, filled with rage and hatred who has given herself over to evil. It is an unpopular theory today, more so than the Slippery Slope itself, but nonetheless it is true.

Evil is like a wool coat in the rain, its warm comfort soon giving way to a cold heaviness that drags on a person’s soul. I don’t know what sort of person Mary Duval was prior to her son getting in trouble for having sex with a 13-year-old runaway, but I have my suspicions. But I doubt when she started advocating for her son she would have thought she would end up insulting murdered children, demanding age of consent laws be abolished, and allying herself with people who have forcibly raped children. Now she is, and what will tomorrow bring for her?

In real life there is a slippery slope you slide down into your worst moments. Ask any addict and they’ll tell you they started drinking and smoking pot socially before getting hooked on hard drugs. Ask any woman in an abusive relationship how she got there and she can trace for you a string of ever more violent boyfriends. And Mary Duval started her career of advocating for child rape by trying to find a way to convince people her son wasn’t a child rapist.

The Slippery Slope, illustrated by Mary Duval. Loving mother, political activist, now advocate for the most egregious child exploitation.

MS-13: If You Wear Red in San Fransisco We Will Kill You

And they apparently mean it:

(07-09) 13:44 PDT DALY CITY — Two suspected members of the MS-13 gang have been arrested and a third is being sought in the Daly City slaying of a 21-year-old college student who was shot because his friends were wearing red – a color claimed by a rival gang – police said Thursday.

One of Moises Frias Jr.’s companions was wearing a red sweater, and another a red-and-white San Francisco 49ers cap, when their car was riddled with bullets near the Daly City BART Station on Feb. 19. Frias died before he could reach the hospital, and two of the other three young men in the car were wounded.

None of the victims had anything to do with gangs, investigators said.

“That’s very stupid thinking,” Moises Frias Sr. said after learning of the arrests. “They’re going to shoot him just because of that? Why don’t they just kill each other?”

The father said he would ask San Mateo County prosecutors to seek the death penalty in the killing, which he said devastated his family and made him fear for the safety of his surviving 18-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter.

“I would never expect something like this to happen in my life,” he said. “These guys, they destroyed my life, me and family, for nothing.”

Daly City police Detective Gregg Oglesby noted that Frias’ shooting was strikingly similar to the June 2008 killing of a San Francisco father, Tony Bologna, and his two sons in the Excelsior neighborhood. Prosecutors say another member of MS-13 – a subset of the Sureño gang, which claims the color blue – opened fire after mistaking one of the sons for a member of the rival Norteños, who claim red.

You may remember the Tony Bologna murders in which illegal alien Edwin Ramos shot dead Bologna and his two sons in a horrific incident made all the worse by the fact that Ramos was a frequent flier in the justice system who managed to avoid deportation even though he had a clear history of violence against both African-Americans and other Latinos. The widow of Bologna blamed Gavin Newsom’s 2007 directive to local cops not to give immigration status information to feds.

Now that case may also involve mistaken identity, and an imported culture of random violence left to fester by anti-assimilationist ghettoization policies that maintain immigrant populations as a permanent underclass. This has led to a targeting of African-Americans by Latino gang bangers as police and authorities cede control of immigrant areas, and now even wearing the “wrong” color can get you killed.

That sound you hear is civilization collapsing.

Two Peace/Anti-Crime Activists Murdered in Mexico

The men have been reported as Mormons, though KDBC is reporting that they may have been Mennonites. Regardless, two American citizens standing up for justice were murdered by the narco-terror gangs of Mexico that neither the American nor Mexican governments seem to be able to control.

Via StephenLoneWolf:


Reuters has more. h/t Newser