Crime Stories I’m Following Link Round Up

Following but not blogging about. I’m a busy man after all. But these stories are interesting and some will directly affect you and your loved ones.

These stories come via Drudge:

Recession strapped Toledo is laying off about 75 police officers, leading to an increase in gun sales to people who are suddenly realizing the police aren’t state provided permanent bodyguards.

Columbus, Ohio is threatening to lay off up to 300 police officers if the voters reject a tax increase. Some of those cops jobs were supposedly saved by stimulus money.

Sacramento is closing down its main mental hospital due to economic woes.

Gateway Pundit has been following a corruption scandal involving Chrysler closings.  Almost all of the dealership closings come from “red” counties, while the biggest Democrat donor was allowed to keep six dealerships open as all his competition was closed by the government. Doug Ross has evidence that almost all dealerships closed by Chrysler were donors to the McCain campaign. The decision to close the dealerships was made by President’s task force.

Trench posted the story of a Toronto man who used the site Vampire Freaks to find an underage girl. He then made child porn and bestiality videos with her.This is the third or fourth story I’ve come across where that site has been involved in an especially heinous crime. When will parents learn to keep their kids off it?

Lilo has all the sad and sick details of the Melecio Camacho case. Warning, this is a brutal rape and murder of a three-year-old, strong stomach required.

The Shaming of the Shames has a post up on the Imette St. Guillen trial that’s worth reading, especially if you buy into any of the conspiracy theories about the main suspect being set up.

Internal memo shows ACORN knowingly violated the conditions that allow them to have tax-exempt status. Got to love that Hot Air “Greenroom” section.

Shadowscope has an update on missing child Nevaeh Buchanan.

T.D.K.O.M has a horrific story of an attempted rape in a daycare center.

Black and Missing but Not Forgotten has the sad case of Bonita Sanders, missing for 22-years.

Am I missing anything?

“Romantic Predators” and the Minimization of Child Rape

I got an email this morning and I was going to politely, but firmly, brush the sender off but reading through the piece I thought it was important to show people what America’s culture of perpetual victimhood has wrought. The letter comes from Brian who runs a blog called Victimized over the AOC and follows other blogs supposedly dedicated to the “plight” of victims of what I guess they’re calling “romantic abuse” where someone is, prepare yourselves, lied to by potential Internet suitors.

Too bad but I would ignore this or express some sympathy for these sad sacks who had their hearts broken (and accounts emptied no doubt) by some smooth typing virtual Cassanova were it not for the fact that they seem to be claiming that lying to get in some loser’s pants is morally equivalent to raping a child. Here’s the email I opened this morning:

Brian wrote:
I follow Lovefraud ( and Cyberpaths
(  which feature sexual/ “romantic” predators
who prey on adults in the same manner molesters prey on kids.

The difference between a pedophile and these “sociopathic seducers” is simply
that “sociopathic seducers” target adults; pedophiles target kids.

Consent to sexual relationships is legally based on the lack of force and an
adult partner. However, there are many factors which can negate consent
, even if it doesn’t do so legally.

If someone lies about the true purpose of the “courting,” then meaningful
consent can’t be given
, and you have a victim and a perp.

Some have said that in some cases, adults who have been sexually abused as kids
can’t emotionally consent to sexual relationships
because they are emotionally
kids until they are treated.

Sociopathic seducers will simply use psychological coercion to gain what they
want from their adult victims, while rapists use force, and pedophiles use

The concept of “consenting adult” is meaningless because sociopaths will
exploit other power differences besides age,
and will do whatever it takes to
make sure they have power over their victims.

Similar age and marriage simply acts as a cover for a sociopath to do their
damage because a 30 year old with a spouse will always be less suspicious that
a 30 year old “loving on” a 15 year old.

As a conservative, you empahsize waiting until marriage, but with these
sociopaths, marriage would simply be a way to access someone’s grown daughter
(or son) in a way similar to a pedophile’s accessing kids.


Because I feel his heart may be in the right place I feel bad about fisking this steaming pile of Internet nonsense that’s been fertilized with a liberal dose of … well liberalism. This idea that adults are the victims of other adults who fib their way into fellatio is not just a monument to the desire of all people who make bad decisions to be seen as victims, but it leads to the most evil and wicked of all logical fallacies, namely that a one night stand or relationship gone bad is morally equivalent to the sexual exploitation of children. How any adult could write or say such a thing with a straight face is beyond me.

But let me take some of Brian’s argument point by point:

The difference between a pedophile and these “sociopathic seducers” is simply
that “sociopathic seducers” target adults; pedophiles target kids.

No, that is not the difference at all. The “sociopathic seducers” Brian is complaining about are just shiftless slut hunters who know that if you say (or type) the right things to certain people you’ll be rewarded with sex. Pedophiles prey on children specifically because they are incapable of fending off an adult’s advances, they are at the mercy of the predator. The “victims” in Brian’s scenario refused to fend off someone’s advances, and were at the mercy of no one. Remember that we’re not talking about domestic violence here, when you read the sites it is clear that what we’re talking about are people feeling betrayed by their online lovers. To compare this in any way to child rape is disgusting.

Consent to sexual relationships is legally based on the lack of force and an
adult partner. However, there are many factors which can negate consent
morally, even if it doesn’t do so legally.

If someone lies about the true purpose of the “courting,” then meaningful
consent can’t be given, and you have a victim and a perp.

According to this every woman who stuffs her bra and kisses her hot friend at the bar is raping the men she dates when he finds out she’s not a busty bisexual swinger. This is juvenile sour grapes masquerading as victimization. If you’ve consented to sex with a person and you’re an adult, finding out he isn’t as rich/important/single as he purported to be is not rape. It is not abuse, just as the person who told you a tramp stamp of your boyfriend’s name would be a good idea (and still look fabulous when you’re 50) didn’t abuse you. In these cases you are abusing yourself. Affairs go bad, it’s part of life and it isn’t being victimized. Again to claim this is similar in some way to raping children is completely unacceptable.

Some have said that in some cases, adults who have been sexually abused as kids
can’t emotionally consent to sexual relationships because they are emotionally
kids until they are treated.

I don’t know who these “some” are but infantilizing abuse victims serves no one. While I agree that there are victims of sexual abuse that may act out in ways detrimental to themselves, not respecting their boundaries and wishes is a continuation of their abuse. Deciding that someone else can decide when she can give consent is more of a rape than this supposed romantic predation. Some people who are abused go on to have good marriages, some don’t. Some need more therapy than others. This is irrelevant to the point at hand. This is a straw man designed to garner sympathy for this unseemly idea of “romantic predators” by linking the “victims” to a group I would support in a cynical ploy to deflect attention from the essential fatuity of this movement. Adults, whether they are the survivors of childhood abuse or not, should be treated and respected as adults capable of making their own decisions.

Sociopathic seducers will simply use psychological coercion to gain what they
want from their adult victims, while rapists use force, and pedophiles use

I suppose failing that, they fall back on hypnosis and Black Magic. If “psychological coercion” is, as I suspect, Brain’s euphemism for being manipulative then strippers and panhandlers are predators too. I suspect he’s claiming that people saying something like “C’mon baby, it hurts!” in the time honored “blue ball” ploy are morally equivalent to rapists and child molesters. If you can make that argument, you are at best childishly naive. There is no similarity between a child being raped, a woman being raped and someone smooth talking his way into intercourse.

The concept of “consenting adult” is meaningless because sociopaths will
exploit other power differences besides age, and will do whatever it takes to
make sure they have power over their victims.

No the concept of consenting adults is never meaningless, it is the basis of all sexual morality. When two adults both agree to have sexual relations, no matter how big a whopper one or both told when they met, they are both agreeing to sex. Non adults do not have that capacity and non-consenting adults are not having the same experience. Even with a cad the sex may be good and I suspect sex with a gold digger to be fantastic. Both these people may be horrible people who getting into a relationship with is a mistake. But does that make the sex with them the same as child rape? Was sex with Kendra Wilkinson a rape of Hugh Hefner just because she was lying when she said she loved him?

Similar age and marriage simply acts as a cover for a sociopath to do their
damage because a 30 year old with a spouse will always be less suspicious that
a 30 year old “loving on” a 15 year old.

I’m not sure what this means but I assume it means that some douche he knows is cheating on his wife with a teen. In which case call a cop, but claiming that the marriage itself is the same as rape is a sad misunderstanding of adult relationships, and an indelicate way to make an argument.

As a conservative, you empahsize waiting until marriage, but with these
sociopaths, marriage would simply be a way to access someone’s grown daughter
(or son) in a way similar to a pedophile’s accessing kids.

Uh, no. As a “Conservative” I believe in limited government, low taxes and a strong national defense. I don’t “emphasize” waiting for sex until marriage, nor do I care what any adult does sexually unless they are really victimizing others as in breaking the law. This immature understanding of Conservatives is just another facet of the over all immaturity of the movement Brian is representing.

The linchpin of these people’s argument is that there are “genetic” sociopaths who are constantly stalking them and we must in some way keep them from doing things which, if I understand Brian correctly, are not only legal but pretty much not my business. These so-called “romantic predators” have rights like every other American, including the right to get married and pick up losers  (sorry I mean victims) on the Internet. Aside from the desire to be stroked as if they suffered a brutal rape or years of horrendous abuse I’m not even sure what these people want.

But I suspect all they want is for people like me or Pagans Against Child Abuse or Absolute Zero to stand up for them the same way we do for kids. In America we have a cult centered around victimization that validates bad choices (like “dating” online or sleeping with some dude you just met) with a theology of  weakness and populates these people’s inner universes with a demonology of predators that includes anyone they feel slighted by.

The one night stand they had is now an encounter with a vicious rapist. Their high school crush on a teacher was emotional exploitation perpetrated by a criminal genius who secretly got his or her jollies ignoring them. Nothing is their fault, no relationship can have simply not worked out. They are perpetual victims of the world’s predation and in their minds they deserve the same sympathy and time from the rest of us as a child who has been raped.

In a sense they are the predators, greedy for the psychic investment of the rest of us into their petty and infantile lives. Brian and the people he supports claim that there is some connection, some equivalence, between their failed relationships and children being raped. What kind of person must you be to even think I, or any rational person, would entertain an idea so vile?

North Korea Gearing Up for War?

North Korea fired yet another missile overnight in their continuing provocations to the world. Plenty of coverage has covered Kim Jong-Il’s most recent madness, and America’s ever weakening response:


The most interesting article I’ve read so far is this Washington Post article which claims North Korea is now denying it is bound by the 1953 Armistice that ended the Korean war. You’d think this would be a bigger story:

TOKYO, May 27 — North Korea announced Wednesday that it is no longer bound by the 1953 armistice that halted the Korean War, the latest and most profound diplomatic aftershock from the country’s latest nuclear test two days earlier.

North Korea also warned that it would respond “with a powerful military strike” should its ships be stopped by international forces trying to stop the export of missiles and weapons of mass destruction.

The twin declarations, delivered by the country’s state news agency, followed South Korea’s announcement Tuesday that it would join the navies that will stop and inspect suspicious ships at sea. North Korea has repeatedly said that such participation would be a “declaration of war.”

Since eventually someone is going to end up stopping a NorK ship if it is heading to Iran or some other middle eastern country with what we believe is nuke technology what we have is a North Korea pretty much saying that war’s a comin’. Just this pronouncement have a severely destablizing effect on the region:

In Tokyo, a former defense minister and ruling party lawmaker said Japan should consider developing the ability to conduct preemptive strikes against North Korea, even though Japan’s constitution prohibits it from taking offensive military action.

South Korea had long resisted U.S. pressure to join the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), which was created in 2003 by President George W. Bush and includes more than 90 countries that have agreed to stop and inspect suspicious cargo on sea and land.

Don’t let those stories of a effeminate japan fool you, China and all the countries in the Pacific are terrified of a re-militarized Japan. Japan’s economy is in shambles and their beloved, bizarre popular culture is largely the result of enforced pacifism and ten years of recession leaving young men and women with no outlet for their ambition or aggression. If the culture perceived a threat to their existence and sees that they can’t rely on America to protect them I believe it could be a matter of a few years to see a return of Japan’s martial society. Not that it would change the outcome of conflict there:

North Korea is thought to possess more than 200 mid-range Nodong missiles that can strike nearly any part of Japan. The Japanese government, which has invested billions of dollars in a U.S.-made antimissile defense system, is concerned that the North is making progress in designing nuclear warheads that could fit atop its missiles.

“We must look at active missile defense such as attacking an enemy’s territory and bases,” the former defense minister, Gen Nakatani, said at a meeting of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

We have basically killed Japan by allowing North Korea and all the other countries of the region build up huge militaries while Japan sat back in a fantasy world where they could field a small defense force and big brother America would always save them. Clearly that isn’t true.

China isn’t happy with North Korea, but frankly China isn’t going to care about the NorKs stirring the pot while they quietly change from long term to short term U.S. Treasuries and start preparing for their ascension as the world’s super power. Nancy Pelosi is in China selling us out by negotiating some sort of agreement for us to cut our energy output and China I more interested in us crippling our economy and thus making us more reliant on them then they are in ensuring North Korea isn’t starting a war with states who can’t rely on America as an ally.

Ammunition Stockpile Numbers not Adding Up?

I was reading this old post by gun blogger Mr. Completely about ammo shortages and he made a compelling point. Can the ammo buying spree of many gun owners (including myself) really explain the shortages we’re seeing?

I’m pretty sure that’s NOT what’s causing the shortage. Here’s why. The manufacturers are making ammunition as fast as they can, producing more than they did last year. The consumers are buying everything that shows up on the retailers shelves. The fishy part, though, is that none of the retailers are able to get anywhere near the amount of inventory they were getting last year.

In short, the manufacturers are building lots of ammo, but the retailers aren’t getting it. It appears to be disappearing BEFORE it gets to the stores. It’s getting pushed into the pipeline at one end, but it’s not coming out the other. It appears there is a “leak” in the pipeline. In most cases, between the manufacturer and the retailer is a distributor, a warehouse that buys from the manufacturers and sells to the retailers, often called the “Middle Man”. Some of the big outfits, like Walmart, do their own distribution. I’ve talked to the guys in my local Walmart and they tell me they can’t get anything. Ace hardware, the same story. Sportsman’s Warehouse? Cabela’s? Pretty much the same story. No ammo, no powder, no primers. Just about everything is unavailable.

It looks like somebody, somewhere, is sitting in the middle and soaking up most of the production. The military? Why would they be stocking up on calibers that they don’t use? Law enforcement? Not likely.

I have no idea what’s going on, but it just isn’t adding up. I do know that if you want to disarm a country and you haven’t been able to ban their guns, if you can dry up the ammunition and reloading supplies, you have essentially disarmed them, even if they DO still have their guns………..

Hmmm. I’m not sure but I have noticed the big boxes aren’t re-stocking some calibers (like my precious 20ga slugs) at all in my neck of the woods. It’s possible they’re sitting on ammo waiting for demand to reach a point where they can charge even more outrageous sums due to the metals prices spiking, but right now we’re paying insane premiums as it is. I’m paying more than a dollar a bullet for .327 Federal, and can’t even get .32 H&R. Don’t talk to me about 20ga, I just saw a box of ten slugs at Dick’s going for over $20. The shelves at my Wal-Mart have not restocked certain calibers since the crisis began, but I find it hard to believe that manufacturers aren’t upping their production to take advantage of the demand.

Anyone else have theories?

Mississippi Degenerates Discipline 12-Year-Old Daughter with Fatal Rape and Torture Seession

I don’t blog about Mississippi much. In fact the last few times I blogged specifically about the state was to note that I.C.E. raids actually lowered unemployment numbers in the area, and that two “middle eastern men” were found living illegally in the state after crossing the Mexican border. Mississippi is also home to Jew-hating stoner/wanna-be Presidential assassin Stephen Joseph Christoper and was one of the states where the F.B.I. recovered child prostitutes being held against their will in a nationwide sweep.

I’m sure Mississippi is a nice place, but it seems the biggest news coming out of there is always painting the good people of Mississippi in a negative light. This story is no different.

12-Year-Old Ashley Andrews missed the school bus one fall day in 2005. Her mother Cristina Dillard along with Ashley’s step-father Shaun Dillard and her half-brother Kyle decided to teach her a lesson in responsibility that only backwoods meth heads could think up:

The whole family was home that day and were the only ones to witness the events of that and the following two days. According to statements given in the investigation, Andrews failed to listen to her parent’s demands that Monday and was beaten with tree limbs, a fishing rod and a belt. As a result of the beating, Andrews did not go to school the following day since the parents feared reports would be made to the Department of Human Services.

On Oct. 11, she was again beaten to the point that hair was pulled from her head, Bryan read from the evidence. Again on Oct. 12, a Wednesday, Andrews was not allowed to go to school for fear of a report to DHS. Andrews died that day due to manual strangulation, according to autopsy reports.

Evidence showed that Christina participated in the beatings of Andrews. Bryan said that since Christina Dillard was Andrews’ mother she had a duty to protect Andrews and see that Andrews at least received medical care.

But the story gets worse:

Evidence presented in the preliminary hearing held in 2005 stated that Andrews also was sexually assaulted prior to her death.

Shaun Dillard was initially charged with capital murder, statutory rape and two counts of sexual battery when he went before Harrell in July of 2008. Shaun Dillard pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting in the capital murder of Andrews. During that plea hearing, Shaun Dillard was asked if he had ever seen Christina Dillard choke Andrews. He said he had.

So if I understand the prosecutor’s timeline little Ashley was beaten half to death, raped and then most likely her own mother strangled her after allowing her husband to rape the girl.

Word on the cyber street is that it was a jealousy issue with a drug addicted mother finding out her old man was raping her daughter and blaming the child. Here are a few comments from a local board I found, grain of salt obviously, but they were too interesting to pass up.

This is from a Jennifer Cooke who claims to have known the mother:

I knew both of them.My husband’s Aunt was best friends with Ashley’s Parents and we all thought something was wrong.Ashley was always having to tend to her little brother when he was a baby.And never really got to be happy because of the life she had to live with both of her biological parents.I wish that I knew what was going on.As far as I know Chris is still in the county jail in protective custody as far as he goes I have no clue.But I hope they both get the death penalty or that the same thing happens to them that they did to her.She was always saying oh Ashley is only 12 but she has legs like a grown woman.Chris always wanted the perfect life like a fairy tale so I think maybe at first she didn’t know that he was having unconsentual sex with her daughter and when she found out she got so mad and jealous and treated her daughter like she was a woman messing around with him.I think it got to the point to where he would’ve rather slept with a child than her.And I don’t know why he done what he done the story I heard from a reliable source was that they were both on oxycontin and other drugs.Either way there will never be justification for what they did they deserve to thrown in the prison population an have the guards shout out what they done.So they can get their A** BEAT.

Here’s a comment from a woman claiming to be the victim’s step mother regarding Dillard:

She has had drug problems on and off since Ashley was born. Absolutely a judge knew that. DHR was not involved after me and father got custody of her, so it was a family court judge that said she needed to go back since my ex husband was single now. Another thing that bothers me is that the DHR never once received any complaints that anything was wrong. I have spoken with the person in charge of the child neglect division and she said if they just had one person had complained about Ashley she would have taken right out of that home. I have heard many people say that they thought something was wrong but no calls were ever made to the DHR!! As far as her sister and brother , it will them that one day gets to decide if they want to see Chris be put to sleep for murdering their sister and that is one decision I never wanted to have to make.

Like I said grain of salt, but if this is true it’s more proof that if you see something you should say something. Get involved people.

Now Dillard has lucked into a plea deal that saves her sorry life when she deserves to be strung up for her crime. The maximum sentence this filthy degenerate can get is 20 years, meaning she may be out in a little under ten if she gets parole. Shaun Dillard got life without the possibility of parole. Both sentences are a grave injustice.

Only through the death of her tormentors could Ashley truly have received justice. After being raped and tortured she is denied even that small humanity. Christina Dillard will walk amongst us too soon, ready to snuff out another innocent life. Why do we continue to allow this to happen?

h/t Parents Behaving Badly