Victimless Crime File:3-Year-Old Tests Positive for Meth and Ecstasy

Not pot specific but this one goes out to all the people who claim prohibition of drugs in general causes most of the social ills caused by drug use. These people have either never met a drug user or simply don’t care about the people, like children, who are forced to be in contact with them.

From ABC affiliate WWSB:

PUNTA GORDA, FL. – Charlotte County Sheriff’s Major Crimes detectives have arrested 34-year-old David Steven Weaver Jr. on a charge of Aggravated Child Abuse.

Weaver was arrested Mar. 25 by CCSO Narcotics detectives after they raided his home and found a Methamphetamine lab. The Department of Children and Families notified the CCSO that a urine test was conducted on Weaver’s 3-year-old son and it tested positive for Amphetamines, Opiates, and Ecstasy.

Narcotics detectives made an undercover meth purchase at Weaver’s home on Mar. 11.  Then on Mar. 25 executed a search warrant for Weaver’s home on Alan Boulevard, and on Gewant Boulevard, both  in the Charlottes Ranchettes area east of Punta Gorda.  The meth lab was in a large garage building on the property at the rear of his home.

The DCF investigation revealed that Weaver had taken the child into the meth lab, where he manufactured Methamphetamines. MCU detectives met with the child’s mother who said on or about Feb. 15, Weaver took the boy into the garage and called her to come get their son because he couldn’t get any work done. The mother went to the garage and when she opened the door, smelled a very strong odor of Ammonia emitting from the area where the boy was located. The mother took the child out into fresh air and away from the garage. She said later that night the child was coughing.

So decriminalizing drug use would stop this how? And when the state starts to have to care for more addicts who aren’t being forced into treatment so they can stay addicted until they die how does that not effect the rest of us taxpayers?

h/t Trench

It Takes Village to Raise a Murderer: Fabian Nunez Raised an Animal

Los Angles politician Fabian Nunez has a son named Esteban. Esteban and his friends called themselves “The Hazard Crew”, or THC for short, and by all accounts were a gang of drug using sociopaths who, among other things, posted pictures of themselves torturing cats and other animals on social networking sites. But don’t worry Mayor Villaraigosa says he’s a good kid.

But like any common serial killer, Esteban graduated from torturing pets to murdering 22-year-old Louis Santos when he and THC went looking for a fight after not being allowed to enter a frat party.  Now Santos’ family is worried that justice will not be done and they may be right. California’s corrupt political establishment is coming to the aid of the Nunez family and Esteban and company may well get off.

But how does a Esteban Nunez come to be? How does a son of a prominent politician become a violent drug using predator with no conception of common morality?

He is a product of the culture his father and Mayor Villaraigosa help to perpetuate in California. The faux-gangsterism, the sadism and the inability to recognize that you are responsible for the consequences of your actions are all by-products of California’s kid gloving criminals and medicalizing criminality. In an environment where no one believes that someone who photographs themselves performing vivisection on animals for fun is simply a bad person who shouldn’t be trusted, but instead is in need of some sort of hug therapy or whatever is fashionable, the Estebans of the world will become more and more dangerous.

This is especially so when the person is privileged, when the sons and daughters of politicians and celebrities are often above the law, then the law cannot possibly restrain people as evil and degenerate as Esteban Nunez.

It took more than a village to raise Esteban Nunez, it took a whole state sinking in moral impotence and corruption. Should Esteban get off, he will kill again, and California is full of people just like him. It’s no wonder good people are leaving California in droves.

Breitbart has an update on the case.

You Reap What You Sow, Allahpundit and Meghan McCain

My wife threw up her hands recently in disgust at the antics of Meghan McCain. She had originally defended McCain as well-intentioned if wrong-headed and took exception to the cattiness surrounding criticism of her (comments about her weight, etc.) which is a position I agree with wholeheartedly. My wife ably pointed out that being socially liberal doesn’t preclude people from believing in the ideals of limited government, free markets and free people.

Which in McCain’s case is only true in theory, as she proved time and again through a series of progressively (pun intended) more immature and hypocritical “Tweets” and Daily Beast pieces designed to make anyone who tepidly supported her right to not be called fat by “confirmed bachelorettes” look like down on their luck professional gamblers who pick horses based on a system of vowel to consonant ratio in in the jockeys’ names. By the time Megan McCain excreted this awkardly aching love letter to Congressman Aaron Schock which reads as such an obvious come on by a desperate groupie that I feel like I’m Johhny Depp’s wingman while reading it, whatever point McCain is pretending to make is out the window as she promotes a congressman who I assume she knows holds the very big “C” Conservative views which she eschews for her so-called “progressive” Republicanism.

Since I’m sure she’s “tweeted” several dozen complaints about not being ridiculed today I’ll take this opportunity to to say, you reap what you sow, my dear. If you want to be taken seriously, don’t attend the birthday party of Perez Hilton, don’t cavort shamelessly with people who called your war hero father a Nazi, and try sticking to one point for more than a week.

On a similar note, I found myself defending Allahpundit yesterday on this Headline thread where yet again Christian Conservatives were calling for him to be fired for daring to post stories about the Atheist view, which remain popular places for debate amongst those same people.

I have no truck with the unemployed God-botherers who seem to think Jesus takes personal offense everytime Allahpundit, Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins regurgitate some feel bad platitude about the essential meaninglessness of existence. But while Allahpundit acts as if he’s being unfairly maligned by people purposefully misrepresenting his views, I can’t help but note his own silence when Charles Johnson utilized anonymous European Communist bloggers as sources to “prove” Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and everyone who didn’t toe the lizard line were all in league with “Neo-Nazis” and racists.

Allahpundit and Hot Air were effectively silent as Charles Johnson claimed one of the most popular Jewish bloggers on the net was a shill for Nazis. Allahpundit was silent while Robert Spencer had lies made up about him by Johnson in an attempt to hurt his reputation. Allahpundit was silent while Charles Johnson’s campaign against good people gutted the counter Jihad movement and now when the same sort of smear campaign that no doubt interrupted Spencer’s Koran reading series on Hot Air threatens Allahpundit he seems shocked that such a thing could possibly happen.

You reap what you sow. I’m no biblical scholar, but it seems to me that if one were to take any bit of wisdom from that book that would be the one most relevant to people in general, Christian or not. In a few months, just ask Allahpundit or Meghan McCain.