Victimless Crime Files: Why Do Adults Want Kids to Get High?

The answer would seem obvious to everyone but teenagers and the pot smokers who think the world is just full of nice decent folks who happen to like to get high. The truth is that only two kinds of adults involved with drugs, ones with addiction problems/psychological issues and the ones who use drugs to take advantage of others.

For the last 30 years Louis Levine fell into the second category:

For 30 years, police say a teacher has been filming child pornography at his Belle Meade home.

Murfreesboro teacher Louis Levine is behind bars facing federal pornography charges.

Investigators believe there are dozens of alleged victims still to be found.

For three decades, authorities say a home in Belle Meade Highlands has hidden a terrible secret.

Neighbor Sandra Griffith says, “We saw a lot of cars coming and going.”

An alleged crime, neighbor Sandra Griffith says she never noticed until
two years ago.

Griffith says, “They were always young teenagers.”

When she started worrying about all the minors visiting Murfreesboro teacher Louis Levine and his teenage son.

Griffith says, “Because sometimes it was during school hours not a lot but always after school always into the evening…all day all night so of course you assume the worst.”

Griffith never though the worst would be the story of teenage sex and drugs and pornography found on a federal affidavit.

It includes statements from alleged victims of all ages, accusing Levine of
allowing teenagers to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana here and engage in sexual intercourse in the building
behind the home called “Little House” and in another room inside the home called the “Isolation Chamber” that held a waterbed with a wooden box over it.

U.S. Attorney Ed Yarbrough says, “The allegation in the complaint is that he would provide drugs sometimes candy sometimes alcohol…Also creating an environment where minors felt they could go and participate in illicit conduct without being caught.”

Authorities believe someone was watching though.

According to the avidavit police found an elaborate recording setup and more than 400 tapes and DVD’s.

Evidence they say Levine has been recording underage sexual acts sometimes without participants knowing for three decades.

Levine got kids high(and drunk) because it was the easiest way to fullfill his deviant sexual desires. Dreamin’ Demon has a more detailed description of just how deviant Levine was.

The real question for all you “cool’ parents that don’t mind your kids getting high ishow many Louis Levines are stalking them even now?

A Short Lesson in Irony: Charles Johnson Supported by Neo-Nazis

As Jihad Watch points out, despite Charles Johnson’s best efforts to bend reality, Neo-Nazis are supporters of Islamism, honoring a relationship with Islamic imperialists Hitler forged during his rule. The Leftist alliance with Islam allows National Socialism to use Muslims as a go between to other Marxist groups and benefit from the anti-Israeli, anti-American movement’s deep inroads into our youth culture. I would point out this is a little fact I pointed out way back when I started Red Alerts, and was in fact one of the reasons I started this blog.

By way of example, Robert Spencer points out Canada’s local Neo-Nazis, The Nationalist Party of Canada, are not only supportive of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda but keep an interesting link list that includes the man who has loudly claimed that Jihad Watch and several other organizations are supportive of neo-Nazism based on little more than spectral evidence of those people being in the same room with people who might be racists. Oddly, none of those sites are linked by the NPC, but Little Green Footballs is.

I believe this is called irony.

Here’s a list of some sites the NPC approves of, and since Johnson likes to claim that even the hint of unsavory associations is grounds for summary dismissal from the counter-Jihad movement I’ll expect to see his public resignation sometime soon:

Little Green Footballs



World Can’t Wait

Huffington Post

La Raza

Mother Jones

Media Matters



While I wouldn’t suggest all these sites were secretly Nazis (although it should cause some soul-searching for anyone when openly racist neo-Nazis give them the tacit nod of approval, including World Net Daily who are linked to by the NPC), by Johnson’s own hypocritical standards this would be evidence of their approval of neo-Nazi ideology. Now that Johnson’s on the opposite end of the accusation, I’m sure he will find some way to claim that Nazis supporting some facet of your politics doesn’t mean you support any facet of theirs. It’s just too bad he wouldn’t use that kind of logic when smearing the good names of people like Robert Spencer.

h/t Atlas

Animals! Alfonso Hernandez and Michael Edmonds Kill War Hero’s Dog for Fun

And apparently it wasn’t the first dog they murdered. The dog was a form of therapy for Marcus Luttrell after everything he went through for his country so the killing is, for him, beyond what even the most loving pet owners could imagine. Evil bastard Michael Edmonds is still on the loose so I’m posting this Glen Beck video which has his mugshot and law enforcement contact information. If you see this animal, turn him in. And if he gets a little roughed up…


Let’s get justice for Dasy! Michael Edmonds needs to pay for this outrage.

Update: Edmonds turned himself in and is out on bail. If he should get roughed up….

New Jersey to Fund Pension Liabilities With Toxic Assets

Some of the highest taxes in the nation and a culture of corruption that puts the Mafia to shame have made living in New Jersey unappealing to anyone with a little money in the bank. The only reason the state doesn’t empty out faster than it does now is the fact that it is somewhat cheaper to live there than within New York City if you work in New York, and Jersey has a very efficient public transportation system to get people from Jersey to New York.

However, with the coming collapse of Commercial Real Estate, which is already affecting the NYC economy, the days of New Jersey benefiting from being a de facto suburb of Manhattan are pretty much over. Struggling to make up revenue to cover the loss of taxpayers to states where you can stretch a buck (like South Carolina, or as I like to call it now, “Little Jersey”) the panicky Jersey Democrats are floating a novel idea. They plan on buying “troubled” loans and securities because of the relatively high payout possible. If this sounds like it is a re-enactment of the subprime mortgage crisis that’s because it is.

New Jersey’s beleaguered pension fund would buy troubled loans and securities – so-called “toxic assets” – as part of a Wall Street recovery plan discussed Friday with the head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Fund.

Bill Clark, director of the state’s Division of Investment, was among officials from at least 15 states who discussed the proposal with FDIC chairwoman Sheila Bair on Friday.

Present at the midday meeting were pension officials from New York City, New York State and Connecticut, said Orin Kramer, chairman of the New Jersey State Investment Council, who helped coordinate the meeting.

Representatives of 12 other states, including Pennsylvania, California and Florida, participated in the meeting by phone, Kramer said.

The states are interested in investing in the Public-Private Investment Program for Legacy Assets, believing it could provide a good return on investment, Kramer said. Bair is open to the idea, but the details need to be worked out, Kramer said.

The program, unveiled by the U.S. Treasury on Mar. 23, would provide federal funding to form public-private partnerships that would buy up so called “legacy assets,” including commercial and residential mortgages and securities. The intent is to reduce the bad assets on the balance sheets of banks, and free them to lend more.

Kramer said Governor Corzine believes the program could provide a lucrative opportunity for New Jersey’s pension fund, which has been battered in recent months by the general problems in the financial markets.

In a statement, Corzine’s spokesman Robert Corrales said the meeting was a “good opportunity” for federal officials and states to develop a plan to involve pension funds “without having to accept the traditional fee structure charged by private sector managers to invest in these types of assets.”

I’m sure. It seems to me the phrase “good opportunity” is code for the “desperate gamble” that Corzine is taking because New Jersey is quickly approaching a point where it won’t be able to meet the outrageous pension obligations the corrupt unions forced upon my former home state without ever looking forward and thinking about whether their demands were feasible in the long term.The legacy costs penalize the average citizen to such an extent that a 2007 newspaper poll found that half of all respondents wanted to leave the state.

The recession gutted the monies Jersey was using to pay off pension liabilities that are crippling the economy, but the process of insolvency was only sped up by the stock market collapse. Eileen Norcross at Neighborhood Effects explains how badly Jersey’s elite screwed this state bankrupting pooch:

New Jersey’s pension has been in crisis for awhile, in part because the market has fallen, and in part because of fiscal manipulation and abuse.

The state has bonded to pay for it, deferred contributions for several years and played with the valuation rules to get the books to balance — all while expanding benefits. Grantees have also exploited the system, using gimmicks to increase the size of their pensions such as tacking on multiple jobs, boosting base salaries, and getting benefits for part-time work.

In essence, Jersey is short at least eighty billion dollars. That explains the gambling urge, but what’s more telling is that rather than seek a different solution, Jersey and a bunch of other states are basically going to do the exact same thing that ended up collapsing financial companies. Who then is going to bail them out?

No matter how hot the Fed runs their printing presses, there is no way they can fix this problem when it blows up in Jersey’s face. I used to say I would never set foot in New Jersey again, but now I’m not so sure. Ten years from now maybe I’ll visit the post-collapse Jersey, where tribes of former state employees where live in teepees burning their old pension checks for heat. I’ll make a trip there to trade beads and glitter with them. Those things will be worth more than any promissory notes from Corzine and the Democrats.

Angry Child Raping Career Criminal Makes Death Threat Against Me!


Apparently Clay Keys, a level 3 registered sex offender with a long history of violence, petty thievery and what people in the mental health field call malingering, was angered at my recent post exposing the coordinated effort by a group of online perverts to slander Mark Lunsford by claiming the grieving father had child porn on his computer.The article itself didn’t mention the 48-year-old who divides his time online between trolling child advocacy blogs, whining girlishly about how unfair it is to treat him like he’s a dangerous sexual deviant and setting up social network accounts where he pretends to be a girl.

That last part wasn’t a joke. The fact that a man who raped a child under the age of 16 (according to his offender registry) poses as a young woman online would be an amusing bit of Internet psychodrama if Keys, also known online as “tsand” “Brownbilly” and apparently Sally, wasn’t a vile piece of White trash who uses a picture of Jessica Lunsford as an avatar for his blog and his frequent visits to pedophile forums.

His blog is typical of what you would expect from a violent rapist. The entire site is designed around his obsession with Stitches77 from Absolute Zero, who he impersonates in various places. This is in theory his attempt to discredit her in some way, but since he doesn’t take pains to hide that it is him using her name, I would suggest that this is something a little more Freudian.

But back to the threat, which I assure you would have me just terrified if I didn’t know all child rapists targeted children because they lack the confidence to attack victims of similar stature. Keys tried, and failed, to Fisk my post by quoting from a newspaper story which just so happens to have been taken offline around the same time Florida’s State Attorney Office publicly stated that no child pornography was ever found on his computer during the Jessica Lunsford investigation. In fact were you to Google the quotes he uses from this story you’ll find that they appear verbatim in comments sections in various unrelated stories around the Internet left by Keys or his compatriots “Zman” or “Warpedohio,” the later of which is the subject of an excellent short post at Z.A.C. if you’re interested.

When I at some point suggested that it was indeed coincidental that the slander Lunsford movement was using this supposed article no one could verify Keys, who already had his panties in a bunch (no doubt literally) left this sad attempt at intimidation in my comments section:

on April 4th, 2009 at 10:14 pm


IF that is your “real” name, then give me your real address so I can look you up and we can have a nice little chat in person:)!

Oh, you said you have LEO connections…well could you tell the LE to quit bothering me? Every six months they call or drop by and ask if I’m ready to confess to being a serial killer! I guess if they could find the “missing” bodies, I could get arrested but I buried em deeeeep! Thanks:)

Before I go on I just want to mention that it is curious to me that people seem to think my name is some sort of Internet handle. As if my names really Prescott Merryweather and I settled on Rob Taylor because “Wickedawesome69” was already taken. It’s always perverts and stoners now that I think of it. I will reassure readers that my name actually is Robert Taylor. For now.

Also, I’m not sure where Keys gets his nonsense but I am in no way connected to law enforcement.

But names and affiliation aside, way to keep a low profile guy on the sex offender registry. It’s not as if implying you’re planning on assaulting me is illegal or anything right? I mean, it’s not like that’s technically assault in Florida where you happen to reside now. Or I guess would be if I took your threat seriously and thought you had the brains to simply look me up in the directory and the means to travel to my new home state which I have mentioned ad nauseum on my blog. I was just going to name it here but I want to make you work for it Clay.

But fear not gentle reader. After being called out Clay quickly backpedaled like the yellow dog he is.

The only reason I bothered posting about this at all was to expose readers who may not run into this this sort of thing while cruising political blogs to this hidden depravity on the web. There are a group of sex offenders online who coordinate attacks on victims and use the Internet to push an agenda that includes lessening the punishments for the rape of children. These people are encouraged by the post-modern belief that pedophiles are suffering from a distinct mental illness or worse, that they are simply people who are sexually oriented toward children. They are neither.

Child rapists are sadists, bullies, and in general common criminals. Derek Logue who I blogged about in my previous Lunsford post is, by his own admission, a former Devil-worshiper, a cutter and a psychopath tortured animals when he was young. Clay Keys last arrest was in 2006 and the charges were Assault, Theft and Threats of Violence. Micheal James Gregg, the infamous “Zman,” has been arrested for D.U.I. and chronically unemployed since the 1990s. All three of these miscreants are actively conspiring to defame Mark Lunsford even though it won’t help them in any way. They are doing it simply out of malice and the joy they receive from hurting others. Any interaction with them online proves that thesis in spades.

People like this abuse children because not because they “love” children, as the term Pedophile suggests, but because they hate society. At best they are pathologically immature (like Logue) and laboring under an illusion of self-entitlement that gives them, in their minds, the right to reject morality in the pursuit of their own selfish desires. At worst they are like Clay, dregs who are aroused by harming, or threatening to harm, others. Clay Keys is a sadist whose sexual assault of a child was driven not by attraction to children but hatred of the society she was a part of, he is a misanthrope who defiled a child to show the world how much he disdains it.

When I didn’t react the way he wanted to his threats he went back to his post about me and altered the name of my blog to”Pink Alerts” as if that would bother me. When he sees it doesn’t he’ll likely stick a picture of someone at a leather bar on his blog and claim it’s me. He’ll continue this until he realizes his nonsense doesn’t bother me. Then he’ll look for someone else which is what he no doubt spends much of his waking hours doing, looking for victims.

Keys isn’t a guy who “made a mistake” or someone who “loves children” but he’s simply a bad person who takes pleasure in the pain and misery he cause others. He wakes up everyday and has a choice, just as we all do. And everyday he chooses to be the person who leaves thinly veiled threats in blog comments, the person who defends the rape of children and most importantly the person who is seeking to cause pain for a man who lost his daughter for no reason at all.

This is a object lesson to us all. Clay Keys proves that pedophiles are not people in need of treatment, but people who reject decency. There is no healing for a man like this no pill that can “cure” him. His is a sickness of the soul, a metaphysical corruption that can only spread with the willing assistance of of the patient. In a word it is evil, that old bugaboo that post-modernism relegated to backward superstition, that drives these people to fill the world with their perfidy. There is only one cure for evil, and that is for good people to band together to defeat it.