Joycelyn Louis is Evil Incarnate

A 72-year-old foster mother thought her 9-year-old charge had stolen money from her. So she heated a potato masher until it glowed red and branded the child several times. Watch this video report which includes pictures of the injuries and you tell me Joycelyn Louis shouldn’t be strapped to an electric chair, her remains burned and scattered in a swamp:


Disgusting. I hope she spends the rest of her life in jail.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon

Victimless Crime File: Teen on Mushrooms Shot to Death Breaking into House, ‘Shroomers Laugh About it Online

One of the biggest obstacles to sobriety is the belief of many addicts that they will be leaving behind their “friends” and a lifestyle that gives them a sense of meaning by making them part of a community. In this story not only does drug use play a role in a teen’s death, but the online reaction of his fellow Mushroom users shines a stark light on the reality of who is involved in the drug culture.

From KFVS:

KEVIL, KY (KFVS) – A man was shot and killed in McCracken County after police say he tried to break into a family’s home around 2:00 a.m.

The family woke to the sound of the alarm system, indicating the door to the attached garage had been opened.  The homeowner went outside to investigate, when he heard his wife inside screaming.

He ran back into the home where his wife told him the intruder, later identified as 18-year-old Andrew Caleb Barnett, was inside their attached garage attempting to get into the home through a wooden door with a window, according to police. The homeowner reportedly yelled several times that he had a gun, telling Barnett not to come inside. However, Barnett continued to make advances toward the man. Police say the homeowner fired one shot at Barnett, hitting him in the arm, and going into his chest area. Barnett apparently fell to the floor but got back up fighting the homeowner, at one point, biting him in the arm.

The fight continued through the home and eventually back into the garage. When police arrived they arrested Barnett and transported him to Western Baptist Hospital for the gunshot, but he ultimately died.

The McCracken County Police Department reports the 18-year-old was under the influence of Psilocybin Mushrooms, or “Magic Mushrooms” as they’re called on the street, and thought he was inside his own home. At one point, he even called the homeowner “Dad”.

The police have since arrested four other teens who gave Barnett the mushrooms, which prompted a flurry of these sorts of comments on the news story:

Here’s one left by “Spacecapt”

Well there is a lesson to be learned here… When I was a youngster I would head to the mountain woods and camp far, far away from everyone except my fellow mushroom heads.

Indeed. Here’s one from “MindMyHaveStilli”

Those must have been some fantastic mushrooms, especially if the kid kept going after he was shot. I wonder what else he might’ve taken. Magic mushrooms are best enjoyed in nature though, not in suburbia.

Here’s some wisdom from “James”

naturaly occurring plants dont kill people, people kill people. remove the guns from the equation an the boy would have just been arrested and left to “come down” in a hospital. He didnt wanna rob or kill anyone in the home, he just wanted a safe place to be.
Remember, Drugs dont kill (unless its heroine,crack,meth, cocain) guns kill, so take away all guns an well all be safer from right wing gun toting redneck christian psychos.

“James” went on to drop this nugget:

He didnt threaten anyone, he thought it was his home. Dad dad! he yelled, that christian gun toting fruit cake heard him an shot him anyways. Get your facts straight and get rid of your guns, its you people who are a threat to our world, not innocent kids who didnt know what to expect from a very powerful and needed plant. Teach our youths the truth about ALL drugs and what they do, and they wont have to experiment with them and find out the hard way. But of course, you right wing crazies never touch any useful plants like mushrooms, so all you can tell your kids is ” DRUGS KILL! GO BUY A GUN QUICK!”. Do some research, or just experiment yourself and find out the truth. And occurrences like this will never happen again.
The boy just wanted a safe place, not a gun in the face.

That’s the drug culture in nutshell. Those that weren’t amused by the death or defending Mushroom use were, like “James” above, literally arguing for us to adopt the belief that should some person who is stoned out of his mind break into your house at 2:00am you should simply let him do what ever he wants for the 5-15 minutes it will take for police to respond and take control of the situation. Plenty of time for some drug addled youth to stab/choke/beat someone to death or rape one of the children. If the stoned person takes a hostage we just let him “come down’ and expect he’ll do the right thing when he’s sober.

To say that this kind of thought is childish is an insult to children. Drug users want you to prop them up so they can continue to use. That’s what James and his ilk are really asking for, you and me to be responsible for their safety when they can’t be bothered to take care of themselves.

The father in this story is a hero, even though the shooting was a tragedy. Fortunately the police will not file charges against this man, who was only protecting his children. But I guess he’s just another non-victim of Barnett’s drug use.

Pseudo-Intellectual Deviant Thinks Red Alerts “Stalks” Him … By Ignoring His Site

Occidental Dissent is one of those White Nationalist sites with pretensions. Run by the kind of bar stool academics who think the term “Patriotard” is the height of wit, most of the posts there are recycled David Duke speeches merged with teeny bopper Emo-douchery like this criticism of the Bible which may have been provocative in freshman English but falls far short of the kind of intellectual rigor required to effect the “White racial and cultural preservation” that the site claims is as its mission.

The now defunct Nazi/pedophile chatroom Civic Platform or the hate fest at VNN are more interesting examples of the kind of criminal element that infests racist circles, so even were I of a mind to “stalk” neo-Nazis Occidental Dissent would likely be far down on my list of sites to check in on. That fact however doesn’t seem to keep me from the minds, lips and keyboards of the frustrated deviants who post to that sad site between ogling Prussian Blue album covers and masturbating to the opening scene of American History X. Recently I was bemused to find a link to Red Alerts on this post discussing some people and situations that I have never heard of (some douche named Guy White and his lover’s spat with Prozium of Occidental Dissent) where Prozuim claimed I “stalked” him and other members of the “Pro-White blogoshere” on my blog.

Mainly by ignoring them for months on end.

I assume that Prozium, who I’m told was indeed involved with other sites I laughed about online, is not getting enough attention so he wanted to throw in a link to Red Alerts for a quick mention. Unfortunately for him Academy Sports just opened a store near me so for the last couple of days I was comatose after an ecstatic ammo hoarding spree. So here’s a belated mention for you to pound one out to.

This is also a quick post to let you know that you ladies can handle your business sans me. Maybe when you’re not an online circle jerk for Nazi fetishists I’ll take you seriously.

Look Who’s Teaching Your Children

Anyone who has ever worked in youth programs can tell you that a few weeks of correcting the piss poor English of a 12-year-old “star” student who thinks Mr. So-and-so is just the coolest teacher ever because he gives all the girls great big hugs basically proves that homeschooling is the only way you can guarantee that your child will not return home one day with Mao’s Little Red Book in one hand and a receipt for an abortion in the other.

I’ve seen elementary students lectured on the evils of Republicans, spoken with gay teens who were told by their teachers that “all people have had gay sex” at least once and spoken to livid parents whose children were being made fun of in class by teachers. And I’ve heard of worse than that.

In other words, we just don’t have the caliber of teachers we should in this country. Not all of them mind you. Some teachers I have met and worked with were literally magnificent people who I’d trust with my children any time. Then there are teachers like Daniel Rothbard:

A Nassau teacher and camp counselor accused of having sex with a 15-year-old girl used text messages and the social networking site MySpace to arrange a meeting with his alleged victim, Suffolk authorities said Wednesday.

The online relationship between Daniel Rothbard, 28, of Merrick, and the girl began several days before a police officer discovered them Tuesday having sex in a parked car, according to Det. Lt. Matt Sullivan of the Third Precinct.

Using the screen name “DJ” or “D to the J” and claiming to be 17 years old, Rothbard also communicated online with the girl’s friends. “He was asking them online for sex,” Sullivan said.

Rothbard is a math teacher at the Willow Road Elementary School in Franklin Square, where he has been employed for four years, according to a statement from Elizabeth Lison, superintendent of Valley Stream Union Free School District 13. The district is consulting with legal counsel regarding his employment, she said.

Rothbard also worked as a summer counselor for about 15 years at Rolling River Day School and Camp in East Rockaway.

“We are all in shock – his closest friends, his family. He has a lot of close friends here and it is amazing that not one of them had an inkling,” said director Mark Goodman. The camp has fired him and sent letters to families recommending they ask their children whether anyone asked them “to keep a secret,” Goodman said. “We certainly have no reason to think that anything happened at camp.”

Rothbard was having sex with the 15-year-old about 8:25 p.m. Tuesday when the officer found the pair outside Westbrook Elementary School in West Islip, according to a Suffolk prosecutor. Police believe Rothbard and the girl met for the first time Tuesday.

“We believe there is every possibility that there are other victims,” Sullivan said.

What’s incredible here is that someone would think he could get away with something so asinine. A man who is almost 30 posing as a high school junior? How immature do you have to be to even do something like that? And how did he spend the last 15 years going unnoticed by schools and youth programs?

Because people allow teachers and counselors to dwell in perpetual adolescence, accepting the idea that those who work with their children will share the traits of children. “Fun” teachers are applauded for their ability to “relate” to kids and no one ever asks why this adult is so childlike. Parents think nothing of finding out their child’s teacher spent an entire semester promoting Ralph Nader and we think it’s par for the course to see a New York private school teacher sneaking his class to Communist Cuba. And Rothbard is one of just hundreds of teachers who have been caught molesting children.

This is who is teaching your children. And this is what they produce (via Breda Fallacy):


Isn’t it time someone demanded better?

h/t Trench

Mormons Fighting for Their Lives in Mexico

Though Washington Post reporter William Booth can barely keep the sneering contempt for the Mexican Mormons out of his report his piece is one of the best reports on the conflict between Mexico’s drug cartels and the religious sect that just wants to farm in peace. Mexico’s government has given the sect permission to form a rural police force and arm themselves, which just shows how out of control Mexico is.

Booth, like many here, miss the point about the Cartel’s power grab. Legalization of drugs here will do nothing to put this genie back in the bottle. Otherwise this report, and the included video, give you a sense of how hopeless the situation is down there:

In the past three months, American Mormon communities in Mexico have been sucked into a dust devil of violence sweeping the borderlands. Their relative wealth has made them targets: Their telephones ring with threats of extortion. Their children and elders are taken by kidnappers. They have been drawn into the government’s war with the drug cartels.

This month, a leader of their colony was abducted by heavily armed men dressed as police, then beaten and shot dead 10 minutes from town. Benjamin LeBaron, 31, whom everyone called Benji, had dared to denounce the criminals, while refusing to pay a $1 million ransom demanded by kidnappers who had grabbed his teenage brother from a family ranch in May.

Amid the blood and mesquite at the site of his last breath, Benjamin LeBaron’s killers posted a sign that read: “This is for the leaders of LeBaron who didn’t believe and who still don’t believe.”


“All we want to do is live in peace. We want nothing to do with the drug cartels. They can’t be stopped. What we want is just to protect ourselves from being kidnapped and killed,” said Marco LeBaron, a college student who came home for the funeral of his brother, the slain anti-crime activist. Marco LeBaron is one of 70 Mormons who have volunteered to join a rural police force to protect the town. The Mexican government has given them permission to arm themselves.

For a taste of how the gangs operate, this section describes a home invasion. Not for the squeamish:

Early on July 7, four trucks loaded with men passed through a highway tollbooth, where they were recorded on videotape outside Galeana, where Benjamin LeBaron lived in a sprawling, new stucco home with his wife and five young children. Two trucks stopped at the cemetery outside town and waited. Two pickup trucks filled with 15 to 20 heavily armed men, wearing helmets, bulletproof vests and blue uniforms, came for LeBaron.

They smashed in his home’s windows and shouted for him to open the door, as his terrified children cried inside, according to an account given by his brothers. LeBaron’s brother-in-law Luis Widmar, 29, who lived across the street, heard the commotion and ran to his aid. Both men were beaten by the gunmen, who threatened to rape LeBaron’s wife in front of her children unless the men revealed where LeBaron kept his arsenal of weapons.

“But he didn’t have any, because I promise you, if he did, he would have used them to protect his family,” Julian LeBaron said.

LeBaron and Widmar were shot in the head outside town. A banner was hung beside their bodies that blamed them for the arrest of 25 gunmen who were seized in June after terrorizing the town of Nicolas Bravo, where they burned down buildings and extorted from business owners. According to Mexican law enforcement officials, the gunmen are members of the Sinaloa drug cartel, which is fighting the Juarez cartel for billion-dollar cocaine-smuggling routes into El Paso.

After the men killed LeBaron and Widmar, a video camera captured their departure at the highway tollbooth — the make, model and year of their vehicles and the license numbers, according to family members. There have been no arrests.

h/t N.T.A.