Victimless Crime File: Only Dopers Surprised to Find Pot Smoking Causes Cancer

You know, just like any other cigarette. Pot smokers have long been convinced that pot is “natural” and tobacco is made in laboratories from concentrated death and nerve gas thus they were immune to the ill effects of inhaling smoke into their lungs, you know because pot is a magical healing plant or something.

But they were wrong as usual:

SAN FRANCISCO –  Marijuana smoke has joined tobacco smoke and hundreds of other chemicals on a list of substances California regulators say cause cancer.

The ruling Friday by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment likely will force pot shops with 10 or more employees to post warnings. Final guidelines are expected by the time warning requirements take effect in a year.

The listing only applies to marijuana smoke, not the plant itself.

Spokesman Sam Delson says the state agency found marijuana smoke contains 33 of the same harmful chemicals as tobacco smoke.

Delson says the findings came from a review of more than 30 scientific papers.

California’s Proposition 65 requires businesses to warn consumers of chemicals that cause cancer or reproductive harm.

It’s got to hurt the hippies when it’s weed friendly San Francisco harshing their mellow. C’mon San Fran, we thought you were cool.

h/t Jawa Report.

I Guess Stockpiling Food is a Good Idea After All: UG99 Fungus May Wipe Out 90% of World Wheat Crop

And people laugh when I make my weekly Costco run:

The spores arrived from Kenya on dried, infected leaves ensconced in multiple layers of envelopes.

Working inside a bio-secure greenhouse outfitted with motion detectors and surveillance cameras, government scientists at the Cereal Disease Laboratory in St. Paul suspended the fungal spores in a light mineral oil and sprayed them onto dozens of healthy wheat plants each day. After two weeks, the stalks were covered with deadly reddish blisters characteristic of the scourge known as Ug99.

Nearly all of the plants were goners.

Crop scientists fear the Ug99 fungus could wipe out more than 80 percent of worldwide wheat crops as it spreads from its home base in eastern Africa. It has jumped the Red Sea and traveled as far as Iran. Experts say it is poised to enter the breadbasket of northern India and Pakistan, and the wind inevitably will carry it to Russia, China and even North America — if it doesn’t hitch a ride with people first.

Uh. Like people mailing this spore to St. Paul?

“It’s a time bomb,” said Jim Peterson, a professor of wheat breeding and genetics at Oregon State University in Corvallis. “It moves in the air. It can move in clothing on an airplane. We know it’s going to be here. It’s a matter of how long it’s going to take.”

Although most Americans have never heard of it, Ug99 — a type of fungus called stem rust because it produces reddish-brown flakes on plant stalks — is the No. 1 threat to the world’s most widely grown crop.

Here’s the key quote for you to remember:

The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center in Mexico estimates that 19 percent of the world’s wheat — which provides food for 1 billion people in Asia and Africa — is in imminent danger. American breeders say $10 billion worth of wheat would be destroyed if the fungus suddenly made its way to U.S. fields.

Fear that the fungus will cause widespread damage has caused prices to spike on world wheat markets. Famine has been averted thus far, but breeders say it’s only a matter of time.

“A significant humanitarian crisis is inevitable,” said Rick Ward, the coordinator of the Durable Rust Resistance in Wheat project at Cornell University. “We are at a stage where the equivalent of Hurricane Katrina is offshore and we are shoring up the dikes as fast as we can.”

The solution is to develop new wheat varieties that are immune to Ug99. That’s much easier said than done.

In other words UG99 will begin wiping out crops long before there is a solution, driving up food commodity prices and hitting America, already on target for grocery inflation for a variety of reasons, with even higher prices. Countries that rely on food aid will be hit particularly hard as wealthy countries scramble to ensure they have enough food to feed their own populations. If UG99 is spreading as fast as scientist think, this years harvest will be significantly smaller than anyone is expecting.

I have plenty of food and water squirreled away. Do you?

Israel Indymedia Soliciting Murder of Israeli Soldier They Falsely Accused of War Crime

Indymedia is an “alternative news” site and radical political forum used worldwide by activists to coordinate often violent activity. Indymedia helps violent protesters in a variety of ways, including providing fake press credentials for anyone paying a small fee to their site, which often are used by radicals to gain access to areas where their “direct action” activities can be more effective, and dangerous.

The Tides Foundation funded group is no stranger to controversy, and is known to be supportive of Palestinian terror groups. The Israeli cell of Indymedia is now under investigation for openly advocating violence against an individual Israeli soldier. One it turns out they picked at random:

Israeli prosecutors on Sunday ordered a criminal investigation into a website that it says published a picture of an soldier with the caption “murderer” and asked readers to identify him.

Indymedia Israel, a news site and activists’ forum, on April 17 posted pictures taken at Bilin, a village adjacent to Israel’s West Bank barrier where a Palestinian protestor was killed by Israeli forces hours earlier.

One of the pictures showed a soldier’s face alongside the caption “murderer from Bilin”, the state prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

“This soldier in this picture murdered Bassem Abu Rahma… do you know his name?” prosecutors quoted the website as saying.

The 30-year-old Abu Rahma died in a hospital after a tear gas grenade fired by Israeli forces struck him in the chest.

But prosecutors claim the soldier, who they say might easily be identified from the image, had nothing to do with the incident.

Deputy chief prosecutor Shai Nitzan ordered police to investigate whether Indymedia Israel had breached the soldier’s privacy.

This is the second time the website has run foul of authorities. A previous inquiry into whether it had incited violence was scrapped.

Meanwhile no Indymedia affiliate has mentioned the murder of 16-year-old Neda Agha Soltan or published any photos of the Palestinian thugs Iran imported to attack protesters. An oversight, I’m sure.

Dear Mark Schollenberg: Make Me

I don’t like to bore people with minor blog related annoyances but around 11:30pm on Sunday night I got this email:

Mark Schollenberg wrote:
I would suggest you take those defamatory comments you made concerning myself
Mark Schollenberg off your website. You just don’t have any clue do you? Keep
your assumptions and presumptions
to yourself concerning me.  When I return to
your site those comments better be gone.

Govern Yourself Accordingly
Mark Schollenberg


Amusing, but also annoying because I had no idea who Mark Schollenberg was nor did I remember making either assumptions or presumptions about him. So then I had to comb through the archives for Mark’s mention because he was too stupid or high to tell me exactly what post he was talking about.

Turns out he was high. Mark Scholleberg appeared in this post I wrote about a year ago in my Victimless Crime File category. Mark is a Canadian on disability for a “bad back” and was partaking in five grams of medical marijuana a day for the excruciating pain that could not be tamed with any other intoxicant which is proven to be both habit and delusion forming.

Mark was featured in a article on CNews (now lost to the ravages of time) about medical marijuana users stiffing the Canadian government for their dope, which makes sense because unlike a regular dealer Canada isn’t going to stick a gun in your mouth and demand you pay for product. Here’s the relevant quote about Mark, who proudly pleaded his case to the world:

Mark Schollenberg, 42, of Stoney Creek, Ont., uses marijuana to control chronic pain from a series of workplace injuries. Unable to work and on disability, he initially used street marijuana but changed his mind

“I thought instead of causing myself any problems, I should get a licence and do it legally,” he said in an interview.

With a doctor’s approval, Schollenberg got a licence and ordered his first batch of Health Canada dope last summer assuming Ottawa would cover the costs.

He was cut off in October, now owes $3,962.34 including interest, and is back on the street to purchase his “medicine.”

“I can’t even afford the black market,” he says of his five-gram-a-day requirement.

Now here’s my commentary on his story:

Wait, so basically this is a guy on disability because his back hurts (I’ve never seen that scam before) who needs five grams of pot a day? When I had surgery on my stomach for a hernia (in which my hack surgeon gutted me like a fish) I was given a week’s worth of Vicodin and pat on the back. When my prescription ran out I took Ibuprofen and smoked clove cigarettes until I didn’t feel like there was six inch gash in my belly.

But I guess Canadians are just a little more delicate than a big strapping tough guy like professional blogger Rob Taylor.

Yeah. That doesn’t seem defamatory to me. I think Mark’s real issue is that he was just a passing mention in a longer post. But that’s because his story isn’t particularly interesting. We’ve all known people who sit around getting high all day. We all know people who are on disability. We all know people who sit around getting high all day while on disability don’t pay their bills. Boilerplate.

We also know that no one needs five grams of weed a day. Medical marijuana was meant to help patients at the end of their rope (or their lives really), not help the state keep some douche in a state of permanent adolescence.

But in answer to your request Mark, no. I won’t be removing these statements (which are not libel) and nothing will happen when I don’t. Fuck you and fuck Canada for never setting you straight. I suppose that’s defamatory as well.

I’m sure while sitting around collecting welfare, oh sorry, disability, and getting high you come up with all sorts of nonsense you convince yourself is true. But the reality is that someone mocking you on the web isn’t defamatory. The reality is that a grown man who lives his life like a 15-year-old is disgusting and beneath contempt. The reality is that Canada can’t pay for you, and the thousands of degenerates just like you, indefinitely no matter what your favorite politician claimed.

And telling me I’d “better” do this or that just makes you look like the pathetic loser you are. I mean what’s going to happen here Mark? Are you going to pay a lawyer in food stamps to drag me from America to Canada, then “prove” to a court I’m wrong and that you indeed need five grams of weed a day to function? Are you going to come down here and kick my ass? Write a nasty blog post about me?

Or aren’t you really just going to keep sulking in your government housing?

I’m not picking on you Mark, but this is a good example of why drug users are looked down on. Because you’re scumbags. You rip off the medical marijuana dispensary for almost four grand of pot, which is four grand worth that some cancer patient isn’t getting, then have the nerve to complain about getting cut off. Then you have the unmitigated gall to email me and demand I stop “defaming” you by accurately reporting how you live what can only loosely be described as a life.

People with arthritis find jobs all the time, but you can’t because your back hurts. It doesn’t hurt so bad you can’t hunch over a keyboard though huh? It doesn’t hurt while you’re stoned out of your mind playing World of Warcraft or spinning conspiracy theories on the Canadian Injured Worker’s Alliance forum. At least not like the backs of the working Canadians who pay for you to sit around rubbing out missives on the Internet.

Grow up Mark. Go do something with your “life” like the millions of other disabled people in the world who are productive, respectable and sober. You don’t like people like me looking down on you? Too bad. You do something worthy of respect and you’ll be respected. Sit on your couch getting high all day and I’ll call you what you are, a no good piece of White trash.

I hope that response is satisfactory.

Sexually Exploiting Children Now Considered “Pretty Minor”

You don’t have to watch professional finger wagger Bill O’Reilly to run across the trend of child molesters being treated with kid gloves. Stitches77 from Absolute Zero United just posted a piece that shows this trend is international is scope. In that post we meet a judge/folk musician/dedicated “civil libertarian” by the name of Ian Dearden who is at the center of a travesty of justice so profound I fully expect Bill O’Reilly’s head to explode when he hears about it:

A Queensland father who bashed a man caught molesting his 10-year-old son is facing a prison sentence, while the boy’s attacker walks free.

Shane Thomas Davidson was at the child’s house at Eagleby in June last year to watch the State of Origin match with the boy’s father and a few other people. After the game, Davidson went into the boy’s bedroom and began massaging the child’s penis under his clothes. When the boy woke up, Davidson asked the boy to show him his penis and offered to do the same. The child refused and went to tell his father what happened. The man then attacked Davidson, dragging him outside, throwing him on to a concrete path where he struck his head and repeatedly kicking him. Davidson later underwent extensive facial surgery in the Princess Alexandra Hospital.

Shane Thomas Davidson was spared jail despite pleading guilty to molesting the boy on State Of Origin night last year. Judge Ian Dearden told Beenleigh District Court the sentence was reduced because the young victim’s father had wrongly taken action into his own hands and badly beaten Davidson.

In handing down his sentence on Monday, Justice Dearden said adult offenders who committed sex offences against children must serve actual jail time – unless exceptional circumstances were found to exist.

“This is one of those rare and exceptional cases,” he said. “When an individual takes the matter of punishment into their own hands, the offence committed by the person may be far, far more serious and, therefore, have far more serious consequences then the original offence.”

Say what? Beating the crap out of a man who molested your son is worse than molesting a child? Understand that the judge here is saying if you caught a man molesting your child the beating you gave that person would be worse than the rape of the child. In fact, Ian Dearden agreed with the pedophile who thought what he did wasn’t something you should go to jail for.

Dearden also believes coercing a teen into sex through force isn’t rape, as he was the author of another outrageous ruling:

A Former north Queensland high school teacher has been jailed after a court overturned his suspended sentence for molesting a female student.

Steven Peter Quick, 29, of Varsity Lakes on the Gold Coast, originally avoided jail when Brisbane District Court Judge Ian Dearden sentenced him to a wholly suspended 18-month jail term and 12-month intensive correction order.

Justice de Jersey found that Judge Dearden didn’t take enough notice of the damage done to the victim, that he incorrectly regarded as relevant that she gave “some level of consent”, and that he did not give enough weight to Quick’s threats to harm the girl.

The chief justice also found that Quick’s remorse was only self-pitying and he lacked true insight into the damage he had done.

So a person threatens a teenage girl into being violated and Dearden thinks that’s a kind of consent?

This attitude is not new, in fact it’s very European and thus trendy among hard leftists. England is full of cases where rape and child exploitation are dealt wth lightly, if at all. One judge there claimed an 11-year-old girl raped by an adult was “asking for it” since she was dressed provocatively according to him. That same judge refused to deport an illegal alien who raped a 12-year-old because he thought the rapist wasn’t dangerous.

The Ivy towers of Cambridge University host a degenerate named Dr. Nicholas Hammond who was caught with child pornography that included babies as young as two days old being raped. America’s own N.P.R. just ruffled some feathers with this obsequious piece about over rated Somali poet Elmi Bodheri who became famous for penning a series of sexually graphic love poems to a nine-year-old. Bodheri was in his 30s. N.P.R.’s Gwen Thompson glosses over that fact in the story as if it was inconsequential.

The tie that binds all these stories together is nihilism. The children being abused in these cases simply don’t matter to the judges and journalists who have adopted the Albert Camus like pretensions that nothing really matters in the scheme of things. When morality becomes individually subjective in a society then people are free to impose injustice on others. All adults have a responsibility to protect children and teens. We all share the responsibility to allow children to remain innocent, to keep them from having to see the world as an unfair and corrupt place where they are never truly safe from depravity. Only the most nihilistic of cultures abdicates that responsibility, and sides with those who prey on innocents.

It is a sign of our decadence reaching the peak at which it comes crashing down on our civilization to produce men who think raping a child is “pretty minor” and certainly it is a sign that our civilization is collapsing to have the authorities of so many countries agreeing.