Memorial Day Weekend Link Round-Up: Honor our Heroes

Today is the day we honor the sacrifices of the millions of men and women who paid the ultimate price for our freedom, and pledge as a nation to remain free people at any costs. Today we give thanks for the heroes who died defending us and promise to remain ever vigilant for the sake of future generations of Americans:

The U.S.O. does great work for the troops, and is always looking for donations.

Wounded Warriors is another great organization that could use your help.

The Special Operations Warrior Foundation provides funds for the children of fallen Spec ops forces.

Cell Phones for Soldiers is also a great cause. As is Operation Iraqi Children.

Treats for Troops is a good way for you to put together care packages for the troops.

Operation Ward57 is another great cause that helps our troops.

America’s Heroes of Freedom helps our troops and civil personal who are often in harm’s way.

The Pease Greeters are also a great group to support. They’ve been giving our troops a hero’s welcome since 2005.

So while we’re enjoying our cook outs take some time to give to one of these worthy organizations, or any other that honors American heroes.

Yet Another Latino Gang Caught Ethnically Cleansing Blacks in Los Angeles

I’ve blogged before about the racist pogroms led by Latino gangs, often full of illegal immigrants who refuse to assimilate and import the bigotry of Latin America here, and how Liberals are happy to let the Black Americans die to ensure Latinos remain a voting bloc for them. All Mexican Mafia affiliated gangs, including the Avenues, have a “greenlight” on any Black person that comes in their territory regardless of whether or not that person has gang affiliations. Jamiel Shaw was murdered by a Latino gang banger simply because he was black. The Newark Murders where committed by a Latino gang who targeted those poor children simply because they were Black. Thousands of Blacks have been assaulted, raped and murdered by Latino gangs simply because they were Black and White Liberals and the parasitic Black “leadership” in this country do nothing.

Now another Latino gang, The Varrio Hawaiian Garden Gang, has been found to be engaged in ethnic cleansing of Blacks in their territory:

HAWAIIAN GARDENS, Calif. (AP) – A Latino street gang waged a racist campaign to eliminate the city’s black residents through attempted murders and other crimes, according to federal racketeering indictments unsealed Thursday.

Five indictments charged a total of 147 members and associates of the Varrio Hawaiian Gardens gang, and federal and local agencies arrested 63 of them by early Thursday, U.S. Attorney Thomas P. O’Brien said at a news conference.

Another 35 defendants were already in custody on unrelated charges. Weapons and drugs worth more than $1 million also were seized in what O’Brien called “the largest gang takedown in United States history.”

The indictments detail attempted murder, kidnapping, firearms, narcotics and other charges related to attacks by the gang, which is predominantly Latino and mainly operates in Hawaiian Gardens, a city of about 15,000 in southeastern Los Angeles County.

“(Varrio Hawaiian Gardens) gang members take pride in their racism and often refer to the VHG Gang as the `Hate Gang,'” the main indictment said. “VHG gang members have expressed a desire to rid the city of Hawaiian Gardens of all African-Americans and have engaged in a systematic effort to achieve that result by perpetrating crimes against African-Americans.”

The indictment alleges a string of attacks on black residents, including a shooting into a home with eight people inside. The indictment does not say if anyone was hit.

In another instance, two gang members allegedly chased a black man, yelled a racist epithet at him and then beat him with a garden rake. The same man was later repeatedly stabbed by two gang members, according to the indictment, which charged them with his attempted murder.

According to 2000 census data, the latest available, Hawaiian Gardens was roughly 73 percent Hispanic and 4 percent black.

The investigation into the gang was apparently started when the gang murdered a Sheriff’s deputy named Jerry Ortiz who was investigating a hate crime. Here’s a local video via Youtuber StephenLoneWolf:


The gang is indeed affiliated with the Mexican Mafia.

One Citizen Speaking wants to know where Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are while Blacks are being massacred in the street:

Again, I might ask Jesse and Al what they have to say about the increasing numbers of illegal aliens who are slowly pushing blacks out of their homes, businesses and cities? All while everybody claims to welcome these aliens with open arms and fails to mention that Latino/Black conflict is real, devastating to the community and should not be tolerated.

And I must also question the role of the Catholic Church which openly embraces illegal aliens, provides sanctuary and then buries both the perpetrators and their victims in sanctified soil.

I can’t comment on the church, but Sharpton and Jackson are too busy tap dancing for White Leftists to care about the genocide of Black Americans. As is Reverend Jeremiah Wright and his church full of Marxist house slaves, who have the time to protest on behalf of Jihadists, but not our own brothers and sisters who are dying in our own country.

Islam, Leftism and the Riverdale Terror Plot

The Synagogue targeted by the four terrorists in NY was less than a 20-minute walk from my old home in the Bronx. The section of the Bronx I lived in is known as Riverdale. It is home to the well to do as well as the working class, and it is home to a thriving Jewish community. Largely secular and reform Jews, who looked down on the Hasidic and Sephardic Jews who make their home in Brooklyn, Riverdale’s Jews were no doubt surprised to find themselves the target of Jihadist aggression. Solidly liberal, Riverdale went to Obama in the last election somewhere around 72% and the area is hardly a place where Zionism is openly expressed, or even welcome.

The last year I lived there the Ethical Culture Society, where many Jews in the area send their children after they’ve had their Bar Mitzvahs, held a free Palestine lecture. The next day they were shocked to find anti-Semitic White nationalist material floating around. I tell this story because it illustrates the naive worldview that many of Riverdale’s Jews, and most New Yorkers for that matter, wallow in. We are at war, and while it is important to point out that not all, perhaps most, Muslims are our enemies it is foolish to pretend this war isn’t between Islam and the West. It is foolish to think that American Jews are safe from attacks by jihadists no matter how liberal they are, no matter how much they claim to want peace.

One of the plotters, supposedly the leader, was the son of an Afghan immigrant who was angry at the military actions in that country. At least three of the plotters were ex-cons who converted to radical Islam on our dime. But to suggest that Islam was the primary motivator for the attack is to absolve the “anti-Zionist” left of their share of the responsibility for the targeting of Jews:

The group’s alleged ringleader, James Cromitie, according to the complaint, discussed targets with an undercover agent. “The best target [the World Trade Center] was hit already,” he allegedly told the agent. Later, he rejoiced in a terrorist attack on a synagogue.

“I hate those motherf—–s, those f—ing Jewish bastards. . . . I would like to get [destroy] a synagogue.”

It should be noted that it was a Muslim connected to their mosque that informed on them. Meanwhile Cromite’s tirade sounds suspiciously similar to what many leftist groups have been claiming about Jews in the past several years. How is his anti-Semitism different from the PETA chapter in New york that sent threatening emails to Rabbi Shea Hecht on Yom Kippur?

How is Cromite’s hatred of Jews different than the bigotry of U.K. diplomat Rowan Laxton who screamed anti-Semitic slurs in a busy English gym?  Or the tiresome anti-Semitism of Andrew Sullivan? Or the rank hatred that led to the closure of the forums?

It isn’t, and I would put forward that leftist anti-Semitism is much more influential in attacks on Jews than the animosity for Jews found in Islam. Blending Marxist class warfare rhetoric with anti-religious bigotry the left has indoctrinated many young people into accepting views concerning Jews (and especially the Jewish state) that would be more at home at a Klan meeting than among civilized people. Cinnamon Stillwell wrote an essay about this phenomenon on campus almost two years ago. Orson Scott Card took on leftist anti-Semitism in a book review. Stanford University aired a film for its students that included Blood libel.

These sorts of efforts have paid off for the left, allowing them to build a coalition that shares the central goal of “freeing Palestine” and mitigating the influence of the so-called “Jewish lobby” in America. That the rhetoric would encourage violence against Jews is not a concern of the left, who see Israel and Jewish support for that state as the last gasp of colonialism.

In this environment why wouldn’t Jihadists think the Jews of Riverdale, secular and sympathetic to their cause, were legitimate targets that no one would defend? If even the “enlightened” left is openly hostile to Jews, so much so that Jewish leftists have had no choice but to confront their fellow travelers,  why won’t people like Cromite feel encouraged to attack them?

Carlos Garcia Morales is Why You Need a Gun in The House

Your home is your castle only as long as you can defend it. Safety is an illusion and you must be prepared for those who would harm your family and the unthinkable lengths they will go through to victimize your family:

An Oxnard man was arrested today on suspicion of kidnapping, sexual assault and burglary after police found him in a car with a 20-month-old girl abducted from her parents’ home less than two hours earlier, authorities said.

Carlos Garcia Morales, 23, was booked into Ventura County Jail, Oxnard police said.

Morales is suspected of abducting the toddler from a home in the 100 block of South McKinley Avenue in Oxnard about 1:28 a.m., police said. Morales entered the home, took the child from her parents’ bed and left on foot, police said.

Authorities launched a street-by-street search for the child with the help of a sheriff’s helicopter and bloodhounds. Officer Matt Crenshaw found the girl in a car with the man in the Colonia neighborhood about 3:15 a.m., not far from her home, police said. The child was returned to her parents.


The family was traumatized by the girl’s abduction but overjoyed to get her back, said her father. The Star does not name suspected sexual assault victims or their relatives.

“Since 1 a.m., we have not slept,” her father, 22, said about 11 a.m. today.

He and the girl’s mother, also 22, had been asleep for about 3 1/2 hours when the kidnapper crept through their front door and into their bedroom, her father said in Spanish.

The kidnapper snuck past the parents and put the child under his arm. He was carrying her out of the room when she cried “mama” and woke her mother, her father said.

The kidnapper ran, and her mother screamed and chased him. The father then awoke and joined the pursuit in boxers and bare feet, he said.

The kidnapper escaped around a corner, and the father called 911. Minutes later, police arrived and a helicopter flew overhead.

I would argue that had the father had a gun and fired a warning shot (or popped one in his leg) Morales would not have gotten away. The important factor here is that this filthy degenerate was willing to sneak into a random house in blue state California to kidnap a toddler to rape. But why?

Because it is unlikely that he would run into a house full of armed people if he stuck to victimizing law abiding citizens. The victims are immigrants I believe, meaning they couldn’t legally buy a weapon. Morales likely knew they were honest, hard working people without the means to defend themselves and that’s why he targeted them.

It is terrible what happened to this girl, and it shows us that locked doors and streetlights mean nothing to the monsters waiting to harm our loved ones. You are the first, and often last, line of defense between your family and a violent criminal, so be prepared to do what it takes to keep them safe.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon

Victimless Crime File: Stoner Rapes and Stabs 2-Year-Old During Mother’s Late Night Snack Run

There are literally 30 years worth of study results that prove that chronic or heavy use of marijuana can produce cannabis induced psychotic disorder. Cannabis has been shown to exacerbate the effects of pre-existing psychiatric disorders and large quantities of marijuana produces symptoms in users that mimic schizophrenia. Here’s a handy .pdf that gives the abbreviated findings of all this research. The Nemesis Study from 2002 (found on page four) should be of particular interest.

I mention this because many a pot smoker has shown up in the comments of older Victimless Crime File posts claiming pot has NO ill effects. When I mention that the only reason to smoke pot is to alter your mind, which can have severe consequences, these pot smokers display addict-like anger and start railing against cigarettes and alcohol. Neither of which I partake in myself.

The point is that people smoke pot to change their mood and behavior, to alter their perceptions. To do this pot changes the way your brain functions, and because it is believed that the brain continues to develop well into your twenties, constant pot smoking can re-wire your brain permanently. This is why pot users often display “suspicious thinking” and paranoia, and believe in bizarre and illogical ideas. In some cases users may seem to live in a fantasy world of their own making.

Which brings me to Christopher Mundell. Mundell was both drunk and stoned when he was left in charge of a 2 1/2-year-old girl while the child’s mother went on a late night/early morning snack run. We can safely assume that means she too was imbibing. When the mother and her friends returned, they found Mundell covered in blood.

He was asleep on the couch as if nothing was wrong.

The mother went to check on her daughter and found the girl had been stabbed in the thigh. She called police and during the investigation they found the child had been raped by Mundel, and her blanket set on fire.

After raping and stabbing the girl and perhaps trying to set her on fire he simply laid down on the mother’s couch and went to sleep.

From WCVB:

BOSTON — An Athol man who was babysitting his girlfriend’s 2-and-a-half-year-old daughter has been accused of raping the toddler and lighting her blanket on fire.

Police said a friend of the child’s mother called police early Monday morning. When officials arrived at the home, they found the victim’s mother holding the child, who had a slash on her leg. Christopher Mundell, 22, was taken into custody after police saw blood on his face and a knife in his shoe.

“The mom came back and that’s when they discovered Mr. Mundell covered with blood. They went in and checked on the child, and that is when they found that the child had an injury on her leg,” Athol Police Department Chief Timothy Anderson said. “The child was found to have a small knife wound on her upper thigh. Later that morning, we brought the child to the emergency room for treatment of the injury. At that point in time, it was found out that she was sexually assaulted, as well.”


At the time of his arrest, police said Mundell was intoxicated and was in possession of marijuana. He was arraigned in Orange District Court and held on $250,000 bail.

People get high to lower their inhibitions. But pot lowers inhibitions by mimicking mental illness in the brain. I know some pot smoker will come here and claim getting high had nothing to do with this crime, that it was just as likely Mundell would have done this sober. I don’t buy that frankly, but even if I were inclined to believe that drunk and high people never do things they wouldn’t normally do how many sober people rape and stab a baby, set a fire and then take a nap at the scene of the crime?

h/t Reader Jessica