Dick Morris: Obama Has Just Repealed The Declaration of Independence

Dick Morris is a liberal, albeit the rare one who loves America and doesn’t embrace Marxist deconstructionism. Think what you will about him but his political analysis is uncanny. In this video he explains how much we just lost during Obama’s trip to Europe and I find it hard to find any flaws in his take on the situation:


h/t Gateway Pundit

The Richard Andrew Poplawski Smear: Cop-Killing Anti-Semitic Truther Falsely Linked to the Right

Kos and the lock-step liberal Kossacks have run an outrageous smear campaign claiming Alex Jones loving murderer Richard Poplawski was part of the right even though Jones fans explicitly believe Bush and the Republican party (except Ron Paul) were behind 9/11. It is a belief they share with a number of Kossacks in fact, but aided by a liberal media establishment that has been making the suspect claims that Poplawski supported John McCain (almost all Jones supporters voted for Ron Paul or Bob Barr) and that Alex Jones is a rightist, the murders are being used as a bludgeon to quell growing disaffection with Obama.

In an example of extreme media bias the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette also claims Stormfront, a National Socialist group, is a far-right organization. I defy anyone to find support for the GOP on Stormfront.

Z.A.C. has proven before that Alex Jones is basically a communist who recycles World Worker Party propaganda by adding a left-libertarian conspiracy spin to it. He also runs advertisements on his shows from Christian Identity groups. Jones is a supporter of Marxist radical KRS-one who is spreading 9/11 trutherism throughout the Black community, and a supporter of Putinist Russia’s war of aggression against Georgia. Are we to believe that a fan of Jones’ work is a Conservative Republican who supported John McCain?

Stormfront is a White Nationalist group whose attempts to infiltrate the GOP were rebuffed in no uncertain terms. Stormfront was also the stomping ground of wife-killing degenerate “Yankee James” who used the group to recycle P.E.T.A. propaganda, though with a definite anti-Semitic spin. White Nationalists are on record as supporting the anti-war movement and Al-Qaeda.

Yet his involvement in this depraved creed of nihilistic xenophobia is reflective of being on the right?

Was it a group from the right that organized a rally for Oakland cop killer Lavelle Mixon or was it the Socialist Uhuru movement?

Was it right leaning protesters rallying for cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal?

Was DailyKos spreading right wing propaganda when they posted White Supremacist videos? When they wish for our deaths? When they cheered Hamas killing Israeli soldiers?

Was it Conservatives who attacked GOP offices with guns and blew up recruiting stations?  Was it Conservatives who were caught planning to attack the GOP convention delegates with guns, knives and bows and arrows, and savagely beat an Iraqi war vet and his family?

Sorry, but this fiend was a product of the radical left and the conspiracy mongering they encourage. No matter how hard you and the local reporters try to bang that square peg into a Glenn Beck shaped hole, most thinking people will see through this nonsense, and see the disgusting use of this crime for political purposes as more dangerous than a gun could ever be.

Hot Air has an interesting comment thread on this.

h/t Elder of Ziyon

Filthy Degenerate Who Claimed I Slandered a Rapist Caught Slandering Mark Lunsford for Years

Back in September a filthy pervert named Michael James Gregg, who goes by the clever online handle “Zman,” started claiming that I had “slandered” teen raping goon Tom Madison by using him to illustrate the fact that most sexual predators are not mentally ill but are simply bad people who should be punished harshly. After some delightful back and forth Madison apologized to me via email, admitting he had taken bad advice from Gregg when he decided to threaten to sue me and went on to say I was 100% right about him and Gregg, in his own way of course.

As I pointed out to the weepy and effeminate Madison via email, whoever was advising him was completely ignorant of the law. And now to prove that point, a post on Absolute Zero shows that Gregg has been slandering Mark Lunsford on his blog since March of 2007. Not the fakey “you hurt my feelings so I’m going to threaten to sue you” slander either. Full-on textbook libel has sat on Gregg’s Sex Offender Issues blog for over two years. You’ll have to cut and paste the link in because Gregg re-directs rtraffic from here to a ‘Fuck You” page. Isn’t that clever?


Proving that there are no depths to which he won’t sink, Gregg is one of a chorus of child rapists who claim child pornography was found on Mark Lunsford’s computer. Mark Lunsford is the father of Jessica Lunsford, who was raped and murdered by someone similar in deviancy to Gregg.

But the allegations are easily proven false, as CourtTV posted a 2007 letter online from then Assistant State Attorney Richard D. Ridgeway affirming that NO child pornography was ever found on Lunsford’s computer. In the intervening two years that Gregg and his fellow sex fiends were spreading this lie around the Internet it is impossible that they were not made aware of the fact that the charges they were spreading, usually in comment threads supportive of murder victim Jessica Lunsford, were verifiably false.

Not only false, but spread via a written medium with the intent to hurt the image and reputation of a private citizen. This is textbook libel. My advise to Zman – lawyer up. And don’t bother removing the posts now, I took screen shots which I’m sending to Lunsford, being the good citizen I am. Vengeance? Pretty much mine.

Also spreading the lie is filthy degenerate Derek Logue who runs a blog dedicated to crying over how badly he’s treated … in the comments section of anti-pedophile activist site Absolute Zero. He even has a Rob Taylor section where he argues against off-hand comments I’ve left on that site, while ironically (or really hypocritically) he and Zman refuse to leave some measured and well-reasoned comments by me on their sites. Why do perverts have such thin skins?

From his horrid attack on the Jessica Lunsford Foundation:

Mark Lunsford’s computer had child porn on it, but thanks to his connections to John Walsh, got away with it. They used the Clinton defense, remember “I smoked but I never inhaled?” They said child porn was on the computer but not downloaded. Really? Well how did they get in the RECYCLE BIN? I’m a wiz enough at PCs to know you don’t get files in the recycle bin from just looking at something, or you’d have a full recycle bin in an hour–trust me. But its all about who you know and who you blow. And John Walsh is a powerful man to blow.

Disgusting. Again, the A.S.A. has gone on record two years ago to say Mark Lunsford had no child porn on his computer, and this loathsome sadist wrote this yesterday. As a side note, this isn’t the most disgusting thing Logue has written. Here’s what the pathologically immature Logue wrote about the 11-year-old girl he raped, courtesy Wikisposure:

My victim was a follower. She acted different away from her sister. Anyways other people got in trouble over her. Today she’s either 16 or 17. She has a GIRLFRIEND now. She has the reputation of being wild and of loose morals. A regular Lolita enjoying her illicit relationships…I have at least some buffer in knowing she was corrupt long before I met her.

Nice right? That’s who these people are. Michael James Gregg and Derek Logue are the worst sort of criminal. They are remorseless narcissists who take pleasure in the suffering of others and externalize their self-loathing. Instead of looking inward, realizing they are responsible for their own pain and that their actions have caused unimaginable pain for others, they lash out at their victims, people who advocate for victims and grieving fathers. Instead of taking responsibility for their lives and changing, making amends and redeeming themselves, they seek to change society and spread the corruption of their souls if only so they won’t have to await some final metaphysical judgment alone.

Mark Lunsford doesn’t deserve the scorn of people who cannot obey our most basic laws or respect the most basic boundaries. He doesn’t deserve to be libeled by two child molesters who giggle every time they think of how much pain Lunsford is in. I’m passing along the screenshots to Lunsford, and I hope he has a lawyer that will tell that to a jury, who will then give Lunsford the civil award he truly deserves.

Filthy Degenerate Shana Brown Demonstrates Why the Death Penalty Should Apply to Sex Offenders

The 32-year-old “mother,” who can only be described fairly as a sociopathic gutterslut, conspired with her boyfriend 40-year-old Duane Calloway to drug her 13-year-old daughter so that Calloway could rape the child in the hopes of getting her pregnant. She drugged her own daughter at least twice, allowing the pervert she was enthralled with to assault the child after the child refused the proposal to get knocked up, and marry, her mother’s boyfriend.

That’s right, Shana Brown actually asked her daughter to become the sex slave/baby breeder for her boyfriend, then resorted to the rapes when the girl refused:

The girl told police the plot was apparently hatched sometime in December after she rejected her mother’s proposal that she allow Calloway to impregnate her and then marry him.

In the following months, Calloway tried to rape the girl three times, Gmitter said:

The first time, in February, the girl was alone with Calloway while her mother went out to buy pizza, according to the criminal complaint. Calloway began groping her and she kicked him away, the documents stated.

A few weeks later, the girl believes her mother spiked her Pepsi with rum, according to police. The girl told them she felt ill after drinking the Pepsi, passed out and vomited. She was partially naked when she woke up with Calloway in the room, according to the criminal complaint.

The third time occurred in mid-March, when the girl told police she came home early from school because she was not feeling well. She said that her mother forced her to drink tea.

After that incident, according to an AP report, the girl pretended to fall asleep until Calloway “made his move” at which point she bolted and made her escape.

Breitbart has a video report, Fox is also reporting this.

If these allegations are true, Shana Brown and Duane Calloway both should be executed. Is there any greater betrayal of a young girl than to have her own mother work in concert with a child rapist to not only molest her, but get her pregnant and married to the mother’s lover in some twisted polygamous sex fantasy inspired by the two adults’ drug use and/or soullessness? I don’t think so.

But sex offenders in our country are treated as if they are sick, not evil, which is why people like this operate with near obliviousness to how serious their crimes are. No doubt both will claim drugs or alcohol were responsible for their attempts at the most heinous acts imaginable, but the truth is the two are just bad people who can be trusted to abuse and exploit those weaker than them in or out of prison.

And who will protect the other prisoners from the unrepentant sex fiend Calloway? How many people will he rape while incarcerated? How many little girls will he rape when he gets out? How many little girls will Shana Brown help rape when she’s out?

There is only one way to ensure animals like these don’t victimize others, and that’s to put the death penalty on the table for sexual predators.