Thailand Showing Zero Tolerance Policy for Muslim Insurgents

Muslims from neighboring Burma often travel by sea to Thailand to join the violent Muslim terror groups engaged in an anti-Buddhist Jihad in that country. When the Thai military caught a bunch of them they laid a heavy hand on these bloodthirsty killers, much to the chagrin of Islamist affiliated “human rights groups” that immediately leap into action to condemn the Thai military protecting their peaceful civilian population from certain death:

BANGKOK, THAILAND – Hundreds of Muslim refugees from Burma (Myanmar) are feared missing or dead after Thai troops forced them onto boats without engines and cut them adrift in international waters, according to human rights activists and authorities in India who rescued survivors. The revelations have shone a spotlight on the Thai military’s expulsion policy toward Muslims it sees as a security threat.

Nearly 1,000 refugees were detained on a remote island in December before being towed out to sea in two batches and abandoned with little food or water, according to a tally by a migrant-rights group based on survivors’ accounts and media reports. The detainees, mostly members of Burma’s oppressed Rohingya minority, then drifted for weeks. One group was later rescued by Indonesia’s Navy, and two others made landfall in India’s Andaman Islands.

Photos of refugees on a Thai island show rows of bedraggled men stripped to the waist as soldiers stand guard. In a separate incident, foreign tourists snapped pictures of detainees trussed on a beach. Thailand’s Andaman coastline, where the abuses took place, is a popular vacation spot.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has launched an investigation. Military officials have denied any ill treatment of refugees, while offering conflicting accounts of how they ended up lost at sea. The military has accused the Rohingya, who often travel via Thailand to Malaysia to work or seek asylum, of assisting a Muslim-led insurgency in southern Thailand.


In security briefings, military officials repeatedly draw a link between Rohingya refugees and separatist violence in the south, says Sunai Pasuk, with Human Rights Watch, which has received reports of sea “pushbacks” since 2007. “This is not just an isolated incident. There must be a policy behind it,” he says.

Mr. Kraisak, a deputy leader of the ruling Democrat party, criticized the violation of human rights. But he said the outflow of refugees from Burma was a problem that Thailand can’t handle alone. “We have to confer on the international stage. Thais have been too tolerant,” he says.

Indeed. This is how Jihadists need to be treated. If you don’t think so here’s something to change your mind.

h/t Lasso of Truth

Gangs Are Responsible for 80% of American Crime

That mind blowing statistic was part of a report by USA Today which claims that there are at least one million known gang members in this country and they are becoming more organized and violent. Unsurprisingly MS-13 is the big focus of the article but the gang problem doesn’t stop with them by any means:

Criminal gangs in the USA have swelled to an estimated 1 million members responsible for up to 80% of crimes in communities across the nation, according to a gang threat assessment compiled by federal officials.

The major findings in a report by the Justice Department’s National Gang Intelligence Center, which has not been publicly released, conclude gangs are the “primary retail-level distributors of most illicit drugs” and several are “capable” of competing with major U.S.-based Mexican drug-trafficking organizations.

“A rising number of U.S.-based gangs are seemingly intent on developing working relationships” with U.S. and foreign drug-trafficking organizations and other criminal groups to “gain direct access to foreign sources of illicit drugs,” the report concludes.

The gang population estimate is up 200,000 since 2005.

Bruce Ferrell, chairman of the Midwest Gang Investigators Association, whose group monitors gang activity in 10 states, says the number of gang members may be even higher than the report’s estimate.

The report says about 900,000 gang members live “within local communities across the country,” and about 147,000 are in U.S. prisons or jails.

“Most regions in the United States will experience increased gang membership … and increased gang-related criminal activity,” the report concludes, citing a recent rise in gangs on the campuses of suburban and rural schools.

Among the report’s other findings:

•Last year, 58% of state and local law enforcement agencies reported that criminal gangs were active in their jurisdictions, up from 45% in 2004.

•More gangs use the Internet, including encrypted e-mail, to recruit and to communicate with associates throughout the U.S. and other countries.

•Gangs, including outlaw motorcycle groups, “pose a growing threat” to law enforcement authorities along the U.S.-Canadian border. The U.S. groups are cooperating with Canadian gangs in various criminal enterprises, including drug smuggling.

Assistant FBI Director Kenneth Kaiser, the bureau’s criminal division chief, says gangs have largely followed the migration paths of immigrant laborers.

He says the groups are moving to avoid the scrutiny of larger metropolitan police agencies in places such as Los Angeles. “These groups were hit hard in L.A.” by law enforcement crackdowns, “but they are learning from it,” Kaiser says.

Transnational drug gangs have already destabilized Mexico and will begin to do the same thing here and in Canada eventually. MS-13 and gangs like them are de facto armies marching through our streets and are already taking control of major urban centers. If we allow them to gain a foothold here the way the Cartels did in the Mexican border states our entire way of life is endangered.

h/t Cryptic Subterranean

Obama’s Katrina Ignored by Media

42 people are dead as the massive ice storm that ravaged great swaths of America subsides to reveal the devastation that reaches through several states. Over a million people are without power, heat and basic sanitation and are facing sub-zero temperatures in some places, are running low on food and clean water, and cannot even reliably heat their homes or cook food. This is truly a disaster but where is FEMA? Where is Obama?

In Kentucky where 11 people have already been murdered by the criminal ineptitude of this administration, a tiny force of 25 National Guardsmen were deployed to help recovery in hard hit Grayson County, but weren’t given the proper equipment to do so. People are staying in motels and shelters because authorities have no way to ensure their safety if they stay in their homes. It is a scene more chaotic than Katrina and much more dangerous, yet the thousands of Americans in danger of freezing to death are being largely ignored by the same howling masses that called for Bush’s blood after Katrina, even though he authorized the largest rescue effort in American history.

How bad is the disaster?

From the AP:

MARION, Ky. – In some parts of rural Kentucky, they’re getting water the old-fashioned way — with pails from a creek. There’s not room for one more sleeping bag on the shelter floor. The creative are flushing their toilets with melted snow.

At least 42 people have died, including 11 in Kentucky, and conditions are worsening in many places days after an ice storm knocked out power to 1.3 million customers from the Plains to the East Coast. About a million people were still without electric Friday, and with no hope that the lights will come back on soon, small communities are frantically struggling to help their residents.

One county put it bluntly: It can’t.

“We’re asking people to pack a suitcase and head south and find a motel if they have the means, because we can’t service everybody in our shelter,” said Crittenden County Judge-Executive Fred Brown, who oversees about 9,000 people, many of whom are sleeping in the town’s elementary school.

Local officials were growing angry with what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees.

“We’ve got people out in some areas we haven’t even visited yet,” Smith said. “We don’t even know that they’re alive.”

Smith said FEMA has been a no-show so far.

“I’m not saying we can’t handle it; we’ll handle it,” Smith said. “But it would have made life a lot easier” if FEMA had reached the county sooner, he said.

FEMA spokeswoman Mary Hudak said some FEMA personnel already are in Kentucky working in the state’s emergency operations center and that more will be arriving in coming days. Hudak said FEMA also has shipped to 50 to 100 generators to the state to supply electricity to facilities like hospitals, nursing homes, and water treatment plants.

Had Mary Hudak been working for President Bush her cavalier attitude would be untenable. But because Obama’s perfidious cult reaches into the traditional media and alternative media there is scarce criticism of the virtual death sentence hundreds of women and children are living under courtesy of FEMA and Barack Obama:

Thousands of people were staying in motels and shelters, asked to leave their homes by authorities who said emergency teams in some areas were too strapped to reach everyone in need of food, water and warmth. The outages disabled water systems, and authorities warned it could be days or weeks before power was restored in the most remote spots.

That uncertainty had many appealing for help and officials urging those in dark homes to leave, if they could — many were stuck in place by blocked roads and other obstacles.

The storm that began in the Midwest had been blamed or suspected in at least 42 deaths, including 11 in Kentucky, nine in Arkansas, six each in Texas and Missouri, three in Virginia, two each in Oklahoma, Indiana and West Virginia and one in Ohio. Most were blamed on hypothermia, traffic accidents and carbon monoxide poisoning.

From Missouri to Ohio, thousands were waiting in shelters for the power to return. As far away as Oklahoma, around 10,000 customers still had no electricity.

At Graves County High School in western Kentucky, where 490 sought shelter Friday night, Ruthann Taylor, 23, said she tried to ride out the early part of the storm at home with her 1-year-old son, but it simply got too cold.

“I woke up the next morning and my son was pretty much an ice cube,” Taylor said. “I said ‘OK, we’ve got to go.'”

Fuel shortages, a problem since the storm, spilled into the weekend, with radio stations that normally broadcast music telling people where they could get gas and oil businesses ranking customers according to how urgently they needed it.

“We’re trying to prioritize to get fuel to hospitals, nursing homes, ambulance services,” said David Dunlap, regional sales manager for MFA Oil Co., which has 10 locations in southeast Missouri.

As many if not more people are being displaced by this storm, the death toll continues to rise and there is absolutely no outcry by the usual suspects. While Obama poses for the cameras and the media seeks to deify the product of the progressive plantation (and thus themselves and their own foolishness) Americans he has the power to save with the stroke of a pen are dying. Meanwhile our media shows less concern than Australian papers.

Why isn’t anyone asking why?

Gateway Pundit has more.

Update: The death toll is at 55.