Contra Costa County Will Stop Prosecuting “Minor” Crimes in Response to Budget Shortfalls

This is a good example of how the entrenched culture of entitlement that exists in liberal states leads to surreal government policies that creates the impetus for Blue state population drain which is in part responsible for the budget shortfalls in the first place.

Remember that the people that decided to cut prosecutions have access to all sorts of perks (like government cars, generous pensions etc) that they won’t be cutting. From SFGate:

Misdemeanors such as assaults, thefts and burglaries will no longer be prosecuted in Contra Costa County because of budget cuts, the county’s top prosecutor said Tuesday.

District Attorney Robert Kochly also said that beginning May 4, his office will no longer prosecute felony drug cases involving smaller amounts of narcotics. That means anyone caught with less than a gram of methamphetamine or cocaine, less than 0.5 grams of heroin and fewer than five pills of ecstasy, OxyContin or Vicodin won’t be charged.

People who are suspected of misdemeanor drug crimes, break minor traffic laws, shoplift, trespass or commit misdemeanor vandalism will also be in the clear. Those crimes won’t be prosecuted, either.

A city where it is known you can basically walk around with Meth won’t attract a criminal element at all. And who would think that not prosecuting shoplifters or vandals will eventually drive businesses out of the county? I mean kids breaking windows and stealing things from shops will just give those businesses a certain cache, a hipness that Californians pride themselves in.

As for trespassing, finding someone on your property who doesn’t belong there never leads to other crimes right? I mean it’s not like trespassers are thieves and rapists…

“We had to make very, very difficult choices, and we had to try to prioritize things. There are no good choices to be made here,” said Kochly, a 35-year veteran prosecutor. “It’s trying to choose the lesser of certain evils in deciding what we can and cannot do.”

Barry Grove, a deputy district attorney who is president of the Contra Costa County District Attorneys Association, said, “There’s no question that these kinds of crimes are going to drastically affect the quality of life for all the citizens of Contra Costa County.”

The decision not to go after any perpetrators of certain offenses, Grove said, amounts to “holding up a sign and advertising to the criminal element to come to Contra Costa County, because we’re no longer going to prosecute you.”

So then why do it? Are we to believe government couldn’t cut anything else? Or is it more likely that the entrenched interests that run government is willing to let citizens suffer so their pet projects and big salaries don’t get cut? Announcing to the world that Methheads who like to trespass, vandalize other people’s property and steal from bodegas won’t be prosecuted is declaring open season on the citizens who will be preyed upon by these cretin.

Of course the D.A.’s office isn’t really to blame, and they are losing almost 20 workers due to cuts. But why is Contra Costa County cutting part of it’s law enforcement as opposed to entitlement programs or government worker perks? Why can’t the laid off prosecutors simply take pay cuts instead?

I don’t have their budget on hand but I’m betting I could trim the fat without effecting public safety. Why can’t Contra Costa County?

Ammunition Shortages Affecting “Oddball” Calibers as Gun Owners’ Hoarding Spree Continues

I went out to Luthi’s Sport and Pawn in Greenville today to do my own ammo hoarding, looking for cartridges for my Charter Arms Patriot chambered in .327 Federal Magnum. I bought the gun because it’s a versatile “kit gun” which will fire several commonly available calibers beside the new .327 including .32 H&R Magnum and .32 S&W Long. That last round, anemic by today’s standards, has enjoyed quite a comeback thanks to the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting which spurred an interest in working antique revolvers, many of which were chambered in various permutations of .32. Modern ammo shouldn’t be fired from an antique though, so don’t blame me if you try this and hurt yourself.

But although these calibers are available they aren’t, or I should say weren’t, particularly popular. When it looked like Obama was going to win I saw the writing on the wall and wanted to stock up. I chose what are called “oddball” calibers knowing the rush on 9mm, .223 Remington and anything 12Ga would drive prices through the roof and make getting these rounds a competition of who can get to the gun store the fastest and charge the most. Unfortunately I underestimated demand for the unique calibers because Luthi’s is completly out of .327 Federal Magnum and .32 H&R Mag even though two or three weeks ago they had plenty that wasn’t moving.

I guess some big mouthed blogger tipped someone off as my wife said to me as we left. I ended up buying a hundred rounds of .32 S&W Lead Round Nose, which will go well with the couple of hundred rounds of .32 wadcutters I have. But I’m still looking for more .327 and .32 mag for my hoard which is a little thin in the stopping power department. How thin? Less than I want of .327, but hopefully more than I’ll ever need. But I only have one measly box or .32 H&R mag which is a nice intermediate between the .327 and .32 for situations where you need more firepower than the .32 but aren’t quite ready for a mankiller (raccoons and foxes, which we’re lousy with here come to mind) so any readers who want to help a brother out and let me know where I can get some will have my gratitude.

The guy at the counter said basically they weren’t sure when they’d get more in, and that their last shipment of 9mm has increased in price by $8. Their ammo counter was looking sparse and they were doing brisk gun and ammo business at 2:30 in the afternoon, so if you need a piece don’t wait.

I noticed that Cheaper than Dirt, where I’ve also had great success with the “oddball” calibers I like are basically out of the stuff considered unpopular a year ago. This includes most of the 20 GA Buckshot and slugs and .410 buckshot rounds (I told you I like the odd stuff) and if their website is any indicator they have been unable to restock .45 LC for the last couple of months. All the popular calibers (9mm, .40 S&W, .45 ACP) are down to the bottom of the barrel discount Russian stuff or $3 a round specialty stuff few people can afford. Luckily my shotgun shell stash is deep enough that I’m not worried about getting more pistol ammo, but if you’re relying on a handgun as your primary firearm it’s time to worry.

Cabela’s is basically the same, and were already running light on revolver loads thanks to CAS shooters. There are still some deals there but you need to move quickly to get them. Most calibers I’m interested in are on back order.

The counter person at Luthi’s said to just keep checking back in and in these times it pays to have the number of the gun shop so you can check in and have them hold a box for you as soon as they know they’re getting a shipment. But the ammo shortage is is spreading out to rounds that are usually collecting dust on the shelves so if you don’t have what you need there’s no time to waste.

Cross posted at the world’s most neglected survival blog.

There’s No Such Thing as Gay Panic: Allen Andrade Knew Angie Zapata was Transsexual Before Having Sex with Her


This is another I told you so from me to all the naysayers who throw caution to the wind and claim I’m wrong. I blogged before about Allen Andrade, who is a cold, calculating killer who knowingly picked up a young male to female transsexual (a ladyboy in the parlance of people who are into that) to have a day long sex session with then rob and murder. We only can speculate on why Andrade likes to have sex with then kill transsexuals but the evidence of the case pointed to that being basically what happened.

Then the murder groupies showed up on my previous posts with comments like this:

Liz said,

on August 15th, 2008 at 12:55 am

Who do YOU think YOU are saying that Allen Ray Andrade deserves to die? Granted…he should not have killed JUSTIN but JUSTIN should not have been deceitful either! Search Angie Zapata on myspace….its not private. On HIS profile HE states HE is female and straight! What part of that is NOT deceiving? On many television interviews, Justins family states that they were always concerned with HIS lifestyle! WHY? Like if they knew HE would purposefully deceive men and somehow knew that someday HE would deceive the wrong man and possibly end up hurt. By no means, do I totally blame Justin for his own death, but i do feel he played a big role that led upto it! As far as this being a hate crime…i dont think so. Andrade did not target Zapata because HE was gay and then killed HIM for that reason! Come on now! And just because he had served time in prison before….that doesnt mean he went out “criusing the web looking for teens!” For petes sake…quit making up stuff! Now someone tell me this… some articles MR. Zapata’s age is 18 and in others HE is 20! How old was HE really? And why is there such a conflict with HIS age? Was that also part of the deceit? As for Zapata’s family, my heart truly goes out to you because I feel you all are the true victims here!

It should be noted that I did not edit the above, it was left on my blog with random ellipses. What this was responding to is my belief that Andrade knew Zapata was a transsexual well before they spent the night together and that even were it true he didn’t know, it is simply impossible for a man to spend an entire night with someone and not know they had a penis. The very idea is irrational.

But not to Andrade groupies, swooning on the Internet over the career felon who they hope will one day father their illegitimate children. You can read my exchange with “Liz” and other people who are friends of Andrade in that original post, which as you would expect consist of them calling me disgusting for suggesting the brutal murder of a 20-year-old should be punished. But then this guy show up with a challenge:

Amazed said,

on March 11th, 2009 at 1:18 am

Mr. Taylor,
I have spent over an hour reading your blogs I came past trying to have an unbiased point of view. However, your many arguments have been weak and illogical. Many of the things you have brought up about Andrade have been speculation on your own part (i.e., practically all of Blog #1) and unless you prove to me you are some how directly associated with the case (for instance if your God, a judge, lawyer or some kind of prosecutor ) and know details of what happened FOR CERTAIN then your speculation has no foundation for those reading. Andrade is not who your making him to be and neither is Zapata. Any person who can read and can think logically can see that. 

Semi-literate legalese that it is (and that was the most readable part of a 20-paragraph opus that included Bible verses and severe misinterpretations of the legal code) I took it to mean that were I proven correct in my assertion that Andrade was just a guy who likes to have sex with then rough up transsexuals “Amazed” would bow down before me as his new god, since only God, a lawyer or a judge would know the facts of the case. On your knees Amazed, you have a new god:

Deputy District Attorney Brandi Lynn Nieto told the jury that Andrade knew for 36 hours Angie was biologically male. He even attended a court hearing for a traffic ticket where clerks called for the case against “Justin Zapata.”

“You’ll hear a call to his girlfriend that demonstrates his hatred for homosexuals,” Nieto said. “It will give you a window into the defendant’s mind. It will show his bigotry, his prejudice and his bias against homosexuals.”

Nieto showed the jury transcripts of those calls, including one that said it was not like he was shooting a teacher in cold blood or a straight, law-abiding citizen.

“He makes it clear there is a difference between killing someone who’s homosexual and someone who’s not,” Nieto said. “He knew for some time she was transgender, and he brutally killed her because of it.”

What’s that? You say Allen Andrade was in court with Zapata and heard him called by his given name Justin? He had a girlfriend he talked about killing gays with? It seems like he knew Zapata was a transsexual before they had sex? Sounds exactly like what I said happened, so sorry Andrade lovers your big manly hero who “went insane” after learning of Zapata’s gender apparently had sex with Zapata between learning about her transsexual and the murder.

There is no such thing as Gay Panic and while Homophobe is a convenient word to lob about to describe bigots who don’t like Gays there really isn’t anyone suffering from a crippling fear of Homosexuality. There are people who uses these pop culture delusions to excuse their proclivities which often include preying upon gays violently and often sexually.

As long as we accept the idea that drag queens and transsexuals are “fooling” poor innocent straight men so oozing with machismo that they are blinded with rage when they “find out” someone is not female the Andrades of the world will have a cheerleading section of stupid people defending them. To my fabulous friends I say, sorry girls, but unless someone is coming from an isolated village of very tall extremely feminine women who love Cher I just don’t think it’s possible that straights are being fooled. I think some straight men want to be fooled for their own reasons.

Likewise transsexuals are only “fooling” people who desire to be fooled, who are invested in the deniability that comes with claiming the biological man they just had sex with was such a good woman that anyone would have done the same.

But Andrade knew Zapata was a transsexual as surely as the men who go to dragshows know that’s not really Judy Garland on stage. Andrade sought out a young transsexual he desired, had sex with her than killed her in the ultimate fulfillment of his sado-homoerotic fantasy. Andrade is evil not tormented, sadistic not sick and he deserves to die for this murder.

Andrade deserves to die not because his victim was gay or a transsexual, but because his victim was an innocent person brutally murdered. His “gay panic” defense is just another attack on the victim of his crime, and an idea which should be abandoned by right thinking people.

Visit Light a Candle for Angie Zapata to show your support.