Victimless Crime File: “Former Governor of Atlantis” Arrested for Soliciting Sex with 6-Year-Old

I’ve known dozens of pot smokers in my 37 years and without exception all had some crazy, paranoid belief that they usually feel stupid about supporting if they ever sober up and go a significant amount of time clean. I’ve heard everything from harmless “I think my neighbors are going through my garbage” to the life crippling “The government has a satellite that can make you think what they want, man!” and without exception those that then got sober sheepishly admitted they were just being paranoid or delusional within about a month of being clean.

This isn’t to say, as some unemployed pot smokers who like to rub out the error riddled missive in the comments section about what a fascist I am claim, that I think getting high absolves people from their personal responsibility to control their own behavior. I and anyone rational do recognize however that getting high does make it harder to both control your behavior and interpret reality. Chronic drug or alcohol use changes the way you perceive the world.

Long term drinking and drugging also affects your moral center. The dozens of pot smokers I’ve known were untrustworthy, shiftless and suffered from such an extravagant sense of self-entitlement that they could not function in society.

Which brings me to Brandt Owen DeBoard. I saw the story of Brandt over at The Dead Kids of MySpace which has a great post up that tracks all of this degenerate pervert’s online moves. Though he has a long and varied history of bizarre online behavior right now he is most famous for his most recent online shenanigan:

LONGMONT, Colo. — A Longmont man accused of using an online chat room to solicit a mother and her 6-year-old daughter for sex was arrested Thursday in an undercover operation, Longmont police said Friday.

Brandt Owen Deboard, 30, was arrested at a Longmont hotel on suspicion of felony attempted sex assault on a child.

Cmdr. Tim Lewis said Deboard arranged the hotel meeting while chatting with a Longmont mother online.

“He was on the Internet looking to hook up with mothers and children,” Lewis said. “He had explicit discussions with the mother about what he wanted to do with her 6-year-old daughter.”

The woman called police, Lewis said, who sent an undercover female detective to meet Deboard at the hotel. When he showed up Thursday afternoon, police arrested him.

“His intent was clear,” Lewis said about Deboard. “He repeated over and over the explicit sex acts he wanted to do. He took a significant step by going to the room to meet with them there.”

Lewis described the online conversation that lead to the meeting and arrest as “very spooky,” and unusually brazen.

Spooky is an apt description, though peculiar, strange and sad are also adjectives that can be used to describe DeBoard, who claims to be the reincarnated Governor of Atlantis among other things. If you read that little piece of his, which includes his “knowledge” of how the assassinations of both John and Bobby Kennedy and MLK were planed by the victims in their previous incarnations in ancient Egypt, you’ll see that in typical stoner fashion DeBoard is cobbling together a grandiose fantasy-that liberally steals from-the works of H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard and Patricia Cori.

DeBoard also penned a sinister screed called Blood Covenants/Spilling of the Blood on conspiracy mongering website Godlike Productions where he claims blood letting is the only way to contact beings from the “outer realms” in yet another haze distorted interpretation of popular stoner fare, this time the delightfully mad occultist Kenneth Grant who posited something almost similar in his hard to find books Outer Gateways and Hecate’s Fountain. He ends his essay with the disturbing line “Power is in death, and in the blood, the two things people try to avoid the most.

I make the literary connections not only to be pretentious but to show that DeBoard, like many pot heads I have known, created a fantasy world that was only possible for him to live in if he totally disconnected himself from reality with drug use. His Godlike Productions page shows that he’s also an anti-Semite with a unhealthy fixation on “Octomom” Nadya Suleman, both something I’m 100% sure many pot smokers share in. I can guarantee that at least one pot smoker reading this will read his writings and agree with them.

More disturbing is his personal blog on which his last two posts are unsavory quasi-pedophilic picture galleries featuring girls around the age of his intended victim. This picture in particular is one of the creepiest pictures of an adult with a child I’ve ever seen and you don’t need to be Sigmund Freud to be uncomfortable with his gallery of little girls with telescopes entitled Heaven on Earth.

Now I’m not saying smoking pot “causes” people to rape children as some will accuse me of, but people who may harbor such evil in themselves are not who you want lowering their inhibitions with a blunt a day. I will argue that although many people will say he is simply crazy, Brendt DeBoard is a product of the drug culture, he is what chronic users of any substance become. After a month or two of being sober DeBoard will not believe the things he claims, and may even be sincerely contrite about trying to arrange the rape of a child (though I doubt that) and that should teach people who like to get high a valuable lesson in moderation.

But it won’t and therein lies the real problem with drug use.

Where is Your Savior Now Obamunists?

I have gotten several emails and comments since the elections where Obama cultists, I mean ardent supporters, said I was in essence a Rethuglican, Capitalist, Fascist, Neo-con, Communist, red-baiter who wasn’t giving fellow Biracial person Obama a chance because I hated Black people. In general the points these fans try to make are:

  1. Obama will never nationalize banks
  2. Obama will never cozy up to brutal dictators or their murderous flunkies
  3. The Democrats won’t start a lie-filled campaign to take our guns
  4. Obama and the Democrats won’t abandon Israel
  5. The economy will turn around under his genius guidance

Frankly all of this was premised on the messianic image Obama cultivated, so I’d say to all those people in light of recent events: where is your savior now?

Pedophilia is Not a Sexual Orientation: Some Thoughts on the BBC’s Coalinga Treatment Center Report

When I read the BBC report on California’s Coalinga sex offender treatment facility I was struck by the assumptions of both the reporter and the California judicial system regarding what kind of people rape children and how we as a society should best treat those criminals. The piece begins with a brief profile of one of the sex offenders remanded by California to the center after his sentence ended that should have elicited more than a passing curiosity in a journalist:

I’d been at Coalinga a couple of days when Mr Rigby showed me his dormitory. He’d been a high school sports coach before being convicted of molesting some of his students.

He told me he was a great appreciator of the male physical form.

Above his bed were photos of classical statues of male nudes. These gave me pause, since I knew some paedophiles like to justify their proclivities by citing the ancient Greeks’ famous enthusiasm for pederasty.

There was also a reproduction of a painting of young male ballet dancers, which had a definite erotic overtone. I asked one of Mr Rigby’s social workers, who was standing by, if it was okay for patients to have mildly sexual imagery on their walls, especially since it seemed to me it was in the area of the patient’s offences. He said it was – “as long as they’re of age”.

Mr Rigby’s room, which he shared with three other men, was airy and spacious. There was a large window with no bars on it. Mr Rigby had told me he was married with two sons, but that he’d also been in a physical relationship with another of the men at Coalinga, who was also a child molester.

This too, apparently, was not in violation of hospital rules. Mr Rigby’s therapists told me he’d been making good progress in his rehabilitation. In theory, if he carried on with counselling and group sessions, he might be back outside in less than a year.

Child molester Rigby was married and able to perform well enough with an adult woman to impregnate her twice, molested underage boys and is in a physical relationship with another adult child molester. This last relationship is seen by the hospital as evidence of his “rehabilitation” taking, but the question is rehabilitation from what? Though child rapists may claim otherwise, it is patently obvious that the Mr. Rigby interviewed is not uncontrollably attracted to children only, but seems to be satisfied with sexual relationships with any and every kind of person.

The article however goes on to give us the standard medicalized definition of pedophilia which relieves child rapists of their moral and perhaps legal responsibility for their crimes:

Though no consensus exists as to whether paedophilia is genetic or environmental in origin, therapists at Coalinga agree that it can’t really be cured. There is evidence to suggest that a sexual attraction to children may be an “orientation” and no easier to reprogramme in a person than, say, heterosexuality.

To make this square with the example of the omnisexual Mr. Rigby in the earlier section of this piece would require Olympic level mental gymnastics. Pedophiles routinely act out sexually in ways that don’t conform to their “orientation” and despite the claims of pedophilia activist groups, most are not simply people romantically attracted to children and unable to control themselves. Child rape is a crime of deviance, but it is a mistake to assume, as the medical and legal community do, that there is a class of mentally ill or “differently oriented” people out there with no control over their desire to rape and defile children.

I would suggest that in most cases, pedophilia is an expression of mental illness or social maladjustment and not the underlying pathology. Most child rapists are as different from one another as they are from decent people, but what all seem to share in common is a sense of entitlement to their own sexual and emotional gratification so exaggerated that they feel they have the right to exploit children.

Mr. Rigby reminds me of Harold Spurling, an active online pedophile who went by the name Aztram. Spurling claimed to have an “age of attraction” or AOA, as online pedophiles call it, of 4- to 9-year-old boys. Yet when Spurling was arrested with his roommate and rumored lover Jeffrey “The Night Raven” Brisson, police found the pair making pornographic videos using a threemonth-old girl and a 14-year-old boy. Brisson claimed to have an AOA of 2-6 for boys and 3-8 for girls. Both, however, went outside of their supposed orientation to satisfy their disgusting desires.

Serial killer Joseph Duncan’s first arrest for molestation was when he was a teen and his victim a younger boy. He is thought to have killed several children of various ages and genders before massacring the Groene family and kidnapping 8-year-old Shasta and 9-year-old Dylan Groene. Both were raped during their weeks long ordeal and Dylan murdered; Shasta was only saved by a quick thinking waitress at a Denny’s. Duncan was a sex offender advocate who blogged about how unfair it was that people would put him on a registry and discriminate against him. His actions prove both that such registries are necessary, and that yet again this “pedophile” did not have a set orientation. There is some evidence that Duncan fits the profile of the “mysoped” pedophile but there is also evidence Duncan “bottomed” in prison and while released apparently enjoyed it.

Litigious degenerate Tom Madison is a sex offender advocate who works with pedophiles to change sex offender laws, but his own offense was the sexual abuse of a 16-year-old girl. It should be obvious that a grown man molesting a 16-year-old is not “differently oriented” than a heterosexual, but simply lacking the morals and boundaries that make civilization possible. Madison is not attracted to children, he was simply an amoral opportunist who felt entitled to his sexual gratification and used a teen because she was the most convenient female he could dominate.

All these “pedophiles” are very different from each other except in one important aspect: they all used transgressed societal norms to sate their lusts. Thieves are not steal-o-sexuals who are oriented toward banditry, they are people who think they deserve the wealth of others. Likewise the three people above, and the high-living Mr. Rigby, are simply degenerates who use children for their pleasure for a variety of reasons which are totally under their own control.

That isn’t to say some people who are child rapists aren’t mentally ill, but certainly no one benefits from treating child raping as a hard wired orientation like hetero or homosexuality. Not society, not the criminals who may want to change (though I doubt they do after reading the BBC peice) and certainly not the children they prey upon. In our age of rationalism we have lost sight of the most basic metaphysical truth of existence in our zeal for science to explain the very minutiae of our lives. Some people are simply bad people, they choose to do horrific things out of greed, selfishness, envy and anger. Some people rape children simply because they can’t find an adult to rape, some because they like the feeling of power that comes from dominating someone weaker than themselves. All have the ability to stop themselves unless suffering from legal insanity, which so far no pedophile I know of has ever been diagnosed with.

The BBC and the media have spread this medicalized view of criminality to the detriment of society and especially our children. It is time we reexamine the idea of the hapless pedophile and refocus our sympathy on their victims.

h/t Ann Althouse

Gardening Day Link Round-Up


I’m working on a post relating a lot of the recent news (like the craigslist murders and the Tila Tequila stalker) to an overall acceptance of misogyny which I hoped would be finished but, being a crazed survivalist,  I’m starting a garden so I just got home after buying a bunch of plants to go with my fig tree. Yeah I bought a fig tree, what of it? I also may be at the Greenville South Carolina Tea Party tonight so if you see the guy in the camouflage cowboy hat that’s me.

I’m also working on a piece for a Wrestling site and compiling links for a post about Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors for Fiendish Delights. So my post, which will be a must read for any serious thinker if I do say so myself, may be up later tonight or tomorrow.

But here’s some links to tied you over:

G. Gorden Liddy speaking with Tom Tancredo about assimilation, immigration and all sorts of things. Surreal and insightful at the same time.

Jenn Q. Public takes the maker of a new film outing gay Republicans to task.

The Pagan Temple questions the MSM’s portrayals of the Tea Party Protesters.

G.S.G.F. on China, Russia and the politics of missile development

Absolute Zero posts a damning piece on Jim Freeman who was the executive director of anti-sex offender registry advocacy group SoHopeful International. Surprise! He’s a filthy pervert on his way to jail for trading child porn online.

Experts are predicting Pakistan’s collapse. Yay! Free Nukes for everyone!

Z.A.C. on American Communists helping the Jihad

UMass Amherst apparently has a fascism training program run out of their student government.

If you support the SPCA Adult film actress Bree Olsen has promised to give the prize money from some porn contest to the Ft Wayne Indiana SPCA if you help her win. A good cause, or a good way for me to get Google traffic by using a porn star’s name? Either way it’s a win/win!

And to check out Dax Riggs. One of the only original performers out there he deserves your support.

How Bad are Russian Prisons?

Apparently so bad that people will go to extremes to cover up evidence of their crimes. How extreme you say?

How’s eating the brother you murdered in an argument in an attempt to hide evidence grab you?

From Sky News:

Two men have reportedly admitted killing their elder brother and eating parts of his body which they kept in the fridge for months.

The pair, named only as Timur and Marat G, said they murdered their brother Rafis at their home in the central Russian city of Perm, according to newspaper Tvoi Den.

Police grew suspicious when the brothers reported Rafis missing but were vague about his details.

After raiding their house, officers are said to have found the victim’s skeleton, which had been stripped bare and buried in the garden.

Timur reportedly said he had fought and killed Rafis because he bore him a grudge over a 10-year prison sentence.

This related to Rafis reporting his 28-year-old brother’s part in the murder of a neighbour to police.

Timur said youngest brother Marat, 23, had sided with him in the fight.

They then came up with the idea of eating the evidence so Timur would not have to go back to jail.

“Yes, we decided to eat him,” Timur was quoted as saying.

“I did not want to go back behind bars, so we cut off his head and buried it and cut the body into parts and kept (them) in a refrigerator.

We have been cooking and eating his meat for six months.

I’m speechless. They could have tried a lot of different ways to cover up their crime besides cannibalism, and frankly I assume that this family had some issues to put it mildly. But what’s interesting is that the report simply takes it for granted that keeping out of jail seems a valid enough reason to eat the corpse of your own brother.

Perhaps the Old Ones have returned?