1,226,980+ Guns Sold in April

Looks like Americans aren’t buying the Democrats’ claim that they’re not looking to pass new gun restrictions. On the plus side an armed society is a polite (and home invasion free) society. But I’m having a hell of a time getting ammunition for my babies. From Ammoland:

NEWTOWN, Conn. – The upward trend in firearms sales continued in April, marking the sixth consecutive month of significant increases.

Data released by the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reported 1,225,980 checks in April 2009. This figure is a 30.3 percent increase from the 940,961 reported in April 2008.

FBI background checks are required under federal law for all individuals purchasing either new or used firearms from federally licensed retailers. The checks serve as a gauge of actual sales but do not reflect the actual number of firearms sold, since, following a background check, a customer may decide not to purchase a firearm or may purchase more than one firearm.

The April increase follows a 29.2 percent gain in March and rises of 23 percent in February, 28 percent in January, 24 percent in December and 42 percent in November when a record 1,529,635 background checks were performed.

From my cold dead hands indeed. But instead of just stocking up on guns why not join the National Rifle Association and help the people working to protect your 2nd Amendment rights? Join the N.R.A.

Proud to be a Republican: Steele’s Speech to the RNC

I’m a Republican which means I have some ideas considered Conservative but I am first and foremost a Reaganite Republican. I want social cons in the GOP but I don’t want them to run the GOP. I like Libertarianism, but I don’t want the GOP to become Libertarian. I’m a pro-gun, pro-choice, pro-gay civil union national defense hawk who wants limited government and low taxes at home. There should be room for me and people like Ron Paul, Michelle Malkin and even Meghan McCain in the GOPs big patriotic tent.

As Doctor Zero points out in this Greenroom piece on Hot Air that can’t happen without solid Republican leadership that can unite us despite our differences, and even enforce a little party discipline when necessary. I have always though Michael Steele was the man for that job and his remarkable speech, via Townhall, proves it. Watch and feel proud of the GOP again:

Part I:


Part II:


Part III:


Sy Hersh Tries to Lie His Way Out of the Lies He Told

Seymour Hersh made some startling claims to a Pakistani paper called The Nation, basically claiming that Dick Cheney (and Israel of course) runs a secret death squad that was responsible for the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

When it became apparent that the statements made their way to people that knew they were a lie Seymour released this statement:

US journalist Seymour Hersh on Monday contradicted news reports being published in South Asia that quote him as saying a “special death squad” made by former US vice president Dick Cheney had killed Benazir Bhutto. The award-winning journalist described as “complete madness” the reports that the squad headed by General Stanley McChrystal – the new commander of US army in Afghanistan – had also killed former Lebanese prime minister Rafique Al Hariri and a Lebanese army chief. “Vice president Cheney does not have a death squad. I have no idea who killed Mr Hariri or Mrs Bhutto,” Hersh said. “I have never said that I did have such information. I most certainly did not say anything remotely to that effect during an interview with an Arab media outlet.” He said Gen McChrystal had run a special forces unit that engaged in “high value target activity”, but “while I have been critical of some of that unit’s activities in the pages of the New Yorker and in interviews, I have never suggested that he was involved in political assassinations or death squads on behalf of Mr Cheney, as the published stories state.” He regretted that none of the publications had contacted him before carrying the report. “This is another example of blogs going bonkers with misleading and fabricated stories and professional journalists repeating such rumours without doing their job – and that is to verify such rumours.” staff report.

The problem is that’s a lie. Legal Insurrection has video of Hersh making these very claims on Marxist shill Amy Goodman’s dreadful Democracy Now! program.

Isn’t libel illegal?

Police Forces Being Thinned Out by Recession

Which is why I’ve been stocking up on ammunition. This is a trend that will increase more and more as our insane economic policies destroy the wealth building capability of the American people which means less of those filthy rich bastards everyone hates so much, which in turn means less tax revenue.

From USA Today:

The recession is altering local law enforcement in the U.S. by forcing some agencies to close precincts, merge with other departments or even shut down.

Once largely spared from the deepest budget cuts, some police departments are struggling to provide basic services, police officials say.

“For the first time, because of the economy, police departments … may have to change how they do business,” says Chuck Wexler, executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum, a law enforcement think tank. “People will see a change in the basic delivery of services,” from longer police response times to a dramatically reduced police presence in some communities.

Harlan Johnson, executive director of the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, said political leaders are “choosing whether they keep the streetsopenor the police on patrol,” though it’s too early to tell whether the changes will increase crime.

The Obama administration’s $787 billion stimulus plan gives about $4 billion to local law enforcement, including $1 billion to hire and retain officers. But the hiring money has not been distributed, and applicants have requested more than is available.

One of the worst examples comes from Pennsylvania where 19 police stations have been closed in the past 15 months. Over 50, 000 people now rely on the State Police for the entirety of their law enforcement needs, but state police are facing cuts themselves and were never envisioned, or equipped, to handle community law enforcement.

A rise in crime is pretty much imminent in communities affected. Maybe it’s time to invest in some firearms liberals? Then maybe think about how we can increase the number of people paying taxes instead of instituting anti-business policies that will decrease the tax base.

h/t Drudge

Sunday Evening Link Round-Up

I’m busy putting together new bookshelves for my library and starting a writing project so I’m just going to throw some links out to you that I was going to blog about but don’t have the time:

A tale of two shootings – Theo Spark blogs about the Tony Martin case while Xavier posts about the heroic college student who stopped a home invasion where the intruders planned on raping then killing the attendees.

As goes Norway – Atlas posted pictures of Jewish graves in Norway that have been desecrated, including having Swastikas spray painted on them. A Norwegian blogger she cites says the area is now predominantly Muslim and he suspects Islamists are the culprit. Gates of Vienna has a translation up of an interview with a rich Pakistani-Muslim film maker who moved to Norway and is forming a political party called the Independent Labor Party. Among other things he claims Norway should be fighting alongside Pakistan for Kashmir, gays should be stripped of Norway’s marriage rights and Jews were responsible for 9/11. Norway has just broken up a terror plot by Muslim immigrants.

Via Gateway Pundit Paulnuts went berserk at a Lindsey Graham speech. Classless:


Speaking of classless – Perez Hilton gets a much needed lesson in class by a former mobster.

Pandemic Update – Swine flu closes three more NYC schools. An inmate at Rikers may have it. The W.H.O. is bracing the world for more infections.

Briant Rodriguez, who was kidnapped from his California home two weeks ago, was found wandering the streets of Mexico. Also found in Mexico, four dead Americans.

Bad advice – A cop in Texas told reporters they should comply with criminals so they won’t get hurt. How’d that work out for the victims of the Wichita massacre? Never allow a criminal to tie you up or take you to a secondary crime scene. It’s better to risk surviving a gunshot on the streets where someone may find you than hope some rapist is kind enough to not murder you.

Pagans Against Child Abuse has started a campaign to monitor social network Ning for pedophile groups. They’ve gotten several shut down so are off to a good start. Support PACA if you have the time.

Victor Davis Hanson has an excellent essay up on what he thinks Obama’s weak spots are, how they’ll turn people against him.

Another good essay is America’s Coming Tectonic Shift by George Potts Thompson. Also The True Nature of Socialism over at The Pagan Temple is thought provoking.

Jenn Q. Public fisks the myth of rampant military sexual assaults in Lies, Damn Lies and Military Sexual Assault Statistics.

Z.A.C. notes that supposedly Libertarian site Lew Rockwell has the exact same drug policy as anarcho-marxist agi-prop site Indymedia. I guess you can lean so far right you end up on the left.