Justin TV: Providing Live Sex Shows for Pedophiles?

According to this piece in The Inquisitr, on July 16th at around 10:00pm that’s exactly what happened. Apparently a group of 13-year-old girls were “live-streaming” onto the web during what I assume was a slumber party of some kind when the 800+ degenerates who showed up to watch them began asking for them to disrobe. Unsurprisingly, the girls did, to the point of nudity. To their credit JustinTV banned the girls’ accounts as soon as they were alerted, but since screen shots and video grabs of those girls nude will circulate on the web eternally, this incident demonstrates how dangerous allowing your kids on the Internet can be.

I’ve blogged before about YouTube and their tolerance of borderline child porn, but with pre-made video uploads it is not unrealistic to demand that companies work to keep child exploitation off their sites. With live streaming there is no reasonable expectation that companies can stop people from trading child porn as long as unsupervised children are allowed to interact with adults online.

When I saw Trench Reynolds’ post on this, I went to the JustinTV site the next day to make sure that the reported incident wasn’t simply an aberration. Within seconds of going to the site at around 2:00pm I saw that one of the top watched streams was of what looked like two 12-year-olds. I won’t post their pictures, but I will post the comments I saw being sent to them:


These girls were at best 12. And this was 2:00 in the afternoon. I can only imagine what kind of people are on the site at night.

Parents need to learn that there is no reason for teens to have web cams, that video sites are pedophile magnets and that you cannot allow your children to be on the Internet alone. Most of all, your 13-year-old doesn’t need to live stream on the web, period.  A decade from now those little girls will realize that when some child raping pervert is caught with pictures of children undressed on his hard drive some were pictures of them. When some pervert couldn’t find a victim, he masturbated to the fantasy of molesting them. These children have no idea just how many pedophiles are even now using those shots to arouse themselves, or how many are looking for the girls in the shots themselves.  JustinTV was in no position to protect them from that, only their parents were so it’s time for parents to wake up.

Minneapolis Struggling with Rise of “Somali” Gangs

This report shows the problem not only with anti-assimilationist multiculturalism but with the mincing political correctness that makes it impossible to tell the truth about the danger of importing violent Muslims from war zones into our country and allowing them to ghettoize themselves. Somali American Muslims have already been found fighting the Jihad in Somalia, participating in hate crimes against non-Muslims and of course Denver cyanide terror suspect Saleman Abdirahman Dirie was a Somali Muslim from Canada who likely received financial and material support form the American Somali community.

Now this report from MyWay News shows that Somali gangs are out of control in Minneapolis and the police are basically powerless to stop it:

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) – Ahmednur Ali’s family fled the chaos and violence of their West African homeland Somalia in the 1990s, eventually making their way to Minnesota like thousands of their compatriots.

While many of the estimated 32,000 Somalis who settled in the state have struggled to adapt, Ali flourished, blazing a path to Minneapolis’ Augsburg College on a soccer scholarship by age 20. He studied political science and aspired to a political career modeled on President Barack Obama’s.

He was shot and killed last September outside a busy community center where he worked part-time as a youth counselor, and prosecutors said the 16-year-old accused of killing him was part of a gang.

Ali was one of seven Minneapolis-area Somali men killed over a 10-month period, and authorities believe all were killed by fellow Somalis. Police say it’s too simple to tie all the killings to Somali gangs, which have lured hundreds of young community members to their ranks in recent years.

Those in the insular community willing to speak out, however, disagree.

It was all gang activity, totally, 100 percent,” said Shukri Adan, a former Somali community organizer who estimated in a 2007 report for the city that between 400 and 500 young Somalis were active in gangs. “The police don’t want to say that but everybody else knows that.”

Despite anger and despair over the killings in Minnesota’s Somali community – the nation’s largest – police and prosecutors have struggled to catch and try the killers. Few witnesses have stepped forward because of a fear of reprisal and deep-rooted distrust of authority. More than half of Minnesota’s Somalis are living in poverty, according to state statistics, and many complain that authorities are biased against Somalis because of their Islamic faith.

Last month, prosecutors dropped the murder charge against the teenage boy in Ali’s case after one witness backed out and another apparently fled the state.

Gangs like the Somali Hot Boyz, the Somali Mafia and Madhibaan with Attitude have grown more active in recent years, said Jeanine Brudenell, the Minneapolis Police Department’s Somali liaison officer.

This coddling of Somali Muslim sensibilities is in part the reason their community is so easily overrun by gangs. I will bet you that part of the problem in Minneapolis is tension between hardliner Muslims and semi-modern gang members vying for control of the community. A community which has either imported or developed a “no snitchin'” mentality that has turned them into a population of sheep preyed on by wolves from their own community.

Almost two years ago I blogged about the rape committed by Somali immigrant Rage Ibrahim who brutally violated a Somali woman in a apartment complex hallway monitored by video camera. The tape shows that at least ten of the woman’s fellow immigrants opened their doors, saw what happened and did nothing. The Somali Justice Center, a hotbed of radical Islam, claimed Rage was innocent even though he was on tape raping a woman.

More recently I blogged about video surfacing of Somali children throwing rocks at and harassing a gay man on a Minnesota street in broad daylight:


Clearly there is more wrong in the Somali community than a few hundred gang members. But don’t expect to read that in any news report.

The Sunday Afternoon “I Answer Email” Link Round-Up

I’ve been putzing around all day and not working, and yesterday I spent most of the day restaurant hopping (and eating some of the best BBQ in South Carolina) so I’m just not feeling it. I’m on a quest to find me some more BBQ so I figure I’ll just answer some emails as a blogpost. I call this a Leah Remini:

Yes, I saw the Glenn Beck freak-out video and it’s awesome. Via Hot Air:


Yes, I support the Honduran military “coup” which was in actuality the military keeping the Honduran Constitution safe. Here’s a great article that nutshells it from Big Hollywood.  Gateway Pundit has a piece on Zelayna being caught fixing the election. The MSM is noticeably quiet on this. Fausta has the best coverage of this situation.

No, I don’t believe Larry Summers about the stimulus. His entire argument is based around Google search numbers.

Yes, Democrats are more racist than Republicans. Here’s a great post from Black and Right that shows examples of racism on DailyKos, Huffington Post and Democratic Underground that are both copious and recent.

I haven’t had time to write about Sotomayor’s (tenuous) connection to NAMBLA. My buddy Velvet Hammer has a post up about it which is good. I think Sotomayor is simply a stooge for radicals she knows nothing about.

I’m a big fan of both Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs. And I did notice that I was mentioned on Jihad Watch and am honored by it. I will get back into Counter Jihad blogging soon.

Lost in Lima, Ohio was one of the best crime blogs and I hope Lilo comes back soon.

Yes, I know Trench Reynolds will be quoted in Maxim while I dwell in obscurity.

American Survival Blog is not updated because we are re-tooling and planning the launch of a website with wider interest but that will also fold in survival related material.

I understand the Boycott Amazon movement, but right now we simply can’t afford to be part of that.

Team Sarah has a Conservative Pagans for Palin group.I think that would be a great place to start a more open Conservative/Libertarian Pagan movement. And yes I’m still working on a book on Conservative Paganism, but I’m behind schedule. The Pagan Temple and Hecate’s Crossroads are two great Pagan blogs righties and Second Amendment supporters respectively will feel comfortable with.

I in point of fact don’t drink alcohol, and only take aspirin or over the counter pain relievers.

If you don’t get an email back from me it’s because I get about two-three hundred a day on three different email accounts concerning several different sites. I appreciate all your tips and comments. You can also catch up with me on Facebook (I finally broke down and got one)

See, I answer emails. It just can take a little while.

Child Pornographer Gets Light Sentence from Washington Judge

A 59-year-old degenerate gets caught with pornographic images of a underage girl he met on MySpace, a girl he also had inappropriate sexual contact with and showed child pornography to, and what does he get? Six months, and a maximum of four years of sex offender “treatment” that will no doubt be courtesy of the good taxpayers of Washington. Disgusting:

MOUNT VERNON — A judge sentenced a 59-year-old La Conner businessman to sex offender treatment Thursday for taking sexually explicit photos of a minor girl and posting them on a MySpace page, touching her inappropriately and showing her child pornography.

Skagit County Superior Court Judge Mike Rickert ordered Stephen A. Burks to six months in the Skagit County Jail and to complete the special sex offender sentencing alternative, which could take three or four years.


Burks is eligible for a work release program while he is at the jail.

He owns a gas station and video store in La Conner, is married and has two grown children, according to court documents.

He pleaded guilty to sexual exploitation of a minor, child molestation, possessing pictures of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct and dealing in photos of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Several similar charges were dropped as part of the plea deal.

Now at least you know where not to raise your children.

h/t Trench Reynolds

Neil Strauss: Unstable Man-Child or Lying Douchebag?


After some Internet research I’m calling this a 50/50 split. I never heard of Neil Strauss until I came across this piece about his douchebaggery on The Firearm Blog in which Strauss claims to have developed a vampiric bloodlust after supposedly receiving “survival training” that sounds more like a Palo Mayombe ceremony than instruction on how to survive hardship.

From the far too credulous pages of The Boston Globe:

Next he takes a course in killing with a knife, during which an instructor named Mad Dog demands that he slaughter a live goat. Strauss also studies wilderness survival, learning to build a shelter from leaves, find water, and live off the land. After getting instruction in shooting, he finds himself changing from wimpy writer to would-be killer: “Something strange had occurred. I developed a bloodlust I’d never felt before. I actually wanted an excuse to shoot a bad guy.”

Riiiight. It should surprise no one that the man who wrote a book on “the secret society of pick up artists” is given to, shall we say, embellishments.

I applaud anyone who can make a living convincing people there is some sort of sexual Illuminati whose secrets can change the lives of all the awkward and shy beta males out there when in fact the only secret to getting laid is going to bar and hitting on someone. But in his new book about survivalism, called Emergency, which he’s pimping in this article, his overactive fantasy life is not just borderline slander on the survivalist community, but guaranteed to get you killed if you take his “lessons” to heart.

But this isn’t a review of his book, it’s an analysis of his character, or lack thereof. Reading through the Globe piece it is painfully obvious to anyone who has ever left the confines of Manhattan that Strauss is lying his hipster ass off. There is no reputable knife fighting program that demands you slaughter goats and outside of the imaginations of of “writers” who have had their creativity sucked out and spit into the gutter by University writing programs there are no goat hating knife fighting gurus named “Mad Dog.” Strauss can’t even be said to have invented these sad fabrications because they are basically cliched images of survivalists that urban liberals have passed around for years.

What’s more incredulous is the idea that after picking up a gun and receiving what I guess is some hunting instruction so he can “live off the land” he immediately wants to kill people. This is probably a nice pick-up line at a PETA convention, but the reality is that it simply doesn’t happen to hunters. While many people enjoy hunting (or fishing), all will tell you that they DON’T enjoy the actual killing of an animal. As a child I fished with my grandparents and we ate almost every fish we caught, and we enjoyed the process of fishing, but the killing and cleaning of fish is not particularly enjoyable. Hunting is the same.

Hunting and fishing, from my perspective, re-immerses Man into nature, which modern urban society separates us from. It reinvests us in the natural world, and helps us remember the primal reality of life on Earth. Most hunters brag of how cleanly and humanely they take game, few brag of the death itself. They revel in the skill that allowed them to kill the animal, not the killing itself. Strauss’ reaction to learning to hunt, to just holding a gun, is not normal and not indicative of the experience mature adults have when they are learning to shoot. It is the reaction of the unstable man-child, the 40-year-old adolescent who seeks to take revenge on the world for slights from his childhood. Strauss describes his experience with learning to handle firearms and “live off the land” like it’s a review of a new first person shooter, which if we were to believe the veracity of his story at all (which I don’t) would say more about him than survival.

Read the whole thing and there will be no way to avoid questioning his credibility as the anecdotes get progressively more ham fisted. Like this gem in which he was told a good urban survival strategy would be dressing like a woman. You know, because women have it so easy in urban environments:

In perhaps the clearest moment of transformation in “Emergency,” Strauss dresses as a woman during an exercise in urban survival. As he’s putting on his disguise in a men’s bathroom, two aggressive civilians show up. Fearing they’re about to attack him, Strauss angrily rips off his hat and wig, informs the men he’s a Marine taking part in a drill, and warns them to back off. They do. “I’d learned my lesson,” Strauss writes: “cross-dressing is not an urban survival tactic. It’s an urban suicide tactic.”

It’s like a Friends episode written by a man who was overcompensating. Neil Strauss is the last person who should be taken seriously as an authority on the survival subculture, unless you need to sell books to urban liberals who are too naive to see through his newest pick up line. Skip the book and buy Patriots by Jim Rawles who runs the must read Survival Blog if you’re looking for survival related reading. Books on foraging and trapping (both much more efficient than hunting) are also good, but the best way to learn how to survive is practice surviving not reading books.

Or apparently writing them.