Biden on Swine Flu

I just saw Robert Gibbs backpedaling on Biden’s statements a little while ago. This is actually common sense stuff, especially seeing as Mexico has shut down it’s federal government to stop the spread of the flu. So far it still seems like the flu has been mild in America, but Mexico is getting hit hard.

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There’s some spin on Arlen Specter and some talk about stimulus. Biden is a good soldier for the Democrats and they keep dumping on him. Maybe he might want t take a look at a party who appreciates people looking out for the safety of American?

The Dark Worship: Alia Loren Jacobson and the Celebration of Evil


Alia Loren Jacobson, also known online as Alia Lorae A.K.A. Poisontears is a singer, actress, and writer with a large web footprint. She also is a depraved fiend who admits to being concerned with her sadistic sexual fantasies involving bloodletting and maiming girls from the ages of 7-14. She is the textbook blood fetishist.

Rather than seek help for her disturbance, she went to pro-child rape forum Girlchat where she promptly received validation and encouragement for her sickest and most twisted desires. The embracing of bloodletting fantasies about children is shocking coming from the self-professed “girl lovers” who lurk on the Internet if only because they spend so much time trying to convince people that they are not evil, but they are not the only people who have encouraged and minimized Alia’s sickness of the soul.

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American Al-Qaeda Member Outed as Active Online Pedophile


The above photo is James Gray, also known as Musa Islam Abu Ayyum to his fellow Muslims and “Onemililgram” to the online pedophile community. Gray is known as a “LGL” or little girl lover and has been extremely active both before and after his conversion in the Girlchat forums and online pedophile activism in general.

If the name James Gray sounds familiar to you it’s because in 2006 he made the news when he was arrested by Egyptian authorities for recruiting Jihadists to fight American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was deported from Egypt but escaped prosecution here and is assumed to be back in Egypt with his wife who he was given in an arranged marriage soon after he arrived in Egypt. He may sill be in Ohio however.

Fundamentalist schools of Islam, and Wahhabism in particular, have become quite attractive to child rapists because of the practice of child marriage which theocratic Islamic states allow to this day, and because the more radicalized Muslims of today are so loathe to admit Mohammed wasn’t The Perfect Man that they defend his forays into pedophilia as natural and essentially lawful for Muslims.

But that’s only one part of the picture. The fact that Islamic states treat rape victims harshly and demand total fealty of women to men upon pain of death is also a powerful lure for men who are planning, as Musa Islam is, to molest children, perhaps even his own. In a society where a rape victim may be executed as an adulteress, those who exploit children may be assured that few victims will dare speak out against them.

It should surprise no one that a degenerate who rapes children would join Al-Qaeda and arrange for his fellow Americans to be murdered. Wikisposure has a complete accounting of his online activity including his numerous screen names and social networking pages. I wonder what his Al-Qaeda brethren would say about him if they knew he was frequenting child rape message boards with fantasies like this one:

I know in the USA it is pretty hard for a single man to adopt, hehe but get this, 78% of adoption agiencys are pro, and Allow gay adoptions. I talked to another LGL friend, and when the time comes we simply get married somewhere and pretend to be a gay couple. Of course there are alot a different ways of doinng it.

I don’t think Osama will approve of that little scheme. Do you James?

H/t Absolute Zero United

Swine Flu Outbreak: How Bad Could It Be?

How about 1918 bad. That’s apparently the last time a flu virus was specifically more fatal to the young and healthy than children and the elderly and the Spanish Flu epidemic killed fifty million people world wide. Granted back then sick people didn’t have cheap over the counter medicines that could help them through an illness like Americans do now, nor the ability to maintain hygienic conditions with good quality sanitizing products, but with Mexico’s fatality rate so far looking to be at 7% I’m finding it hard to be nonchalant about this potential pandemic.

I became aware of the epidemic in Mexico Saturday when the numbers were small but worrisome. 800 infected in Mexico with over 20 confirmed fatalities and eight suspected cases here. Now there are a confirmed 1300 infected in Mexico with over 100 fatalities and at least 30 cases all over the United States. New York, Kansas, Ohio, Texas and California have had confirmed Swine flu infections. There’s a map charting the infections here. Canada, Spain, France and London may also have cases.

I have seen unconfirmed reports that there are Swine Flu infections in Alabama.

The C.D.C has admitted that the seasonal flu vaccines people have taken will not be effective against this new strain. Governments around the world are beginning quarantines of anyone suspected of having the virus, as well as tightening restrictions on pork products and travel.

There isn’t a lot of information out there, the C.D.C page on the outbreak is nothing you haven’t heard on the news. Oddly the deaths have so far been limited to Mexico, although they were all young healthy people. I would theorize that although Mexico City is as urban as any U.S. city, Americans in general have more access to potentially life saving items and luxuries than the average Mexican. Cheap over-the-counter medicine and central air conditioning may, among other things, really be making a difference in the outcome of a nasty bug. On the other hand, there is such a small sample of cases thus far that we won’t know how lethal this new flu is until we have infection numbers similar to Mexico.

Right now no one can tell you honestly how bad this may get, but those with a survivalist mindset (myself included) are taking precautions. If it’s possible, stay home for the next few days and get plenty of liquids in the house and stock up on fever reducing medications as well as the regular flu stuff you keep in the house. Don’t wait to pick up supplies, if more people get sick there will be runs on grocery stores and those crowds may be full of infected people. Many people are recommending you buy breathing masks, but if you don’t already have them going to stores where sick people may be congregating to get them (pharmacies and the like) isn’t a better plan than laying low. You can buy many items online if you can wait a few days for them. The only reason for you to be in a store for the next couple of days is if you don’t have necessities like food, water and toilet paper on hand.

There are already rumors circulating about the flu designed to make you panic. I have seen several comments implying that this was a bio-terror attack by the United States on Mexico and much is being made on various conspiracist forums I will never link to of the death of Felipe Solis just hours after meeting our President. Some newshounds are pointing out that this outbreak came only days after Fort Detrick began an investigation into missing viruses from their bio-warfare facility. It is an odd coincidence, but I have been told that samples turn up missing from government labs with a frequency that would alarm the public if they realized it. Depending on the amount of tin foil hattery in your area (and New York is lousy with people who believe in such nonsense) this sort of conspiracy mongering so early in the event is another reason to stay home if you can.

There’s no way to verify these statements, but readers have sent alarming stories to the BBC which imply that the situation in Mexico is worse than the media is letting on:

I’m a specialist doctor in respiratory diseases and intensive care at the Mexican National Institute of Health. There is a severe emergency over the swine flu here. More and more patients are being admitted to the intensive care unit. Despite the heroic efforts of all staff (doctors, nurses, specialists, etc) patients continue to inevitably die. The truth is that anti-viral treatments and vaccines are not expected to have any effect, even at high doses. It is a great fear among the staff. The infection risk is very high among the doctors and health staff.

There is a sense of chaos in the other hospitals and we do not know what to do. Staff are starting to leave and many are opting to retire or apply for holidays. The truth is that mortality is even higher than what is being reported by the authorities, at least in the hospital where I work it. It is killing three to four patients daily, and it has been going on for more than three weeks. It is a shame and there is great fear here. Increasingly younger patients aged 20 to 30 years are dying before our helpless eyes and there is great sadness among health professionals here.
Antonio Chavez, Mexico City

There are several more testimonies similar to this one. There is no way to know how many sicknesses and deaths slipped by the bureaucrats before the alerts were issued so the mortality rate for the flu may be higher or lower in Mexico than the 7% it’s at now.

Take the day off, buy as much food and water as you need and take a mini-vacation. I know it’s easy to say when you work at home as I do, but if you can stay off the streets do so until you’re sure this bug has mutated into a less lethal form. However there is no need to panic, yet. But it is time to get prepared. Except in Mexico most infections were no worse than the regular flu so stay cool. Water, food and toilet paper, if you don’t have enough to last you a week or more of staying home than get some now.

Cross posted at A.S.B.

Update: If you leave a comment with a link you may be put in moderation.

Here’s a link to a supposed real time infection map. Mexico has remained the epicenter with more than 1600 infected.

I have seen unconfirmed reports that there were more than 100 sick kids in the Queens prep school but only eight were tested originally. They all tested positive for Swine Flu. If true the C.D.C and DHS are playing fast and loose with the numbers in order to control the panic that will happen if people see a new virus spreading quickly. The official tally there is now 28 infected.

Gateway Pundit reports that we’re still not screening passengers arriving from Mexico.

Mexico City has been hit with an earthquake. The gods are angry down there.

The European Union is telling people not to travel to Mexico or America. Obama is not amused.

Update: A private school in South Carolina has been closed after kids coming from Mexico were found to have Flu-like symptoms. Greenville News (perhaps America’s worst newspaper)  gives bare bone details, omitting facts you may want to know like where the school is located. The Newberry Academy website has a statement about the closure.

Update: English papers are reporting that they expect up to 40% of the British population to be infected.  U.S. officials are bracing the public for deaths from the Flu which they claim is inevitable. Two deaths in L.A. which were thought to be Swine Flu related are now claimed to be something else.

New York has “hundreds” of infected school children.

Deadly Swine Flu Spreading from Mexico into U.S. Border States

Mexican schools are shutting down in the face of a new strain of swine flu that has killed at least 60 people, most of whom were young healthy adults. The deaths have fueled fears of a new global pandemic as 8 people in the American southwest have been infected with a similar and possibly related virus.

Here’s part of the C.D.C.’s “Don’t worry” press conference. Me personally, I’m a little worried.


Update: C.D.C. is announcing that as of now the virus is uncontainable.