Rich White Guy Claims We Should be Burning Down the Houses of Rich White Guys

Another White guy desperate to maintain hipster revolutionary cred has penned an essay which is one step away from a suicide note and he doesn’t even notice. If it wasn’t so evil it’d be delicious.

Behold David B. Livingstone, Class Warrior!

A pundit, inexplicably selected for an interview on the BBC, lamented a “disastrous” week for the Obama Administration owing to the rising tide of popular anti-oligarch sentiment, characterizing the groundswell of popular rage against the AIG welfare scheme as tantamount to “class war.” It was a mantra echoed throughout Fox News, the wingnutosphere and the grumbling classes of newly-defanged Washington reactionary parasites aghast at the thought that anything should ever come between a banker and his next Ferrari or oceanfront condo. The rabble were getting ever so slightly restless! Oh, the impertinence! Oh, the horror! Imagine: The poor, the powerless and the hungry might stop licking the boot that kicks them!

Well, it would be about damn time. The Armani-clad parasite class have had a free ride since the first seconds of the Reagan Administration, engineering three decades of rising national productivity paired with flatlined or declining real wages for some 98 percent of the population even as their own pay packets bloated like blood-engorged ticks. The old disparity benchmark between the wages of the highest- and lowest-paid employees in the American workforce used to be a scant 1000:1. Nurtured under the loving, protective wings of Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II, that figure now stands at a high of 80,000:1 amongst the highest echelons in the financial services field.

Meh. Boilerplate so far, undergrad level Marxist arm-chair revolutionary rhetoric at its most puerile. But he picks up speed:

Guess what: The class war has already begun. In fact, it’s been going on for centuries. The thing is that only one side knows about it, and only one side has been fighting.

It has always been an easy matter to convince the broad mass of Americans that it is in their best interests to celebrate the vast material success of the anointed, storied men who give them orders and exploit their labor for their own profit. After all, the ingenuity and entrepreneurship of the governing class should be rewarded and encouraged! These titans of business create jobs! It is owing to their vast, immane beneficence that we are able to toil in their factories and shine their shoes in order to buy the Kraft American Singles and Ford Pintos that they wish to sell us!

We should be grateful. And – if we’re really, really good – we might even be allowed to join them. Buy that lotto ticket. Or maybe Regis Philbin will ask you if you want to be a millionaire, or Ed McMahon will show up at your door with an oversized check. Or, if you only work a little harder for a little longer and put a little more of your hard-earned money into shares of their overpriced stocks and bonds, just maybe you’ll be able to trade up some day to a McMansion of your own – packed to the gills with sulfur-filled Chinese drywall.

The hypocrisy of a man who makes an extremely good living writing nonsense like this and running political scams designed to enrich himself. This person so upset by parasitic businessmen makes a living as a “web based activist” whose two sites on his resume were both Made for Adsense anti-Bush sites that he took down as soon as Obama won the election. When they were up they were hardly productive in the way he claims decent hard working people are. I think the creator of is no different than the bloodsucking ticks he’s railing against.

But he goes even further:

The class war, as practiced daily in the office parks and brokerages and factory floors of the United States, is the ultimate masterpiece in asymmetrical warfare – one side armed to the teeth and out for blood, the other blissfully unaware of being under attack. For a fleeting second, some feared that the AIG bonuses might have disrupted this precious asymmetry. Had it done so, and were there  justice, the last investment banker would be sobbing at the center of the charred wreckage of the last McMansion.

I notice he doesn’t say “and after that let’s burn out people who milk the Internet for money!” but I am. David Livingstone I’m going to take up your challenge. After we burn the homes of people in an orgy of class envy I say we burn down the homes of the people just as rich as the businessmen who think it’s justified to destroy their property. David, are you with me?

I need a mob (contact me via email) who will accompany me to the houses of certain “web based activists” where, after the revolution Livingstone masturbates to starts, we can dispense The People’s Justice on those bloodsucking parasites who sit at home calling for revolution while collecting their monthly payouts form Google.

I wonder how many web activists live in McMansions? Maybe Mr. Livingstone can tell us?

Charles Johnson and the Truth about Atheism

Governor Bobby Jindal voiced what is a perfectly patriotic position for many, that he hoped the policies and Ponzi schemes being peddled by Barack Obama fail. Predictably, Charles Johnson’s Little Green Footballs has a case of the vapors at the GOP’s “alienating and losing the support of the vast middle” etc.

At some point during this post, Bobby Jindal was referred to as “Creationist Bobby Jindal” and you could almost hear the disdain dripping from their inner voices as Charles Johnson’s cult of anti-Religionists curled their lips disgustedly at the idea of a person having beliefs they disagree with.

That Bobby Jindal’s opinion of how reality is structured is irrelevant to the point of the post is obvious to all but the most bigoted “lizards” for whom religiosity is akin to incest or necrophilia in both its unseemliness and undesirability in modern society. That being assured that there is an invisible hand at work in the creation of the uncountable multitudes of stars and planets in our universe has no bearing on the question presented by LGF, whether saying you want Obama to fail is a good political strategy. So why is it in there?

Because for the Charles Johnsons of the world simple belief, devotion, or faith in an idea or doctrine is enough to dismiss you as a person, enough in fact to deny your humanity at all. Atheism is not, as many will tell you, the absence of religion. Atheism is itself a quasi-religion that has a set dogma, a theology and most important its own demonology. For the Atheist the believer, of any faith, is like a character from the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. We who believe are all similar beings that need be controlled and feared by rational people lest we spread our corruption throughout their pristine and random creation. The Atheist does not simply disbelieve in some form of divinity in the world, he or she seeks the total annihilation of religion and the religious.

I’ve often thought his anti-religious bigotry was at the root of his most hostile attacks on Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs and Robert Spencer form Jihad Watch. Despite the fact that clearly Pamela Geller isn’t a neo-Nazi Charles Johnson branded her one based on the same biased and unreliable, and atheist, source he used to brand English blogger Lionheart a neo-Nazi. Lionheart is a born again Christian, Robert Spencer is Catholic I believe and Pamela is Jewish. It is clear to any observer that Charles Johnson and his Internet cult wanted to believe the worst of these people, and I would put forward it is because they are religious he was pathologically driven to attempt to destroy their reputations.

This lashing out at the faithful is at the core of Atheism, which is so bereft of legitimate criticism of religion in general that these days they spend most of their time ripping off LaVeyian Satanism. Richard Dawkins’ much lauded book The God Delusion is essentially a plagiarization of Celsus’ Discourse Against the Christians with a smattering of Satan Speaks thrown in to spice up what would otherwise be a book as mind-numbingly dull and childishly nihilistic as atheism itself. Likewise LGF in its anti-theism incarnation has little to offer adherents besides a false sense of intellectual superiority based on mocking the misunderstood beliefs of others.

Creationists are often the targets of their ire even though the average big bang theorist has no more understanding of astrophysics than they do of the metaphysics they mock. Like the devoutly Christian Jindal, the “Lizard” from LGF accepts the creation of the universe ex nihilo and could no more explain to us how the big bang happened and what matter was in existence before the big bang than a Christian can explain where his God lived prior to creating the universe. Both views require a certain amount of faith, but whereas the Christian is consoled by faith in his or her God, the only consolation for the Atheist’s anti-faith is that their existence is essentially meaningless.

Which is both the allure of Atheism for many, and the driving force behind the evangelical fervor atheists have in trying to discredit religious ideas of objective truth and morality. I know many atheists and most happen to be bad people. That’s not to say that they are criminals or child rapists, but they simply aren’t particularly good in the philosophical sense.They are not honest, hard working or charitable. Except that I wouldn’t know if Johnson works particularly hard, I’d say that description fits him and his “Lizard” army.Their dealings with Spencer and Geller certainly prove they are neither honest nor charitable.

Atheists believe in a subjective morality. For example they believe that the reason it’s wrong for a 40-year-old to be sexually active with a child is because it’s illegal and society has ruled that it shouldn’t happen. Some may believe that it can be psychologically damaging for the child, or that it’s exploitative and deviant. But none believe that it is evil. They can’t because they don’t believe that anything can be, objectively, evil.

None of the atheists I know believe that people who rape children are choosing to do evil to satisfy themselves. They explain the abuse of children as a “sickness” which implies that it can be cured and is something that the perpetrator cannot control or truly be responsible for. These same people also happen in dozens of minor venal ways to exploit others. Just as they pass no moral judgment on the most evil amongst us they expect, and will accept, no moral judgment by others on them or how they choose to live. The heart of an atheist is a hopeful one, hopeful that there is no divine power that will weigh them and find them wanting.

I am not a Christian, though having my academic background in Comparative Religion I have a basic understanding of Christian theology. There are legitimate criticisms of general Christian dogma and specific denominations’ creeds that make decent dinner table conversation.The idea that being a Christian makes one less deserving of civility and respect isn’t one of them. It is uncivil at best to mock a man’s faith, but in reality it is the mark of a small minded bigot who has cut him or herself off from the basic search for knowledge all people must pursue.

I believe in a vast and unknowable universe, alive with beings that to us are gods and perhaps even these gods have gods. I believe that the divine can be seen within the natural world and I have experienced it in the warm winds that whisper through trees that danced in time with the coming thunder storm. There is a music that you can hear when you are alone in the woods that I believe is the Call of the gods themselves. But more importantly I believe in good and evil, something I share with most Christians, and I don’t believe in subjective morality. I believe that you will pay for the evil you do and atheists cannot allow themselves to believe this is true.

So they lash out at the religious because we remind them of what they fear the most, the divine and their separation from it. That’s the truth about atheism, it holds no comfort for people, only fear and loathing and a lifetime of trying to convince others that we’re wrong if only to convince one another that they are right. And underneath the pettiness and bile there is the longing for the comfort and faith that they deny themselves.

Hell’s Angels in Global War Against Muslim Gangs

A Hell’s Angels member was beaten to death in a Sydney airport, an action which may have been retaliation for a series of drive-by shootings on rival gang members’ houses. In Denmark there are reports the Hell’s Angels are waging a war by proxy utilizing Ak 81 to fight immigrant “youth” gangs who have terrorized and shut down large parts of that country. The link between the two battle fields continents apart is that in both cases the Angels are fighting Muslim majority or Muslim run gangs.

While it is claimed by some journalists that new pushes by the Angels against rivals old and new is simply an attempt to gain greater control of the drug trade, it should be noted that the rival Biker gangs in Australia at war with the Hell’s Angels now (Banditos and Comancheros)  are led by and dominated by Muslims even though the gangs have traditionally recruited from the same demographic as the Angels. Like The Mongols here, these gangs have been altered by recruitment programs which target populations who produce “foot soldiers” more useful to the gang than the old schoolers.

The Daily Telegraph reports that the leader of the Comancheros is a Muslim named Mahmoud Hawi, who has displayed Hamas-like media savvy in using Telegraph reporter Lisa Davis to put out propaganda to the Australian public designed to make the Comancheros look like the reasonable aggrieved party when they worked in tandem with Banditos members to murder Hell’s Angel Anthony Zervas, who the media has painted as deserving of his brutal slaying with stories of his violent recent past.

One of the Bandito members arrested in the slaying was another Muslim named Mahmoud Dib. Australian police have been coy about releasing the names of other assailants in the country due to the tensions between Australians and Muslim immigrants that exist due to the excessive criminality of the Muslim population, especially in the area of sex crimes.

A world away, Denmark is a country besieged by Muslim violence and the Angels have suggested the violence will stop on their end when immigrant communities there “clean up their act” and stop the rampages that mar Europe with alarming frequency.

My gut reaction is that these conflicts are being driven less by Hell’s Angels expansionism and more by Islamic Imperialism and the encroaching of over-confident Muslim gangs on the Angel’s turf. There is a parallel in the “peace” movement on college campuses, where pacifists and peaceniks were pushed out by Jihad supporters who then pushed the peace movement to be more confrontational with rivals. In this case though it isn’t the College Republicans or a Jewish group getting pushed around, but the a transnational 1%er gang that just survived (and according to some, won) a bloody Mexican Mafia led turf war with The Mongols.

But it is telling that Muslim gangs are challenging the venerable motor cycle gang in those countries where government has failed to control them or assimilate them into the wider community. In those environments it is only organizations like the Angels that challenge their cultural authority and visibly stand between the Islamists and their goal of converting a country into Dar-al-Islam.

I predict that should we adopt European style multicultural policies regarding Islam we will see similar conflict between Muslim gangs and established groups who challenge their supremacy, just as here we see Latino gangs who are protected by political correctness challenge Black gangs in the inner city. In terms of Europe, the chaos in Denmark is the death knell of civilization there as the last group of Europeans who refuse to submit to the will of Allah make a final stand against Islamism and the leftist who ally themselves with it. Australia’s liberal government seems to be leading their country in the same direction, with a media sympathizing with the Muslim gangs.

Whether this will happen in America is uncertain as long as we refuse to take Islamic Imperialism seriously.

Organize for America Leader Admits to Building Brownshirt Brigades!


Remember this story when people tell you you’re a paranoid weirdo for being freaked out by Obama’s attempts to form a “civilian security force” filled with his wild-eyed personality cultists:

From The Birmingham News:

Volunteers fanned out across the Birmingham area and Alabama Saturday to pump up enthusiasm for President Barack Obama’s budget proposal in much the same way they did to win over voters during the presidential campaign.

About 30 volunteers in Birmingham canvassed shopping areas and other high-traffic locations to talk about the need for health care reform, an education overhaul and environmentally friendly energy development.

“If we don’t change these three things in the next 10 to 15 years, America is over as we know it,” Chris DeHaven, told the group of volunteers before they went their separate ways.

Obama’s plan faces criticism from Republicans and others who say it’s too expensive. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report Friday saying Obama’s agenda would cause huge budget deficits, forcing the country to borrow $9.3 trillion in the next decade.

Those who gathered at Kelly Ingram Park in downtown Birmingham were urged to enlist others who share Obama’s vision and to stay away from trying to convert naysayers.

“We’re looking for supporters,” said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event’s organizers. “We’re not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army.”

The volunteers are part of Organizing for America, the same grassroots, national network credited in large part with Obama’s quick rise from obscurity to president. Birmingham and 11 other sites statewide were part of a national push this weekend by Organizing for America to trumpet Obama’s spending proposal.

Say what now? When they have an army they are going to go out looking for a fight? Is this guy basically saying once they have more volunteers they’ll be going to go door to door “looking for a fight” with people who disagree with them? Does Obama know his creepy personality cult expects him to lead a violent revolution?

Atlas has more.

My advice? Arm yourselves.

Jesse Taylor Still Tap-Dancing to the White Man’s Tune


That Jesse Taylor takes his marching orders from the White liberals he so desperately needs approval from is no secret. Typical of Democrat plantation loving House Negroes, Jesse Taylor will unquestioningly parrot any meme sent to his inbox by people who would gladly burn a cross on his lawn if he dared disagree with them. No matter how petty, catty or childish it makes him sound, Jesse will write any post that his White so-called friends think needs to be written by a Black man, no questions asked.

His newest nonsense – attacking Ann Althouse for her upcoming marriage.

Taylor has also taken to calling Althouse a “Jew-baiter” (at the behest of Ezra Klein) even though, by the standards they use to judge her an anti-Semite, Taylor would be a homophobic racist and slanderer since he allowed a post to go up on Pandagon that claimed I was a gay civil war re-enacting Christian rape apologist. By Jesse Taylor’s standards, DailyKos is run by Nazis because they allowed a VNN produced youTube video to be posted.

In other words, Jesse Taylor is happy to look foolish so that his White friends won’t have to. Whenever White liberals need an attack monkey, they shoot off an email to Jesse and let him sling his virtual feces at fellow Obama supporters (Althouse voted for Barry O) while they reward him with pats on the head and the occasional banana, I’m sure.

Someone emailed me to ask why I was so hard on Taylor, aside from the fact he was dragging the rest of us Taylors down. This is why.

I don’t like or care about Ann Althouse, but I don’t begrudge anyone finding love. It’s a petulant, wickedly selfish and immature stance. If Amanda Marcotte got married I probably wouldn’t hear about it, but if I did I wouldn’t mention it. To do so would say more about me then her, and unless her husband ended up on the crime blog radar her impending marriage wouldn’t be used here as blog fodder. Jesse probably feels the same way, but he lowered himself to that level anyway because he was told to.

Jesse Taylor toes the White liberal line and I don’t respect anyone who does that. As a Bi-racial man I can tell you from experience that when White liberals don’t think Black folk are around, most are more Robert Byrd than Robert Kennedy, more Che than Malcolm. Jesse and most Black people who are around White liberals enough know that too although they often come to that realization later rather than sooner. He toes their line anyway, even when they ask him to lessen himself as a Black man.

I don’t toe the White Conservative’s line. Most of my regular readers, if Twitter and my stats packages are to be believed, are White Christian Conservatives. I am proudly Bi-racial, Pagan and a Republican first. I’m not a Social conservative, I’m moderately pro-choice and pro-civil unions for all people. I call out Conservatives, like that racist-enabling Sheridan Folger, all the time. I don’t dance for anybody, but Jesse does.

That’s why he didn’t blog about the greenlighting of Black people by racist Latino gangs in L.A., or how sanctuary city policies cost Iofemi Hightower and Terrance Aeriel their lives in Newark. That’s why he doesn’t support Jamiel’s Law, or blog about how illegal immigration is hurting the Black community. His community. Or at least it was until he found out White liberals needed a pet Black man.

My problem with Jesse Taylor, and his Internet cat-fight with some web-cougar who wants to marry some nerd she met on her site, is he’s got no pride. He’s got no character.  See, those are the things that keep adult men from putting the bad-mouth on a woman while she’s planning her wedding. Those are the things that should keep a man from working with a woman who put racist cartoons in her poorly written book. Those are the things that should make you want to write your own take on issues, and not regurgitate what some people who wouldn’t let you marry their daughter vomited into your open mouth.

One day “brother” the music is going to stop, and you’re going to look for your chair and there won’t be one. Then where will all of that soft shoe and tap dancing have gotten you? What would Malcolm X say to Jesse Taylor if the man was alive today?