Baby Raping Pervert Bobby Joe Flores Gets to Plead Out for a Measly Two Year Sentence After Giving Infant Gonorrhea


Indiana law prohibits the release of the names of people with communicable diseases, unless the person signs a release form or the release of the name is needed to enforce public health laws. It’s part of that whole “right to privacy” that liberals seem to think is somewhere in the Constitution (it’s not) and in this case it means a baby raping pervert who was caught after he infected his 1-year-old victim with an STD will get out of jail in less than a year unless he’s a hellacious enough prisoner that they don’t shave his time.

From the Ft. Wayne Journal-Gazette:

Bobby Joe Flores had gonorrhea. And at some point after he baby-sat for a 1-year-old girl, so did she.

But a state law prevented that information from being presented to a jury, so Flores pleaded guilty to a lesser-grade child molesting charge.

The result Monday was a prison sentence under which Flores could be free in less than a year.

In April 2008, the girl’s mother took the child to the hospital after she noticed symptoms consistent with gonorrhea and the child began crying when her diaper was changed. In May, Flores, 21, was arrested on an outstanding warrant and while in jail received treatment for what was later determined to be gonorrhea, according to court documents.

In June, Allen Superior Judge John Surbeck issued subpoenas on behalf of prosecutors for Flores’ medical records at the jail, as well as his records at the Allen County Board of Health.

In October, Flores was formally charged with a Class B felony child molesting.

But attorneys for the Allen County Sheriff’s Department and the Fort Wayne-Allen County Health Department contacted prosecutors and said their employees would not testify at Flores’ trial because Indiana law prohibits the disclosure of information related to the identities of people who contract communicable diseases.

Since Indiana also credits prisoners with two days for every day served without disciplinary action (!?!) Flores, who has 180 or so days under his belt, will be out in six months. At which point he’ll no doubt rape more babies. Flores deserves to die for his crimes, instead he’ll do less time than someone who stole a car.

But at least we can rest assured knowing that our “right to privacy” is being so jealously protected by the government. Now if only they tried protecting kids.

h/t Lost in Lima, Ohio

Victimless Crime Files: Dirtiest Hippy Ever Discovered in India

Gross story but seriously, aren’t pot smokers here just cleaner because they don’t want to be mistaken for homeless people?

At least one pot head here is doing the same thing, I just know it:

NEW DELHI (AFP) – – An Indian man who fathered seven daughters has not washed for 35 years in an apparent attempt to ensure his next child is a boy, newspapers reported.

Kailash “Kalau” Singh replaces bathing and brushing his teeth with a “fire bath” every evening when he stands on one leg beside a bonfire, smokes marijuana and says prayers to Lord Shiva, according to the Hindustan Times.

“It’s just like using water to take a bath,” Kalau was reported as saying. “A fire bath helps kill germs and infection in the body.”

Kalau, 63, from a village outside the holy city of Varanasi, outraged his family by refusing to take a ritual dip in the river Ganges even after his brother died five years ago.

“I still don’t remember how it all began,” he said in Saturday’s edition of the paper. “I just know it started about 35 years ago.”

Kalau’s hygiene regime has taken its toll on his professional life.

The grocery store that he used to own closed when customers stopped shopping there due to his “unhealthy personality” and he now tills fields near Varanasi airport.

At least the stinking hippies here cover up their stench with Patchouli oil.

Was the David Shern Murder Another S&M MySpace Killing?


Police are being coy releasing information about the connection between 34-year-old David Shern and his 19-year-old killer Larry Walters, a Black metal loving teen who openly professed a fascination with bondage, sado-masochism and “rope play” on his MySpace page. There he also posted pictures of him like the above which are clearly designed to advertise his interest in S&M to potential partners, along with videos of himself practicing sword fighting.

I put forward that his similarity to the murderer of George Weber is not just uncanny but may be an important clue in understanding what might of led to David Shern’s murder.

Which isn’t to say I am claiming that David Shern did or did not have a sexual relationship with Walters based on their shared love of rough sex, degradation and humiliation. The news reports make it very clear that the police are not going to confirm any such theories:

While police remain quiet on why they believe Larry James Walters fatally stabbed David Shern, the accused made his first appearance in Larimer County Court on Monday.

Magistrate Matthew Zehe advised the 19-year-old Walters that he is being investigated for first-degree murder for the stabbing at North Lake Park.

But he did not set bond.


Police will not say the reason behind the stabbing; they say releasing that information could hurt their investigation.

But they have said what are not reasons: Drugs or gangs.

Police have said at least six people were at North Lake Park about 9:45 p.m. Thursday when Walters allegedly stabbed Shern, 34.

A friend drove Shern to McKee Medical Center, where he died the next morning, according to police.

Police refuse to release any information about the weapon used or who brought that weapon to the park.

“We do know that, but we can’t release it,” Burreson said.

While police remain mum on what they believe is the motive, they do not believe there is a lingering danger at the park.

“It’s an isolated incident,” said Burreson. “We’ve arrested the one party that we believe caused that.”

Though they police claim the two did not know each other this could of course be a ruse to further an investigation or to simply spare Shern’s family the pain and embarrassment of his “outing” in the public square.

These six people being in a park at 10:00pm, factoring out drugs or gang involvement as the police say, seems to leave only “cruising” as the motive to their presence. “Cruising” in parks is a long standing tradition in many cities where men, gay, straight or more likely in that nether region between the two, gather in certain areas of public parks for anonymous sexual hook-ups and perhaps prostitution. The Brambles of Central Park is one such area. Whereas female prostitutes rightly fear doing business in such secluded night time spots where a mugging or worse could easily happen, male “hustlers” tend to (perhaps falsely) feel much more secure there.

Given his stated interest in Black metal one could surmise that Walters may have acted out the infamous 1993 murder of a homosexual (among other heinous crimes) by Count Grishnakh a.k.a. Varg Vikerens of the band Burzum, details of which can be found in the book Lords of Chaos. In that murder a gay man was targeted in a park and stabbed to death. This may be another scenario which the police deem too embarrassing for the family.

But Shern, who I am not blaming for his own death by any means, does fit a similar victimological profile to George Weber, who shared cocaine and liquor with his killer before engaging in the rough sex that led to his death. Shern is reported to have a lengthy criminal record that paints the picture of a man who liked to “party” including drunk driving arrests, and more sinisterly had a history of theft, restraining orders and at least one case of “impersonation” which tells us that he was, like Weber, out of control.

Of course Weber was a law abiding citizen while Shern wasn’t, but then again Weber was an out and accepted homosexual, while Shern is a man who police are shying away from explaining exactly what he was doing in a park news reports claim is known to be a popular hang out for teens.

The tight lipped police will leave us guessing, but the similarities between Larry Walters and the murderer of George Weber are hard to ignore. As the case progresses we may see more startling similarities but for now we are left to speculate if this was another Internet S&M liaison gone wrong.

h/t T.D.K.O.M

African Immigrants Attack Police in Portland, Maine

I’m not sure if the immigrants are Muslim, but that would track with the behavior of Muslim immigrants of African descent in France where police are routinely injured by crowds while trying to keep the peace. The arrestees are from Somalia, and as the report says, “from other African countries” which makes me think Islam is the uniting factor unless this area creates an immigrant solidarity that America has not seen in European and Latin/Central American immigrants.

When was the last time you saw the Irish riot when an Italian was arrested?

But the real story is that whatever the cause, the police in Portland have been put on notice that they do not run the streets:

PORTLAND — Several juveniles and adults face charges following a melee at Franklin Arterial and Fox Street that began when police stopped and arrested a shoplifting suspect and an unruly crowd gathered.

Police responded to a report that a man had stolen two bottles of vodka at 7 p.m. Friday at the Hannaford on Forest Avenue.

Workers at the store provided a description of the suspect and the car he left in, and police pulled the car over at Franklin Arterial and Fox Street a couple of minutes later, police said.

As police were arresting Jimmy Odong, 19, of Portland and recovering the stolen merchandise, a group of about 15 to 30 people gathered, with about 10 of them becoming aggressive toward police, officers said.

A number of other officers were dispatched to the area, which is alongside the Kennedy Park housing development. Members of the gathering group, some of whom are Sudanese, like Odong, and some who are from other African countries, began calling the officers names, including “killers” and “murderers,” in apparent reference to the police shooting of a Sudanese immigrant, David Okot, last month.

When police prepared to tow the car Odong had driven, some of the crowd jumped on the car to try to prevent it from being taken, police said.

Three juveniles eventually were arrested, two of them on charges of assault after they allegedly punched the officers, police said.

Police also charged Yannick Mulongo, 21, of Clark Street with unlawful interference with a law enforcement dog, after he allegedly taunted a police dog named Taz; and Sara Langoia, 18, of Anderson Street with obstructing government administration.

Police said they had to use pepper spray in making the arrests.

Since the original crook was stealing vodka I am leery to claim he was a Muslim, although many Muslims do in fact break that rule and drink. It could simply be the effects of coming from a war torn area with no real authority. Police capitulation will only make things worse in that respect. Surprise, they did:

The shift commander reported that additional arrests were warranted, but officers opted not to arrest others so the confrontation would not escalate.

Allowing some people to leave unmolested after assaulting cops will escalate things in the future. This story is bad news for America, and any hope you had that we wouldn’t be returning to 1970s levels of criminality along with 1970s style politics. Where’s Charles Bronson when you need him?

h/t Drudge

Victimless Crime File: Drunken Stoner Feels “Euphoria” When Dropping Bricks on Cars from Overpass

Chronic drug and alcohol abuse re-wires your brain and makes you do things you’d otherwise not think of, as any female barfly will readily tell you on an awkward Saturday morning. The bitter, lonely boomers who pissed away their lives with drinking and drugging binges are often filled with loathing for the rest of us, which expresses itself in criminality once they’ve “relaxed” with some weed.


PITTSBURGH – A man who told police he got a sense of euphoria from dropping rocks and bricks from a railroad trestle over a Pittsburgh-area interstate will spend five to 10 years in prison.

Fifty-year-old Jeffrey Angelo Ramous, of Scott Township, was sentenced Monday. He had previously pleaded no contest in February to 40 counts: 10 each of aggravated assault, risking catastrophe, propulsion of missiles onto roadways and reckless endangerment.

Ramous told police he used scanners to monitor police and trains near the trestle over Interstate 279 a few miles west of the city.

Ramous was arrested in March 2007 and charged for incidents up to two years before in which at least 12 cars were hit and two drivers were hurt. Ramous told police he was sometimes drunk or high on marijuana.

I’m betting he wouldn’t  get a sense of “Euphoria” if he dropped debris on cars while he was stone cold sober. Anyone want to take that bet?