So Why Do We Need a Steam Powered Corpse Eating Deathbot Anyway?


I know this sounds like a silly question, especially it you’re like me and a fan of the Steampunk and Neo-Victorian aesthetics. I’m a huge fan of the old Arcanum PC game, would be a fan of Unhallowed Metropolis game if I were the kind of person to be a fan of roleplaying live action or not and have often idly pondered having my own Steam Powered Corpse Eating Killbot for personal use, but now that RTI has actually developed a real life version, called EATR, I find myself grasping my pistol under my frock coat in fear:

 It could be a combination of 19th-century mechanics, 21st-century technology — and a 20th-century horror movie.

A Maryland company under contract to the Pentagon is working on a steam-powered robot that would fuel itself by gobbling up whatever organic material it can find — grass, wood, old furniture, even dead bodies.

Robotic Technology Inc.’s Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot — that’s right, “EATR” — “can find, ingest, and extract energy from biomass in the environment (and other organically-based energy sources), as well as use conventional and alternative fuels (such as gasoline, heavy fuel, kerosene, diesel, propane, coal, cooking oil, and solar) when suitable,” reads the company’s Web site.

That “biomass” and “other organically-based energy sources” wouldn’t necessarily be limited to plant material — animal and human corpses contain plenty of energy, and they’d be plentiful in a war zone.


The advantages to the military are that the robot would be extremely flexible in fuel sources and could roam on its own for months, even years, without having to be refueled or serviced.

Upon the EATR platform, the Pentagon could build all sorts of things — a transport, an ambulance, a communications center, even a mobile gunship.

In press materials, Robotic Technology presents EATR as an essentially benign artificial creature that fills its belly through “foraging,” despite the obvious military purpose.

That “foraging” would include looking for (hopefully) dead humans to “eat” to power its fancy steam engine. But what are we envisioning here? An autonomous military robot that can operate independently indefinitely as long as it has “biological material” to eat? Forgive me for being confused as to why.

According to RTI’s EATR presentation (.pdf) the robot is designed to autonomously scavange for food sans human command or control, reproducing the behavior of biological entities. Since we biological entities like to kill fresh meat rather than wait for road kill to fall in our laps let’s hope this is just marketing hype.  CNET’s Technically Incorrect claims Fox News is overreacting, and seemingly doubts the corpse eating will happen but on page 19 of the presentation RTI claims to be close to achieving “machine cognition” which includes computational equivalents of imagination, true intelligence and awareness. So whether or not EATR robots decide on long pig for dinner might literally be up to the machine.

National Geographic wrote about a bug eating robot in 2006, so the corpse as fuel concept is not new.

But peruse RTI’s material for yourself and tell me exactly why we need this? Supposedly we can use EATR for the long term occupation of territory since the robots can be dropped anywhere and remain operational indefinitely, but why would we want robots that do nothing but spit out bullets and eat anything biological to occupy anything? The purpose of occupation is to control territory, but EATR is basically a Steampunk locust plague. Drop a few of these robots into an area and what will they do? At best exhaust the local food supply, at worst end up on YouTube as anti-American propaganda where cell footage of them sawing apart then “consuming” peasants will simply reinforce our reputations as The Great Satan.

I’m no peacenik but I have the feeling if the EATR team hadn’t gone into robotics they’d be busily trying to find a way to resurrect corpses as part of a plot to end the world in a zombie apocalypse. EATR seems to be little more than a nihilistic anti-human wet dream funded by a defense department well known for being easily distracted by shiny new toys. There is no possible mission where EATR will perform better than our brave fighting men and women, except in the creator’s envisioned survival horror scenario where his machines rampage across the world eating our dead to keep themselves fueled.

Wasn’t there a movie about that?

Update: My buddy Damien reminded me of this link, in which the company claims EATR is strictly a Vegetarian. Which I assume effectively rules out it being able to operate in desert environments?

Bolivarian Infiltrators Poised to Cause Chaos in Honduras

Honduran citizens are receiving anonymous phone calls telling them to “stay home” for their own safety as insurgent cells from Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala are said to already be inside Honduran borders waiting for outed President Zelayna to return. From CFP:

Tegucigalpa, Honduras could become another Tehran by tomorrow night.

Hondurans are trying to get word out by Twitter that they are receiving threatening text messages on their cell phones tonight, telling them to stay inside and not leave their homes tomorrow night.

“Now more than ever I will be the first one out the door,” Honduran Pedro Martinez told Canada Free Press tonight.  Pedro Martinez is the pseudonym we gave to the young Honduran professional that Canada Free Press (CFP) walked through Twitter hookup last week.

“Tomorrow might be a bad day,” Pedro tipped off CFP on twitter.  “People are infiltrating Honduras thru (sic) Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua with the intention to create chaos.”

Looks like deposed Honduran leader Manuel Zelaya, who has called for a popular insurrection in his own country so that he can be returned to power after soldiers removed him at gunpoint on June 28, is on the way back.

With the verbal cunning of good Marxists the world over and the backing of tyrant Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, this is Zelaya’s message today from the safety of Guatemala: “The Honduran people have the right to insurrection.”

“I want to tell you to not leave the streets, that is the only space that they have not taken from us,” he told a news conference alongside Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom,” (Yahoo July 15, 2009).

Meanwhile, no one in Honduras is running from Zelaya’s threats.  “We are not issuing threats,” acting foreign minister Carlos Lopez said in response to Zelaya’s call for an insurrection, reminding the exiled Honduran leader that Roberto Micheletti’s government was in control and the country was at peace.

“We removed the curfew and the government has complete control of the territory.”

Problem is Pedro and tens of thousands like him, who backed Zelaya’s ouster on June 28, believe the streets and democracy belong to them.

Zelaya’s ultimatum to the interim government ordering it to relinquish power within the week and the demands for his immediate restitution has only raised the peoples’ dander.

People like Pedro expect only the worst from Zelaya.

As does anyone aside from the Marxist supporters of his power grab. It’s no coincidence that Zelaya waited until Obama was in office to make his power grab, now Honduras and Columbia, our one time allies, are about to be swept away by a Chavez led Communist movement and America will at best stand by and cheer.

At worst the Democrats will send in troops to support the culling and guard Chavez’s death camps.

h/t N.T.R.

Democrat Operative with Ties to Ted Strickland and Hillary Clinton Pimped Out Teen Girls Online

Robert “Eric” McFadden is the founder of Catholics for Kerry and was involved with the controversial (and heretical from a traditional Catholic perspective) Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good. McFadden also worked as the head of Clinton’s Catholic outreach program last year during the election, and was Ohio Governor Ted Strickland’s director of Faith Based Initiatives for some time.

McFadden was also a sexual degenerate who was pimping out teenage girls on Craigslist:

A middle-aged man was arrested and taken into custody by Columbus police officers for crimes related to online prostitution. Robert E. McFadden, 46, allegedly traded information relating to online prostitutes and escorts who plied their trade on the city streets. Charges in the pending case also state a 17-year-old minor was one of the “sex for hire” participants. Law enforcement officers state McFadden reportedly offered raffle tickets for $10 each in order to win and evening with a prostitute.

McFadden allegedly created reviews of individual streetwalkers and personal escorts and sold the reviews of their performances online. The “hooker review” website has been pulled from the World Wide Web, leaving many searching aimlessly for a glimpse of the X-rated performance chart. According to the details available about McFadden’s lascivious love low-down, customers could post comments about their personal experiences with the sex workers. Possible child pornography charges may be forthcoming due to the age of at least one of the prostitutes.

Yowza. Someone’s going to be doing like a million Hail Marys. McFadden apparently made a living being the official Democratic Party Catholic as this report from the Catholic News Agency ably shows:

The former director of the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives for the governor of Ohio was arrested Wednesday for his involvement in an online prostitution ring.  Eric McFadden, who has also formerly served as the president of the organization Catholics for Faithful Citizenship and spokesperson for Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, will face seven prostitution-related charges tomorrow in court.

Eric McFadden, 46, the former head of the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives for Governor of Ohio, Ted Strickland, was arrested this morning and faces two counts of promoting prostitution, two counts of pandering obscenity involving a minor, two counts of pandering obscenity involving a nude minor and one count of compelling prostitution, Franklin County Prosecutor Ron O’Brien told the Springfield News-Sun.

The News-Sun also quoted Keith Daily, Governor Strickland’s press secretary who described the situation as “very sad, shocking and appalling.”

McFadden’s faith outreach has not been limited to the Ohio governor’s office.  In 2004, McFadden worked for Catholics for Kerry and in 2005, served as the president for the organization, Catholics for Faithful Citizenship.  In 2006, he was a spokesperson for Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, and more recently, he was Hillary Clinton’s lead Catholic outreach organizer as the State Faith & Values Outreach Director during the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

According to NBC 4 in Columbus, Ohio, detectives suspect McFadden was involved in a “hooker-review” site that led to the creation of a Brewery District brothel.

Here’s how we know he was never a particularly bright man:

McFadden used complex encoded postings on Craigslist that would look like useless or corrupted data, in which he would embed the information of the woman available, the type of sex interaction she would be willing to perform and the place to meet her. Paradoxically, McFadden’s code name in his transactions was “mcfaddencatholic.”

Looking for some lefty hypocrisy?

McFadden who has been a supporter of John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama described his Catholic outreach in 2007 to PBS’ Religion and Ethics Newsweekly as giving “a voice to Catholics so they can stand up and say, ‘I am a Catholic Democrat, and I’m proud and these are the principles that I believe in.’”

Additionally, he was a member of the Knights of Columbus and reached the 4th order.  Last year, he penned a letter to the Knights of Columbus asserting that Supreme Knight Carl Anderson was leading Catholics astray by suggesting that Catholics could not vote for pro-abortion candidates.

“Carl Anderson should resign as Supreme Knight so the good work of the Knights of Columbus can continue without the stain of partisan politics,” he wrote.

While he wrote this he was hiring and pimping out underage prostitutes.

Lest you think the Liberal hypocrisy ends with him Newsbusters points out that the left-leaning Columbus-Dispatch actually scrubbed the story from their site, while The American Catholic catches Huffington Post first trying to claim McFadden was a “GOPer” until they were called out in the comments. Now party affiliation is nowhere to be found, but the Huffpo commenters are enthusiastically calling for the legalization of pimping out children.

It will come as a shock to you I’m sure to find that a person who was pimping out a teenage girl may have had a history of online sexual harassment aimed at Pro-life women. Carol McKinley puts forward the theory that Ted Strickland’s people knew McFadden was a degenerate and got rid of him just before all this broke loose. Knarfoh has examples of his postings. Pro Ecclesia has a list of comments McFadden has made on his site, which are telling.

McFadden also apparently went by the name God of Thunder. He met his victim in an online chat room, groomed her, then “raffled” her off to men.

The MSM will be bringing you all the details in the coming weeks I’m sure.

h/t RightWing Sparkle.

How Does Socialized Health Care Really Work?

Via Hot Air Steven Crowder travels to Canada to show you exactly what socialized medicine looks like. Long but worth it, especially around 8:20 when a nurse at a clinic recommends private health care to Crowder and company. The same thing happens with a different nurse around 9:40.

But let’s get some of that here!


Michael Moore was unavailable for comment. He may have had an appointment with his private doctor.

Vitimless Crime File: The Importance of Rock Bottom

The instinct of most families who are dealing with a member coping with addiction, whether it be hard drugs or prescriptions or alcohol, is to give them as much love and support as they seem to need, which for addicts is an almost unlimited amount. This protective instinct exacerbates the addiction as the consequencelessness of the addict’s actions combined with an increasingly distorted perception of reality will lead to behavioral escalations dangerous to both the addict and those around them.

Case in point, on Dreamin’ Demon I just read the story of Ashley and Rebecca McMillion. The McMillions are a methed out, pot smoking couple from Arkansas who lived in an 16 x 8 foot storage shed Marilyn McMillion, Ashley’s mother, purchased for them to live in. Marilyn put the shed on her property, the better that her son and his wife could avail themselves of her help and support. Thus cared for, the drug addled couple gave birth to a daughter they named Cozy.

With new daughter secured in a shed that boasted a television and air conditioning, Ashley and Rebecca continued their main pursuits of cooking meth and smoking pot. At some point Ashley began raping the baby. Marilyn claims she was unaware of any of this:

SEBASTIAN COUNTY, Ark. — A man, woman and infant were found living in a small shed in Midland in Sebastian County, and police said Ashley Mcmillion repeatedly raped a 1-year-old n that shed.

Ashley allegedly committed the crime just feet from his mother’s doorstep.

“We bought that to put a roof over their heads so I could feed them. I thought it was helping, not hurting,” said Marilyn Mcmillion, who bought the shed for her son and daughter-in-law to live in.

Mcmillion said she didn’t know what the conditions were inside the shed.

“How could you not know? Well when you go to work 40 hours a week and then yard work, garden work. How would I know?” Mcmillion said.

Police said they found drug paraphernalia and marijuana inside the shed.

Plausible, but it is unlikely she would have allowed the two to live in a shed unless she knew there was some reason they couldn’t live on their own, and at the same time didn’t want them in her house. I would suggest that she wanted provide the minimum care for the addicts, and she didn’t want them to lose their child.

Which was of course a mistake.

Addicts will devolve until they get clean. Anyone who has seen the crack whores, homeless teen beggars and desperate men in pawn shops has seen the work of addiction. No one in the grip of the addiction is truly in their right mind, no one is trustworthy as long as they reject sobriety. And as long as they are getting high they simply don’t see it.

All addicts must hit “rock bottom” for them to realize they have a problem, which is the first step toward recovery. The sooner they hit their bottom the better off they’ll be. Had Marilyn allowed them to live on the streets where all addicts end up the child may have ended up in another home where she wasn’t raped by her father. Had Rebecca ended up living on the streets she may have cleaned up rather than have a baby with a man with no home. As long as they were cared for they they had no impetus to get clean, and their baby paid for it.

Handling addicts with kid gloves never works. Trying to provide for them so they won’t end up hooking or stealing only delays the inevitable. I don’t know if Ashley McMillion, without a meth and pot habit, would have raped his daughter but I do know that Rebecca’s drug use enabled the rape. She claims she saw the rapes but, in her stupor, didn’t believe her own eyes.

I guess we have seen her rock bottom, too bad it was also her daughter’s.