Importing Violence: Muslim Family Disowns 8-Year-Old Gang Rape Victim – in Arizona

Not that local Arizona reporter Corey Rangel would have you believe there’s anything wrong with this, as his report goes out of the way to minimize and excuse this disgusting event. He even goes so far as to “tweak” the Liberian Ambassador’s comments to make it seem like he’s not defending the 8-year-old victim. Observe the multicultural mindset in all its glory:

Of course that isn’t at all what the ambassador said. In Rangel’s softball report the ambassador says that in his native Liberia the victim would be embraced by both law enforcement and the family, implying that there is some other influence on them.

Liberia is a little under a quarter Muslim, and former President Charles Taylor allied himself with Islam to consolidate power. The Mandingo tribe is one of Liberia’s Muslim populations and Surprise! according to this AZ Central report the local population has enough Mandingo tribe members to support a social organization bearing their name:

Ali Keita, a Liberian refugee and president of the Arizona Mandingo Association, works with refugees to ease their integration into U.S. society. Keita said that Liberian families may question why sexual-assault victims were in a situation that left them open for attack but that the initial response likely stems from disappointment and frustration with the family’s circumstances.

I’m sure. What I find unsurprising is that “African Studies” teachers and people with Journalism degrees promote the racist view that blaming the victim of rape for her abuse is an African tradition which is of course untrue, all to avoid saying that the family are Muslims and that Islam does indeed blame women for their own rapes. Disgusting.

Here’s a report via Breitbart that shows how horrific the crime was:

Rangel’s report says the father now wants the girl back, but that the boys “aren’t to blame” for the rape. If Arizona authorities give that poor girl back to him he’ll kill her for sure. Then we’ll get a bunch of articles about how Black people kill rape victims all the time from White reporters eager to please the sensibilities of Muslims.

Post-Modern Post-Racialism and the Obama Presidency

Yesterday leftist rag The Daily Beast ran an article by squishy White “Republican” John Avlon claiming that everyone in the “birther” movement is a racist who hates Black people. The birther movement, for those of you unfamiliar with it, is a collection of mainly conservatives who are convinced Obama isn’t a natural born citizen. The Birther-in-Chief is actual Black man Alan Keyes who has been hitting this note for about a year.

Nowhere in Avlon’s lefty hit piece does he mention that Alan Keyes is the driving force behind the birther movement, nor does the bleating mass of commenters lapping up his intellectual sputum mention that or the fact that Obama isn’t a “Black man.” He is, like me, Bi-racial. Unlike me, his Black ancestors have not been in America since the 1700s, he has no roots in the Black community, and grew up in countries that had no Black population to speak of. There is even some evidence to support that his violent communist family from Kenya is involved in ethnic cleansing of Black Africans from different tribes, and those of different faiths.

Yet for Avlon, Barack Obama is the perfect Black man.

Obama promised a post-racial presidency but his entire appeal to White liberals is his “Blackness” which is mediated to the extreme by his unfamiliarity with Black American culture. The media criticized Michael Steele for making a joke about bring fried chicken to a picnic without bothering to figure out if fried chicken is something Black people like to take on picnics. It is, and my Grandmother’s fried chicken was Ambrosia wrapped in aluminum foil and slightly chilled from being in a cooler full of Shop Rite brand sodas on the way to our favorite family fishing hole.

It should be noted that the criticism of Steele, based solely on his off-hand remark that shared Black American culture with the world, came from White Obama supporters like noted hack Bill Browning. Browning claimed that Steele, a Black man, was racist against Blacks for mentioning fried chicken as a picnic food. Obama encourages this sort of post-modern redefinition of racism implicitly by standing idle now, and during his entire political career, while his clan of White “liberals” burned their rhetorical crosses on the lawns of anyone who dared to criticize the essentially White progressive agenda Obama represents. Obama is not Black and he is by any definition a token for the far left, but in this wildly redefined world he is representative of a people he knows nothing about and the power of White leftists to delineate what is “real” Black behavior and who is an Uncle Tom.

It’s an upside down world, but one in which there is still one fiction that has survived, if only because it is too important to the race baiting industry that has stolen the cause of Black advancement, and that is the Black man as perpetual victim of a racist state. In his rambling and asinine address on health care last night I saw that one of the journalists in his harem threw him what he considers a soft ball and asked him about overrated academic hack Henry Gates’ arrest. Obama lied about the details of the arrest, then called the police stupid in a display so childish all Americans should have been mortified. That the officer who the left is now claiming falsely is a racist, James Crowley, once gave a Black man mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and only arrested Gates when the belligerent Harvard professor followed him out of the house to berate him is almost a given. Obama’s friend got arrested, and since he is a Black man it was racism.

Ignore for a moment that it’s fairly unimportant. A couple of thousand people are getting arrested and thrown in a drunk tank or holding cell as you read this, only to be released after they cool off in a time honored policing technique designed to keep the arrestees from getting in more trouble. Obama supporters care about none of these people, or the addictions/mental illnesses that lead many of them into these situations. Obama is “their Black” and Gates is the Black guy who writes the books they leave on their coffee tables to show people how “aware” they are so a defense of them is tendered, so paternalistic that it’s a surprise they didn’t baby powder Gates’ little tush afterward.

The Boston Globe did, when they removed the arrest report because it reflected badly on Gates, you know, by telling the truth. If Gates wasn’t drunk during this encounter he is frankly the biggest ass in Cambridge. The Globe removing the report was an attempt to make the arresting officer look racist, even though there was no racism in the incident. Obama added fuel to that fire in what he laughably calls a post-racial presidency. White leftists are already orgasmic over Barack’s “honesty” about a subject they know nothing about which is how Black Americans are treated by the police. Ironically, the man that gives them license to do so, Barack Obama, knows nothing about it either.

The consequences of this post-modern post-racialism are an increase in racial animosity and the potential for violence and civil unrest. I blogged yesterday about a tense racial stand-off in Texas, and in this new post-racial America vicious Black on White hate crimes like the Newsom/Christian murders or the Wichita Massacre have still yet to be addressed by the national media. Both cases have been slowly scrubbed of their most horrific details on the web, as the ever shrinking Wikipedia entries for both attest to. Most recently, the assault on a White family on the Fourth of July by a gang of Blacks who made racist comments during the attackshould prove that the leftist class/race warfare narrative in this country does more harm than good, and the post-modern construct of post-racialism will only lead to more mayhem.

When he leaves office Obama will have allowed a White driven academic understanding of racism to drive policies that will further segregate America and undo years of struggle to bring Americans together. If that’s what he meant by post-racial, then he’s a success, but I suspect he meant something entirely different. That lofty goal cannot be achieved within the White progressive power structure, and a Black man would know that.

The TEOTWAWKI is Coming Soon Link Round-Up

Also known as the I’m going to the dentist this afternoon and after that I’ll be doing some shopping link round up. But make no mistake friends, despite the assertions by angry man-child Rahm Emanuel that he and the Marxist Messiah “saved the economy” a financial TEOTWAWKI is coming and it’s coming sooner rather than later. Add to that social and political upheaval and what seems to be a wave of natural disasters that seem to be building and the world as you know it is quickly slipping away:

GM global sales fell by 22% in the this year. Let’s hope they really aren’t “too big to fail.”

California’s budget plan which was hailed yesterday is falling apart today. The sticking point for Republicans is the release of prisoners, for unions it’s the continuation of three unpaid furlough days a month for government workers and larger cities are balking at the fact the budget requires them to give up their money to the state and in essence save the state by making the state’s deficit theirs.

Alaska has passed a bill declaring it’s sovereignty and limiting the power of the federal government to dictate policy within it’s borders. Governor Palin has signed the bill into law, and she is one of only two governors to have done so even though about a dozen states have drafted similar measures. Thirty six other states are working on similar measures right now.

At least half a million people have exhausted their unemployment benefits, and another million and a half are expected to by the end of the year. I’m sure there’s a “green shoot” in their somewhere. If nothing else it’s probably a good time to start haunting the garage sales/pawn shops for some good deals.

Gary Shilling is predicting a Market crash, and the S&P hitting 600 by the year’s end.

Despite record profits Wells Fargo is losing investors, which may foreshadow an shift in attitudes toward investing that will devastate out traditional markets and signal a change in how people spend their investment money. Commodities and goods are where your money should be.

Why did the White house delay it’s budget release anyway?

Governments around the world worried about this Fall’s Swine Flu outbreak. Panicky governments are never a good thing.

Riot police in Texas needed to physically separate Black Separatists and White Supremacists during an anti-government protest. Surprise! The Islamist affiliated New Black Panther Party were involved. Both groups have been becoming more active in the last few months and both are using what seems to have been a non-racial motivated murder to start trouble. Here’s video:


A man was arrested in Berkeley when police found bomb making materials in his apartment.

More evidence of a second ice age coming-Thirty one states have recorded record low temperatures. 256 records were set or tied internationally. The New York Times has admitted we will be entering a “chilly period.”

New York City is under siege-by rabid raccoons.

And that’s not the half of it! I’m stocking up on food, toilet paper and ammunition today (in other words I’m going to Costco and then maybe Wal-Mart) and I would suggest you do the same.

Victimless Crime File: Stoners Throw Babies to the Ground Several Times in Fit of Pique

Apparently they were upset that someone questioned their parenting skills. From Tulsa World:

BARTLESVILLE — Two Bartlesville residents were charged with felony child abuse following a Saturday altercation on west Frank Phillips Boulevard in which a baby was thrown to the ground twice and two children were dumped out of a stroller in front of several witnesses.

Gene William Lee, 29, and Geneva Stephanie Marie Curtis, 33, were arrested by Bartlesville police following an investigation into incidents that occurred Saturday night near the Budget Inn.


The incident began a little before 10 p.m. at the hotel at 1410 S.W. Frank Phillips Boulevard, where witnesses saw Lee and his family exiting the inn arguing as they walked along.

One of the children ran into the street — one of Bartlesville’s busiest thoroughfares — and reportedly was nearly hit by a van while the parents “showed no concern for the child,” according to witnesses who spoke with police. Concerned bystanders shouted to the couple to “watch their kids better.”

Lee responded by removing a baby he had strapped in a carrier on his chest and throwing the child to the ground, shouting at the witnesses across the street. According to a police affidavit, as the baby lay face down on the ground, Lee advanced on the bystanders with his arms waving wide, asking what they were going to do about it.

Curtis, meanwhile, was pushing two children in a stroller and became angry at the bystanders calling them “hoes” and “sluts,” the affidavit stated. Witnesses told police she pushed the stroller around erratically then dumped the children out onto the ground in a fit of anger.

When the witnesses informed the couple that they had made a 911 call, the parents grabbed the children and began running off.

Needless to say they were caught, the children were found to be injured and the couple, who both have previous felony convictions cooled their heels in jail awaiting bond.The second time the baby in the stroller was thrown came when a witness to the original incident, following Gene to keep tabs on him before the cops showed up, spotted Gene hiding behind a Family Dollar. Gene threw the baby in some bushes and again wanted to fight. Every one’s a tough guy when they know the cops are coming.

This part will shock you, Gene was also charged with possession of marijuana when cops found pot on him and he has a history of drug convictions. Look at the mugshots included in the Tulsa World story and you’ll see Geneva got lucky when she dodged a drug charge.

But legalizing pot would have made this situation better I’m sure.

h/t So Jaded @ Dreamin’ Demon

Thanks for Making Us Look Good Henry Louis Gates: Black Harvard Professor Gets Ghetto with Police with Predictable Results

Those results being the “preeminent” African-American scholar getting arrested, then running to his White friends to cry racism, thus both making Black people look A) foolish and B) absolutely dependent on Whites. Of course White “progressives” tend to encourage this sort of Uncle Tom-foolery because they all aspire to have a pet Black man to take to wine tastings, but it does a disservice to Black Americans by both infantilizing us while at the same time dehumanizing us by making it look as if we cannot be expected to live up to the same standards of behavior of White folk.

But first let’s set the scene. Henry Louis Gates, Jr was having trouble getting into to his swanky home paid for by his life long tap dancing to his progressive master’s tune. One of his enlightened east coast neighbors called a cop on him, at which point the detectives arrived to question him. That’s where the fun begins, because rather than thanking the officers for doing their job (protecting his stuff) and explaining the situation, he berated them repeatedly, calling them racists.

They then left, with the situation resolved, at which point Gates followed them out of his house to continue berating them. I would think you don’t need a PhD to know what Disorderly Conduct is, and how fast the cops in “blue states” are to slap that charge on you given the other blue staters’ delicate flower-like sensibilities. I didn’t think, before reading this, that a PhD robbed you of common sense. But apparently it does:

Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., one of the nation’s pre-eminent African-American scholars, was arrested Thursday afternoon at his home by Cambridge police investigating a possible break-in. The incident raised concerns among some Harvard faculty that Gates was a victim of racial profiling.

Police arrived at Gates’s Ware Street home near Harvard Square at 12:44 p.m. to question him. Gates, director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research at Harvard, had trouble unlocking his door after it became jammed.

He was booked for disorderly conduct after “exhibiting loud and tumultuous behavior,” according to a police report. Gates accused the investigating officer of being a racist and told him he had “no idea who he was messing with,” the report said.

Gates told the officer that he was being targeted because “I’m a black man in America.”

Friends of Gates said he was already in his home when police arrived. He showed his driver’s license and Harvard identification card, but was handcuffed and taken into police custody for several hours last Thursday, they said.

The police report said Gates was arrested after he yelled at the investigating officer repeatedly inside the residence then followed the officer outside, where Gates continued to upbraid him. “It was at that time that I informed Professor Gates that he was under arrest,” the officer wrote in the report.

Gates, 58, declined to comment today when reached by phone.

I bet. The worst part is all the (predominantly White) supporters of Gates claiming it was a travesty of justice for cops to take a 58-year-old man who followed them outside his house to scream at them into custody.  Let’s get real here. Gates couldn’t get into his own home so someone he knows called the cops on him. He then, if I may use an outdated term that Gates will be familiar with, “showed his ass” to them and they let it go until he followed them outside. They kept him for a few hours then let him go. What’s that sound like to you?

Sounds like some drunk guy showed up at his house and looked like he was going to hurt himself so someone called 911. Like all drunks, he got belligerent and got thrown in the drunk tank until he sobered up. Racism? No brother, you’re just stupid.

And now he’s got all these White people claiming it’s racist for belligerent douchebags to get arrested for screaming and yelling at some cop who got called on him. No mention of his White neighbor who called the cops on him you’ll find. You know, the people who like to live next door to him because he adds “color” to the area? No, just a lot of nonsense from White folks and their house Negroes like Jesse Taylor of Pandagon, who followed up his piece about Gates with a misogynist hit piece on Star Parker at the behest of his White masters on JournoList.

But no one is willing to point out that Gates, the pinnacle of African-American academia, has run to his White Progressive friends just like a child would run to his parents to get them to protect him from his own behavior. If Gates were White and got locked up after screaming and yelling at cops no one would care. But because White Progressives are so enthralled by any Black person who can write a book (but only if that book tells them what they want to hear, right Henry?) they’ll coming running to his defense and excuse his outrageous and unseemly behavior.

After all, being Black they simply can’t expect more from him.

It reminds me of what Shelby Steele said about peope like Gates:
