Victimless Crime File: Mother of the Year Laughs as Child with Down Syndrome Has Pot Smoke Forced in His Mouth

I guess if pot was legal this story would have turned out differently in some way, right pot heads?

Behold the persecution of harmless pot smokers:

An Oklahoma mother will spend the next ten years in prison for letting another adult blow marijuana smoke in her child’s face…and it was caught on camera.

Prosecutors in Caddo County say this video shot last year shows a woman blowing marijuana smoke into the mouth of a seven-year-old boy, who has downs syndrome.

Investigators say the mother, Caroline Beavers, sat watching nearby.

Workers at an electronics store notified police last April after finding this video on a computer that had been repossessed.

Beavers was arrested and charged with one felony count of enabling child abuse.

She was sentenced Friday to ten years in prison.

Prosecutors say the woman who blew the smoke, Brandy Hugar, has pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing.

Breitbart has video which shows some important facts the above report doesn’t mention, namely that Beavers laughed as a woman in her late 20s grabbed her 7-year-old kid with Down’s Syndrome by the back of the head and pressed their open mouths together to blow smoke in him. Now imagine it was a man in his late 20s doing that to the little boy. Harmless? Or perverted?

Once the kid was good and high he went over to his mother for comfort, as I suppose Beavers and company wee hardly smoking the good stuff, when mother of the year scolded him for wanting a hug. You know, because hugging your kid would interfere with all that sitting around getting high.

But pot smokers are better than other addicts right?

The cherry on top of this story is how typical of a lazy pot smoker Beavers is. The video she got busted for was found by technicians on a computer that was repossessed. 

How do you get to a point in your life when your PC gets repossessed? I assume step one is to never outgrow the childish need to get high.

1000 Pounds of “High Grade Nitrate Fertilizer” Stolen in Alabama

I missed this story but it happened about five days ago. Fertilizer like this is a key ingredient in homemade bomb making.

From WHTN:

Approximately 1,000 pounds of high-grade nitrate fertilizer was taken from Greens Keepers on Gann Boulevard in Tuscumbia. The company handles fertilization and weed control for residential and commercial lawns. The owner, John Wagner, says he’s been in business for twelve years and nothing like this has ever happened.

“It’s very unusual,” says Wagner. “It was a very big shock to walk in at 7:00 a.m. and see all this gone.”

Sometime early Thursday morning, burglars broke in the business. First, they tried to bust through this glass window in the front of the building. When that didn’t work, police say the crooks pried open the side door.

“It appears that 25 to 30 bags of high-grade nitrate fertilizer was taken off the premises,” explains Wagner.

The thieves stacked the bags of fertilizer onto one of the company trucks, attached a trailer to the back, and loaded a lawn mower on it. The crooks also rummaged through the office – grabbing two computers, an iPod, and a cordless phone.

The stolen property is valued at several thousand dollars. For Wagner, that’s not the most unsettling part.

“The cost of the fertilizer is not the issue, it’s the quantity and the potential for bad guys,” explains Wagner. ”

Wagner worries that having the large amount of fertilizer in the wrong hands could lead to something very dangerous.

“It could potentially be made into a bomb,” says Wagner.

Tuscumbia police say as the burglars were driving off, the trailer, lawn mower, and some fertilizer fell off somewhere on King Street. Shortly after that, investigators say the burglars abandoned the truck on Sterling Boulevard.

The truck and trailer were returned to Greens Keepers. Police are still on the hunt for the fertilizer and the people responsible for taking it.

Right now, the Tuscumbia Police Department does not have any suspects and is asking for the public’s help to develop some leads. If you have any information about the crime or know where the fertilizer may be, call the Shoals Area CrimeStoppers at (256) 386 – 8685.

h/t N.T.A.

Is Foreign Aid Killing Africa?

Dambisa Moyo, who authored the book Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How there is a Better Way for Africa, makes the case for that very idea in this video I recently watched on Cato @ Liberty:


Moyo’s book is much maligned by left leaning critics but her most basic premise, that relying on the fickle largess of White activists is no way to run a country, is so simple and obvious that one suspects her critics are motivated by colonialist racism. Zimbabwe is engaged in pogroms against Whites and Jews largely because the government is able to be propped up by Western money, thus they can afford to destroy productive members of society in spiteful class and race warfare policies. If Zimbabwe was forced years ago to govern themselves it would be a much different place. Not to mention that the current economic crisis is limiting how much aid will even be available, and it becomes clear Africa needs to find a new sustainable economic model.

Damisa Moyo also has a website so check her out, and buy her book.

The New Misogyny: Carrie Prejean a “Hypocrite” for Incredibly Tame Modeling Photos

I’m going to do you a favor before you head over to the spyware infested scam site parading as a gossip blog that is claiming to a have “scandalous” picture of the left’s new favorite punching bag Carrie Prejean and give you a picture that is actually equally as racy:


Now imagine she was turned away from you, topless but with her arms positioned so that you get just a glimpse of side boob, the same amount that you would see if she was wearing this top and there’s your “racy” photo. You’ll excuse me if I don’t seem particularly impressed but I started out my blogging career on a Wrestling/Sci-Fi blog where I posted pictures of models like this:

tara-bush-hardcore-schoolgirl.jpg (Model/Indy Pro-Wrestler Tara Bush)

Lefty activists live in their own little world where people on the right are all the preacher from Footloose. I’m far to the right of most people and I have promoted models and artists that are much more risque than Prejean’s Victoria’s Secret inspired “racy” photo. I, and most people I know, understand three things that people attacking Prejean are hoping the general public are too stupid to know:

  1. Models often take off their clothes for particular photo shoots.
  2. Christians aren’t religiously prohibited from modeling.
  3. There’s nothing wrong with artistic, or non-artistic, nudity.

The only problem I would have with this supposedly racy photo is that the girl was apparently 17 when it was taken, but I don’t remember liberals mocking Jessica Biel when she posed topless at 17. Who’s the real hypocrite?

Always ready to propagandize for some lefty cause celebre, Matt Lauer, who claimed the world would be ending about now a few years ago, used his dreadful morning televison program to claim conservatives would be disgusted by Prejean’s photos. Lauer even claims the photo is too graphic to run on air, even though it’s simply a Victoria’s Secret style underwear modeling shot.  As Allahpundit points out, NBC had no problem airing self-glorifying videos made by the Virgina Tech killer, so the sudden onset of Victorian sensibilities at the Peacock is suspect, to say the least.

Only the most partisan flack would think that Lauer claiming this fairly tame photo was too hot for TV was not a cynical ploy designed to make people think she basically made porn by a news organization which thinks its viewers are too dumb to be able to find a copy of the photo with a Google image search and see for themselves that Lauer was lying.

This profound disrespect for the people watching is a part of the overall misanthropy that has become acceptable in society, especially by the left I would put forward, as are the misogynist attacks on women launched by men who hate anyone who doesn’t kowtow to them. This attack was of course kicked off by professional douchebag Perez Hilton, who also recently called Tila Tequila a whore for having a body cast done at a cancer charity. In that post I point out that Hilton’s brand of class envy based misogyny has become an accepted part of the public discourse and it is something that men (and no matter how affected his behavior, Perez Hilton is still first and foremost a man and thus, I feel, should be judged by a certain standard of behavior) should be ashamed to partake in.

In this case he is leading a movement to call her a hypocrite as if models can’t have religious views on marriage. This is silly. I’m a Republican and I support gay marriage (or I did, after the MLK memorial service was interrupted by ACT UP I decided to put my energy into causes where the people have some class) which doesn’t make me a hypocrite. If I was a Christian and supported gay marriage I would be a hypocrite because the Bible does in fact spell out what constitutes a marriage. Christians can support a state sanctioned civil union called a marriage, but Marriage is a sacrament in Christianity, so to them having gays receive the sacrament of marriage would be like holding a rave in a church.

In other words, Prejean isn’t a hypocrite, she’s a woman who works as a model who’s drawn the ire of people who believe that a woman is only deserving of respect when they parrot the ideas they believe in. She is yet another woman targeted by a misogynist to whom society gives a free pass because he lisps and has the mannerisms of an 8-year-old girl. My godfather was a gay man, and he was a man’s man. He comported himself with dignity, class and respect. He did not accept that being gay meant living in a state of perpetual effeminate adolescence and he never delved into misogyny of any type. He and most gay men are ashamed of Perez Hilton being held up as a spokesman for them, by straights of course.

The mincing effeminate act that Perez Hitlon puts on may charm the New Yorkers who think of gays as some sort of urban elves whose sole purpose in life is to entertain them, but it does more to hurt the cause of gays who want to be treated equally than a thousand Carrie Prejeans. Perez Hilton creates an image of gay men not as adult men who like other men, but immature “men” who hate women and seek to degrade, humiliate and abuse them at any opportunity. Cattiness is wearisome in women, in men it’s unseemly at best.

This is not keen insight. Every observer sees this and even Matt Lauer knows Prejean did nothing wrong, which is why he resorted to lying on air about how racy her photo was. Lauer, and people like him, will do anything to prove he supports gay rights even trample the rights of a woman. Perez Hilton is a rallying point for leftists to show their support for gay marriage, even though he is clearly not only wrong but a horrible person who is doing a disservice to gays by making a living being a cartoonish caricature of one.

So who in this scenario is really the hypocrite?

Victimless Crime Files: Pot Heads aren’t Dangerous Edition

Chronic pot smokers are no different from any other addict in one important respect, they think they deserve special consideration. On a certain level every addict or alcoholic feels entitled to get high, and that is why they make up excuses or minimize their behavior while drunk or high. I once got this comment on a post about a woman who, in a pot induced stupor slept through the screams of her baby while it was being eaten by the dog she hadn’t fed in days:

Alright Rob I was shocked about how niave ur comments were, untill I read you’ve only tried it once. I bet you got really really high and the same would happen if you had done it again. Now what u need to realize is the ok’ness in pot is the extreme EXTREME tolerance you build. Once you start burnin it 5 + times a day, its a total different story. Nothing like an aclhool tolerance were get just get use to what “drunk” is like, comparing your first 50 times smoking, weeds affect or high drops like 85-95% (from my personal expierence, not factual at all but my most honest guess) Most definitley the same for all my friends who 6 years ago would be laughing at the carpet once they endulged, now if the were shaking your hand for a job interview after smoking a joint u wouldnt even notice, I swear. Example Im such a speeder to school and it pisses my dad royaly, I have to drive all these hours with him, and never have time to burn before the drive. Once I made time my dad said ‘wow’ your not speding and ‘look’ you used your signal(when Im high I seem to care for others more, everbodys different; ) and ‘glad’ to see you not tailating as much. Diffenetly not saying smoke weed to be a better driver just saying with my personality that just happens and i didnt even notice. Thought It would be a good example because my dad has similar views as you and the 3,786,932,987 times Ive smoked(estamite) he still has no idea. Im 16 and IM truley sorry people scarred you into living the way u do(terrorism???) and you pot haters collectviley saying stuff like ‘dog eats kid beause of pot’ is the reason so many husbands, brothers, childern and sisters will sleep in cell right next to the toilet tonight. Cure shouldnt be worse than the disease. And as for the article on top its so bias its not worth thought. But lets say it was true then its not weeds fault, the lady shouldnt be smoking if it has such an effect on her. Muck like its not the Mc Donalds that giving you the cardiac arrest, it was your desicion to eat the burger. Because of a few irresponsable fatties should Mick D’s be outlawed? Lastly, ha sorry im going on forever, but pot was outlawed due to raciall discrimination I swear. Could go on forever but got to smoke a bowl peace love. And rob dont listen to a word I said what you gotta google reasons for maruijana laws u’ll notice there is no stong goverment argument against the radical reasons u’ll hear.

If you think this kid is saying a woman sleeping through her baby being eaten is similar to people getting fat from eating McDonalds and that he thinks driving high is a great idea that’s what I got too. And he is not atypical of any drug user. The pot in the above story got the woman stoned enough that she slept through the screaming of her baby as it’s flesh was torn from it’s body by a hungry dog. The dog was hungry because drug users are irresponsible. It’s a simple and terrible story. Continue reading