Are These The Right Wing Extremists DHS is Scared of?

While liberals fret over how violent the Tax Day Tea Parties are going to be they seemed to miss the real violence that happened at a Tom Tancredo speech at the University of North Carolina. When the almost all White protesters found they couldn’t stop the talk by Tancredo on tuition benefits for illegal aliens with the usual antics (calling him a racist, holding up a sign that said “no one is illegal”) one of their cohorts smashed in a window causing police to shut down the event while Tancredo fled, fearing for his life. After Tancredo left, protesters blocked the exits in an attempt to no doubt corral attendees for more violence.

From News Observer:

 University of North Carolin at Chapel Hill police released pepper spray and threatened to use a Taser on student protesters Tuesday evening when a crowd disrupted a speech by former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo opposing tuition benefits to unauthorized immigrants.

Hundreds of protesters converged on Bingham Hall, shouting profanities and accusations of racism while Tancredo and the student who introduced him tried to speak. Minutes into the speech, a protester pounded a window of the classroom until the glass shattered, prompting Tancredo to flee and campus police to shut down the event.


Before the event, campus security removed two women who delayed Tancredo’s speech by stretching a 12-foot banner across the front of the classroom. It read, “No dialogue with hate.”

Police escorted the women into the hallway, amid more than 30 protesters who clashed with the officers trying to keep them out of the overcrowded classroom. After police released pepper spray and threatened the crowd with a Taser, the protesters gathered outside Bingham Hall.

That’s a mild description of what happened. Check out video taped by an alumni which shows how wild and out of control the protesters were.

Here’s when the window was busted. Notice that even without the window breaking the situation was already escalating out of control:


Here’s some mayhem in the hallways. Notice that despite how the reports of the pepper spraying sound only some ham-handed actors seem overly affected. That’s because if mace or pepper spray is set off to clear a room and you do the rational thing and leave, you won’t be affected. If you’re yelling and screaming and maybe rushing the cop who is doing the macing…


Videos courtesy Breitbart

Oddly, I don’t see the groups involved in this protest listed in the DHS report on homegrown terror threats. A simple mistake they’ll rectify I’m sure. But this generation of violent radicals coming out of our college campuses is exactly why I own multiple shotguns.

WTVD has more.

Update: Atlas makes a good point:

I have covered these events for years. No matter how leftist/commie/nazi/Islamic extreme the speaker – those on the right always allow the enemy to speak.
OTOH, speakers and defenders of freedom must be accompanied by security. It is almost always a dangerous situation, violent.
Tancredo was invited to speak at UNC. The leftist jack boots went nuts. This is going to get worse — and of course it’s your taxpayer dollars underwriting all of these colleges and universities.

I defy anyone to show me an incident when college Republicans shut down a speech by a left-wing group with violence.

Does Charles Jaco Have a History of Lying?

I just got back from the Simpsonville, South Carolina tea party which had a pretty good turn out for a small town, especially since the biggest city around here, Greenville, is throwing one on Friday, when I thought about Bill Hennessy who organized the St. Louis tea party and the outrageous hit piece local reporter Charles Jaco did on him. The details are here, but in a nutshell Jaco is claiming that Bill Hennessy is a shill for the Constitution Party, which Jaco then claims is a White Nationalist organization. Neither of those things are true.

Bill himself points out this video which claims that 17 years ago Jaco was involved in a scandalous fake news report form CNN on the first Gulf war. Watch to the end, where you can see that the set Jaco is using is in fact a studio, not Saudi Arabia:


Grain of salt alert. The poster is a truther. But even a broken watch is right twice a day, right? But since Jaco’s career is built on his war correspondence, this is an important fact for him to clear up isn’t it?

Jaco has refused to apologize for his smear. Support Bill Hennessy and the Tea Party movement by calling his station and demanding a retraction:

Station Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
2250 Ball Drive
Saint Louis, MO  63146
Main Station Phone: 314-213-2222
(Main KPLR Phone: 314-447-1111)
Assignment Desk Phone: 314-213-7831
Newsroom E-mail:

Here’s Jaco’s email in case you want to express your displeasure at this slime job:

Born Bad: Werribee Gang Rapist’s Rap Song Proves Sex Offender Counseling is a Sham

Back in 2006 a 16-year-old girl with a developmental disability met two boys on a social networking site. The girl went to hang out with her new “friends” when she was surrounded by several other teens who the boys invited, dragged into a nearby wooded area and raped in a case that shocked Australia and the world. The group filmed the girl as she was raped, beaten, urinated on and had her hair set on fire. The group, who came to be known as the Werribee rapists, then made DVDs of the film and sold it to people. They called their film Cunt: The Movie.

But the most outrageous part of the story is that when all was said and done, Australia’s liberal “justice” system did not send these unreformable deviants to prison where they belong, but let them off basically scot free with probation and sex offender counseling.

Would it shock anyone to know the counseling didn’t take? As Trench points out on MyCrimeSpace, the ringleader of the attack has released a rap song online bragging about the rape and getting off with a slap on the wrist.

Feminist blogger Hoyden About Town has a transcription of this vile piece of garbage designed to further victimize the poor girl who saw justice denied in her case. Fair warning, she seems to believe in that old Ritual Abuse Hoax canard about “triggering” so while I think her information is accurate as far as I know, grain of salt. Ozsoapbox is just as disgusted and tentatively identifies the rapper as Daniel Porto based on a reference to in the song, which OSB has embedded, to the rapper setting the girls hair on fire.

But the most outrageous aspect of this story is that in the article reporting this, there is a psychologist claiming that this unrepentant rapist is a victim who has been failed by the system:

A TEEN who posted a hate-filled rap about the Werribee sex DVD online has been failed by the system, an expert says.

Adolescent psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg said one of the ringleaders behind the infamous DVD received the appropriate sentence.

Dr Carr-Gregg said the system had failed the teen in question, but said his chance of reoffending may have increased with a jail term.

“The reality is if you send someone to jail at that age the likelihood that they are going to reoffend is huge,” he said.

“The sexual offending program is massively more effective and on research and statistics the kids are much less likely to reoffend.

“It would appear that that has been the case fore six out of seven of these kids.”

Piffle. It is more likely that seeing the light sentences rapists get, women, especially those in contact with the Werribee gang, will simply not bother reporting assaults because they know it’s pointless as long as Dr. Carr-Gregg is around to defend them. It is beyond nonsense to claim that a person predisposed to sadism will be amenable to changing after counseling if he believes he’s gotten off easy for his crimes, which this display proves. The thug-hugging Dr. Carr-Gregg continues to spin this obvious refutation of the “cure sex offenders” movement:

Dr Carr-Gregg said there was no proof that the teen would not have made the rap song if he had been sent to jail.

“What we have to recognise is that while everyone gets their jollies from the whole idea of retribution, what we actually have to think about long-term is what’s best for society,” he said.

“What’s best for society is that these kids – who made serious errors of judgement, performed gross indecency on a developmentally-delayed kid – should be given the chance not to do that again.

“It would appear on the balance of what we hear today that it’s worked six out of seven times.”

In the rap, the teen brags of his notoriety and vows to commit more violence.

“I hope it hurts to reminisce when you think about us Werribee kids, all things we did,” he sings.

The teen escaped jail over the crime but attacks “c–s who judges us”, saying they can all “get f—ed”.

Victims of crime advocate Noel McNamara said the song was “disgusting”. He said it proved the teenager treated his crime like a joke and should have been sentenced to jail.

Notice that Carr-Gregg himself is predisposed to think the violent attack is not evil, or even horrible, but simply a “serious error in judgment” as if they accidentally gang raped a defenseless teen, accidentally laughed while she was sodomized, and didn’t realize it was wrong to spit on her, urinate on her and set her hair on fire.

I suspect the good doctor is trying desperately to distract the country from the obvious innate flaw in the idea that counseling sex offenders works (people have to want to change before any counseling can help them) by making a claim that essentially means little (“look, these other kids are doing well as far as I know“) because he doesn’t want the public to realize the simple truth of the matter: some people are just bad people.

Rapists aren’t people who need sympathy, they’re simply sadists who enjoy hurting others and that isn’t something tat you can cure in them. It is a decision they make, just as there is no therapy for muggers, ponzi scheme con artists and people who beat their wives. These people aren’t mentally ill, they just decide to act in horrible ways because they enjoy it and feel entitled to.

The medicalization of criminality is the single worst thing progressive politics has done to our society. It leaves the victim without justice and makes the victimizer essentially a victim who receives the same sympathy and often more consideration than the little girls they rape. This rap song is what all these people feel, most of them are just smart enough to keep it to themselves. Unfortunately people like Dr. Carr-Gregg aren’t smart enough to figure that out.

Cat in Trench’s comments points out that the profile hosting this song is breaking MySpace’s TOS. So if you have a minute lodge a complaint to get this site taken down. Here’s the page:

Victimless Crime File: Pill Popping Wiccan Party Girl Edition


When I first converted to Wicca back in the mid-1980s I can admit, while looking back through the refined hindsight of adulthood, that Wicca at that time was attractive to many people my age because of its essentially libertine morality. Or I should say that because Wicca had only the vaguest moral instruction (…and it Harm None Do as Ye Will) a person in his early teens at the peak of the glam-rocking 80s could easily find a religion compatible with the lifestyle he imagined he could lead.

The most obvious example of how Wicca was perceived (rightly so it turns out) as a creed amenable to drug fueled debauchery was the Wiccan Sex Kitten, a kind of Wiccan which was ubiquitous in the 80s and pushed to the very fringes of Wicca by the joyless scolds of the “Women Studies” Wicca movement led by people like Starhawk. Women like this (often themselves damaged and lonely) were attracted to both the commercialized sexuality of Wicca and the promise of intimacy that the comes from a religion that organizes itself into small circles or covens of no more than 13. In these surrogate families the free with their bodies and usually stoned or drunk women found more acceptance and support than the outer world (the so-called cowans) ever gave them and more importantly they found non-judgmental validation of the ever escalating addictions and self-destructive behaviors they displayed.

What they never received was help for their underlying problems, encouragement to be anything other than a drug and sex partner.

As an adult this seems an obvious recipe for a failed and miserable life. At the time frankly no one thought much of it, but the adults involved in Wicca certainly saw, as I see now, where these women would end up. The drug using Wiccan party girl is no more immune to the ravages of addiction and psychic turmoil than her non-Wiccan counterpart, something I learned by seeing Wiccans’ downward spiral firsthand. As most people grow out of Wicca, at least the Wiccan sub-culture that encourages such behavior, these women (and men often enough) dwell in perpetual puberty, never maturing beyond the point in their lives when they believe that anything that feels good momentarily is good for you.

Which is why I wasn’t surprised to see that Brandy Albright, a 27-year-old Oxycodone user who I suspect is an addict, was a Wiccan. While Albright was babysitting her friend’s two year old one Saturday afternoon, police found the toddler wondering dangerously close to a canal where alligators where observed. The toddler was clothed only in a feces-encrusted tee-shirt. Police canvassed the area and found the child’s house, where Brandy was snoring loudly while asleep on the toilet. Her pants were down indicating that she simply fell asleep while using the toilet, a behavior anyone familiar with people who use heroin or opium derived drugs will have witnessed many times. Here’s a .pdf of the arrest report.

Brandy Albright took enough Oxycodone to put herself in a drug induced stupor. All while watching her friend’s baby.  As an aside, this story would have been no different had she smoked pot or drank whiskey, but I get many commenters and emailers who claim that certain drugs are better for you than other drugs, and all the assorted nonsense that addicts and people who won’t grow up and stop getting high tell you in an effort to convince you that they are somehow different than all the other drug users you’ve met.

And I’ve met dozens of Brandy Albrights. Some were literally hooked on pills, some were chronic pot smokers and some were alcoholics. What they all had in common was that there were people in their life cheering on her self-destruction for their own selfish reasons. In this case the almost victim wasn’t just Brandy, but a two-year-old who the mother foolishly entrusted to her Wiccan party girl friend.

Legalization advocates always claim decriminalizing drug use would end crime, but never admit that the only crime it would end was possession of drugs. Brandy Albright still would have endangered this child. At some point when she runs out of money and the drugs have made it so she can’t make enough money stripping to support her habit she’ll prostitute herself. And eventually she’ll die. I’ve seen this show before and unless she gets help that is a guaranteed future. Only the most heartless individual would consider this victimless.

And the first step to her recovery is avoiding the people, places and things that help her use. I say the modern Wiccan subculture is one of those things, and the people that tell her there’s nothing wrong with “partying” at 27 is another.

But legalization advocates and others will claim this is an anomaly. It isn’t, drug users are what they are and none can be trusted to watch a child. Drug use isn’t victimless, and to say otherwise is a dishonest glossing over of what is at the core of anyone’s desire to get high.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon