Victimeless Crime File: Pot Smoking Grandfather lets Toddler Dangle Out of Window While Driving

He was toking up while driving, but getting high has nothing to do with making bad decisions.

From TCPalm:

HOBE SOUND — A 43-year-old man was arrested on drug charges after sheriff’s deputies stopped him when they saw a toddler partially hanging out of his car window.

Hobe Sound resident John W. Williams told Martin County Sheriff’s deputies he had just put out a marijuana cigarette when he was stopped along Bridge Road on Wednesday afternoon.

Authorities said they searched his vehicle and found a baggie of pot and a manila envelope with cocaine inside.

Williams, 43, was arrested on misdemeanor marijuana possession and felony cocaine possession charges. His 2-year-old grandson was released to his mother.

The pot is a misdemeanor mostly because people regard pot as harmless. Harmless enough to to smoke while driving. It’s interesting that the man waited until he wasn’t driving to snort his coke but saw nothing wrong with getting high while driving his precious grandson around.

h/t Crime Scene KC

DailyKos Diarist Floats Suppressing Black and Latino Votes as a Solution to the “Prop 8 Problem”

And almost every one of the 200+ comments was in agreement with the idea. Who would have thought DailyKos was full of racists?

From DailyKos:

The disgraceful California Supreme Court decision today to let Proposition 8 stand is a setback, not a defeat.  Make no mistake, Prop 8 will come back up for vote, and when it does, it won’t have the record turnout of Blacks and Hispanics that we saw in the 2008 Presidential election to pass it.  That, together with effective countering of any Mormon efforts to support Prop 8, will ensure that next time, Prop 8 will be killed.

The same record turnout of Black and Hispanic voters that was a key factor in getting Barack Obama into the White House was unfortunately a double edged sword; in California that same ethnic and racial demo also was instrumental in the passage of Proposition 8.

The majority of Blacks and Hispanics voted in favor of Proposition 8, and with the vehemence the church communities in these demos came out and rallied against Prop 8, it’s no wonder.

Over 35 anti-gay, black pastors in California even went so far as to coerce hundreds of marching Los Angeles school children to encourage blacks to vote “yes” on Proposition 8.

The piece goes on to claim that as long as Blacks and Latinos stay away from the polling booths they can get gay marriage. The idea that they could, you know, work to change attitudes toward gay marriage seems to have never crossed this persons mind.

Almost as if engaging Blacks and Latinos in dialog is a waste of time in their opinion.

Of course author Frankie Teardrops bashes Blacks more than Latinos, which makes sense given his belief that Latinas “ARE smarter than White Men” which he/she tries to prove by posting beer commercials. Looks like Frankie is a troll, but since the Kossacks are in agreement with a troll…

h/t Cassy Fiano

Deadly New Virus Found in Africa

It causes “Ebola-like” bleeding (which means sometimes blood starts to pour from a victims orifices) and killed four out of the five people who got it. If this sounds like the beginning of a zombie apocalypse to you you’re not alone. World War Z anyone?

Via Breitbart:

ATLANTA (AP) – Scientists have identified a lethal new virus in Africa that causes bleeding like the dreaded Ebola virus. The so-called “Lujo” virus infected five people in Zambia and South Africa last fall. Four of them died, but a fifth survived, perhaps helped by a medicine recommended by the scientists.

It’s not clear how the first person became infected, but the bug comes from a family of viruses found in rodents, said Dr. Ian Lipkin, a Columbia University epidemiologist involved in the discovery.

 “This one is really, really aggressive” he said of the virus.

A paper on the virus by Lipkin and his collaborators was published online Thursday on in PLoS Pathogens.

The outbreak started in September, when a female travel agent who lives on the outskirts of Lusaka, Zambia, became ill with a fever-like illness that quickly grew much worse.

She was airlifted to Johannesburg, South Africa, where she died.

A paramedic in Lusaka who treated her also became sick, was transported to Johannesburg and died. The three others infected were health care workers in Johannesburg.

Investigators believe the virus spread from person to person through contact with infected body fluids.

“It’s not a kind of virus like the flu that can spread widely,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which helped fund the research.

The name given to the virus—”Lujo”—stems from Lusaka and Johannesburg, the cities where it was first identified.

Investigators in Africa thought the illness might be Ebola, because some of the patients had bleeding in the gums and around needle injection sites, said Stuart Nichol, chief of the molecular biology lab in the CDC’s Special Pathogens Branch. Other symptoms include include fever, shock, coma and organ failure.

By the gods that’s a nasty bug. The fifth victim survived but doctors aren’t sure if she responded to treatment with ribivirin or just had a milder case. And since the bleeding was near the gums and the others were thought to be infected by bodily fluids it’s not hard to imagine that they were biten. I mean if you’re a blogger looking for a way to work in some Amazon links to zombie related material.

But in all seriousness I hope this “new virus” has been contained, the last thing the world needs is a new disease running rampant.

Victimless Crime File: Nearly Half of All Male Criminals Arrested Test Positive for Drugs!

And Marijuana is the drug that comes up the most in many localities according to a recent federal study. The feds are claiming this fact means we need to “divert” more arrestees to drug treatment, but unwilling participants in a program won’t reap the benefits of sobriety. People will stop using when they’re ready to stop using, which usually means they have to hit rock bottom.

Frankly nothing says rock bottom like a bid in the joint.

Otherwise though the study illustrates the point I often make, that pot smokers are NO DIFFERENT from any other user or addict, including alcoholics. Pot doesn’t magically make you kinder, calmer and wiser, it gets you high and high people are a danger to themselves and those around them. At the very least the dedicated pothead is like the alcoholic, a drain on those around them that spend their time propping him or her up while thy dwell in perpetual adolescence.

Read it and weep hippies:

Half of the men arrested in 10 U.S. cities test positive for some type of illegal drug, a federal study found.

Not only do the findings show “a clear link between drugs and crime,” they also highlight the need to provide drug treatment, says Gil Kerlikowske, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, which will make the data public Thursday.

Assessing offenders for drug and mental health problems and providing treatment is “important if you want to stop recidivism and recycling people through the system,” says Kerlikowske, who supports drug courts that offer court-ordered drug treatment.

“There’s an opportunity when someone is arrested to divert them to treatment if they need it,” says Bill Piper, director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance Network, a group that supports legalizing marijuana and treating drug use as a public health issue. “But people shouldn’t have to get arrested to get treatment.”

I’m not sure about all that. When we say alcoholism or addiction is a disease or illness we’re using a metaphor to equip addicts with what is often a psychological and emotional struggle to ween themselves off of a crutch they’ve used to keep reality at a distance. Addicts need to accept responsibility for themselves, including their recovery which is why diversion programs aren’t going to work on many, but like I said a few years in the joint will.

Here’s an interesting fact from the study:

In 2008 researchers interviewed and obtained urine samples from 3,924 men arrested in 10 metropolitan areas: Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Denver, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, New York, Portland, Ore., Sacramento and Washington, D.C.

In Chicago, 87% tested positive for drug use and in Sacramento, 78% tested positive. Many of the men — 40% in Chicago and 29% in Sacramento — tested positive for more than one drug.

Marijuana is the most common drug in every city where testing was done except Atlanta, where cocaine is most prevalent, the study found.

Methamphetamine use is concentrated on the west coast where 35% of the men arrested in Sacramento and 15% of the men arrested in Portland tested positive for the drug.

Heroin use is highest, at 29%, among men arrested in Chicago, an increase from 20% in 2007. Heroin use among arrestees declined in Portland, from 12% in 2007 to 8% in 2008.

Positive drug tests declined since 2007 among men arrested in Atlanta, Portland and Washington, the study found. Some of that decline can be attributed to law changes, Kerlikowske says.

Portland passed laws restricting access to ingredients needed to make methamphetamine, Kerlikowske says.

But I thought pot smokers were different than other addicts. How could this be? Is it possible that pot is indeed a gateway drug; that once you’re high on one drug it’s less likely you’ll turn down a line of this or that? Hmmm.

The article goes on to demand treatment for these poor criminals, without ever telling you exactly what crimes they were arrested for. The Office of National Drug Control Policy is coy about the criminal history of the study sample in their report (pg 27)  but you can read through all the stats on these people’s lives and see that drug use is really a drain on those around them.

In the press release the O.N.D.C.P has this to say about pot smokers:

 Marijuana is the most commonly detected drug at the time of arrest. The percentage of arrestees testing positive for marijuana ranges from just under a third in Atlanta and Washington, D.C. to about half in Charlotte. Additionally, arrestees who are using marijuana use it frequently: in seven of the cities, marijuana users used the drug on average every other day during the past month.

That’s a lot of getting high. But since pot is “harmless” I guess that’s O.K. right?

Drunken Degenerates Claim Attempted Murder was “Just a Dumb Little Prank”

It doesn’t take a genius to know that throwing rocks off a bridge onto oncoming cars could lead to serious death or injury. Whenever some cretin get caught doing it they always claim they didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt, but what exactly do they think is going to happen to a car when a rock goes through the windshield?

Joshua N. Sizemore and Amanda Madison claim they were playing a game, or that alternately it was all just a prank. The fact that they were caught half naked tells me they derived a sick thrill from trying to cause accidents. Unfortunately it looks like the authorities are buying their prank/sex game (!?!) story so they’ll get off much easier than they deserve:

LAKEWOOD, Wash. — A young man and woman who were allegedly tossing rocks off a railroad trestle into freeway traffic below as part of a bizarre stripping game pleaded not guilty in court Tuesday.

Joshua N. Sizemore, 23, and 18-year-old Amanda L. Madison were ordered to remain held for investigation of 14 counts of second degree assault. Bail was set at $40,000 and $50,000 bail, respectively.

State troopers say the pair told them that they were on the railroad trestle tossing rocks and playing a midnight game of what they called ‘Sex me,’ where you take off clothes depending on which headlights are out on passing cars.


“To get on an overpass and throw rocks — the potential for death (and) damage is so great — yes, it does make me a little angry,” said Sgt. Freddy Williams with the Washington State Patrol.

Court documents say when captured, Sizemore had 12 rocks in his pocket. After initially denying they were throwing rocks, prosecutors say Sizemore eventually confessed, saying he was doing it “just for the thrill” and wasn’t trying to hurt anyone. Madison also later confessed and acknowledged having “a few sips” of alcohol, court documents said.

In all, 14 cars were reportedly hit by rocks, including the cruiser of a top commander at the State Patrol who was out on drunk driving patrol.

One person was injured when a rock crashed through the window and bruised his arm, but did not need to be hospitalized.

Outrageous. We’ve turned out a generation of monkeys who grunt and throw rocks at cars for entertainment. Breitbart has video which shows the kind of damage that was being caused. It was pure luck no one was killed, and it will be pure luck if these two donn’t kill someone else within the next decade during some other “prank.”